HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-9, Page 8EXErEE. ADVOCATE, TliUhtBIL .X, JUNE 9, 1901 Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY When.155 Barley ,, 48.t'o'S5 Cats 35 to 40 Family Flour .5.30 R .e.. 2.10 ... 1.60 ,,,1.60 33 . ...R 26- . 2$-2828 . 18 15 to $16 tete.. 8,00 Feed Fleur Brae+ k..-e.enery Butter „Aa:ry Butter Eggs Lard Hay per tong Hogs X It REM) CROSS CRUISADE FOR GOOD HEALTH Ora Fr day evening, June 10th, at 8• p.m. .n the Twee Hall, Dr. Ruggles Gee and Dr. Abbott, of the Red Cress headquarters, will address a. pubs L meetieg. Moving pictures of the pease tem- work of the Red Cross will be show:. Admission Free. • All citizens are cordially invited. A. A. -Trumper, Presidents. LOS'r— A sum of money on, east side oe between Mach St. church and T. Elliott's shop. Finder rewarded by leaving at this .office. CARP OF THANKS Mrs. W. D. Yeo, brothers and sis-e le7s, express their grateful appree a' Veen to the many friends for kindness and sympathy shown during their re•• cent bereavement, also for themany floral tributes, ESTRAY STEERS. There strayed onto the premises of the enelersigeed:, two. eaj]ag Hereford airs. Owner can have same by prov ;.tg proper:} and payeag expenses. JONATHAN KYDD, Hay AO.. STR.A'k HEIFER l'hcro seri yeti onto the premises of nee underogned, Lot 2aa. Con. 4, tit a p - red year ere Leiter. Owner can :eve 1s:;m be prevene taroperty :end es erg e Pe ase.s. F. TRIEBNER, Jr. latW CA ' QR SALE. Apto:4' c L. MILS RaaOi9 TO RENT b:k B'.^iva a liosne et Grand Rend; r tent elh tour tots et goad loc;a- a2;t, weds rust.:i treble tenet ti.ifat� Ap- pee Bo^c 11 ;1l.1, ss Erten.. Mo:'tar'i teraad Bend, One Sl RAWBERRIE . Leave your order at WU SON'S so t.:'.twberrL- s--J'elone St+. DR. JOHN li' 1Rt, Ch•ropree and Eh:e era: Treatments, X -Ray; hours-- Int ;a. 12. and 2 to 4, and by aptnoint- iu nt Consultation, tree. �i"illitm MO Sanders. P(eone 43. TENT TO RENT. Suitable for booth, or for camping. Appy . ; C'. L. Wilson, a. c'OMI).47G That faucial Inlay "Tale Young Country School Alarm" will be given in the Exeter Opera House on Wed- nesday, June 15th by the Chisel - burst Dramatic Club, under the aus- pices of the Stephen and tsborne Ju iar Farmers' As toeiution. Fur- ther notice next week. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Neese take notice that your water setviase was installd for your own tie, send not your neighbor. Custom - ere acing water other than specified win be charged accordingly. PUBLIC rTILITIES COM. RECRUITS WANTED. Fin- Huron Battalion, which goesin- to vamp at London on June 9th. Apply e, W. J. HEAMAN. STRAY SOW. _,— There strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 15, Con. 13, Us - borne, a beg flack sow. Information that will :ead to her recovery will be rewarded, ARCH IE McCURDY Phoxtee34-14 Kirkton WANTED a local representative at Exeter to represent "The Old Relia- To -night isladies' night, Me Fonihal Nurseries", and cover sur- rounding territory. A splendid open- ing for a reliable man. Exclusive ter- ritory.-- STONE -& WELLINGTON Toronto, Ontario. '• Church CARS FOR HIRE—Phone 56, C. L. ,WILSON. Local Doings C. L. Wilson has sold his delivery horse to W. 14 Statham. The members of the Exeter branch of 'the 1I,.F.O. and surrounding mem- bers will attend divine service in the Trivia Memorial Church, on Sunday Tune .19, when the rector, Rev. A. A. Trumper wail breach. The Targe gasoline tank put in oe Main Street by Messrs. Foote & Piton Attracted :considerable attention_ after the big rain storm during Thursday night last, The tank lied been, partly' nntelled, but had not -been covered lin wheel the rain 'came on, and a, large qua�ati'Ly of earth and water washed linen the oponing, with the result that St raised the north end of the . tank a -couple feet. It requited considerable work to get it ,back in place again. LOST TO SEA -FORTH. On Thursday evening the Exeter Junior Baseball team played a game in Seaforth, !using by a. score of 8-1. HARVEY -JOKY, A Quiet wedding took place at the James Street parsonage, Exeter, on Wednesday evening, June 1st when Mss Laura- Doxy, daughter of Air, and Mrs Zip.. Jory of Exetear, became the bride of :Mr. C1reslter R Harvey, son. of Air, and „airs,. Thomas Harvey of town. Refit M. J. Wilson perform- ed the vex—Mono at .,tile o'clock intim evening. lett and Afrst Harvey have taken up their residence over the sore of `iessrs. ,Harvey ix Hary*ey, and will Mace the best wishes of thee: marry ir'.ends. FIRST DRAFT. The tics; draft of the .Stations for :he Methodist ministers of London Conference was issued on. Thursday of lest week, and few changes were made The following are, placed in b�4:cr U°strict:--Exeter--:Iain Street, W. G. H. 11c Alieter ; James Street, liarz:-t J. Wifebn; %Parkhill, John H. Johnston; Irnimt ale, Harold J. Armi- tage; Centrelia, Arthur J. Sincla'r; Hensel', George \V. W. Rivers, Ailsa Craig, and Crediton, R. A.. Brooke; Grand Bend, David W. \V ltrmas; Syl- van, S. S. Stewart; 1.ueau, Le:onaad B r :etc : Granton, Selby Jefferson; Woodham, Pince E. James; Kirkton, R. C. Copeland. Rev. Parnaby, late of F,I:n:v:lie. is slatted for Belmont. iboWI.1NG NOTES. Messrs Woods, Stewart, Neaman and Tanutn won three out of four games at the Alintee Bowling Tourney In London last week, but dud not bring back the trophey. Fairful of Leam- ington, who defeated them, won. the cup. The first of the weekly Friday night Bowling Tourneys was • held last Fri - dm: evening with eight rinks of three inert each playing. George Snell, Ed. Howard and W. J. Heaman won. the prizes. These are weekly events and very interesting. The names of those who Wish to play must be in the hands of the secretary not later than 7,15 that evening, and alI players must be on hand at that hour so as to start promntly on. time, JUNE WEDDING The marriage took place an. June: lst at "Woodwylde" the home of Mr.and Mrs. J. T. Allison, Usborne, when their slaughter, Jean Eleanor, was married Archie W. Morgan, son of Mr. and J. T. :Morgan. Rev. Chidley performed the ceremony in the presence af im- mediate friends. The bride was gown- ed Sn. Alice blue taffeta, with over- dress of embridered georgette, and carried bridal roses. Both bride and groom were. unattended. Miss Myra '1Uor,gan. sister of the groom, played .he wedding march. Following the eruntony a buffet lunch was served. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful wedding presents. The groom's gift to the bride was a string of pearls; to elle uianist he gave a green cameo and pearl ring, with Mar- quessee . setting. Mr. and Mrs. Mor- gan deft the same everting for Muskoka where they will spend a short honey- moon. The .beide travelled in- a navy blue tricotine .suet,with hat to match. On . rhes „return they will reside on the , grooms, farm. P. C. A Trivitt : Memorial PLOWING DONE. Having purchased a tractor; outfit I am prepared to accept contracts for plowing.-. E. B. Mitchell, Centralia. TRUCK FOR SERVICE. I have a truck for service. Rhone It 115, Exeter, • S. J. V. CANN. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time 4 to 6' o'clock; evenings Ito 8 HIGH INVESTMENT YIe,LDS NOW AVAILABLE Dominion of Canada Victory Bonds Province .of Ontario Bonds. City of Toronto and other bonds. ERNEST ELLIOT Office Elliot Building Exeter TURNING MILL A.111.—kinds of Turning Gumming Saws, Etc., done on shortest notice, APPLE. BUTTER. ANI) BOIL±.D ;Cider,first-class quality,; S. J. V. C'ANg, Phone 115 11 a.ztn.-" "Thee Divine Valuation ' o Souls." 7;'jene`••,='Eike Gospel of Hope." Rev A. A. Trumper, Recton . • CIAVEN lf'RESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, 13. A., Minister Regular services next Sabbath at 11 a.an, aaa.d.7.:p.m.- Y The Minister. JAMES S'r.•METi3ODIST CHURCH • Pastor, MJ. Wilson, B.A. 11.00.: a.m.-=1, 3 p.m.—Sabbath' School` and Bible ,,Study •• 7.00 p.m. Inspiririf Music.' All welcome MAIN' S%..li%tETif6DIST CHURCH . tev,,peee,e McAlister, M. A. •.Phone 21r3 3 p.tneeSun la "School :3atd ' J3able •iateses. . 7 .p.m -Ste BETHANY 2.30 p.ni.-elf 1. R. Carling, B,8 t, Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc, INVEST YQUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominu'bn of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds. At exieticg prises from 6 twee cent. to 7 seer cent, eon be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me, Morley to loan et lowest rates of interest, . Office—Carling .Bk., Mann St., Exeter Miss Beatrice Howe} es able to lad out agar after her recent serious ill- n€ss. lira. Richard Welsh, was ,taken sud- denly dl irvith gall stones on Sunday, but she glow sxnproting. Mr Sam"' Peeszcator was confined to' the hoose for several days last week aftec being kicked in the instep by a horse. June 3rd, The King's 13irthday was celebrated n Crediton and Zurich, and Public holidays were Proclaimed. In Exeter only ,the Banks observed the day .as a hos ay, Res„ Down, who was here attending Mrs. Tom's funeral, preached in -the. James Street C,hurcb. Sunday evening. in the . marring a 1eucal service was gwen by Prot. Anftten and hits :Sirs. John Hawksbaw was taken sud- delay ill the latter part of last weed: and is confined to bee bed, Hep daughter, Wrs. Livingstone of stmt— ford carne: on Monday and will remain tell she recovers, \DUCE ENJOYED. "The Irresistible \Marmadukc" put en by St. Georges Dramatic Club of Lon- don in the Opera, House ,an Monday evening of last week, under the aus- pices of -the Girls' Auxiliary of the Trlvitt l'Iemorial. Church, was clever- ly presented. The Play affordeermucb amusement by the variety of comic character, complications and witty' dialogue. and those in attendance en- joyed 'the pleasing little drama very much. The attendance was riot large but the entertainment deserved a touch larger patronage. Should they appear in. Exeter again we b.ipeak for them a much better house, Cal A,::GE IN SCHOOL COURSES. Radical changes are being made in the High adeno: curriculum for On- o on the recommendation of the High School Commission appointed last year by the Department of Education to review the courses of study in, our tecondazy schools, Prominence is to been. -en to tate pure! and his needs, U;titerto our courses of study have been g'acled from the primary class to the University with the; view of pre- paring pupils for professional life, rath- er than cquip:sing them for the dis- charge of their duties as citizens end the fulfillment of their particular des- tiny as individuals. This was inevit- able so long as the curriculum of stud- ies was provided for all conditions. It is now the intention of the Depart- ment to give ,some freedom to schools La adjusting the curriculum of studies to the geeat variety of conditions in the province. Some communities will emphasize industrial education, while utile:a on agricultural, scientific or commercial course of studies accord- ing to the oecupatiern of the people. I,. :s the most -evolutionary change that has been made in our educational systenz sin to it was ,cstabl ,it d over 75 )ears ago. The new regulations will likely come. ,ins effect Septem- ber 1st. • Air. Bert Gillies was here front Ham - Mon, over. the week end. Mr, Cecil Steel of • Windsor spent :; few days with his parents here. Mrs, James Bowden. and son. spent a len- days with Mrs. Salkeld in. God-' etch. Mrs. Essery and daughscr, Mss Vera spent a day or two in London last week. Mr and Mrs. Brokeashire of Wind. sot arc visiting tvlith relatives here and in Credit on. \trs. Brooks of ,Otttawa, is visiting with ?ars. McNicol and' other relatives in and around Exeter, Dr Rollins of London spent a few days with relatives -and old friends in taivn the. latter part of lase week. Miss Frances Abbey and Miss Fier- ence Norry of Windsor spent carne week end with the latter's parents. ' Rev. Fear of Walkervilla,,- who :has been. attending London. Conference, spent a day or two with- relatives here. Mrs. i1'. •'E•, Han dford and daughter, La Bell. of Ingersoll are visiting with friends here, the gtuesns o•f lair, and, lfrs. E. A Follick. Mr. and 'Mrs,. W. H. Levee of Lon - spent e. day or pvio here last week and .also visited at the home of Judge Dickson.-Goderich. Mfrs. ivicCallum of Loudon is visiting with her parents,.Mr. and Mrs,. James $wseet!. Mrs. Sweet is at present in very poor- Miss oor Miss Grace Creech has refurned frorn Stratford Business: College, and has taken a position as .bookkeeper with Heaman',s Hardware. • Me and Mrs;. .Ferguson of Tees- water ,mo'to'red here Friday and spent a few days at the home of their son, Mr. Ralesell Ferguson Miss Annie Sanders," who umderwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, a• few weeks ago, was able to retur,n to her home here on. Swnday. her conditiionbeetng', much, improved. 1�1 Hrs. .c4s?cfy,, wlypl aj compasviied bier. while ehexe,, returned home with her. ":Mr nn Pryde, wofe and family of New„f�ntario', are visiting Mr. Pryde's brother, Mr. Than Pryde , They may 'locate en. Exeter. _'Mr. Pride vs` `car - pester 'and contractor and doubtless 1 he decides ea remain: here he wig- eceive every lencouragen rt'", both fotn the standpoint of becoming a cet'i'nien and the, patronage that will be arcarded hirer. 1r 1 PHONE 32 JONES & 'MAY • PHONE .31 Special VANS ill SIEller Merchandise CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES. We leave a splendid range of Children's Bummer Wash Dresses for ageess# 3 to ydearrss, any of these arts in odd sizes andd broken ranges at LADIES HOUSE DRESSES AT $1,65. 3 dozen Ladies' print house dresses, sizes 3610 44, in nice range ofcol- ors, very special this month at $1.65 each, MIDDIES AT $1.75. . Ladies' and Misses' fine quality middies, the celebrated Admiral brand pian white, also with c11•lared trimmings, regu;aa'ly tag to $.1,50 each. Special June selling price only 11.75 each. WHITE WASH SKIRTS Ladies' and hEsses' Nin e Wash "Skirts in Tr=cotines and Gaberdines, iudT age? Of rises, prices much lower Than lit season. L AD1.,,S' GENUINE GLOVE STILI: BLOOMERS AT $1.95. These :$bloomers are a real bargain They are genu ate glove Reslt color only, worth' easily twice this price, Our special June ,price only $2,95 Pax. sill:, sell ng GINGHAM'S AT Z9C. YD.. Hundreds tof yards of fine gixtghams in checks and stripes On sale this monah at 29c. yard, FAIR RIBBONS AT 20e. YD. Ribbons are much cheaper. We can give you a nice quality of silkrib- bon. 3 1-2 inch wide in popular colors just tete thing for hair ribbons at 20c yard. CLEARING OF EMBROIIDERIES AND INSER'1 IONS we haw placed on sale two lots of .tate enab. oderles and in;,ertions-- huttdrede of yard s to choose from. Marry of these ;ones ere less than half- prce. OUTING SHOES FOR. S1:AI BIER. Laiies' White Oxfords, Pumps, Ties and Strap Slippers, in either leather or rubber soles. Also the vary latest styles of Bleck and Brown k is; S:ipoers, all et moderate prices. :MEN'S OXFORDS AND RUBBER SOLE SHOES. White :Oxfords or High. Shoes Co-. the u rm weather. \Ve keep a fake assortment, with either leather Or neol n soles. Also high :rade Brown and Black Oxfords. RUNNING SHOES FOR CHILDREN Brown or White to suit everyone. Shoes or Slipuers, Oxfords. Pump or strap styles. SPECIAL -25 pairs Ladies' fine grey Oxfords regular $7,Ola, for S4.us. THIS STORE WILL 13t; CLOSED EVLRY WEDNESDAY AFTER- NOON DURING JUNE JULY AND AtUST. JONES & MAY Auto. Licenses and Markers Issued in Exeter.".7.1A These are now being issued in Ex- eter. We have them in stock and can supply you at shortest notice. Have your application forms properly filled in. - S. W. Simms Express Office,. Exeter. R.N. ROWS FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License No. 210. Motor Hearse Service Phones 20J and 20W. WESTERN ONTARIO BEST COdi- MERCIAL SCHOOL. DR. A. E. TENNANT --- Veterinary Surgeon CENTRAL a /6 us ScrRATFoRD.., ONT. Our winter term commences Tues- day, January 4th, and students may register in our Commercial, Short- hand or Telegraphy Departments at any time. Our courses are thorough and practical, and we assist grad- uates to positions. Get our free Catalogue D. A. McLachlan. Principal. AND DENTIST , McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w 'o,1f you tamp anything to sell or you want to buy, try The .Advocate Want Column. DR. HENRY A, CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON Tea & Coffee Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Store Calls promptly attended to day or • night. For the choicest Dr. groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and See us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould • MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders, at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no yeitness. SOUTHCOTT B PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Fleet Foot Shoes For every member of the family. Fleet Foot Shoes have proved seg popular and are in such wide' demand that the styles have been., multiplied .tto meet every summer .need. These shoes are: restful and comfortable • and are just the thing for summerw€ar. Let us show you the new styles Billier B k- - u e House use Dies_ se$ Fox porch, house, or street-wear.. These dresses are made from good qualitty, good Was hitlig='gvnghains, and come in very smart styles. They are priced at $4.50 $5.00 $7.50 20 Doz. Black Cotton Hose • -11,. Su$�, 9,9� � and 10.This hose=s f jotsedSarf?5Oc•? , a pair: •F'or quick selling we. • have marked then' at •the loW price oer pain` zee. out. • „ hcott Bros. This Store will close every Wed, afternoon during June, July, August. 5 G. F. Roulstonn, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S„ D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—over Gladman & Stantiury,'s ' Office, Main Street, Exeter.. . C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Fann Stock Sales a Specialty. . Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices RRasonab1e and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Crediton, Ontario. If you want to ;order a daily paper or magazine, or, renew a: present sub- scription, heave your order at the Advocate Office. We save you paper, envelope postage stamp and coarse 'tiff money order .and when clubbing elite tie more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We gave"a large amount of private funds to, loan ._on 'farm . and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN • & STANIJRY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter