HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-10-13, Page 2399q
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ch Public Library offers more services than, book borrowing. Dere, branch
Marg Bushell shows the photocopying machine which is also used by the
library has microfilm, magazines, Bell telephone directories, old newspapers
k to 1898, maps, encyclopedias and other research books. What the library
e, the librarians will try to obtain upon request. (staff photo)
The Goderich Public Library located on Montreal Street
offers a quiet pleasant atmosphere conducive to study
and reading. Here, George Bell checks out a few books in
the Reading Room of the library. (staff photo)
The Goderich Public Librarians are, left to right, Paula Butler, a G.D.C.I. student who
helps out part-time in the Children's Library; Isabel Watson, full-time children's
librarian; and Elaine Bamford, part-time librarian in the adult library since 1961. Seated
in front is Marg Bushell, library blanch supervisor. She has been at the Goderich Public
Library since April and before that worked for the Huron County Library for four years.
She has her library technician's diploma from Fanshawe College. (staff photo)
tson (right), the children's librarian at the Goderich Public Library gives
to Robinson (left) and Connie Seid. Every Saturday morning at 10: 30
story hour(for children at the library. The children's program also includes
es and films. On November 19, Fred Gee of Stratford will be holding a
concert at the library and in December a theatre group will be performing
4 ,
Railwaye t t
to Aportp
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public iib a ser Marg Bushell points to one of the latest displays set up in the
he ilrt plum it is a photographic display of historic buildings in Huron
also displays its work in the library from time to time. There are
l Is for such a,.purpose and tracking in the film room for displays as well.
130 YEAR 11
Library offers more than books
At the Goderich Public hegin soon. She says there are
Library there's 'a lot more all types of grants that could
activity going on than first he applied for. The library
meets the eye. People aren't building is under the town's
always there simply to contl'ol and the library budget
borrow hooks, Libraries isunderc.ountyc(Fntrv)I:
today offer more than the Miss Bushell has worked at
standard book borrowing the Goderich Public Library
routine and the Goderich since April when shy replaced
library is no exception. It Betty MacKenzie who had
offers special programs in- retired after 31 years Of
eluding children's concerts, service to the library. Before
.crafts, story telling and films. conning to the Goderich
From time to time at the Public Library. she had
• library there are art ex.hibits worked at the Huron County
and other interesting Library for four years. She
displays. There is a has her library technician's
photocopying machine and diploma from Fanshawe
microfilm. There are College in London. Working
magazines and old at the; Goderich P.uhlie
newspapers dating back as I°ihrary involves card
far as 1898. There's -an in- cataloguing, stocking
formative bulletin hoard put shelves, display work, ser -
up by the Goderich Arts vier to customers, making
Council. There are Bell book lists. reference work,
telephone directories, maps, photo copying and putting old
encyclopedias and other papers on microfilm.
research materials. A Elaine Bamford works
boxload of French books will part-time with Mitis Bushell
soon he arriving for the in the upstairs library: She
Children's Library. And has beers in the library since
library supervisor, Marg 1961. I)ownStairs in the
Bushell Says if- the library Children's Libhrary, Isabel
doesn't have something that' Watson is the librarian. Paula
is requested, the librarians Butler, a G.D.C.i. student,
will try to get it. helps part-time in the
The library building itself, Children's Library. Every
located 'on Montreal Street, Saturday morning she con-
ofters a quiet pleasant• at- ducts a story hour for
mosphere conducive to study children at 10:30. In the
and reading. In .Tune the future a story hour for prc-
fiction room and the schooler's may he started.
Children's Library were The children's program also
painted hrightly and public includes doing crafts. playing
washrooms were put in. The games and sometimes
leaking roof is presently watching films. The
hying fixed as well. The children's group usually
Garden Club and thoughtful consists of about 12 kids but
community members have the namher has been growing
donated plants to help add to and two weeks ago Miss
the library's decor. Butler said 33 children
The Goderrrch library got ...flowed up for story hour. On
started with a loan from the November 19, Fred Ger from
American multi -millionaire Stratford will he holding a
philan l'Iropist Andrew children's concert at the
Carnegie in 1904. The building lihrnry. The concert will
has been designated a consist Of funny stories and
historic heritage building. It songs. in i)ecember..r. group
still has its original rich .from Kitchener caIled
brown woodwork. The Theatre Max, will he per -
library's upstairs is used only forming at the library. Thr
for storage purposes. There 'Teem! library
possibly lnrograms are
shapes upstairs. Miss Bushell Ocitrench Ontario granthrts: Tughy
are six rooms of very unique mod('(' h
says it would cost a lot to fix Pn'grarw, are applied for
the upstairs rooms but she tlnnugh the Hurn) ('aunty
feels that if they're going to 1 ihrary who ip turn apply for -
be fixed at all. work should Il" " rl,r.,, t, ahs- Mid
Western Regional Library in
On October, 18. George
C;rav will conduct a session at
the library on hydroponic
gardening which is gardening
without soil. At present,
photographic display of
historic buildings in Huron
County can he viewed• in the
library's reading room up-
stairs. The Art Club displays
.its work.in the library from
time to time. There are hooks
in the walls for such. purposes
and there is tracking in the
film room for such displays
as Well. •
Friends of the Library' will
meet October 1 i.. This group,
of people who are interested
in the library, was formed at
the first of the year and meet
monthly. Their prdjects have.
included redecorating the
filar room and sponsoring a
March break program for
school children. It is a
growing group seeking new
in September.. the Goderich
Public Library's circulation
was 8,172: That figure
reprresents a fairly . busy
month according to Miss
Bushell who says the average
monthly eircu1ation runs
fairly close to 6,000, Fiction
books seem to he the most
poPitdar says Miss Bushell
and paperhack hooks are
highly popular. A lot of
paperbacks are donated to
the library and the librarians
do hook repairs. The library
receives new books every
week from the Huron County
1 ihrary which buys frons the
Mid Western Regional
f ihrarv' in Kitchener. if the
Goderich Public Library
doesn't have a certain hook
and photos
• Joanne
that ,,onivono the
lihr,rriirtt can get the ho)k
from the Huron County
1 ihrary or if necessary
harrow from the National
1 ihrary in Ottawa. Miss
.s says .lot r
1r �. rof 1 r hell .tie summer
cattagers use the library and
this summer the .Huron
County Library put paper -
hacks in many of the parks
for the campers' use.
Students who use the
library for school project
research books are . often
s •
<onfu. c d.about what they
want says Miss Bushell -and
"Turn to page 2A •
Sheri Leeson, 4, of Goderich looks at a picture book in the
Children's Library at the Goderich Public Library
located on Montreal Street. Parents bring children as
young as 2 years old into the library for picture books and
in the future a story hour for pre-schoolers may be
started at the library. (staff photo)