HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-10-06, Page 2PAGE 2--.GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1977 Little response to meetin If the 14 people that showed up at a public meeting Thursday night had known more about the Comay Planning report they may have offered more opinion on the °document. The meeting, arranged by Goderich town council to get public input on the report which recom- mends sweeping change in community planning procedures in Ontario, was designe0 to allow -county Will study Study Town council approved a motion Monday evening by Elsa Haydon, seconded by Bob .Allen to investigate the possibility of hiring in- dependent professional consultants to do an ef- ficiency study of all depar- tments operated by the Town of Goderich. The motion said that in view of necessary financial restra i nts, couples w ith imminent changes in the appointed personnel, the study might he wise to ensure that "most effective and up- to-date services are provided in return for the taxpayer's ja money,,. The finance committee chaired by Reeve Bill Clifford was charged with the responsibility to supply council with its findings in this regard at its earliest convenience, Reeve Bill C'liff_ord_said _his_-comSnit<tee. was already ._gathering in- formation about the various departments, particularly' in respect to job descriptions for certain key personnel. A study by efficiency consultants would cost somewhere between $10,000 and $20,000. Councillor Dave Gower at first labelled the idea as "ridiculous" and "passing the buck"'. He said every committee chairman must recognize the need for. restraint, not just the. finance committee. When the recorded vote was called, however, the motion was given unanimous approval. "As long as it doesn't cost any money," said Deputy - reeve Eileen Palmer. In other business, it was decided that council should call tenders for garbage collection in the town, so "more information" could be gained; agreed to adopt Bay City, Michigan as a per- manent Sister City; and accepted Joan Vanden Broeck's.resignation from the Goderich Recreation and Community Centre Board with a new appointment to be made soon. planner Gary Davidson to gauge public opinion on the report and use it to submit a reply to it from the town. Davidson outlined the changes the report suggested and told the meeting that council wanted the Planning Act review committee, co- chaired by deputy reeve Eileen Palmer and councillor Elsa Haydon, to sort out comments and submit a report to the ministry of housing. He said the com- mittee hoped to find out how people felt the changes would affect Goderich and the surrounding area. He said the report basically males planning a local matter: He said most ap- provals made by a local planning board are made "subject to provincial ap- proval". He said the Comay report changes that to "subject to provincial veto". He said the change allows the province to rase out of planning individual i;om- munides and allows them to stop any individual plan if it contravenes provincial in- terests such as environment. "The province will no longer say what's good for the community but rather what's good for the province," he explained. "That basically means that all local municipalities have the 1 A wrecking crew from Ingersoll has begun its demolition of the grandstand at Agricultural Park in Goderich. Cost of the demolition is estimated at $2,800 but a 50 .per cent grant from the Ontario Racing Commission may be obtained to help with the costs. The grandstand was ruled to be below standards set out by the building code. No plansare immediately known for rebuilding the grandstand but it has been pointed out that some "public spirited organization" would be needed to spearhead the project. (staff photo) OOO l: •i•• 1i • i • •• • 1.•• T Ffl'A N E-3 LE Di 5 CD U NT... rtiii-re ••00000000• ••• •• i ••i` • •••• • se • e •• OM, Weeks •• VRE •1 • • • • S .••• • • ell° O. • • • • • •• i11111/NO 11// sP Kleenex FACIAL TISSUE..2 oN�T P,olident DENTURECLEANiNG TABLETS 32's $ 58 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH formerly CRAIGIES authority to plan on their own and final planning decisions rest with elected officials." The report suggests that planning be handled by separate tiers of government. It suggests that urban planning be handled by urban councils but that rural planning be handled by a senior government such as county council or a regional council. He added that while it may be "callous" it means that the province thinks that urban areas have "grown up" and can handle their own planning and rural areas have not. The report ,will put a lot more pressure on local councils according to Davidson who said that by having final powers in area planning 'local officials will come under increased direct political pressure. Conray feels that that's what the elected officials are there for and if people are unhappy with them they can vote them out. Davidson said he won- dered if the local politicians could "handle the respon- sibility". Davidson did say that the report made some good suggestions for streamlining the planning process. He said that in some plans developers are forced to wait six weeks due to frivilous objections raised by someone not in favor of the development. He quickly added that not all objections are frivolous but when it is obvious that someone is using planning intricacies to his advantage to hold something up council will be able to speed matters up by overruling the ob- jection. The Comay suggestions may cost taxpayers more money because of the professional help com- rnunities will need in preparing and putting plans into effect. Davidson said that it was impossible to calculate increased costs but added that if communities have to appoint planning boards and make more use of professional help it was going to cost. CHURCH AND OTHER CHARITAN ORGANIZATIONS The Huron -Perth Lung Association, 121 Wellington it ford, Phone 211.7300. has program blanks, soNisryq placemots for your us• during The Christmas Sea ter. This Is a free Christmas Seal service with ry value. Please call at our office (address oboes) or arrangements to have someone pick up the nom hrs require. "We care about every death You Take." 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For FASHION RIGHT SHOES The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES The Square Goderich DIESEL For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injectic Equipment Pumps and Injectors Rep aired Bayfield Rd. 482-7971 Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies * Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST ST. GODERICH WEST ST. COIN -OP LAUNDROMAT & DRY CLEANING 54 West St. S24 -99S3 Open Daily Drycleanin Science and Fashion In Hair Care • M'Lady complete hair care services • M'Lords hair cutting & styling — Tues., Thurs. evening • Senior citizens discounts Wednesday afternoons Pius • Nucleic acid & protein hair treatments AT Where??? The Beauty Lounge 81 East St.. GODERICH 324-8994 YAMAHA We believe we have the finest selection of MOTORCYCLES in the area. We GUARANTEE our SERVKE AFTER SALEI MT. CARMEL 237-3456 OPEN 10 - 10 NOON 6 SUNDAY R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 PHIL MAIN HARDWARE FOR HONIE, FARM & INDUSTRY (formerly H.O. Jerry Ltd.) 84 Kingston St. „ GODERICH • Wholesale Cable, Rope and Fittings • Fire Extinguishers & Service • CIL Paints • Window Glass and Screening Repairs • Small appliance repair PHONE 524-9671 Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNT 39 St. David St., 52411 GodericivOntarlo CHISHOLM FUELS Distributors For HOME, FARM, INDUSTRY * 24 Hour Burner Servics * Furnace Financing * • New Furnace Installs Hot Water Boilers 524-7681 9R 529-1524 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT PARTNER 40 THE SQUARE ' GODERICH, ONT. 524-2677 POOC LISTOOl WINWO CALGOT woo coo RADIO SERVICE CITIZEN BAND - MARINE - BUSINESS WARRANTY &AFTER WARRANTY SERVICE ()NUM RADIO 450 WEBER ST. NORTH WATERLOO OfiTARIO Radios may be picked up and dropped off at MR. STEREO, 40 WEST ST., GODERICH Peter S. Madwa INSURANCE AGEN Residential - Commercial Auto - Life 38 St. David St.. GoderIch Ph. 524-9531 or 524-2522