HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-09-29, Page 4PAGE,4r—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1977
`0, IANI Nrry
The County Town Newspaper of Huron
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Second class mail registration number — 0716
Well spoken
Mayor Deb Shewfelt certainly knows
where to place a few choice words at just
the right time. When a London Free Press
reporter asked the mayor for his im-
pressions of what Darcy McKeough's
speech meant locally, Mayor Shewfelt said
emphatically that it could result. in a hefty
increase in taxes in Goderich in 1978.
On Tuesday in Goderich, • many people
including town councillors were mulling
over in their minds the prospects of a
"shocking" tax increase. A few people
became downright angry. But for the most
part, there was a growing determination in
many quarters to prove the mayor wrong
and to make certain that the tax hills ip
Goderich did not take a monstrous jump in
the new year.
Another link
Regular Signal -Star readers will be
delighted to see another area of news
coverage beginning last week. That is the
monthly report from the Board of
Governors of Alexandra ,Marine and
Whether the mayor planned it or not, his
tactics, brought about a desirable effect on
citizens. Suddenly everyone felt the
seriousness of the vehole thing, and
v illingly readied themselves for some
severe belt tightening. Apd that after all,
was. what Darcy McKeough's visit was all
about -Voluntary restraint. Mayor Shewfelt
only dealt the crucial blow that may have
awakened taxpayers from their apathetic
Now let's look toward the boric get
meetings with a positive • attitude. Let's
really begin to pare down the side dishes
and as Mayor Shewfelt says, "Get down to
the meat and potatoes." Let's try to make
next year's tax hills pallatable to just
about everyone.—SJK
news to be released.lt isdifficult for
someone writing news about personal in-
volvements to always remain objective_
Many hospitals in Huron operate dif-
ferently_and-the press is welcomed at board
General_Hospizal. meetings nn a r lilac osis_ Per,.laa}as at
This report, it must be pointed out, is not some future date, the board at AM&G will
provided in he regular way. That is,
Signal -Star reporters do not sit in hospital
board meetings because that privilege is
not possible under the present regulations
governing the board. The report is sent in to
the Signal -Star by Administrator J.W.
Banks who actually compiles the highlights
of the meeting into a story for the
Quite naturally, the Signal -Star editorial
staff does not see this as the ideal way to
get news for the paper. There is always a
tendancy in such cases, for only the positive
amend its procedures bylaw in favor of
open meetings.
In the meantime, the Signal -Star is in-
deed grateful for the efforts of the hospital
administrator and the board members to
provide the citizens of Goderich and area
with regular reports of the happenings at
hoard meetings. This kind of co-operation
is another link. It is what makes a weekly
newspaper invaluable to the men and
women who live in the community served
by both the newspaper and the
The tax puzzle
The debate in county council on the new
property tax proposals gave new insight
into the kind of people who are farmers. It
has long been known that farmers are
fiercely independent and hardworking, but
it was most evident at last Thursday's
meeting that farmers in Huron County are
also intensely proud individuals who want
nothing more than tg stand - -or fall - on
their own resources.
It was a young Stanley Township farmer,
Paul Steckle, who seemed to speak for the
farmers of the county at the September
session of county council. Steckle said in no
uncertain terms that he doesn't want
someone paying his taxes for him... and he
doesn't think other farmers • want that
either. What farmers do want, Steckle
insisted, was a fair return on their in-
vestment and a fair price for their farm
"Then we can pay our taxes," asserted
The main argument put forth by Steckle,
and by fait•nersin general for years now, is
that farmland should not he taxed to pay
for such things as education. libraries,
health services, social welfare etc. These
are people services, farmers say. and
should be paid for by people. On the other
hand, farmland should pay a share for
roads since roads are vitally important to
get supplies to the land and produce from
the land.
Farmers in Huron County believe that
the 50 per cent rebate farmers now get on
their property taxes is a kind of admission
by government that things haven't been
done as fairly as they should have been in
the past. Many farmers are anxious for
some tax reform to he approved which
would allow them to pay taxes at the
regular rate on their homes and the land
immediately around their homes to pay for
the people services, in much the same
manner as urban dwellers are taxed. It is
the matter of how to tax the remainder of
the land and buildings on the farm which is
causing the argument.
The Blair Report recommends that taxes
on land and farm buildings by paid 100 per
cent by the province. It is clear that as long
as the land remains in use for agricultural
purposes, the tax money paid by the
government on behalf of the farmer will he
forgivable after 10 years. If, however, the
land is sold to a developer for other than
agricultural use, the tax money paid on the
farmer's behalf will have to be returned to
.government by the farmer when the deal is
- cttosed.
The Huron County executive committee
has suggested that farmers should have the
right to pay the entire tax hill on their
property if they so desire, There is••also a
strong recommendation that farmers
should pay at least 10 per cent of the taxes
on their farirlland and buildings so farmers
can retain some of the say about what will
happen in regard to their farming
operation. The fear among farmers is that
once the government pays the taxes on the
land, the government will have the say
about the land.
It may well be that farmers will end up
paying as much.: or more - than at present
in property taxes if proposed tax reform is
introduced. Once farm homes and the land
surrounding them are assessed at market
value, many farmers maybe surprised at`
the hill. It has been estimasted that taxes on
a 100 -acre farm in Huron County run at an
average of 5$700 now. 1f the farmer gets 50
per cent of that in rebate under the present
oystem, a $350 tax'hill remains. If today's
modern farm homes were assessed
separately, it is indeed possible many tax
hills would still he $350 under a new system.
One nagging worry remains for
everyone,. If the farmer isn't paying total
tax hill, who picks up the slack? Where
dots the. government get the money to
reimburse the farmer 50 per cent under the
current system or to pay his taxes on
farmland and farm buildings under the new
There are many explanations about how
this will he managed but todate, there has
been no official statement from govern-
ment about it.
And that's where
Padl Steckle's terse
solution seems most acceptable at first
glance Give farmers what they need for
their farm produce, and farriers will pay
their own way.
But wait. If farmers get more for their
wheat, their corn, their milk, their
eggs what will happen to consumer
Kites? Who will he paying the lion's share
Maybe Paul Steckle is right. Maybe the
money should come from the consumer. the
user, the people. Maybe Canadians should
he paying more for their food. Mayby in the
long run, that would balance the scale a
little more.
Or would it? W.ruld everything get out of
whack then?
There's the problem tax reformers
wrestle with. Any way you cut. it, it is a
mammoth puzzle and no solution will he a
happy one for everybody, —SJK
Garbage to some
By Jeff Sedd
Garbage is really in the
news right now. Last week,
the front page had two stories
about garbage - one con-
cerning a garbage heap that
grow Lag- on the bank of the
Maitland River at the end of
Anglesea St. East and one
concerning the cost of
dumping garbage at the
Holmesville land fill site
owned by George Lavis of
A third story was witten for
last week, but was crowded
out until this week. That story
concerned a meeting at town
hall to look at some of the
alternatives to the present
system of garbage pickup in
Goderich. Currently C and W
Sanitation is doing the job.
Last year it cost the town in
excess of $70,000 for this jobs
This fall, C and W requested a
seven per cent increase per
annum for a new three year
contract which hasn't been
negotiated as yet. Right now,
C and W is picking up gar-
bage at last year's price plus
$1,000 extra per month ,., but
that will only continue until
the, end of December this
year. Some definite answers
will have to, he found by town
councillors regarding gar-
bage before the end of 1977
Truly, garbage is big
I would suspect the Keller
household is about average
when it comes to garbage. We
seem to have lots of it and 1
must admit much of our
garbage is disposed of
without much care and at-
tention to saving space, We
leave that to the big com-
pacter which cruises our
street once a week.
Just this week, I have been
giving some thought to
exactly what has 4iappened
regarding garbage in _the
past 20 years or so at the
Keller household. The more I
thought about it, the more I
realized our situation was
probably not unlike the
situation in any household.
Twenty years ago.
g,ael3e-ge- *asn''t-e prerbienrfor
us. We had a big cook stove in
the kitchen which ate up all
the waste paper and the bits
of garbage that could easily
he consumed by fire. Not only
did it rid us of garbage, it
helped to keep us warm and
to cook our meals. We didn't
think much about it at the
time, .but r guess in a sense it
was recycling in its simplest
The remaining garbage
went into a makeshift in-
cinerator or onto two dif-
ferent heaps behind the
hogse. Everyone had these
garbage disposals in our
neighbourhood. The in-
cinerator was for garbage in
the summer. There was the
heap for tin cans and bottles
and such. There was the heap
for ashes from the big cook
stove, the incinerator and the
other "wet" garbage that
wouldn't burn - such as corn
buskins and potato peelings
and leftovers from the table.
Sure these all attracted
flies especially the heaps. But
the heaps were usually
cleaned up before the really
hot weather arrived. and
kept to a minimum during the
hot weather: In the cold
weather, there was not much
of an odor problem and when
the snow came, it covered the
heaps entirely making them
hare less and invisible.
Where were the heaps
taken when they were
cleaned up? Why to the
municipal dump, if you lived
in a spot where you had no
other dumping place. Far-
mers often took their refuse
to some obscure corner of the
farm where they had their
own private dumping
The Dominion Government
has sent to each of the
Collegiate institutes
throughout Canada a box
containing the different
weights and measures of the
Metric System, a chart of the
weights and measures, with
full explanation of the same.
On Friday a peddler named
Moore was brought before the
police magistrate charged by
Constable Gundry with
peddling without a license. He
was found guilty and
remanded till Monday for
sentence and a fine of $I0 and
costs was imposed.
Reports come down the
river that big hauls of bass
have been made at "The
And there wasn't near the landscapes to be kept free of clean environment, or
garbage then either. or so it litter and smoke. they titre? Are the
seems. Canned foods were They call it progress .. and I garb,tg' disposal
luxury items; many things suppose it is.• But sometimes, inadequate or $neon
were purchased -in bulkand like right now when one making it easier to
left little or .no garbage realizes all the problems garbage to a local
behind them; everyone had a garbage disposal can cause in dump it rather thanto
•gar*'n--where mtteh--ttf-the--- one sinal -1 town -like G rich, piekt•d tient the d
"wet" garbage was.thrown to it really is debatable whether Holmesville location
rot and get worked into the progress is worth the price, away? Ti often lock
soil. I also wonder if we aren't public? Are there
reverting in many, nyany prtifylems?
} + ways to the past when things And •s hat abou
were simpler and cheaper, prospect of the nun
Just going over the foregoing We do'n't have cook stoves in getting into the g
paragraphs, it is easy to see our kitchens, perhaps, but disposal business?
what has happened. more and more firep xe6'es ;;mahout the people of
The big cook stove a and ornament .hl stoves are buying equipment an
natural garbage burner - is turning up in homes which staff.) Ha'.en't wed
gone. So are the homemade may already be garbage how (t - can oscala
trash incinerators in the back eaters and miniature gover•nnient of anyle
yard where • garbage recycling plants to conserve over ,crsices n
smouldered away sometimes energy. provided by
for a whole day before finally The picture on last week- s husine,k:'
going out. The garbage heaps editorial page of the garbage There are manyt
aren't there anymore either. heap at the end of Anglesea yet to he inwwered
There aren't many gardens Street East is proof that garbage .i.n Grtder
and most that are there are people are ignoring the en- citizen, h re are sell
fertilized by commercial vironmental rules and to became arquain
products. Do you have a bypassing the municipal the pruhlems and
compost heap? garbage disposal methods, •thinking a
Why? Do people really not possible altr•rnatiees
understand the need for a properiintisuers.
And what's more, a trip to
the grocery store creates a
mound of garbage. Most
families buy all their food,
and parctically everything
that is purchased is packaged
in layers of cardboard and
cellophane or in disposable
plastic, tin or glass. We don't
buy rr.uch in bulk anymore, so
instead of one container we
have several to get rid of.
And we have lots of new
things to . dispose of... like
disposable diapers and paper
handkerchiefs and spray cans
and milk cartons and plastic
meat trays and ,throw -away
soft drink cans. The list is
We have to he.careful how
we dispose of them, too, The
government sees to that
because we. the people, want
our air and our water clean
and fresh; we want our roads
and Our streets attractive;
and we want our natural
as ri
nt a;
f roan
Got a beef?
Let's hear from YO
Rocks" and "The Black
Hole" and if the reports are
true a few men should he
forted to interview the police
magistrate for it is against
the law to hag four or five
dozen at a fishing.
A sand and gravel bar, at
least 60 feet wide and in some
places 75 feet, has completely
shut off the mouth of the
Maitland River so that no
water passes directly from
the river mouth into the lake.
This wash-in of gravel from
the lake bottom by westerly
winds has been going on for
about two weeks now until the
gravity of the situation
resulted '" in a special
deputation. examining the'
river mouth.
Stating it is their intention
to erect a drive-in theatre on
the site, George Bowra and D.
M. Graham have offered the
town $1,000 for the old rifle
range property.
Twelve building permits
since the last meeting
totalling $21,075 were granted
at a meeting of the town
council on Friday night last.
Thirty-nine new Canadians
have registered for the basic
English course taught by
Miss Margaret Mason at the
G.D.0 i• evening classes.
The Goderich Municipal
Police Department is in-
vestigating the theft of
jewelry valued at $750 which
was stolen from Shore Gifts
on The Square late Monday.
The jewelry was taken by
thieves who smashed the
front window. Police say that
three diamond wedding rings
and three matching
engagement rings were taken
from the display case at
about 11:45 p.m.
Goderich Municipal Police
Chief Fred Minshall an-
nounced following a police
'commission meeting on
Tuesday evening that the
local force has hired Thomas
A, Jarczak as a probationary
constable to replace con-
stable Mel Greig who
recently left the force.
Evelyn Carroll, a member
of the Royal Canadian, Legion
Ladies Auxiliary, 13xainch 109
and zone Comma
elected last week.,
proviniilll cxccufive
RCI. Ladies Atoolia
the new Honnrarli
for Ontario.
Just a
Bea O
Blood Do