HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-16, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR,
Our Corner
eefeeffe .pz-actisecl once too often for the good tract of the tennis, soft ball and base -
a the peepetrators.
Usborne. Those kind of tricks will be; One needsto. be some sport to keep
Tie silent polieemart et the south
end of town was taken away Saturday
eight artel has since been found in
front o r. K Etworthy's farm in
Phone 81a
All Kinds
You, old top, y Jove, you're locking
fineIThere did you get such a swell
elegant fitting suit of clothes?" "At
Taman's, the tailor, right down Main
Street Best in town, they say. At
Intst, he fitted me with the best suit
Wee ever had. Not high priced, eit-
." "Looks good to me, toe. I'll
a- my next suit from them, Sure."
SUITS --a- $20 to $40.
OVERCOATS $20 to $35
RAINCOATS $15 to $30
W. W. Taman
At the -Presbyetriatt General as-
sembly on. Tuesday the vote on union
was taken and on a vote of 414 to 107
it .wao deeide4.to.".0.ke such :stelis ZL
mav be deemed best to consumete or -
genic union wilh. the Methodist and
:Congregational Churches of Canada'ae
expeditiously as poseible,"
....... .
Hon. \Valiant tivIelVille Martin.an
Exeter 014 Boy, .b.as hem re-elected
Premier of Saskatchewan, bayingmore
than double the aurOber of seats that
The Opooeition Niartnt has
. con - of' a Liberal -Farmer Gwent -
fuels. Hen. i. J. Latta, one of the
ministers. was elected by acclamation.
The Advocate started in on its 35th
eo.aa last week. And sonre people
think you van carry on for thirty-five
.ears without their payina, their sub-
cription-or meanly so. Come you
The followlng accounts were order -
to business it e- fellow bee to rue 'ft couetent.
U1 be exitauete . There is nothing been transferred to Ottawa as ac .otery 27.0(1; coo,/ Ford, labor eerae,
or. promses. :ery 28.50; C. T. Breoks, oil stove
Aiderton, James Street organ- 3.00; W. J. Bissen, barclovare and
ball league games in this dietrict-aad
to see them all one would need tobe
a half-dozen places at time oc-
Alderman Joh rt Bridge of London is
bot ehed after the London bakers to
reduce. the price tof bread from 12 to
10 'cents a loaf, and unless. the request
ie put into effect shortly bef ee-
tablish a bakery in ,that 'city to sell
a 21 ounce float for 10 cent&
breed en Toronto -has 'been cut to 11
mete a loaf. What about Exeter?
Local News
Exeter Council
Monday, June 13, 1921
A. reguiar meeting of the Municipal
Ceuncl, with all the members present.
Previous minutes aporceed.
A circular letter (rem the Sun C .
Taeranto. se Toad piel, was filed
The clerk reported that Mr. Jon -
:ohm. Kydd had taken into his charge
two wirite-faeed Hereford steers, 1 -
year old, found roanOng on -the streets
and the same wer.. now in his pasture
An innertisernent had been. causal to
be inseeted in the Exeter Advocate
announcing the sane*
IJzeAuzi.i.t's report for !Way was
read and accepted on motion. ot Pen
hale and. Elston.
The appeal. as file.d ,by firs M. A,
Elston against the finding of the
Court of Revision for the assessment
roll win be heard before Jud e L
:tome 01 :he Exaer bowlers win D.:Orson on Fr:dar. June 24, a: 10,30
L. H.
eke ;a the Thistle Scotch Doubles in aen, in the Town liall.
Leaden next week. Per Perthale and Sneli--That Mr.
annumber of Exeter Pbooto Alllthan• ICY44:1 b° asked t°' a" as
weat to Goderich Moaday to take. in Pound keener for the balance of the'
.e. row:flight excursinel year. -Carried.
-foys who are back a tew Years, i'a: .Nrv• Fs?aci5 MI+ w.11° 1•;'en 1) L. "'" ed peid,-Peter Frayne, revairs and
a move on. and pa/ up, or our patience irl:.'4111 Bank Inspect -or 44 at Toronto has soliaLe3 22.05; joho Kydd, laboreero_
The hospital committee kl'h:Cil wait- ....S i • ite purchased the dweliing WW1- sttpillEes 40.90; Grigg Stenouery Co.,
ea end occupied by :el?: J. in Howard s•at. 4.08; books IilavarY 45.35--50A5f
ed on Huron County Council asking crt ,?4,141 S.reet, wid will toea oonne Ontezio Flax Co., atom labor 3.25; E.
for a grant of one mill towards the sten in October. W Inod "
hospinns of Clinton, Seaforth. Wing -
ham and Goderich was I:tuned down.
The South Huron members were
against the request -and rightly so.
h nearly one-half of liuroa is to go
wit-1foot a hospital, 'then there fie no la, sesta-nee were present,
an. , ,Iallett 22.50; Rd.
(1.1.14.i.c.acoeiunig210.000,3; Gatr5fctie;Id joSh:p.aniakreaxls80.11.es5
Aaijournmern by Elaton.
Jos. Seaion Cleri.
Tha grew number of floral tributes
showed the very high esteem irk which
the :ete 'Miss Seldon was held by her
fre-ele The fenerel uok, ptac,: un
and Maw relatives from
ZeTS011 why that part at the em& rife engagement is announced of
should contranate to the other hes-
p:aes o goodly aortfou of the
009 asked tor.
Thontracts were let for supplies
foe the County Home. the price for
bread being 5% renis a pound, or 8a
cent,: for a one and a half. pound loll;
Beef, front quarter. 13 vents a pound.
L desirable that public attention,
should be called ;o the changes made
L's the Voters' Lists Act at the recent
sesean of ;he Legislator.: under whielt Huron and Lamb -ton. The county
it reeessery that Part of the was asked to join with Lambten COMA,
Vetere' List, centein`ng the names of :‘ pay.7ng a norPort of the expense
person:. entitled to vote at elections of urvng oto. this project.
to the Legislative Assembly only. is
t!•F' Lela B. Souders, second daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Senders of
)ben. to Mr. Rufus W. Kestle. son
of Nte. and Mrs. Edward Ke.S".le of
Usbarne. The marriage will take owe
nen fuentn..
A deputation from Grand Bend wait-
edor .he Huron County Counell with
referznen! .0 a proposal for the pav-
ing ot a short piece 01 road at Grand
Bend, irom Brenner's Hotel to the
lake, about 100 rods on the houndor •
not to- be printed tmtil directiena for Th.. 11. J. Fak.e. of Toroaw was
printing are given. by the Clue Elee- home mer samay,
r• +1C,Rbtt d Gidle Yis Visiting
eon, Ott:Peer nor Ls Part III. subject
to asevis:on by the County Judge,
There seems to be some misunder.
standing among, municipal officials as
o the effect ,of th Legis,lation, and
the municipal clerks throughout the
peanance have been circularized and
eopv ot this Aot seat to them.
Correspcedents will Please get the
budget.) of news to The Advocate of-
fice not later than Tuesday, and we
hone always on, Tuesday morning. It
is necessary so that the half holiday
be observed on Wednesday for the
summer months,
See The
New 1921 GRAY DORT
Why send to Toronto and buy "seconds ' of unknown, make„when we
can supply yott with tires of r eoutable manufacture that have stood the test
of years,
Owing to a large purchase we are in a position to supply you with*
Tires and Tubes et a very low price and guarantee satisfaction.
A Superior Flour
A Fair Price
Do you know that Exeter is noted throughout five counties for the
spfdd qual,ify -Of rlaur manufactured here ?
,Oui Flour is fairly priced. Its veiled le based on cost plus a rnanu-
6,,, Igefuring Profit It le fair to you and fair to us. We could charge
olkliut we couldn't make our Flour better. You can pay mor.e, you can-
not Etly beittei or get better seevice, You own it to yourself as well
tio us cto lase Exeter Flour.
Our" Feed Flour is just what you need to finish those lean hogs.
Harvey Bros.
Windsor and Detroit
ate. Thos. Hattori. of Landon is via -
with eviatives here,.
etre Ge). Winterbottant of London
spent Sunday Welt Mrs. John, Sweet.
Mr, Newman who has been, .here for
aweek reetreed to .Kingstort Sunday-
eirs. Oscar Broderick of Pigeon,
ved wilth Aire. J. Broderi
last week.
'...\1".r. Gordon Taylor of Winis
visiOng his parents, and
W. Taylor.
Mesers, Esli Heywood and John
Htutkin lett Tuesday for God to
sit on the jury.
Air. Wilfrid Stewart, who has be
to Ki
homes for two weeks, returned t-
chener this week.
efr.s AM. In Garner of Lon. s-
ited ,with her, sister, Airs. Ed.
over the week ,end.
Aire. Kenneth Gordon. and of
Toronto are visidng with the 's
sister, .11r,s. O. Southcatt,
*ere J. W. Powell spent the oast
week In New York attending
vention. of Edison dealers.
Mr. ,George Salter of Toronto and
AA Salter of London. visited in
'town with eelatives over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and Mr.
and Mrs. George Williams of West
MIcGillivray visited Mrs.. J. 13roderick
On Sundae.
Mr, 4id Mrs, John Merrin of the
West pee .visiting at Mr. D. McInnes'
after attending the Presbyterian, Gen..
erel. Assembly in Toronto
Mrs., James Atkins -on left Saturday
for Loridon. Township to attend the
marriage •of her grand daughter, Miss
'Clara Shoeborittom on Wednesday of
this week,
wit -
a it
Ir. I), F. Ferguson, ot Winnipeg
has been here visiting with Mrs,
guson at Mr,. C. Kinney's, returned
week from. a visit in Montreal and
trent parts of Quebec. He will
e on Saturday for hits home in
inmipeg, going by boat from ,Sar.nia.
. Ferguson intends remaining for
School Report
Si. 8rd. Honors. -Eugene Howey
88; Frank Creech 83; Hugh Creech
82; Marjorie Clark 77. Pass -Edna
Russell 71; John Kuntz 67; Florrie
West 63.
Intermediate. 3rd. Honors. --Mar-
vin Howey 76. Pass --Marjorie Medd
78; -Kathleen- Heaman 72; Teddy
Taman 71; Muriel HoWald 71; Jack
Ganabrill 70; Edith Waiter 69; Viola
Ford 67; Muriel Luker 67; Lyle
Dinney 67; Vera Macdonald 62;
Nona Reeder 62; Tda Mitchell 60;
Reggie Beavers 60.
Jr. 3rd. Pass -Irwin Ford 73;
Donald Gladman 70; Harry Jennings
68; Vera Mooney 67; Harold Skin-
ner .62; Irene Bierling 60.
Number enrolled 38; average at-
tendance 8.
,Jean S. Murray ;teacher.
A further reduction in hydro rates
was received by the local commission
as follows;
Domestic lighting is reduced from
41nc and 23.ac per kilowatt to 4c
and 2c. Min. bill 75e.
Commercial fighting is reduced
from 9, 41ii and .90 to 8, 4 and .Sc
per kilowatt, Min. bill 75c.
Power remains the same.
Street lighting has been reduced
trent $24 per 250 -watt lamp per year
to 420, and e12 per 100 -watt lamp
to $10 per year, making a saving Of
$400 per year on our street lighting
and a total reduction of about $1000
a year on the whole 8Yetenn
No change except in street light-
ing which is reduced from $18 to
$10 per 100 -watt lamp per year,
making a total reduction of $125 a
Domestic lighting has been reduc-
ed from 7 and 3%c to 6c and 3c
per kilowatt. Min. bill $1.00.
Commercial lighting is reduced
front 15, 7•34, and .6e to 12, 6 and
.2c per kilowatt. Min. bill $1.00.
Power is reduced from 7.1, 4.7
and .lec to 6.8, 4.6 and .15c per
kilowatt, Min. bill $1.00,
Street lighting' has been reduced
from $18 to $15 per 100 -watt lamp
per year, making a. reduction of
$130 per year or a total of about
$500 per year to the system,
The Third Annual and Girls wI1 be'
Saturday afternean, ',Tune 25th, at
Springbaok Park. Visitors from Cen-
tralia and viciaty will be made wele
come. -Committee.
Mrs. Byron Hicks and children, ho
have been ill, are improving.
Rev. Sinclair will preach at Exeter
James Street church ,on Sunday next
-morning and evening:
Mr. Frank Taylor's horse got fourth
Place in Aidsa, Cralig races last week.
It wes in very fast company.
Mr. Nelson Baker, who has charge
of the road work on the Landon to
cl,Euxae,nttel'tie. rsoaodf gravel put thereon:.
Icrear here, having, large
Some of our people attend ed the
corn.er stem laying sat Brinsley on
A pretty June wedding took place
tit 4 o'clock on June 12th, at St. Ja-
mes Church, Senna London, when the
marriage -was eolemnized of Edith
Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Hoigins. •to J. Harold Duplan, see of
C. FL Duplan, of Ildertare The
groom's brother, Rev. At E. Duplap
of Walkerville, officiated, assisted by -
Rev. W. L. Armi2tAge, rector of St.
Mrs, J. Kellerman still continues to
be at and is not improving as fast es
as her friends would like to see her.
A ;number of pupils from the school
are trying the exams. held at Exeter
this week. -
Oscar Graupner and Ernest Miller
a Fort. Wayne, Ind., are spending
their ,vacation with their parents here.
Mr. J. W..G.raybiel as on the Sick list.
Mr. A. T. ;Bean of London is visit -
lag friends in 'this neighborhood,
Mr. and Mrs. IL Hoffman. spent Sun-
day with Mr, And Mrs, E. Willett of
the 14th.
The first game of soft ball was
ed. J400... 2Z '21
Three Classes
2:40 2:24 2:18
$900.00 IN PUR SES--
Siow AutomobileBaee Thigh Qear.
Last Mau in wins $10.00
Parkhill Band in attendance
Sit in th.e new Grand Stand
Thos, Elliott, Pres, Fred V. Laughtort, Sec.
Pleyed Iseee en Tuesday ever:m.4
2,urieh. reser:leg in a scorn sor o49-44'
Dashweod% xavor.
eleet Kant. f„, Lt Jowohn•
"'ovine, London. wee size end:r-
iven:. an operaton.Wv hone For a
Mr. and Mrs. 1). Twin told earedY
vete Surejey xlsf,rc "n
Mr. ..Ther. Fisher ofM1tvlLi awl
sia;er, Gertic et Granton spi;:nt 5unday
under the parental roon
alasas Ella Zimmer of Detroit is,
spC�dini hex vaea:ientvth her naro
erns here..
alias Gladys Wolfe of Crelliina. VL'N
1:.tw.1 with her brother over Sundey.
Nlissee Esther and Beatriee Gravblei
of Toronto are visiting at their tifeme
On Friday nigan our boys journeyed
e'lrsnd Bond: and played a friendly'
game o' hnieball with the boys of
bat ploee resulting in a victory for
.our ;em. the score being 11-o.
on June ard
Lexls •F Goodwin, aged 72 years.
11 mouths, and all clays.
Campbell -At -Mount Carmel, on Jane
10, to.r, and Mrs. Jerry Campbell,
a daughter.
Appleton -In Exeter, on June 8. to
NT:. and Mrs'. E. C. Apnle:fon,
daualner-jean. Elizabeth.
Brogan -Harness. -le. Windsor, on May
21st by Rev. Melville, Mr. Thomas
Brogan of Windsor, to Miss Matilda
Allay Harness, daughter of Mrs. Eliz-
abeth Harness of Exeter.
,Tur.nbull-Ned-At the home of the
beele's parents, on June Sth, by Rev:
Chidley et the Thames Road, Mr
Jame s H. Turnbull, sort of Mrs.
Alex. Turnbull, to Miss Laura :\fae,
youngest daughter of Xi. and Mrs.
Wellington Neil of Usborne, form-
erly of Exeter,
Smith-.ECuutz-In Buffalo. on rune 8
George Smith to Madeline. daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Virm. Kuntz, of
Exeter, -both of Buffalo.
1-1:1 Clinage on. jur.e rd, nay
F oned 72 years
Brown -In Clinzon, on June 5, Albert
Browa, sort et Mrs. Rob:, Brketen
04 flute: -t. aged V years.
Huron County
Temperance Association
will be held in
Wed. June 22
Coznmencing at 1,30 p.m.
dclreKses will be given by
a Toronto
In-est:law. of the Social Serena:
Council, ,of Ontario
and prominent County Workers
p. in. Banquet and after-dinner
Tickets 50 Cents
The Public are invited
J. A'. IRWIN, Clinton, President,
W. H. Wfilis, W anghana, Secretary.
Phone 16
Dinner Sets for the June Bride
5 new 97 piece Dinner Sets-Porceiain Chinja. in very neat
Floral and Conventional Design with And without gold handle.
Shoes Shoes
White. Canvas Shoes -nearly all sizes and good shapes.
Special urice this wreek $1.68
In nice fine ribbed, and plain -all sizes. An excellent wear-
ing stocking,
Special 30c. a pair, or 4 nair for $1.
Specials in Salmon
This is e good _Pink Salmon, ;solid dealt, in, 1 lb. cans; reg-
ular 30c, • tow -184 a can or 6 far 4.1.00 •
1-2, lb, can, regular 20c.; now a for 25c.
All Brands of Laundry Soaps. Special!. 14 hat s 'for $400
This store will be closed every Wednesday at 12.30 sharp
during the months of June, July and 'August
Highest Prices paid for Poultry an.c1 all , Produce.