HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-09-29, Page 15Q'
uburnW.J. o s. specja1
' � m
Arthurvisited last Sunday is Sherry Verbeek, secretary
with itip:.latter's parents, Mr. '.s Karen McClinchey,
and MO. 'Elmer Keller at telephone committee is
Dublin. `` Vickie Rodger and Carol
Mrs. Mary Johnston and Seers and press reporter is
daughter Jennifer of London Sheron Stadelmann.
spent '(he weekend with her The girls are required to
parentsvTr. and Mrs. Wlifred keep a recipe file. A.
Sanderson. demonstration was held to
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Blacker make date mallow chews and
of •Goderich moved into the Mrs. Cartwright den -ion -
McCauley apartment above strated how to make
the Auburn Grogeteria and strawberryy cooler, The roll
Variety Store last weekend. call was answered by each
The community is.sorry to member telling why they
report that Mr. Harold would like to take this
Wallace is 'a patient in the project, Featuring Fruit.
Clinton Public Hospital. He Club members took part in
is wished a speedy recovery. the proper way to measure
and all sampled the cookies
Mr. John Raithby is a anddrink. The meeting was
patient in Clinton Public closed with the 4-1-1 Creed.
Hospital with a sore leg. He is'
wished a speedy recovery. LIONS CL
e 14'
now Goderich and
e past president of the
Horitcultural Society.
is survived by her
d and three sons,
of London, Wayne of
and Eric at home; on
on, Joshua Scott o
G.L. Royal conducted'
rvices with burial
place in Colborne
Pallbearers were
Baechler, Bill
on, Gordon Dobie,
cPhee, Harry Arthur
nald Young. Flower
were Duncan McKay
hur Youngblut.
Ives were present
oyal Oak, -Michigan,
Kitchener, Staffa,
d and the surrounding
atulations to little
pril Noreen Gross,
r of Mr, and Mrs.
Gross, RR 1, Auburn
ing first in the baby
six months and under
ungannon Fall Fair
Brenda Ball is en -
two week vacation in
er, British Colum -
went by air travel.
aryk Ball of Port
entertained his
Mr. and Mrs.
Bali, RR 1, Auburn on
asion of their 31st
anniversary. Also
were Mr. and Mrs.
Machan of Auburn,
Mrs. Butch Hoffman,
and Rob of Hensall,
yl Ball of Brantford
. Ida Martin of
Rarry Ceislar of
and Mrs. Harry
the booth at the Thresher -
men's reunion.
The guest speaker, District
Governor Tony Ferrier was
introduced by Lion Bud
Chamney. He explained the
Project in A -9 -(Support
Leader Dog Program). He
announced that Lion C.
Casemore of Wingham was
chairrnoin of -the Leader Dog
project. Lion Bill Crawford
thanked the speaker and
presented him with a gift.
Plans were made for the
next meeting to be Ladies
Night on October 5 at 7:15
p.m. when the Lions have the
pleasure of entertaining their
ladies. Mrs. Earl St. Jean will
he the speaker.
The Auburn and District
Lions have been asked to
canvass frMrs. Gordon Powell The Auburn Uand B EDistrict Part culars willhe be,receC.i ed
returned home last Saturday Lions Club held their meeting later.
after being a patient in last Wednesday evening in The program committee
Clinton Public Hospital for the Auburn Community will hold a meeting on Sep-
overaweek. Memorial Hall with the tember 26 at Lion Fred
Miss Connie Tromnier and president, Lion Fred Lawrence; directors meeting
Miss "Diane Popp left last Lawrence in the chair. The on September 28 at Lion Fred
week for British Columbia meeting began with a dinner Lawrence and project
accompanied by the former's served by a Unit of Knox committee on September 30
mother, Mrs. Elmer United Church Women. The ' at Lion Bill Robertson.
Trommer who will visit with minutes were adopted as read Lions David Glousher and
her sons'. by the secretary Lion Bob Greg Arthur were appointed
Mrs. L'orne Popp is a Ketchabaw. The financial to look after design . and
patient in Toronto Orthopedic statement was given by Lion ,construction of bed for bed
Hospital. Evelyn is wished a Jim Schneider. He stated that races.
speedy recovery. $972.50 had been taken in at The Club members decided
The first meeting of the
Auburn 9-H Club was held at
the home of the assistant
leader, Mrs. Donald Cart-
wright. The leader, Mrs..
John Hildebrand outlined the
project, Featuring Fruit, and
presided for the election of
officers;1 president is Linda
Cunningham, vice-president
lborne approve
ondary plan
e township council
special meeting
er 12 to review 27
objections to the
s secondary plan.
planner Gary
joined council in its
of the objections and
rdeau of Skyway
nd a representative
bank Developments
were on hand to
eir interests.
sions on the plan
to centre around
es for farm land to
sale of surplus farm
The surplus houses
ble for sale, on an
rket if a severance
btained separating
and a small portion
rom the rest of the
at situation usually
en a farm is taken
another owner who
rom a central farm
o need for the house
m purchased.
Council came up with the
attitude that the' situation is
almost impossible to control
under the secondary plan.
Council gave the bylaw
adopting the secondary plan
the third and final reading
bringing it one step closer to
reality. It now goes to the
Ontario Municipal Board for
In other business council
gave a building bylaw a first
reading. Council wants the
bylaw reviewed by the Huron
County planning departme'nt,
the township clerk, the
township building inspector
and one or more councillors
before any more is done with'
it. The bylaw was prepared
by county planner Roman
Dzus under the Ontario
Building Code specifications
and will stipulate township
requirements for any
buildings cons': acted in
-.a,. • •
• •
to give a donation to the
C.K.N.X2 Telethon for the
physically handicapped and
other business was discussed
for the coming year. A motion
to adjourn was made byLion
Bill Crawford and Lion Mark
Last Sunday was the first
Family Sunday held this fall
at Knox United Church.
There was good Attendance.
Family Sunday will be ob-
served on the last Sunday of
every month and families are
strongly urged to bring the
service to life by any
technique which will make it
family worship in every way.
Lest Sunday Mrs. St. Jean
conducted the service
assisted by Marilyn Wight -
man, David Durnin and
David St. Jean. Mrs. Brian
Hallam gave the children's
story and Mr. Maurice Bean
read the lesson and Mrs.
Thomas Jardin the respon-
sive psalm. A number of
Sunday School children
joined the youth choir and
Miss Marilyn Wightman
presided at the piano.
At Donnybrook, Mr.
Murray Wilson, Greg Wilson
and Mrs. Ted Robinson gave
the topics: Flak is Beautiful,
Anger, Laughter Respect and
•,.Ra, iffstr -Dane'
elg. �''f;fihll� MNiUfvq'�..,
Out of Touch, the same as
Auburn topics:' Mrs. Earl St.
Jean told the children's story.
A good attendance was had at
both services on the Auburn
Rev..Earl St. Jean attended
a Retreat at Five Oaks,
Parish last weekend led by
the Very Rev. Bruce
McLeod. The following is the
report of Mr. St. Jean which
he has given to the press:
A retreat is not a military
fiasco like the retreat from
Moscow 'by Napoleon but
rather it is more aptly seen as
the backing up far enough by
an athlete to make a high
hurdle. That helps a bit but
the main feature is that radio
and TV do not intrude and
direct techniques are used to
make it no effort almost for
people to say that they hurt.
Five Oaks is for laymen and
ministers who are not
necessary leaders and when
one attends with laymen one
does not make the distinction.
One should leave the Roman
collar at home. Ours is a task
oriented society. Feelings get
whatever is left over. To
shine ones_shoes is a task to
say please and f thank you is
recognition of feelings. We go
overboard shining our shoes
but come out short in the
please and thank you
department. II a retreat
experience t ere is an
amazing revel tion that we
really care one there is an
openness and ionesty about
hurt or our pose at a given
moment. Hur and poise
complement each other and
when one has the poise there
is a hurting person who needs
us urgently.
While Family Sunday was
in progress, I (`ound a family
where the needs were spelled
out pretty straightforward
and where I was needed as
sunshine --and it was raining
there too. Our biggest han-
dicap is that we fear getting
too deeply involved but here
the1i 1, al plunge is taken
without that kind of restraint.
The big problem is that it has
no real follow-up. On home
base we never take the initial
plunge and 1 we keep up
relations tlhrough task
assigning. We see that all
shoes are shiny but hearts are
fitter tileet.
R.R. 1, KINCARDINE (Site 6)
Now accepting fall bookings
DON 524-6662 9AVE. 395-5794
Classic Sale
The Classic Tea Kettle makes a classic sole.
Made in Spain for Copco in yellow,
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Porcelain, with natural teak handles.
Make boiling water o beautiful thing.
"ll'li��n ‘-nur hn It to ti ln,v t mi cnnrnnsus
Onr Hundred •u1 .v\ Allure Strrrt Clinl,m 4R2-3871
John Wright, 4, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wright, RR 6 Goderich, offers his pet goat, Heidi,
a drink of water from a Pepsi cup before competition at the Dungannon Fall Fair held last
week. Heidi was born on April 1. (staff photo)
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Watch for rho offlclol opening coming soon —_-
WEDNESDAY 9 - 12:30; FRIDAY 9 -