HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-09-29, Page 32rooster fluffing up his feathers to try to look like a lion. No, our Lord's kingship was so real that it came through in the tiniest actions in the humblest situations. Jesus Christ didn't come to get people to give Him their attention. Rather He lived and died to give His attention to their needs. We're quick to create new idols. Or to let the Hollywood press agents puff up new ones for us. But there's something sad about getting all excited about someone whose life may not be worth copying. Elvis Presley was no worse than some of us. Nor was he any better. That's why we must look beyond him if we are to fine someone upon whom to pattern a life of real beauty and value. There's a well-known sonnet about a super king called Ozymandias. He has a gigantic statue of himself made. He puts it in the centre of his immense kingdom. His craftsmen carve these words into its base: `Ozymandias the Great. All you can see in all directions is mine.' But the poet tells us that only the bottom of the statue remains upright. The figure of this big shot has toppled onto the hard ground and broken into a inister'shundred Pieces. A11as far as' the eye desert. There i ngst�wealth he claimed the subjectsover�,ruled.ThekingsaredeaOr dying, OnlyOne stands�Only One can be 0for the 50s and the7pg;90s. And His kin fora brief rn ntP• polnt�;the middleofonei ens"'He's the King of eyauthorityoverrtitury. The e And over death whlservant of time Elvis Presley sreminded us again 010 earth's 'special' peopik die. And the facts otmade it clear that ek'best' people don'tdowhen they try to doththing.Weneed a King whodie. A' God who doesndown.Jesus Christquell boththese counts Thosewho makeIlp'idol' will live 'royal'Those whoaccepttheirSaviourbecome(}amany-roomedpalacehereafter that He's prfor all His children, The Presley era hafun.But each of us hag' prepared to face theethat Elvis faced oneTafternoon when he was42yearsyoung°It'snouseprete you'vegotitallmadelotfew years here.You may be beyourselfintoHearthHotelforever.'ForGodismyKingworking salvationmidst of the earth' Victoria Street United Church i -;\ 1=. PAGE 8A-•-GQDERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1977 CHURCH PAGE Hold annual school meet On Tuesday, Sept. 6, the Clinton and District Christian School Society held its annual meeting in the meeting rooms of the Clinton Christian Reformed Church. The chairman, Mr. T. VanDyke, by choosing hymn 222, "Oh Give the Lord Whole Hearted Praise", apd by reading Psalm 113, a passage which tellsThow God bestows His rich blessings upon those who fear and trust Him, set the tone for the evening. The tone was one of thanksgiving to God because He had in the past years so generously . prospered not only the Christian School, but also those who had sacrificed to support it for so many years. The chairman's prayer called for the Lord's continued faithfulness in the coming year. One of the highlights of this enthusiastic and well at- tended meeting was the report by the hoard secretary, Cecil Bruinsma. He pointed out that this was the 16th year of the existence of the local Christian School. He spoke thankfully of the willingness of school sup- porters to give their time and energies in school "activities and school upkeep. He spoke enthusiastically about the new kindergarten class and of the recently acquired teachers to fill the vacancies since the last school year. The hoard has hired Mrs. Eva Roorda to fill in for the principal for four afternoons a week. The board has also James Aitcheson. She at- Honk in Richmond Hill on hgTpd•-••fVl -E-tsina Van --D-eTr--4€ sled Sea#`oral.--high—s€ l_- W eF►i�.mbet��„ ,.___._. Interment was in the Dungannon Cemetery. the election of new board members. The retiring members were from Blyth — Mervin Datema and from Clinton — Cecil Bruinsma, Peter Damsma and Johan Van Dyke. Elected from Blyth were: John Benjamins ; from Clinton, Henry Baker, John" Maaskant; and from Goderich, Evert Middel. Atter a brief intermission, the budget for next year ($182,000) was discussed and Unanimously'.tCcepted. Former Ralph Richard Jewell of Colborne Township died in Alexandra Marine and He served in municipal General Hospital in GoderiCh office .for eleven years, as on September 20 at the age or Reeve of Colborne Township 68 for six years and was Warden in 1964. He was a member of He was born in Colborne Morning Star Lodge No. 309, Township on June 20, 1909 to A.F. and A.M., Carlow. Ccrnettic (I4'n) and William He was a member of Henry Jewell. On September Benmiller United Church 25, 1929 he married Margaret where he -was on the Board of Stirling in London. Elders. He was a farmer and life He is survived' by his wife; One member rose briefly to share his frustration with what he called the govern- ment's and the public's inability to see the injustice of the situation whereby sup- porters of a Christian school were expected to support, on their own, 0 school system which was necessitated by their religious convictions, and to support equally with those who used the public system, 0 public school whose use was denied them because warden long resident of Colborne Township. District deaths MRS. MILDRED MARGARET SCOTT Mrs. Mildred Margaret Scott of Auburn died on September 19 in University Hospital, London, at the age of 53. She was born in McKillop Township on April 15, 1924 to Katherine (McDiarmid) and Toronto at the age of eight years. He is survived by his. parents Donald and Lucille (Mohring) Glenn of 42 Rock- port Crescent in Richmond Hill; one sister Linda and two brother , Frank and John. • A funeral service was held at the Marshall Funeral of those same religious convictions. In the closing moments of the evening, the members were informed that the school had begun on schedule that same day with an enrolment of 188 pupils in grades one to eight and 27 pupils in kin- dergarten. To adjourn the meeting, everyone sang the hymn "Oh For a Closer Walk With Thee". The Reverend T. Hoogsteen closed in prayer. dies Berg to teach in grade one. and Stratford Nursing School. • She is a native of New She lived in McKillop Zealand and a graduate of Township until her marriage Calvin College in Grand to J. Kenneth Scott in Rapids. Finally to fill the McKillop Township on May 5, vacancy created by the new 195:1. Following her marriage kindergarten, the board has she lived in Auburn. hired a Christian School She was a member of Knox graduate, Miss Judy Datema Presbyterian Church in from Blyth. She has had Goderich. , extensive training in the She is survived by her nurture of kindergarten and husband: three sons, Keith of pre-school children. London, Wayne of Wawa and The secretary touched upon Eric at home; and one a rather abortive attempt by grandson. the hoard to reach, through The Reverend G. L. Royal the help of the provincial conducted a funeral service. ombudsman, some kind of a at Stiles Funeral Home in satisfactory solution Goderich on ,Friday, Sep - regarding government [ember 23at2 p.m. funding for the school. There Interment was in Colborne was, he went on to say, some Cemetery. government aid forthcoming Pallbearers were Harry in the form of a small grant to Arthur, Orva1 McPhee, Bill private schools for the pur- Robertson, Donald Young, pose of encouraging the Harold Baechler and Gordon teaching of French. Dobie. He closed his report on a Flowerhearers were positive note by pointing nut Duncan McKay and Art that, as long as our future was Younghlut. in the hands of God, then MICHAEL PAUL whatever that future might GLENN he it would he a good one. The agenda called next for Michael Paul Glenn died on Sunday. September 25 at the • Jack's Hospital for Sick Children in Jottings • from page 7A subject. Finally, he con- cluded that he could not in- f troduce the report, either to the Speaker or to the Com- mittee, although it had been received by the Ministry. Other problems have arisen from the practice of tabling "interim" answers to questions and from questions which have died on the Order Paper, as well as the habit of Ministries resorting to the device of Cabinet con- fidentiality in refusing to release reports. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER SO YEARS Oodor!eh Arno RoprosontatIvo ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Ccmbrla Road Ciodorlch • 524-7345 Clinton • Soaforth Arno Roprasontativo MICHAEL FALCONER 133 High Strout Clinton 4$2-9411 one son, William A. Jewell of Colborne Township; one daughter, Mrs. Bruce (Florence) Sowerby of Goderich; his mother, Mrs. Nettie Jewell of Goderich; three sisters, Mrs. Mel (Grace) Cranston of Goderich, Mrs. Frank (Cennetta) Bainton of Blyth and Mrs. Frank (Effie) Yeo of Goderich Township; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The Reverend John D. M. Wood conducted a funeral service at Stiles Funeral Home in Goderich on Friday, September 23 at 3:30 p.m. Morning Star Lodge No. 309, A.F. and A.M., Carlow, held a service at the funeral home on Thursday at 9 p.m. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery. Pallbearers were Rick Sowerby, Ron Sowerby, Bud Yeo, John Feagan, Don Stirling and Bob Jewell° Christ the REAL King BY LIEUTENANT NEIL WATT, SALVATION ARMY (This article appeared in the Sept. 24th Issue of The War Cry) One mourner claimed that Elvis Presley's funeral should have been bigger than a president's. A lady in her 30s confessed: 'I don't know how we'll get along without him.' A young man who wasn't even born when Elvis first hit the big time commented that '1 thought he'd live forever.' The 'King' of rock-and-roll. But not a very royal life. His big house just meant a bigger roof to hide under. He was overweight. His marriage had failed. Back in the early 60s, an interviewer had asked Presley about his hip - swivelling, sexy style. Presley's response: `I don't see how people can claim that my singing contributes to juvenile delinquency. I try to live a clean life.' That he tried cannot be denied. • That he failed is becoming more and more apparent. The idol of two generations turned out to be mortal. Dead at -42. The 'King' of millions of screaming teeny-boppers (most of whom are .now old enough to have their own teeny-boppers) may have had some power over his audiences but had no control over., his own vices and failings. It makes you wonder whether the average person would recognize a real king if he saw one. We're used to watching for crowns or sequined shirts or jewel -studded belts. It's difficult for us to recognize royalty in Someone who arrives on foot, wearing a simple seamless robe. Yet the King of kings came exactly that way. stucty And lived a royal life without the help of crown or palace. Jesus Christ never went around 'acting' like a king. But He had a very quiet and very real authority. The authority of a man who knows who He is and what He can do. He stood in front of the big shots of the day and made them realize the puniness and phoniness of what they call power. A Roman ruler couldn't get Him to speak. A Jewish religious VIP couldn't break Him through whipping. His last moments on a cross were so majestic that even as He died, a Roman guard could see that He was God. And no matter how many soldiers the kings of the earth had stationed outside the rock sealed tomb, Christ would still have risen from the dead. A real king is secure enough that he can both love and rule his people. There was no Cadillac mentality with Christ. His life was spent shoulder to shoulder with the sick, the insane, and the sinful. One of His most royal acts was a footwashing. Basin of dusty water in one hand, He knelt in front of each disciple and washed away the 'grime of a day's walking. Only a truly big man could stoop so low and get across so much majesty. Christ was no banty- Flewerb)rr•erS WE'e 1�V11T"""„(�w '•+`'•”" a an.M..7..e.,e,elitt'tt •^'•.•••• Jewell, Paul" Jewell, Dave I Williams and Don Hasson. MEMORIALS MARKERS. Bronze Plaques = Cemetery Lettering For expert counsel and a fair price rely on a firm you can trust, T. PRYDE & SON LTD. Serving Huron and surrounding area since 1920. Full DISTRICT SHOWROOM 75 Hamilton St. Goderich DON DENOMME time representative - Appointment any time. Phone Goderich: 524-2373 or 524-6621 Members of the Monument Builders Association of North America See This Amazing Film Sunday, October- 2nd 8 p.m. at HURON MEN'S CHAPEL AUBURN Your People Witt Not !'s More; ant FUm Th aAAlf oho p ring of the Sbr of Man be. rot' as in the dogs tfr �Rbetor4 the flood they were eating apd'.- dnnkrng, meehrtfigandgiving iinmarriage, until theVey f that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not t'Yfttff the,fl _Boli ;amp and took them all away. MatiheW 2417 - EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO 'NOTHING Minister: Rev. John D.M. Wood, B,A.B.D. Organist and Choir Director: Mrs. J. Snider ) 10.00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND WORSHIP 11:15 A.M. BENMiLLER SUNDAY SCHOOL AND WORSHIP I 11:15 A.M. WORLD-WIDE HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE AT BOTH POINTS • WELCO-M E m; BEREA—BY—THE—WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH if • ______ �• 10:30 a.m. Worship if Marvin L. Barz, Pastor Sts 111 ofhel Pentecostal Tobernaeie ; "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all"ACh Gibbons St. at Suncoast Drive SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1977 SERMON: "THE PEOPLE -OF GOD" stry omr an ntai ve ma ht sae liet ease eek.. ugh( Th will p.m. het aid he MT! To alen lona his ( o be ake ull t isa1 n 9:15 a.m. Sunday School for all ages YOU ARE WANTED! 1 ,.._.._.,._.�..,.._._::;:�::• . IN OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL �•^••" "' • 1 at Bethel Tabernacle HOLINESS BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH } 10:00 A.M. I Sunday School 9:50 a.m. iClasses for all ages Make this Sunday your day to visit. 7 i o Worship Service 11:00 a.m. i "It's Banana Split Sunday" 1 Prayer 6:30-7:00 p.m. 1 Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. MORNING SERVICE 10:55 A.M. ) tWednesday Night Prayer and Praise 1 ) 1 Blessed are pure in heart for they shall see pod EVENING SERVICE 7:00 P.M. ) ! Matthews Huron St. & Walnut St. C' enennisoon W. Lawton.• Pato � 4 _ _ _ `SJ4 Come and Bring The Whole Family" North Street United Church 1 {! 1 EVANGELISTIC— FUNDAMENTAL 1 t 1 REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor f 10:00 A.M. - BIBLE SCHOOL 1 11:00 A.M. - MR. MAHLON MARTIN OF ) t lI 1 "TRANSPORT FOR CHRIST" WiLL PREACH ) DON'T MISS SEEING THE "BIG" VAN 5:45 P.M. - WORD OF LIFE CLUB 1 i 7:30 P.M. - EVENING SERVICE t REV. JOHN HILL 1 ) } LONDON, ONTARIO. i I WED. 7:30 P.M. PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY I i. WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH i.... -- �..".�.._•._••_.. .S.._.._•.,.•�•...._• _.._.1 _ FIRSTBAPTiST CHURCH 1 •••••-...............•-,,,,,,,...••--,...•-...........~~~��`•.`. 77 ) ▪ ► ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH • 17th Sunday after Trinity Goober Zed 1 9":3o a.m. Holy Communionph - 1 11:00 a.m. Nursery and Church School 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Griffin, Sermon: The Rev. Thomas A. I Rector, St. James', Ingersoll. O Memorial Parish Strategy Seminar at Robertson emoria { I School, Friday night, Saturday, 11 1 � Herdman 1 / Organist•Choirmaster: JoseB• CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFifLO ROAD AT BLAKE STREET The Rev. Ralph King, B.A., B.O., Minister Miss Clare McGowan, Visiting Assistant Mr. Robert Blackwell, A. Mus., B. Mus., Director of Music 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for ages 10 and over (GradesS Sunday School for ages 3 to 11 from worship at 11:O0a.m. SUNDAY, OBER 2, 1977 Worship at 11CTO:00 a.m. SERMON: THE MASTER'S MEMORIAL The Sacrament of Holy Communion and Reception of Members. A congregational reception for the new members Will to the service. Anthems: "Bread of the World'',Cope "EVCharistia" - Cassler Nursery facilities Come and worship w Gar he is eth r,T yal mil sl al d. is win ( yf pa ar er: sh et d's ed ith s d til ile or gn ng sl) a to (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Montreal Street (near the Square) Rev. W. H. McWhinnie, F.R.G.S. Organist Mr. Frank Bissett 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP Wednesday 8 P.M. Prayer & Bible Study Everyone Welcome 1 Knox Presbyterian Church t 1 1 THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., M. DIV. Minister t 1 THE REV. RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant t 1 . LORNE H. DOTTERER, Director of Praise ) 1 11 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP 1 1 1 1 '.. "BUT I SAY UNTO YOU" (Nursery Facilities) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1977 Sermon: L (Sunday School Directly to Classes at 11:00 a.m.) i , ++ SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION Rector: The Rev. Robert J. Crocker THE SALVATION ARM 18 WATERLOO ST. S SUNDAY SCHOOL --9:45 A.M.FAMILY WORSHIP-11:00A•M pM 3 " EVANGELISTIC SERVICE — .M 1 — HOME LEAGUE SUNDAY '• SPECIAL DAY FOR LADIES COpwa. ' A.M. SERVICE — MRS. CAPTAIN D• O SERVICE MRS LIEUTENANT H' pl AND N A CPO.:MUNITY CHURCH SERV GOD OFFICERSD LIEUTENANT & MRS' ourL WO Fel 0 All Are Cordially Invited To JQtn I?~ ING WITH NEA 7:00 p.m. Communion in the Chapel Enter to Worship ++ 11 Depart to Serve tt (n l ch