HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-2, Page 8EXETER ADYUG .TE, TaintaBEY. ITUNE a, 1821 Exeter Markets CH \NGED EVERY WEDNESDAY fiarley ,` " 35 too 55 Vamile Flour ,.5.30 Feed Flour 2.10 5.'...,.,. .j, 1.60 Brame ....... ..,3.60 L emery Butter 32 leery Butter 24 to 27 22 Eggs Hper ?tom ,...,.,,. „_... 3:I5 to $ib liege .e. 8,00 Local Doings Miss Beatrice Howey still continues quite el, but 3s slowly improving, 1Mr, A. Hast;,ngs is see confined to his :Fume, and slowly improving. Mr, Johan Jahns is at present con- fieed to his bed through illness. Mrs. Samuel, Smith es still quite 11 but is showing signs of improvement, The June session of the Heron County Couaaci' will open at. Goderich on Tuesday, June 7th. weather hiss Rowe resumed her teaching \ e. onve had ,real warm duties in the Primary Room on Wed- �. s week, and et with the rains of nesesy, after being pff six weeks ow= frit week, .s making everything grow ing to illness, •saredly. Big crowds are attending, the various league baseball games in the district. League baseball is a money making game, as well as,,good fun. There is a prosneet of oil being found on the farm of Mr. l,1, deem in the Exeter Opera Rouse on Wed- Routley London Road South, wind nesday, June 15th by the Chisel expert-> are to be engaged to go hurst Dramatic Club. under the aus- we The proz erty. pities of the Stephen and Vsborne Mrs. Thames Josses, who has been Junior Farmers' Aesoeiation, Fur- dangereus1y- ?Ii suffering from a cev tiler notlee next weep. ere e tack of erysipelas, is naw ;how- 'atg stns of improvement, elthough she NOTICE TO WATER USERS. 's are yet out of danger. COMING That fareial play "The Yoeug Country Seiieol Nairn" will be given. The London :Methodist Conference Please take settee that your water nerrieteri sessions commenced on eerviee was installd for your owe Wednesday menthe at Askin Street nse and not your neighbor, Custom- Chu:ch. London, The general ses.- ers ueing water other titan epeeiaed stens open on Thursday afternoon, will be charged aecordieglY• Mr. Jas G. Walker, son of `tr. and PUBLIC 'UTILITIES Colt firs, Wil«Tlitow +�i?ag n u?pledliam atponaler havof;;ng successfn,.sultote tv eacsed les examinee= at the end PIGS FOR SALE.--E=gh 6 -Weeks „f his first 3etr in the Dental College old pigs. A ply to Thos. Rawcliffe, Toronto. London Roar! South. . lair and Mrs'. Wellington Nei!, Kirk - ore announce the e agement of their INSTITUTE. r ti A I, daughter. Le ere U -LE c.augh.e.. L, -ilia .lily. to ,lir. James .,hiss Part. Government spear, will Turnbull, son, marriage to tate place of \tree Alex; Turnbull L . cldress• the iiurord:•le le.omart's In- of e; islshor'ne, e in. June. Mute at the Ss heel House, June 9tb, es 3 p.m,. ;an the eubeeet of "Horne Felice Constable Roy Brammer and leensing and F%, s. '`d," Ali ladies are Frei tila.so•a of Londoe have been sent we corse, up for teal for wrongful seizure of is , liquor from Wm. "McCaffrey of Bid - Andrew I-1,clts, M.PP 'will give an du3nh, and `eco for •aecentang $150 in ,,rte ess a: the Regsa z. :tact^,;aa o: cash and a $:50 cheque es hush stoney arae `'.'earrear Reed esb on 'Monday ;evre.•tiaap, June an.h• :reel, London. =toupee the engage - 11r red Mrs. C. Hceig pas, Ins R!dout RECRUITS WANTED anent of their daughter, Edith 11ar'on, o Mr, 1. Herold Iluplan of Londo1, For Huron Brea on •+h . Ea gos:.;,n- s sn of Mr. and Bate: Mrs, C. FI. Du - 4e tamp at London oe June 9th. plan of Ilderton, the marriage to take Apply to W. 3. HEAJIAN. place in June. Normaa Garfield, convicted of mur- STRAY SOW. escaped from Woodstock jail, on. There strayed from premises of Wr,ereneeday afternoon, but was cap - ns thethe undersigned, Lot 15, Cion. 13, Us °u;ed on Friday near Georgetown. The jailer and turnkey have: been suspend - borne, a big black sane. Information. ,,M. although Garfield claims they that will lead to ichor rows-ry will be were at at fault. rewarded. :'`RCH 1E McCU1tDY not irhone34-14 ikirkton Owing to the absence of the Rev. --- G. McAlister at Conference in London WANTED a local representative at next Sunday, the 5th inst., the ser - £.rete: to represent "The Old Relia- vices in, :twin St. .Mtethodist Church "b1e Fonthill Nurseries", and cover sur- will be taken charge of by W . rounding territory, A splendid open- Johnston. The subject in the morn- ing for a reliable man. Exclusive tee, -:nee will be "The Winsome Jewish eetory,— STONE & WELLINGTOMaiden who became a Gracious Queen Toronto, Ontario. A:nd Zn the 'evening "The Unanswer- L R. Carling, B.A emote: Solicitor. Notary Public Commissioner, Solj'citor ,for the Moi soots. Bank, Etc, INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory., Domtseen of Canada, Pro- vincial anti Municipal Blonds,, all legal: eivestntent for Trust Feeds. At elating prices, fret* 6 Derr cent to 7 per event, can be obtained frorn these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest Office -.Carling Bk., M , St., Exeter able Argument." CARS FOR HIRE—Phone 56, C. L, 1Many, members of the Canadian WILSON. 0 Weekly Newspaper Associa.ion of WHITE W YANDOTTE EGGS. Limiter] number of Wis. Wyandotte Eggs for setting, Martin straian, • Thor- oughb-eds. —G, 1-Iyndman, Exeter. PLOWING DONE. Having purchased a tractor outfit I am prepared to accept contracts for pie-Nino—E. B. Mitchell, Centralia. HOTEL FOR SALE.. First-class Hotel, situated at Dash- wood on the main road between Ex- eter and Grand Bend. Buildings allin ,first-class shape, witch good stabling accommodation. Gocd reasons for sell ng Will be sold very reasonably. For particiars apply to Wrn. Zimmer, Dashw ood. NEW VIILIG ROUTE. I wish to announce to the citizens of Exeter that I commenced a milk route here on Monday, April 4th, and trust you will favor me. with your pat- ronage, SAM. ELLIOTT. TRUCK FOR SERVICE. I have a truck for service. Phone 115, Exeter. S. J. V. CANN. VIOLIN LESSONS taught .by Mrs. E. J Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to F The ,girl can no longer look forward to the: time when ,she can put ors long skier's. Nobody wears em now, and more thee a J• the romance has gone out of the girl's ,life. The boy, how- evese .may still anticipate the time when he dons the long pants. A school boy was required. to write 200 words about a motor car. He sub- mitted the fo lowing : My uncle bought a motor car. He was out rid- ing re the country when. it busted go- ng up a. hill, The •other 180 words are what rmy uncle said when he was walk -s g back to town but I know you wouldn't want meets repeat there; The attention of fa-rriers is. drawn to the article on another page, gig tg the list of questions that they will be ,-ectulred to answer when the cen- sus takes call ors them during • the next three •weeks, It will be of great advantage to the commissioner and ease to the farmer if the latter has his • .forntation at hand' When the com- missioner cads. The lilt of questions I; a toam:dable one, end all must be answered truthfully. We print this list on. purpose Ito assist both parties end we hope the farmer well take ad - ventage of the ,fact .that it is before Wen ;e.,rly. Siamese an editor should, just for once, relieve his mind by printing all he news he happened to k tow at hat minute,. Options would be h.otvn up, citizens arrested, fam- �e:ye disrupted, fights fought cat! ea ry secret corner, candidates e- ee:a Wig, minsters leaving for di:; tarn parts, lawyers taking long vas - cations, business men turning things over to their clerks. for a. season. heed girls huneitg for new jobs, and •e et down a lone, list a castnalttea --and the editor would be• so mussed un that his corpse couldn't be iden- tified by anis owua, family. A.. news- naoer man doesn't know everything, but his work is such that he. hears a lot that common sense, common, de- cency and common prudence keen out Qf the pater,-- Cornwall Free- holder. FIRST STRAWBERRY, On Monday e of to noon May 30, Mr. W. H. Dearing showed us the first time strawberry we have seen this season, It was a nice ripe peed nen.. This is surely early. HICKS—PRESS. A. former Exeter boy, George E. Hicks, grandson of Mrs. John San - Eastern Canada leave today to attend dors of Stephen, was married in Tor - the convention in Vancouver, par l onto on May 21st, to Miss Alice Preas Mal train of ten cars carries the party of that city; formerly, of Thornbury, west. Many stops will be made along elle ceremony took place in All she route. They leave'Toronto Jr .Sts June 2nd and return onJune 2 `n t S n pts church, and was performed by . 1 M J.M. Southcott left VJednes i Rev; Murphy. The young couple were bury ;they will reside in , A rink of bowlers is attending 1 'l! have 'the best wishes of the many \xintee Cup games in London this friends of the groom here, Mr. Hicks day Mrs. Toronto to take in the trip. unattended. After a trip to Thorn - 1 'd Toronto and the w i week.- This cup is ,now held by lei `mss a returned boy, -- G. Seldores rink, ;and has been won EXETER Y,P.C,?l WINS twice by his rank. Next V4 edn_sday .he Scotch Double players go to FIRST LEAGUE GAME. Seaforth to try for the Mernpr 'cup, which 5s now held by Heaman and The first aame•of the Junior League Creech and has been won twice by .n Baseball took place on' the Exeter Them, A third win. in either case diamond on :Monday night, between will land the ;trophy for keens. : Clinton and Exeter teams, resulting in The ,first meeting . pf the Huron , faro= of Exeter bey a score of 6 to5. l l� ane rrun¢ugs as1ere played, and -at the Trustee and Ratepayer's Association and of the eighth Clinton was two up. will be held in the Temperance Hall,+but Exeter made g rally in the last Goderich, on Wednesday, June 8th, frame rand scored the two runs ne- at 2 p. •m. The Association has for `essary 'to win, .the game. Major Hea- itsabject the ,improvement ,of our • man umpired. The locals ' have a MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The. Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3 o'clock :.n the ,afternoaru of Tu•e.sday the 7th day of June, 1924. All ac- counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Mon:dav preceding the meeting of the Council G. W. Holman, County Clerk Ceder -eh, May 20th, 1921. HIGH INVESTMENT YIELDS NOW AVAILABLE • Dominion of Canada Victory Bonds Province of Ontario Bonds. City of Toronto and other bonds. ERNEST. ELLIOT Office Elliot Building Exeter Educetnonal System and finding aux th•e wants of the community in. Edu- cational ;tatters. Every one interest- ed• shauld make ,it a point to attend this meeting. An excellent program will be provided. Y. P. C. A To -night is lades' might, Trivitt Memorial Church 11 7 sem.— Rev A. A. 'Tramper, Rector, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CRURCH Revs James Foote, 13. A., Minister Regular services next Sabbath at 11 axe and. 7 p.m. The Minister. JAMES ST. MritHODIST CHURCH Pastor,M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 a,m.—"Song Service," by Prof. Anderton. 7 pan,, Rev. Wilson or one of the Conference ministers will h TURNING MILL MAIN'.ST 'METHODIST CHURC All kinds of • Turning Saws, Etc:, done on sh, ortest Gunotticemming. Rev, Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 210 FOR SALE. Massey -Harris 'Cream Separator,' 500'11 lbs:tscapacity, nearly new.' • .,3 APPLE .BUTTER AND BOILED Cities, first-class equality, INDIAN PONY FOR SALE, 4 yrs:; rrld. n S'. J:' V. ,CANN, Phone 115 2 :.m•r-Mr. W. Ji. Johnston. ;sand. 13ib e p.trt.`�-�atsttiiay :Schoo�1 1 Classes.' W. H. Johnston. ETHANY .30 pins—Mr; W. H. Johnston. H strong battery at Harness and Pin- combe Harness pitched a fine game fanning some eighiean players. The Clinton boys are a. snappy bunch of players and They w.11 be heard from yet. The batting order ,of the locals ways,—Pollen rf., EalkwLl isi b., Thom son 2, b., Pincombe c;., Harness p., Wolf ss.., Laws•ort c.f., ,Statham ) f., Rivers 3rd b. --- Mrs. Mathews of Toronito is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred May. Mrs. Fear of Walkerv:ll•e is visiting her daughter Mrs. W. S. Howey. Mrs, Ferguson of Toronto 'is vis- iting her paretnts, .7?.r•. and Mrs, James Sweet, :. Mrs, C,. B:irh:ey land Mrs,. G, Easter - brook visited with Miss Annie Sanders in London on Friday. Mrs. Harry Qgden, with her h ttle daughie , of Stoughton, Sask., is vys- tting at the home of her father, Mr, John Gillespie,. Mr, an:d Mre Johln Hun.kin and Mr. and yrs. Syhnarms Caton and farrely spent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Homey of Kipwert Mrs McLellan returned ,on Monday from Gifford after attending the funeral :of her sen, Robert McLellan, brother of Mrs,. Nelson Sheerer Dr. George Seldon of Vancouver : is here in consultation. with Dr. Hyndmari regardeig She illnees .of hes niece, Miss Marjorie, ,Seldon, who continues ser- iously, ilL , M.rs, J Westlake, Mn and Mrs. Will Pas'smo a , cit iiidre.n, Mr. and Mrs. Fred`Parsons, Master Harold and Miss �W lis ii tel niiot'd. ed to Wyoming and spoiltline weak lend,withi the fo_rrer s J. West/aim, of that place, � wn e, >dr; aand 14Irs.: James ' ,Ir u b ' (nee E na Luxtionj of Geenfell, Sask., left en May 22 for, Montreal to spend' a few, flays with Mr. and Mrs. Bert • Luton,' before sailing, on ;the Scotland where they will ' spend,the summer., PHONE 32. JONES & MAY PHONE 32.. Special Values iu Summer Erdillise CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES. We ,have a splendid range of Chierren"a :Summer Wash Dresses for ages 3 to 14 years. Many of these are :n odd sizes :andd broken ranges at greatly reduced prices. LADIES HOUSE DRESSES AT $1.65. 3 dozen. Ladies' print house dresses, sizes 36 to 44, ie nice range: oleo). - ors, very special this month at $1,65 each, MIDDIES AT 31.75, Ladies' and :Misses' fine quality Ibe celebeated Admiral brand pllan white, also with colored trimmings, regularly up to $.2.50 each. Special June selling price only $1.75 each. WHITE WASH SKIRTS Ladies' and Misses' White Wash Skirts fn Tr enes :as►4 Gaberdines, full c: ngc of sizes, prices much lower than :est season. LADIES' GENUINE GLOVE Sale BLOOMERS AT 32,95, These Sbloomers are a real bargain. They are genuine glove sill:, in flesh colo' only, worth easily twice this price. Our sneetal June selling price only 32,95 air, GINGHAM'S AT 29C. YD. Hundreds of yards of fine gingbams :gin ehecl,;s and stripes on sale this laonth at 29c. yard., HAIR RIBBONS AT 20c. YD, Ribbons tare much cheaper. We can give you a nice quality of silkrib- bon 3 1-2 inch wide in popular colors just the thing for hair ribbons at 20c yard, CLEARING OF EMBROIDERIES AND INSER`1 IONS We have .placed,en sale two lots of ,rinse embroiderer and insertions— hundreds of yard s to choose from. Jany of these lines are less than hall - price. OUTING SHOES FOR SUMMER. La 'es' Il ltite oxfords, Pumps, Ties anti Strap Slippers, zn either l,ee:he; or rubber soles. Alsothe vee, laze't styles of Black, and Brown K t Slipners, all, at moderate prices. MEN'S OXFORDS AND RUBBER SOLE SHOES. White Oxfords or High Shoes fa- the warm weather. We keep a fine assortment, with either leather or azeelin soles. .Also high grade Brown and Blaek Oxfords. RUNNING SHOES FOR CHILDREN Brown or l,Vpite to suit everyone. Shoes or Slippers, Oxfords, Pumps, or strap styles. SPECIAL -25 pars Ladies' fine grey Oxfords regular $7.00, for 3498. THIS STORE WILL ,Bk, CLOSED EVLRY WEDNESDAY AFTER- NOON DURING JUNE JULY •AiD AUGUST. JONES & MAY Auto Licenses and Markers Issued in Exeter. These are now being issued in Ex- eter. We have them in. stock and can supply you at shortest notice. Have your application forms properly filled in. S. W. Simms Express Office, Exeter. R. N. ROWE FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License No. 210 Motor Hearse Service Phones 203 and 20W. WESTERN ONTARIO BEST COM- MERCIAL SCHOOL. CENTRAL S'I"RATFOR0,. O tell. Our winter terin commences Tues -- day, January 4th, and students may register in our Commercial, Short- hand or Telegraphy Departments at any time. Oar courses are thorough and practical, and we assist grad- uates to positions. Get our free Catalogue D. A. McLachlan PrincipaL Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas: Gould MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly cotfildential; no witness, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Fleet Foot Shoes DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John, St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr, Vining) Phone 26w If you ln,ve anything to sell or you want to buy, try The Advocate Want Column. For every member ,of the family. -Fleet .Foot Shoes have proved so ponular and. are an such wide demand that the styles have been multiplied. tto meet every ,summer need, These shoes are restful and comfortable and are just the thing for summer weer. Let: us show' youthe new styles :Billie Burke House Dresses °`' For porch, .house, or street wear, Thesedresses are made from good quality, !good -,gashing. ginghams, an.d come. ev very ,smart °styles, They art. priced arc `` i 34.50 35.00 . $7.50 20, Doz. Black Cotton Hose DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Lively Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or eight. Sizes -,834, 9, • 9'e t and 10. This' }ease •sold la!s't .season for 50C a pair.' Forquick' selling .we Dawe marker'theal atthe ,low p±'itce'per pair 25c . St o�ccstBros t h This Store will close every Wed, afternoon 'durirug. June, July, August. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr: A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S.,. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—over Gladman & Stsnbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONE1tR AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario. If you wattt to order a dai1Y Pape or magazine, or resew a present sub-' scrtption, delve your order at the ,Advocate Office. We save you paper,. envelope postaoe stamp and corn of money' order .and when clubbing a..14- tie ,l t -tie more besides. 'MONEY TO LOAM We have a large amount of private funnds to loan on farm and village property • at .low - rates of • llnterest. GLADMAN &' STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter e.