HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-9, Page 4The Exeter Advocate
Sanders Sc Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price -Iii advance $1.50
pe; year in Canada; $..Uel in the
finites! States. All subscriptions not
Paid in advance 50c. extra charged.
The slag pole at the school has been,
taken down a, at was decayed and
dao ertu o theaublie
'ax. . nd airs. Tod an l thrid of Smith
• vale apasaa the. ,week end with ''Mr.
azo Mrs. 1i. C. Rtiasaell.
Tyra =ielnas courts are basing prepar-
ea Axa athletic ,grounds.
air slaaaley ` r;et r> cl and :4Ir.
Rs a n Ecom, o visited with Lorne
Brava over the week end. lir. Cay-
• '•,'•fint s•`••y Ea titj;ul Coos :a
Eta , el c;if t hose?: on Sunday ev' .
NS ;n Ca. r e Kuhn. oaf :he :t, caaeph
Roasts^ tit:..;. London, .s h ame for
tet" vaeationl.
Atber: laaarer is ti,'t Welland this
week ea business.
j. U. ficatairram has returned from
C#t e go. r er trans.;c•targ some busi-
ness !l ecameatiaa with certain prott-
er y +e.la,cit !. i been donated to The
1 t z ;til ti la A s saaaaora tier. Holtz-
's a dire:tr?r cat the board ep-
i to sea. c raatend the manage •
iia? this property.
I.e '1,.;a and i Wallace Irwin, spent
Suaclay:at London.
Q4isa Poro by Marett of " London
.Ml ss Gladys Wolf on Sunday
Ur and firs. Schenk and family of
Jit illi\ moored• h4 re on, Saturday and
•arw u. tang hs; .mosso, Paid Schenk.
4r bur Sambrook has returned to
Tora.t., after a taw clays. vacat'onin
sawn math tars parents.
4F, R. S. Wilson and cat ld•en ('said
alias Irell:.s Hodg'ns are visiting in
Loaders this week,
Hera- frais't of Detroit and Ruaaefl
Clark t,q laialhervi11e were homy for
tlt s6; til:
Aar and Mrs. Dat Oestreicher and
gra. Herb Y,,att:lg are visiting in Tav--
"a1r. and Mrs., .Milton Hodgen and
nab . *+. r Sunday at are L D. Ful-
ie1visited a• t ie lotehre, Ms Marga t
i4'lt '`,'sal ofnen .spent the week end
wash '4:55 Jassrtt Hcltig+:rt.—;sir. and
if s. 1'la1 Pc,'en of Exeter spent Sun
lay a' Mr Rabe, I)urt•an r \i'adainlg
Belix ara r'.tfiing this Eeinity -Mr,
and airs. Are•h t froclgere and "hildren
of C''l •.ekl ors- spent Sunday at John
Brays.—Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McLaren
and Ras at C rosnarey were Sunday
,,aaa-ors at air. Alt. I3unkin's,- Mass
a.. W -lilac Miller of Exeter u spending
a few tte,el., at Milton lioclgert's.--our
4hrsesat r:; are preParing. tor,. the coat-
ing seasun The Thames Road S'hoo1
*Picnic .had a rather .cold thy, but a'
fa;_ crnwrl turned out and witnessed
two good ball games. The aftet'noan
game ?aeiwe,n Lumley and Thames
Roars resulted in favor ot Lumley by
S-7, and the evening game between
Woodham and Farquhar in favor of
the latter„ 13-11
Aar. and airs. Wes. Shier and Mr.
and Airs. Frank Parkinson spent Sun-
day titin the latters sister, Mrs. S.
Blight it Thorndale•.—:lir. and Mrs.
Ge., Squire jr., and :Miss Gerii. Ja-
tax motored to Kipnen on Sualdaal
to visit a:-, and Mrs, Joseph Daymatil
--alr, David Johnson. sr., left Friday
•^a visit with fr.enis in Port Huron
a u.l Detroit.—air. and Mrs: J. Webb
,,aa never, days Inst weak at Sut-
tr.: l with the former's brother.— The
resat: monthly meeting. of the W. M.
S. at :' be h {Fra in :he basement of th tbd-
chcasaa ran Thursday afternoon.— Mr.
and Mrs aalber, Gunning spent the
week pend with their daughter, Mrs.
Percy Passmore of Thames Road. —
Mr a a Mts. Edgar Squire spent Sun-
day at nekton the .guest of Mr. and
K rag Duffield.
Growing Old Gracefully
Are you
g row.
ing old
W h .0
wins in
the race
of life?
Is it the
m a n
who is
thin -
all the
An -athlete trains for every race.
A':man is as strong as his blood
and as old as his arteries. Make
your blood redder, your health
better by taking that old fash-
ipned blood tonic—sold fifty years
ago and still "good as gold"•-
namely,•Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. Sold by all druggists,
=or send 1.0c. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y.., -for a trial.
CBATRAM, ONx.—" For many years I
.suffered with stomach trouble, and I
tried many remedies, but they seemed to
'be a failure --T ,seemedto be getting.
worse instead f be tor. Ongday I came
unto possession of a bottle of Dr. Pierce's
'olden Medical Discoyery,and took Lt,.
and my Steliitaili trtiublErseented com-
pletely cured. I have great faith in this
medicine and hope any suffererthat
reads this will give,the `Discovery' a
trial. Onee tried, you will never be
without it."—C. Tads, JR., 28 Duke St,
Important Events Which --lava
Occurred During' the Week.
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put lute
Handy and Attractive Shape tor
the Readers ot Our Paper -+— A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment,
The Leafs broke even at Rochester
on INIouday,
U. S. tennis players fared poorly
at St. Cloud.
Hon. W. A. Charlton becomes a
Privy Councillor.
Brantford City Oouncil refuses to
enact daylight saving.
Detainion. Textile dividend was in-
creased to 12 per cent.
Berlin has paid the billion marks
n gold due to the Allies.
Young deer charges street car in
St, 'John, 1'.B., and has to be shot.
I,,ioyd George denies that threats
of compulsion were used to miners.
"Tom" Gibbons, heavyweight,
cored tris ninth consecutive knock.
Washington's 'must was unveiled
Monday in St. Paul's t.'athedrat
A tour -year-old boy was save,i
roar drowning in the river Don i1:
The request of Garfield's broth
or th:Q murderer's body will
Magistrate Hastiness, Dunnville, is
uinis Attorney -General Raney far
Hon. A. E. Arsenault appointed
udge of the Supreute Court in i', ane'•
dward Island.
R. (Clemens, Grand River 1t.ail'vtt;
employe,Ywa.s killed at Centreville b,,
freight train,
Plans are being made ter takin
()route parties to Fart Norman eta.
sok in 14 days.
Surprised by the Toroute pollee
ree youthful housebreakers junto
oto an attic window,
Laois Rlihu Ctralt, aged- 13. Was
ound dead hanging ere u a beam in
barn at Leamington.
Commissioners are arriving in To -
onto for the General Assembly of
e Presbyterian Church.
The Epsom Derby was run In Bug -
land to -day.
Buffalo defeated the Leafs Tues-
day by3to1.
The Scottish soccer team beat 0t-
Wit'by '7 to 0.
First big maekerel catch of year
is landed at Boston.
Emerson. Biggar, well-known pub -
!clot, dies in Toronto..
Cambridge University confers de-
gree on Admiral Sims.
Stamford township's new water-
works system completed,
Henry Ford has turned out bis
five millionth automobile.
Ontario Medical Association opens
convention at Niagara Falls.
David Duvall, aged 84, commits
suicide at aforrisburg station.
The third trial against German
wax criminals is under way.•
?reparations are being made for
tapening of Ulster Parliament.
-Miss Ada MacKenzie is stillin the
running for the British golf title.
-A well-known Toronto ratan dies
and is buried at sea on a holiday
trip,' "
The Attorney -(=-'neral decides to
exehlde'reporters from Garfield exe-
The Loudon Methodist Conference
Stationing Committee approves of
ive.-year term.
The second day of the Consump-
tives' Fund, canvass finds subscrip-
tions rolling in.
There has been a record rush to
register agreements before the new
tax comes into force.
A new movement has been in-
augurated td keep Toronto boys
from becoming gangsters.
4 large number of job printers,
pressmeu and bookbinders of Tor-
onto struck at midnight.
J. P. Watson has succeeded Sir
Henry Pellatt as president of the
Mining Corporation of Canada.
An inquest has been ordered in
Toronto:-ilto the death of a woman
who is said to have shunned doctors.
David Duvall, 84 years of age, an
old resident of Morrisburg, deliber-
ately placed his head over the rail
between ;„the wheels of the way
Freight at,the station and severed his
head from -his body.
Bull*alo beat the Leafs on 'Wednes-
day. 4..,to 3.
Mote•than 100 are killed in Okla-
homa race war. ,
Milton., district expects bu,tuper
crop of gtrawberraes.
Contanittee of Nations League dis-
cusses changes to covenant.
Humorist won the Epsom Derby,
run in ;:England on Wednesday. •
NBw''York gained on Pittsburg in
the'`Nffional Baseball League race.
The Baltimore Internationals won
their fourteenth straight game.,
Bavaria'Irs warned she must dis-
arm or be subject to penalties.
The Retail Druggists Association
to ask lowering -of tax on alcohol.
Census enumerators find it difficult
to get •women to tell their ages.
Plumbers in Regina, Moose Jaw
and Saskatoon go on strike for $1 an
\lour. • : '
A Morin; a farmer at St. Francois
de Montm,agny, Oue., killed by light-
I -b. D. E.advocates the training
of immigrant girls for domestic
A woriznlan buriegt for five min-
utes is , rescued with difficulty at
New paper mill commenced for
.Provincial Paper mills, Ltd.,;'at Port . ;
Upited States, hap, cut out all but ,,:'
the, Nelf' York to 'Frisco alr''mail'
s:e'vicli r. •: l,..,..:, ,,. „ •
Provinc aJ conventio n of Indepen- : ;r
dlerils 'decides: to„:cash\ %Juiiie `9 '''Intie-
residence Day.”
it Thomas city laborers debarred
s G ollt on ;next page
... a Minutes
—to decide
the best
Our ingenious Edison
Turn -Table
brings together the four leading phonographs
in a scientific comparison.
It plays them all in the same room.
J --from the same position.
--using recordings by tile, same artist:.
It enables you ft decide for yourself
which is the hest phonograph.
Asir for our Edison Turn -Table ComparitroA
(given only on request),,
Sunday on town,— \Liss •I.;attrt Simpson
' of Guelph anent Seanday with her
\irs Herbert, who has be;n danger,:
ougly :l! fns a month with lle.'tr't trou-
ble is reported. to .be on the mend and
her chances for recovery are, satisfac—
tory.-airs. George I ewis has re-
turned home after sp.•nding a week 'n
T:;>nto at the Chosen Friends Con..
veat,?n, .she beg a d<l:egate from
this *,lace.—Miss \'l'i Smith of Ham
,Uon has :eturned home after spend..
arm a week a alt her parents here, —
Bert' Ho i,; ns of iaetrojt spent a
couple days with relatives here.-- A
number of men of this village are en-
gaged on the Highway. from Clande
dove Bid-
uita the Towa Line and London Townships. lshThis
road meets the highway trout Hamil-
tton to Sarnia this side of Denfield and
when completed will be an uo-to-date
road for all kinds of traffic.—Mr. W,
Hodgins and I•Iarvey Laughton of this
Place are building a. garage in. Strath --
roar, which will be completed in a
couple of months, when they will
move lo that town. lir: Laughton was
t^1emIamesLunMoor Sals.ThcrrClb
held a meeting in their hall last Friday
evening which was largely attended,
Speakers explained the silk worm bus-
iness thoroughly.--\fr, Roy Neil is.
agent for the silk worrn trees. He has
soli as much as ten acres, of trees;.te
some farmers, anc`i other smaller (jgan-
stit;es,— Tine crops in this vicinatya'a.,on
the average are in. excellent condition,
owing to the recent rains. The hay
yield will not be so heavy on account
of the ram .not coming earlier:—Mr. H
o ngersoll spent Saturday, June 18.
Ducats ,here.
George and wife f I
The late Wm. H. Eagleson died at
.1i.s brine on the 20th Con. of Mc -
G Piv»ay, rnti \lay 1'8, in his 75th year,
He t;a, stricken with paralysis while
workLn ;in the Mable about three
5teeks ago, He was bort :n Ireland
,std te•hen a young man came to Can-
ada and settled :al Stephen Totsnshio
with his brother Wilson. Later lie'
in:tied to McGillivray and spent. the
greater part of ills life :n that town-
sh n, ile s survived lay his wife, one
daughter. Mrs. Arthur Wickert of
Dashwood and four sons, Joseph,
William and James of McGillivray and
I -Jen ot Stephen. Ti. funeral which,
largely rgely at?tended .was held on
Tuesday to Grand_I3end crn
e, tery,
•lt'ss Janet Meikle of Inwood is vis-
iting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs'.?2. Wilson. --Mr, and airs. Gordon 1:1.
eas spent the week end in London.—
tor. and Mrs, .Lawrence Po11"oek and
'dr. and Mrs, N. Mel11n and Arthur
motored to Kerwood ,for over Sunday
—The enfant daughter .of Mr. and Mrs
Ed. Bullock has been very 1.11.—airs,A, 'f, Wilson attended the Branch
meeting of the W. M. S. held in Lis-
tolvel.—alr, Selborne English and Miss
Olive McIntosh motored over from Pt:
Huron last week.—The ,Union sS. S.
'picnic wall be held at Grand Bend
If the Way Is Long or,
the Time Short
if it
to our ot&
Ile o °i e 1 .1!tort a a' '•
• vott.tircoral
ow*e r< irelnk)
EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager.
Incorporated in 185$
Over 130 Branehea
The Maisons Bank wants every farmer to feel
that he has a real friend in the manager, that he
will. receive a hearty welcome and can safely discuss '
with hien his money needs.
Safety Dep
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Branch open for business `daily.
Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch.
London, Ontario
Summer School
firts and Sciences
July 4th to August 12th
For Information and Calendar write
K. P. R. NEVILLE, • Regisirar
n iNRo4
tbe ntifies
the cornnuinity
Homes and buildings roofed with Brantford Asphalt: Slates lend distinction
to the neighborhood. • The redand green slates are in ;Nature's own
unfadeable, and harmonize perfectly with the surroundings. You will add attract-
iveness and value to your home by using
1—HUTUA! COSTS OF MATERI S—Branctord AsphaltSlates
are "sometimes higher in initial cwt for the material.
1—NAILS REQUIRED --Brantford Asphalt Slates require ONLY
MA nails to lay a square. Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates regtsirf
ONLY 450 nails.
2 -COST OF LATINO—Brantford Asphalt Slab States, are four
on one ,trip—require only ono operation In handling. *tie oper-
ation in •pacing—Individudt slates ars Ba12tn,liea—C„t
easily, fit easily, fit on angles and band over round surfacer.
You save 30 to 50 per cent. in laying.
ford Asphalt Slates is in nature's permanent colors, green and
red, unfadeable, always attractive—requiring no 'stain to pro-
duce artistic effects, no liquid Coate to make them fire=resistant.
5•—SAVING of INSIIRANCE—Brantrdrd” Asphalt State. are
Classed as non-combustible by tiro insatiate, Companbs—a
direct laving of hoot 10 to 20 per cent. on premiums Is.,effected.
In certain localities fire regulations demand' as istes paper
Under some reof materials, Out Brantford 'Asphalt 6 ete@'are.
arvresisfaat and are in sntune from special regulatiame..:
A—COST OF REPAIRS -From' the ds th'ejyh'sre Lid Briun(fof,5
**Phan Slate roof show almost. fig
root Untouched.. Brantford Asph "it"BIates do'n curs, split.
track or rot. Complete ptotecdoa rind spar psQectt
aro; buUt.lato Brantford Asphalt Slate lteoi
Asphalt Slates
Roofing with. Brantford Asphalt Slates, individual, slab,
(four in one) or Winthrop tapered, provide a- roof covering that
lasts for years without repairs or renewals.
Highest quality felt, best grades of asphalt for saturation.
and coating, and the encrusting of the upper surface with elate--
every operation and all materials conform to. Brantford Rooting.
Put the Best Roofing on YOUR HOME.
Distributed under Brantford Roofing Trade Marksthrough
Brantford,, Roofing Dealers. Stock carried, information furn-
ished, service rendered by our dealer in your district.
Bran Rko'ofi Com.
Head Officie a yf
nct ` `a,c oe-rat $lraintfoard Clan.'
lR NtDBr at# y, r b.
;c TAyrbntd;: Meiati'eyal, aAlita:,- Wtnnip'*s w 1
For Saleb o
y Ross TaylorLtd.