The Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-16, Page 4The Exeter Advocate Sanders 8e Creech, Proprietors Subscription Pelee—In advance $1.50 ,per year an Canada* $2.00in the United States. All subscriptions not paid. in advaace 50c, extra charged. THURSDAY, JIJNE 16th, Crediton METHODIST PICNIC.— The annual th time as the Crediton Sunday School veils b: held at Grand Bend, Saturday lu ae 18th. A coecliel imitation is ex - .:4r greed to the whole tong eeation Bead` n attendance. HENRICH BAND.—Rev. W. S,Hen- tih- of 'tior:b F,asthope will bring his' famous Brass Band of 40 members 4o C edition Evangelical Church next fraday, June 1731. Besides selecttens by the Bond there.e .10,11 also he ;marl: bees by a 'fele Chorus, a Ladies' Or- ' egegeraa¢: edelress by the scalae-, alvei [~e +,'aj!t.:�e:es. Admission, adults 35c., AZIaldree. 25c. Don't miss thEs rare • wrist Entertainment begins at 3 p.m, (ieoeee Eilber Ilaelti ng hs resi- d and ?having other aat'rateons arta,;z hecto 1111.11 by _I make : t more Vit; t►-.',�',i'tt», t,� Esu: Jaeger Soft 114 team :ere haw•- iug iereal sport with other teams n the league. C)ee_..h� a ;zu:rnbt'r Prem here hv,r in llaehwoed on, Tuesday a. the etelev- beery eiviraL Hare!: F. Fiber 3.s working et Grand Bead hv;te to he ,has secured a evumber of plumbing Jobst Ar: kloltema.ttm of Chicago spent Strendae- i, same with h s parents. A`oer. Beaver :s in Welland on In .res; Several of our pLD Is of ate Senior 1. gran era trying their ex-am'nation% in .Eneter this week. The as ;ze t.iste are out for oar ` liuol .Fair. Several alteret ox s her.: been made and the prizes will be owls lIf'e:al so that there sleeted be keen i Merest lances in, lite exhibits, Rev, Rauch has returned home after attertel tag. ct meeting of the Trustee Wesel not Northwestern Co lege at Naperville. Ll, Stretford carne here last Thursday, and pleyed our ‘earn their first cam. • As the city team tints: n Ott semi- littals last year rt another Lague, a lot oT Rifr tans aw :,.ed their en v:t4 with fear ;alts arembh:. ng, but it was not long betare our battery, Mote and shaver had laem urn in the air. The wore woad, set .a our favor 4t the .ntt of h, rams Several- splendid plays were made by a,ur 'goy e. Otte of the visit - iso :cant made a home run butt the bates were empty at the time, and sale rail vra's .. the a' 1y one that counted 'On JOriet::y flet. a, large number went to Zurich and vv tnessed their cktern by f.;6a:le,-,.ih. I. seems our boy$ art nut the cniy players that go no 'nate air. Having won from Clinton end Stratiord, things aro looking brighter Our team gees to Stratford tn. Wear too-elev. Bone .hey will b: able to suints: tinea• work of last Tieuredev On'Wednesday afternoon. Jun, 1st a 2.45, a quiet wedding was soletnn- leets a:. the w:s d:sane of Rev, Burr \1c' 2GLg n+. pastor of North Aye. tit.thoi dein Eeleconal Churelh, when Nuri l - ab&L e-ameron, aisles. daughter of Mrs Cil sone 1t. \\':siert, ot. North Side, Pittebure, was united :n marriage to Mr. 14 cF v Wein. son ea Mr. and ' lr _ G,a,e1 Wein of Cred°ton, ?'hc 'e was agired en a beauthel dress of t ei.e r ren •h georgette, :mbroe.1 l e 1 -n beads and carr :d a btl'aqu..e of Columbia and Killarney roses. 'he wee alter.d d by her sister, hint, Wino wore a dress of shell pink g -:. v ate and carried Columbia roses Mr. 2la e. HotzeL a cousin of the bride, ter.•ej as best man. The groom's gift the bride was a neeklace set with pe ea. Al len the r-remony the bride • e. -.tom lei. for an extended wed - dee :rip to Butia`_o. N l:igara Falls and Toronto, and upon they return a • . an wile held n their honor at the. -.nc o the ;room's parents, They will reside en .:he room's eaten neer .Shercn. We 'extend- our hearty teon- gra: u1ations, ales. Joe Brokenshire of 'Windsor '1 Feel as Tho9 1 DM Not Drag Thru the Guy's Work" is the complaint of many a woman in the household, office or factory. Aftersuffering pain, feeling nervous, dizzy, weak, and dragged=down by weaknesses of her sex — with eyes sunken, black circles and pale cheeks— such a woman is quickly re- st or ed e-stored to health by the Favorite Pre- scription of Dr. Pierce. Changed. too,in looks, for after taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the slain becomes clear, the eyes brighter, the cheeks plump. It is purely vegetable and contains no alcohol. Druggists sell it in tablets or liquid, or send Doctor Pierce, at Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, ;10 cents for trial package, BARRIE, ONTARIO,—tt I was suffering from a run-down system some time ..ago, -was unfit; to peLprm my daily • duties, and was advised try Doctor Pierce' Favorite Prescription. I tried it, tooketwo bottles; ,and was restored -to my naturieestrength. I cannot 'praise Doctor Pierce's medicines too 'highly, and will be willing to write to .anyone sending a stamped envelope.* --MRs. A. H. BlsxoP, R. R. No, 1. wing has been la Oen' ;4I;; and Mrs. Eli Lowson the past week -emoted y.c home acconnpanted by Miss L11y Law- " f "V1� '' son, who will visit Z '=.ndsor and De- oseit for two weeks_ ruin rnnsnn �n air. end Mrs. Jacob Messner, Dash- wood ,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mote. :lass Clara Fanner spent Sunday in He.s nisi Mrs, John Lawson ii 1;,si:ing friends to ParP.h 11 kir. and Mrs,, Lorenz Volk of Park - 11 seen: a few days with \his. F. Adair. 'Mee (since Hill as ` siting friends eeratford.. The ;l :rd prize en. the School oar, she c oneest her: of the celebration on:'• dayne u3rd, was credited to 'Wei A Wal; but should have read 'toss L. B. Sanders, of S. S. No. 3 Stephen. 1 Farquhar STRAWBERRY FESTIVALA arawberry Festival will be held on Wni, Pollen's Lawwtn, on, Wed. lvge June 22. Baseball in the afternoon, supuer b '0 3, Good program, con sstiatg of the Woodham Orchestra.., Vera and ethers. Mir. G. M. Chid - lee, chai*'uian, Admission 45e and 50v:. Me. and llrs. Chas: Berlandd and family spent Sunday at Mr, Robt, Dun- ca;t's -- Uiss Rea Pollen and triead, yt.•ss Pearl hien of11'tcheU, spent the ween ,;rad atAte borne of the form- er's parents. --exist Mary hiller of Stet - fa Sys at efenday° et the home of her sister, airs. 'Milton Hodgert.-Mrs. W. Pollen :s spending a few days ,n S r: n:a.-.Mr and Mrs. Thos. Ba11anty'.r,e ett; Sunday- et Mr. D. Fettw rk's„— t„ and sirs,, Fred Persons, Miss Ila Whyte and \Irs. Westlake visited Sun- day at :air. Thos. ilunk:ah's, Whalen Anniversary service3- of this ehureh will be held next, Sunday run,. 291 \Ia:.aeng service at 10,30 aund eve'n,tlg 7 p.m Rei. Winson of }Exeter will. have el-.aege of both serves and the Centreree choir will furnish the musie. Plaip Brooks ie viailing in Strat- ford ar the home of Iris daughter, Ors.. Freemen.—Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gore we, spent Sunday at the home of ale, Georg,: Parkinson—Mr. David Johnson Sr., eon returned home, aft.r Nis:fere n Port Huron and Dekro tb—Mr. ane ):r s. Clarence; Gunft ng spent Sunday ' ,..,°i , ,nix Mrs. John Foster.—ll@is Belts Borley wean ;n Londt .n on Sat- ur .iai\ .--. trs. Wm. Teokey of Lucan s : pendiig a few days her: at the homed •ot her parents. Mr. and Mrs( A. Gunn. i —Mrs. Frank Morley of Exeter is visiting friends around here for a few' days.—Several from here ea - :ended the mtuiversary services at Zion on Sunday. EIrkton Turnbull--Ne3.The home of Mr. .anti ate,, Wellington Neil of the ihth concession of Usborne, was the scene of w4 very pretty wedding on Wednes- day, June 8th, when their youngest i hug;:.e., Lura Mae, was united an marriege :o :lir. James H. Turnbull, sen in: Mrs Alex. Turnbull of Thames Read. The ceremony was performed :she eresence el about sixty five in- ce i guests, ab at fou o'clock in the 11 e erne h, by Rev. e'h'.dlev of 'Thames Reel P.e,b,•ca.r an f hirrch, The bride was be um:ngly attired 'n. white t'r:pe 1e t lame. and was ;;,vin away by het tither, The c'eremeny, over and the °se.3d n ,even.: serr.d'the young and hewn. couple :4:a for a short hen eym':on rip to St. alarys and Strat ford. The presents to the bride form- ed a msge leen: array and ccinpr'sed alai. -les of use and beauty. On their e(.urn they well reside en the groom's farm a t Winc he<•see. Cromarty :airs. John Iil.'enfeldt and daughter, Ethel, were ;gin liichigan last week at- tending the funeral rot the formers nephew, Willard Lemoke, who served in thee. ,navy at Wassngtan,—Miss Susie Kleauieldt has been re-engaged as tea cher. of Cromarty school at a salary of $1200. Poultry Culling Improves the Flock. Poultry , culling demonstrations in Prince Edward Island show that in the first year (1918) the number of live birds culled was about 45 per cent.; in the third year only about 20 per cent. had to be culled, owing to the good effect of grading up. It pays to show that you have hens that will lay well: The pen bf-'prize winning layers al a recent contest in Ottawa was sold for about three times the price of just ordinarily good laying birds. Get really good layers;; then test and select. Live Stook Notes. Promptly remove from the dairy herd any animal suspected of being in bad health, .mild reject her milk. The hands of `milkers should be carefully washed- with soap and wat- er and dried on a clean towel before milking. Dirty hands mean foul milk. Flies torment cattle badly. The use of a good flyrepellant means extra trouble, but it also means extra gains or extra milk. • Horses appreciate a drink during a long half day on the binder. Horses lose in condition rapidly when wor- ried with bees or flies. Young calves will make best gains when housed during -the day, and on fresh pasture at night. Unless carefully fed, freshly threshed grain may bring, on diges- tive -troubles with stock, particularly horses. A look at the best in Bap etock,oaG one of the larger fairs will:4,tend - ix in your mind the approved` types. Luisa races are on this Wedne,d2:y a andRa khu1I races-in,ext Wednasday, Important Events Which Hays Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings (tare, fully (;orupleg and Put into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers; of Our Paper —., A SOW Hour's. Enjoyment. TUESDAY, York Township Council officesget shake-up. All cotton mills in Laneashire are shut down, openedUlster'is day. Parliament will be The Scottish soccer team beat Re- gina by 3 to 0. The Leafs defeated Syracuse on Monday, 8 to 1. Syaod of the diocese of Toronto opens at St, Janles', Sale of peanuts to buy liquor in B• C, commences to -day. Baltimore Orioles won thetr oine- teenth consecutive game. Pittsburg regained first :plaee In (be National League race. Lithuania notifies Washington of. danger of war with Poland. The Dorval Jockey Club operetnel the spring meeting at a toss, Neumann trial at Leipzig has aroused indignation in Britain. Coal miners and owners in Britain are seeking to settle strike. Orangemen in Toronto are to cele- brate result of electtona in Ulster, Wen. F. Alloway. Winnipeg. gives ;100,000 to Winnipeg Foundation. W. Sullivan, 17 yeara old. drown- ed at New Liskeard going utter loose punt, Premier Lloyd George has been ordered to take a rest from oyer - work. Mrs. Cruickshank, wife of Brig. - Gen. Cruickshank. died suddenly in motor. Thomas Jacobs, tarnmer iu East Oxford, drops dead on way to barn to milk. Plans are beim; discussed tar a big parade of Roman Catholics in Toron- to on June 19. In Sudbury Police Court a, settler was sentenced to one month, in jail, with hard labor, for setting out a fire which eventually destroyed half a million feet of pine timber, 'ii'EDNEiSDAY. U. S. Senate opposes drastic cut of army. Syracuse beat the Leafs on Tues- day by 11 to 7. The Imperial Conference is likely to open on June 15. The O. ,A, L. A. will expel players who resort to roughness. Crown Prince of Japan will pay lengthy visit to Holland, Ulster's Parliament was opened Tuesday by Viceroy FitzAlan. Windsor Branch, G. W. V. A., dis- bands owing to lack of interest. Louis Shelby, C. N. R. engineer, dies on his train near Chaudiere. Tlie Pittsburg and New York Na- tionals were beaten on Tuesday. German insurgents refuse to obey allied commission in Upper Silesia. Huge meeting of Toronto Orange- men: cables -congratulations to Craig. Transportation expert anticipates million population in Toronto by 1945. . Bishop Sweeny delivers impressive annual charge to members of the Synod. Admir al Sims, U. S. navy, de- nounces Sinn Fein in a speech in London. Relief work has been .stopped in Newfoundland and the funds are exhausted. Chief coroner orders exhumation of the body of a veteran injured at the Jail Farm. Question of accepting the British coal owners offer will be voted on by rank and file. All men teachers in Fredericton, N.B., high school resign over salary increase request. Frank Smith, Brantford, fined $7.13 for refusing to answer census taker's questions. Austin C. Chadwick, Wellington senior judge, dies at Guelph of ptomaine poisoning. Mrs. Andrew Bender, living near Hawkesville, Waterloo county, Ont., missing .since Monday night. The Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation is taking over the Lon- don & Canadian Loan & Agency Co. THURSDAY. Coal miners' strike gives promise of settlement. Irish rebels fight crown forces en Dublin,: streets. Welland has organized a town- planning commission. "Babe., Ruth served a one -day sentence for speeding. U. S. politicians in -arms over Admiral Sims' speech. Smaller cereal crops in U. S. pre- dicted for present year. Record cargo of silk from the. Orient reaches Vancouver. Sinn Fein cut telegraph and phone wires to isolate English cities. Veterans oppose Hamilton man as musical supervisor in schools. - Hamilton discontinues relief work for jobless menand pays off 250. Hon. N. W. Rowell speaks at the American University commencement. Negotiations are in progress on the strike of British cotton spinners. The Hydro Commission is ready to start work on rural transmission lines. Toronto University announces :de- grees awarded in various depart- ments. {„*, 'Pittsburg won in the National - League on Wednesday. The Giants were idle. "Sam” Sutton won the Grand In- ternational Trapshooting Tourney handicap: Representative Gallivan, of Massa- chusetts, opposes the Carpentier- ;Denipsey 1/04 ,,e041 r • rF`(rra grs,-;.eivefyn Mtrphy, e? ` widow, aged 21, of Haileybury, missing from home a week. The Duke of Devonshire anti party visit Midland; 1'-enetenguishe 11e, and Parry Sound, The new grouuda+,of the' Toronto Bunt Club was tine scene or a Orr - Bent dant opening of Horse Show, Trinity College graduates in Ot- tawa organize association for the city and surrounding districts. Major Hunie Cronyn, ALP., has been chosen as a third arbitrator on the Toronto Street Ry. purchase. District convention of ratepayers. section of the Ontario Education Association held at O.A.,C„ Guelphs, P811)AY, British troops bale .fighting in Silesia, Adnviral Sims stands by speech' in London, French naval program has no battleships. Icebergs in Atlantic are ,danger to navigation. Sinn Fein plot with Russia Soviet is discovered, Henry Ford gives financial Stand, - Mg of company, Motor Cop won the feature event at Blue Bonnets. , 5 to Syracuse defeated the Leafs on Thu Tvrvsodayof Canua2,ander Boss' horsee. won at Blue Bonnets, The Cleveland Americans beat New York, 14 to 4, Pittsburg Pirates beat. Boston, while the Giants were idle. Great Britain's pro. golfers trio urphed over the 13, S. invaders, Bleached sulphite null opened at Cornwall, eallaetty 70 tons a day, Abitibi Paper Co, reduces aeon - print price to 4% cents a pound. Premier Taschereau given great reception by audience at Convoca- tem. School boy playing with revolver liveH though bullet passed. through him. Two railway brotherhoods are called to eonference by heade of the C,Pki,R, on. Manning Doherty attacks evidence given before cattle embargo inquiry. Wright County Council, Quebec, repeals prohibition bylaw, in force four yearn, Lord Byng has been invited to be- come head of the union of veterans' asaoetations. James Il, O'Nelll, pioneer hotel- man of Dawson, 1''lrhlte Horse and Iditarod, Is dead, Synod speaker wants church lot- teries and stock gambling stopped with racetrack betting, Iroquois Falls paper makers end strike of four weeks, at old wage rate pending readjustment. , SATURDAY. Syracuse defeated Toronto Friday, 4 to 3. Anglican Synod scares race -track gambling. Strawberries selling at 20 cents a box. in Brantford. An unknow man was drowned in the Humber river. Over ti00 students in graduation exercise in Toronto. Rural Hydro lines in Brantford township to be extended. Toronto 'Varsity graduates of"the '63's dine at Hart House. Eleanor Fairley, seven years old, was killed by an automobile. A ballot on ending coal strike to be taken by British miners. Catcher Devine leads the Leafs in batting with a inark of .372. Indications of end of Silesian re- volt are given in Berlin despatches. Mrs, Gibson, Hamilton, beat Miss Hutton, Toronto, in. Ontario golf final. Goaler, obscure plater, lowered Man o' War's mile and an eighth' record. Former Premier Venizelos makes proposals to Britain for aid to Greece. Arthur R. Slips, K.C., Frederic- ton, KB., appointed Junior Judge of York, Sunbury and Queen's, Mrs. Obed Smith to represent Can- ada at International Conference on Welfare of Women and Children. The body of Mrs. Evelyn Murphy, young widow missing at Haileybury nine days. found in Lake Timis - kenning. D. Forsyth, Principal of Kitchener and Waterloo High School 20 years and on staff 45, made Principal Emeritus. • Rev. Dr. • Chown makes important address to Toronto Methodist Con- ference on new United Church of Canada. MONDAY. Bread dropped one cent a loaf in Tceronto to -day. Office of Chief Coroner in Toronto may be abolished. Wages are to be cut at British naval dockyards. British prisoners are released by Turks at Angora. Rotarians to seek to aid restora- tion of world peace. "Babe" Ruth made his nineteenth home run of the season. Syracuse baseball team defeated the Leafs on Sunday; 7 to 6. Forest fires in Northern Ontario and Maritime Provinces. Belfast riots break out on S.und•.!y; crime continues in Ireland. All twenty members of Canada's Bisley team is now selected. A motorcycle collided with an auto in Toronto; one man is dead: • Boniface won the Windsor Hotel' Cup Handicap at Blue Bonnets.' Negotiations have been opened with striking Toronto printers. British and French troops co- operate in Silesia against insurgents. ' Lenin 'is offering big Concessions to foreign capital to exploit Russia. Woman arrested on, charge of shooting and stabbing her husband. The Baltimore baseball team won its. tweI y,fourth consecutive vice tory. Principal of New Brunswick Nor- maI School forbids dancing ati,,annufal reception. Railwaymen's leader informed the Montreal conference not to deal with wage cuts. lie.' Drownings In Detroit river, in creek near Hamilton and;;` Napanee. Ontario Conference of United Brethren concludes sessions at Kitchener. Port Arthur teachers notified sal- aries are to :be. cut .'10' per -eent, on January 1. Keep e: : .. � . Yourself Informed SUR Monthly Co. . ,ercial Leer views the financia and trade dih' ne throughoutCanada,with * lour widespread branch system enaes us to keep in close touch.. We Audi be glad to mail this to you regulate without charge, upon request., a ,i. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID. P CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000. EXETER BRANCH, 1. A. Chapman, Manager. Incorporatedin 1855 ,QA.PITAL RESERVE $9,000.000 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANE Buy Canadian Goods—and h elp to keep Canadian worleMett busy, it will help you. Buy wisely and save as much as possible and deposit your savings in The Molsons Ba nk. Courteous Service to all, BXRTER BRANGIII T, S, WOODS Mana.oer,, Centralia Branch open for business daily, Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch., Lunney Mr. Faller Case ,of Exeter speat a few days with his niece Mrs. Tohn, M; Glenn, --NIA Wm, Horton of Strat- ford spent a few days at his Home here,—Glen Broadfoot� is in Varna re- } ct ng 'on the .Bank Staff.—Mr. and liar e. N. Dorton and family motored to Stratford and spent a day. -Quite a number from here spent a day or two at the Conference in London.— 111r, and .sirs. S. McQueen and Glen Broad - toot spent a day in Mitchel, Mount Carmel About one -hundred members of the Holy Name society here attended the Holy Name Rally held at St, Patrick's Church, Lucan, an Sunday afternoon. —The Ladies of Catholic Club here will hold a social n 'the hall osi Thurs- day evening, All are welcome, --lir, John. Guaanan. of >Texas is vieleing his brother Joseph Guainan,-;►Taster An- drew llorrisey of Sandwich arrived home Last week.—llr. and Mrs. James alePeak of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. P. Buckley of Clandeboye visited at the home of J. Madden on Sunday.—Airs; Bichsel O'Rourke is visiting friends in Detroit this week, Mrs. Larkin and children of London is visiting heti mother, Mrs. Mary O'Hara. -Mrs. Dirt Ion and son visited Mrs. Dillon's daughter Mrs. J. Campbell for a few days.—lir. Peter Doyle and bride ar-' rivets home last week. Congratula- tions.—Mr. Jas". O'Rourke i. in Lon- don on business this week. We have been baying real June time weather for a few days. . /all; ..',. -'e, ' -'.•'.�. .j•Y l� �� }� id i ; ? RFs i: i ' , � ears forYears t ADD that touch of refinement—that tint of color �y —that improved appearance which increases the value of your home, by roofing it with Asphalt Mates A basis for anaylsis is given below: 1 INITIAL COSTS OF MATERIALS --Brantford Asphalt Slates are sometimes higher in Initial cost for the material. 2•—NAILS REQIIIRED—Brantford Asphalt Slates require ONLY 684 nails to lay a square. Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates require ONLY 450 nails. 2—COST OF LAYING—Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates are four go on one strip—require only one operation in handling, one oper- ation In spacing --Individual slates are 8 x 123( inches --Cut easily, fiteadily,' fit on angles and bend over round surfaces. Yon save 30 to 50 per cent. in laying. 4 NO PAINT OR STAIN REQUIRED --The surface of.Brant- ford Asphalt Slates is in nature's permanent colors, green and red, unfadeable, always attractive—requiring no stain to pro- duce artistic effects, no liquid coats to make them fire-resistant. 5—SAVING OF INSURANCE—Brantford Asphalt Slates are Bussed aa non-combustible by fire insurance companies—a direct saving of from 10 to 20 per cent, on premiums is effected. In certain localities fire regulations demand asbestos paper under some root materials, but Brantford Asphalt Slates are fire-resistant and are immune from special regulations, 6 —COST OF REPAIRS :From the day they are laid Brantford Asphalt Slate roofs show almost 100 per cent of the original roof untouched. Brantford Asphalt Slates do not curl, split, caack or rot. Complete protection, and permanent protection are built Tato Brantford Asphalt Slate Roofs, There are Brantford Roofs in your neighborhood. Look one up. You will be convinced that our roofs embody all the good features of other roofing without any w"eakness`$:�, Brantford g Roofing Co. Limited Head Office and Factory - Brantford Canada Brawl's at Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Winalpes " 110 �,� For SalebyRoss ss Taylor Co., 'Ltd. CI