HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-2, Page 4The Exeter Advocate
Suvurs & Creech; Proprietors
Subscription Price—IA advance .$1.50
ever Year in Canada; $2.11► in the
iLh iteJ States, All subscriptions not
veldizt advance 5Qc. extra charged,
Mount Carmel
J its v. iabe, on Elie boundary 1''n of
Seephen and 1IcGilEvray Townsh ns in
Hu on Cooney, was the scene' Thurs-1
day of :hat impressive ceremony of the
Remat Catholic Church, the annual
eacbar se c congress of the clergy of
:'ice •diocese of London. Right Rev. Al -
:'F Fahoa, bishop of London, and more
.than fifty priests of the deocese oar-
Ser -pate?. The attendance reached
eu4h proportions that it became helper --
a. -1a to ceeebeate ` aeh mass °n the
chu eay rd, ;as ,he ciiurcli was ia ade-
qua-e to eccon2moelate the severalhun-
dxd woo were 'eetr cted to the spot.
ii•'S' ?,2 he'' eevereat ceenintioieentS knelt
foe ;he apostolic blessing the host was
ca r t l n solatnn process;on, oboist
the grounds,. T3neeucheri.stic congress ,s
a. fea.ure of the: year ;slid always takes
pace st one of the: smelter parisitee of •
the diecese.
Grand Bend
alr. and lies. Lighqoot of eSiisa
r•;s;,e,i at airs. Frank Aliister's
on the 24th.--llr, and .lire. Fairburn
Qi alta; th nsell vist.ed at Mr. Cyrue
Gree,tt'e.—The remains of airs. Samuel
Gratton of Lucan ware laid to rest
en, Grand Bend ceine >rry Saturday-.--
Qu.te a aiumber of cars are seen coin"
lig `o the Bend on Suriilays.--A long
rtiaded'ra..0 fell here on Sa.urday and
I., me:4og the Craps grow.
J. Lawson, has finished the
cement aloe: of the 1roe iiraige,--Ctrs
-Ezra .Brenner was 'taken Bel last Moo --
day iiu' she ?s itnnprvvai,
-raw Tltanws Ron~drool picntie will
ha .heed in James Ballantyne's woods
on F -.day, June 3rd. Everybody wet-
Gonne. Brno your baskets, A game
of baseball mill be piaaed in the af
terroon by the children, 'end in the
even^ng by the adults.
lir. Jack xnd -Diss Jessie Hodgert
°event Sunday at air. D \teKe1lar's,
CromarZy.—air. and Mrs. Robt, Dun -
°A. am
un-°A.an and Jean spent Sunday at Mr, Geo:
Coward's,—Mr. and Mrs. L. Cok{upon
and baba of Staifa, ;lir, and Mrs. E.
Parsons of Munroe, and Mrs. W. El
!Lett and family of Mitchell visited
Sunday at Mr, R. Scott's,—The regular
monthly meeting of th-e Farquhar Wo-
men's Institute. rrirdtbe held an. tlee Far-
quhar ,Hadi on Wednesday afternoon,
June: $ Government speaker, Miss Ruth
Piet, will address this meeting, on a
:selected subject. All ladies invited
Lunch will be. served,—Mr. and ;firs.
.Ed. Pollen of Exeter visited Sunday at
.the borne of the latter's. parents, Mr.
and ales. Thos. Hunksn•—Mumps are
still hanging around this vicinity.—Mr.
.and airs. Will Stone ,spent Sunday at
Mr, Bert Fletcher's,—Mr. and Mrs. W.
Pollen end Mr. ;and Mrs. A. Smale
spent Sunday at Mr. Ed Coward's.—
The Farquhar "Invincibles" have or-
ganized tine:: baseball team for the
•summer, with Caursey Brown, manager
John Bray, captain, and Milton Hods-
..er t, secretary-,t>(:asurer-
- With the average woman news con -
et tures three things—The social and
ger: call column; the births, deaths,
• and marriage notices; and the adver-
tisem : ^ :s.
Tea end coffee stains should be put
.at rare under th ecold crater tap, and
the well scalded and bleached.
Coal oil will remove the stain of
.mildew, scorch, persoirat:on, grease,
:cream, grass,,
l'elgualbet ha&
shall be Wivre&
Wee the Eiblical version of our
modern Baying: "Nothing suc-
ceeds like success." So it was
with Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y.,
who, over 30 years ago, gave to
the world a Prescription which
has never been equalled as a
tonic for the weaknesses of
women. Many women in every
hamlet, town or city will gladly
testify that Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription did them a world of
good. Ask your neighbor.
Another of this great physi-
cian's successful remedies is
known as Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and, like the
"Prescription," fs cow sold by
druggists everywhere, in both
liquid and table* This, medi-
cine wasa success; -from the
start, for the list off- men and
women all over the universe:
who have .successfully used It
for indigestion and as a Mood
tonic'and system builder, makes
an:amazing total of thousands.
important Events .Which Have
Occurred During the Week,
The Busy World's: Happenings Care.
fully Compiled and Put into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper A
Solid Hour's tenjoenteut.
Germany has offered to keep
tr4om gait of alienia.
Empire Day is in4r,. t
siig in zaror
as a holidafe in Britain.
Ali National Baseball League
games were postponed.
Osgoode Hail Law:School first and
second year results given.
The Toronto baseball team defeat-
ed Buffalo on i\ionday, 6 to 5,
U. S. golfers outshone the British-
ers on the first day at iloylake.
Twenty-three persons were killed
in the riots in Alexandria.
James AicLead, tor many years
editor of Almonte Gazette, is dead.
Albert Poulin, aged 19, Ottawa,
was drowned in Lake Deschenee.
C. W. V. A., Ontario commend, an-
nuat convention opens at ltrantford.
Star Voter won the Woodstock
Plata run at the Woodbine Monday,
The Brice of milk in Toronto is to
drop another cent a quart on June 1.
A Masonic .lodge is traveling 1,300
miles to return fraternal visit to
A little girl was killed and a eom-
Danson, injured when hit by an auto
in Toronto.
Sir Thomas White has been ap-
pointed arbitrator for the Toronto
Street Railway.
Dig Red Gross membership cam-
paign formally opened by the Gov-
Eiaipire Day celebrated by schools
and patriotic or ganizatioas through-
out the province.
Toronto school children parade be-
fore the Duke of Devonshire and de-
corate Victoria statue.
The Rouse of Commons sixes Mon-
day in week in which November 11
falls as Armistic Day.
Plans for the eatablishraent of a
United States naval base at San
Francisco is "held up in the Senate.
Britain is increasing her postal
The Scottish soccer team beat
Montreal, 6 to 2.
The Leafs divided the double-
header with Rochester.
Evans, Quimet and Guilford,11. S.
golf stars, were beaten.
The Riveraides O.A.L,A, seniors
defeated Beaches, 7 to 5.
The elections in Ulster were
marked by street fighting,
Richmond Hill Fair sets high re-
cord with big display of stock.
Premier Briand defends his pol-
icy in the. French Chamber.
Portugueae Liberal leaders have
fbrnned a new Government.
Berlin consents to close Silesian
frontier and forbid recruiting.
James Buck, electrician, was kill-
ed while at work near Fort Erie.
Mrs. Anne Stillman Is offered
$100,000 a year to be movie star.
Herendsey, King's Plate winner,
Won at the Woodbine on Tuesday.
Twenty-five thousand people at-
tend, races at Woodbine on the 24th.
• Biggest crowds ever out on May
24 in Toronto, and not a bad acci-
A veteran was found starving In.
bush near Woodbridge with memory
Woman in soldier's garb taken in;
party of alleged bandits captured at
United, States Inimigration Com-
mission wants repeal of tax on Cana-
dians 'entering country.
The' Royal Ontario Museum se-
cures oily known specimen of
unique•,species of dinosaur.
A driver of a milk van in Toronto
tells a ,sensational story of being
held ftp, int -put under arrest.
Nom :. Scotia Legislature votes
$5 00]3 annuity to Premier Murray
and r -increases indemnities and
Delegate Weinstein, Toronto, at
Laboriw=Educational Association con-
vention, Preston, wore twelve gar-
ments carrying the union label.
A number of people are reported
to have been killed or wounded dur-
ing fighting on Wednesday in the
port ione of Buenos Aires, when
union laborers attempted to prevent
non-union workers from unloading;
ships.. : -
Lack of rain threatens thecereal
croii re' Russia.
Dollard's Day instituted at St.
Boniface, Man.
Strike of steamship stewardea. is
prs,ctically ended.
"Babe" Ruth raised his home run
total to thirteen.
e. y. Dear. won the Toronto Cup
race,,at; Woodbine.
The Scottish soccer team arrived
in Toronto on Wednesday,
Auto . factories in Detroit are re-
ducing their staffs of workmen.
Bobby Jones, Atlanta, was beaten
in the British golf championships.
All National.' Baseball League
games were postponed Wednesday.
Premier 'Drury protests to Ottawa
against the -Lake of :the Woods bill
George -Hunter, St., Francis, N.B.,
was burned to death in a grass fire.
The Toronto baseball team defeat-.
ed Rochester on Wednesday, 3 to 2.
Former Debuty Minister of Labor
may return to.' Canada and resume
Sinn Fein burned the Dublin Cus-
toms 'house. Seven civilians were
henry W' Pierce, Kitley township,
falls off roller and dies of heart,
Oficial count of Ontario,• eeferene.
dual '; shows, :a dry majority 111
1.0d,l 36
Norrkianteasield awaitte hang
g hang
'Mg. foe murdeh,•brea'ks out or Wood
stock: jail.'
Moines R. Garscadden„ M.A., a
teaolteirefor fifty-one years, honored
by 'Galt .ipeople.
A Toronto jury finds death of Loot- p
bailer following injuries in a game 1SPRAYING �F PJTATOES 1
was accidental, 1
The. inhabitants of Trans-Jor-
denia, Asia elinor, have revolted
against Prince Zeld.
A bandsman with the Queen's Own
Ries of Toronto drops from parade
and dies on the street.
Unionists have swept electoral dis-
tricts in Ulster.
Rochester defeated the Leafs on
Thursday, 10 to 3,
The Scottish soccer team won at
Hamilton by 6 to 0,
Large oil seepage Uncovered 35
miles south of Calgary.
Presbyterian W. M. S. givings for
past year total $305,000.
Wm. Richardson, St, Cathariues'
Crimean veteran, is dead.
The Governor-General completes
his farewell visit to Toronto,
seaplane runs out of gasoline
while out over Lake Ontario.
No U. S. golfera remain in the
running for the British title.
Receipts for the Dempsey -Careen-
tier bout have reached $625,000.
The University of Toronto lacrosse
team beat Hobart College, 5 to 3.
Baltimore Orioles increased their
lead in the International League,
Lucky R. won the Connaught Cup
feature event at Woodbine Friday.
The first of Germany's war crine-
inals will serve 10 months in prison.
Towne of Nicola, B.C., mold to
Major O. S. Goldman, former British
Dairymen of the province form an
organization for better and more
The escape of Garfield results in
strict orders being issued to all
Admiral Siiva told a London aud-
ience that the U. 5. navy was over-
A new scale of wages for railroad
workers Is to be aanuounced oft Dom-
inion Day.
Walter Waddell, veteran of 2Sth
Battalion, iulssing from Port ,&rtnnr
since Saturday.
A record class of nurses graduate
from the General Hospital Training
Schaal, Toronto.
, Norway is in the throes of a gen-
oral strike,
France will take off restrictions on.
wheat August. 1.
Young grasahoppers have appear-
ed in Saskatchewan.
Cooper, of Pittsburg, won his
eighth straight game.
Baltimore won again on Friday.
The Leafs were idle.
Prank Fleming autpointed Freddy
Jacks in ten rounds.
Fire Chief John W. Graham, Ot-
tawa, dies in 54th year.
Henry Bugbie, Guelph, killed by
stove falling upon his head.
Fred Bennett, Hydro employdde in-
stantly killed at Stratford.
W. I. Hunter is the champion ama-
teur golfer of Great Britain.
Norman Garfield, escaped murder-
er, recaptured at Georgetown.
On account of the British strike
Iceland is now short o1 fuel.
Duke and Duchess of Deronehire
pay a farewell visit to Hamilton.
Frank Kane, of Jersey City, leads
the International League batsmen.
Sixteen Toronto units particii ate
in garrison church parade Sunday.
D. A. Cameron and J. W. Comeau,
become Cabinet Ministers of Nova
Ernest Webster and a man named
Robinson reported drowned in Mis-
aanabie river.
A man draws $2,200 from Toronto
bank to "play the races," and has it
stolen from him.
Another Chicago minister carrying
on Bosworth Mission with marked
success in Toronto.
Ontario threatened with flood of
liquor from West now that gap from
Quebec has been damned.
workers demanded a
representative of all
Martial law is to be extended in
the south of Ireland.
Weston O. A. L. A. seniors beat
Riversides by 5 to 4.
The touring Scottish soccer team
defeated Toronto 4 to 1.
C. H. Cline is appointed police
magistrate of Cornwall.
Pitcher Thompson of Toronto has
been suspended and fined.
First instalment of Germany's
debt will reach Paris to -day.
• The .Leafs, were . ,defeated at, Ro-
Chester on Saturday' and Sunday.'
British • miners regard Lloyd
George's speech as an ultimatum.
Commander Ross' horses earned
$20,525 at the Woodbine meeting.
• Many railway and highway bridges
were' washed away by a cloudburst.
Mrs. Wm. J. Parker, Woodstock,
ends her life by jumping into cistern.
France proposes in a note to Bri-
tain a Board of Experts for Silesia.
The Nova Scotia Legislature pro-
rogued Saturday, after enacting 199
Emile Belanger, Montreal, award,
ed $17,500 for loss of arms in acct.
McMaster examination standin'gs,
other than Arts and Theology, are
From 15 to 35 per cent. increase
in wheat acreage this year in
License Commissions won't honor
prescriptions of doctors exceeding. 50
a month.
A joint investigation by Govern-
ment departments in jail escapes is
A young Toronto woman faints,
falling on stove •. and is killed by
escaping gas' •
Thefirst garrison church parade
Sin Ta3ronto for seven years renews its
pre-vrar glories.`:
Ulster 'Unionists ' have - elected • 3'8
members to Parliament: Three seats
Fare yet in doubt. ' -
-. Twoehold ups; :thire'e robberies With
violence, +were • reported, to the',1'or-
datd police over the Week end. • '+
le ominion 'Textile showed net proms
fits 'of $1,931,010 last year, as
against $1.845,376 the previous
Absolutely Necessary to Prevent
Blight and Rot.
Hbw to Eight These Fungus Enemies
—Directions for Spraying—Must
Be Timely and Be Thoroughly
(Contributed by Ontario Department of
Agrloulture, Toronto.)
Potatoes are sprayed to prevent
such fungus diseases as Early Blight
and Late Blight and Rot. Efficient
spraying depends upon an under-
standing and appreciation of what
fungus {jiseases are.
Fungus diseases are caused by
planta known as fungi, These plants,
unlike ordinary flowering plants,
have no green coloring matter
(chlorophyllk, and are unable there,
fore to manufacture their own food.
All their nourishment must be ob-
tained from decaying animal, or.
vegetable remains or from living
animals or plants. Thome fungi which
derive 'their nourishment from living
plants injure them in too doing in
various ways, and thus give rise to
what are known as ltaagus diseases,
Late Blight and Rot is the most
destructive disease of potatoes in
Ontario. In wet seasons it frequently
destroys. a very large 1portiea of
the crop and causes a lose of many
thousands of dollars to the farmers
of the province. This is to a large
extent a needless loas, for Late
Blight and Rot can be prevented by
timely,< thorough and Intelligent
spraying with Bordeaux mixture.
This has been proven by numerous
field experiments both in this country
:ands the United States. Spraying'
every year is an insurance. Can You
afford to neglect it?
Directions for Spraying.— Spray
with. Bordeaux mixture, strength 4 to
6 pounds 01 copper sulphate (blue
stone) and 4 pounds of lime to 40
gallons (imperial) of water. Com -
menet: spraying with Bordeaux
throughout the season. Forty to 100
gallons of the Bordeaux znlx ure will
be required for eachapplication, the
amount to be used depending upon.
the size of the plants. Take speclal
care to see that the spraying is very
thoroughly done if the weather is at
all damp about the 15th of July, as
Blight often begins at this time. Add
a poison when. necessary for Potato
Beetles—arsenate of lead paste 3
pounds to each 40 gallons 01 the H-
eald spray or Paris green 2 pounds
to 40 gallons or a maixture of 2
-pounds of arsenate of lead paste and
1 pound of Paris green to 40 gale
lone. From three to :wren applica-
tions should be made, depending up-
on the season; the wetter the wea-
ther the larger the number. Do not
put off spraying because it looks like
rain. If the spray is on the plants
half an hour before the rain cornea
it will be dry and sufficient o1 it will
stick to prevent infection, which
takes place during or soon atter
rain. Spraying as deecribed above
should prevent not only Late Blight
and Rot but also Early Blight and
Potato Beetles, For Late Blight and
Rot only, it is not necessary to com-
mence spraying until about the 10th
o1 July, but in Ontario it is usually
advisable to spray for all three.
. A .hand pump barrel sprayer can
be used for small lots of potatoes.
Most men who grow any consider=
able acreage of potatees consider
that a power potato sprayer is a
good investment. The beat results
from spraying are obtained with ma-
chines fitted with T -joint attachments
so as to insure covering both sur-
faces of the leaves at eaeh spraying.
Efficient spraying of potatoes
1. Upon the use of the proper
fungicide. Bordeaux mixture has so
far proved to be the only satisfactory
spray mixture for potato diseases.
2. Upon timely and repeated
spraying. Spraying should be com-
menced when the plants are from six
to eight inches high, and repeated at
intervals of from a we to ten days
throughout the growing season.
From three to seven applieations will
be required, the number depending
upon the weather, the wetter the
weather the more frequent the
spraying. ..
3.. Upon the liberal use of Bor-
deaux mixture. Thorough spraying
can only be done when sufficient of
the spray mixture is used. From 50
to 150 gallons of Bordeaux mixture
should 6e used per acre at each;ap-
plication. When the plants are large
not less than 100 gallons per acre
should be applied.
4. Upon- thorough spraying, which
means the covering of every portion
of the plant.
5. Upon spraying before rather
than after prolonged rainy periods.
Infection of the plants takes place
during or soon after rain. Therefore
it is of the utmost importance to have
the spray mixture on the plarits when
the rain comes. If the spraying is.
completed half an hour before rain
sufficient of the Bordeaux will stick
to prevent infection. If the spraying
is left until after •prolonged rain in-
fection 'will take place before the
Bordeaux can be applied to the
plants. Putting off spraying because
it "looks like rain is one of the' most
frequent causes of failure to obtain
results from potato spraying, --J. E:T
Howitt, O. A. College, Guelph.
Dig 'ot borers from trunks of
peach ,trees.
Spray underside of `arose "leayes
-with iiieotine ;'sulphat to kill-
Grass,+clover, .°alfalfa: or ,",fall sown.
rye, Faye. usually;..ready,. for : pastarei s
nowd Tee;s t,ee
Watch. "carefully ..pea. ar itrees and
young apples trees for Blossom
Blight. Break off infested part. Re
peat every: second, day, til);, danger ,ib
past. Disinfect' teens • and any cuts
Incorporated iu 1£85
Over 130 Broaciief
There is gib safer Of` sifter WAY bf safeguarding your
Pius money than placing it in a savings account with
Molsotts flank.
Why not begin today ?
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent a,t the Exeter Branch.
sur -
Unurxc.eBed dining car nervios
SleeParlor ch
cars co Might trial lad
a t on principal tby
Fitlt •
information, fr oaa toy Greed
Trunk Ticket Agent, er C. E. Hoes.
i g Di xict Pas rs4iae A4ptmt, Toronto
Phone 4th. K. August, &mew
Display Advertising—Made known
ati app)Rcataoin,
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c..
three insertions $1,00.
Farm par Rea/ Estate for sale 50c.
eacb insertion for one month cif four
Miscellaneous articles of not more
than five lines, For Sate, To Root,
Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and
Found locals 25c, an insertion.
Local reading notices, etc., 10c, .per
fine per insertion; No notice less
than 25c, Card of Thant* 50c,
Auction Sales $3 for one incertioo
and $1.50 for each subsgquent-, Via-
arstiona if unkter-iivie inches in length.
Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a line.
James Ward of this village was ex-
onerated from all responsibility in con-
nection with the. death of. Mrs. Walter
Sovereign, also of this village, who,
died as a result of feeing struck by a
motor car driven by him on May 19th,
Twelve eyewitnesses were heard and
after their testimony had been taken
the jury agreed that the accident could
not have been avoided, -
Western University
London, Ontario
Summer School
flrts and Sciences
July 4th to August 12th
For Information and Calendar write
K. P R. NEVILLE, Registrar
eve ot
for you
CT right away. Our sup-
ply is going fast. "What
Edison Likes in Music" is full
of worth while things. Go
through the list of Mr. Edison'
• 25 favorites. Get his views on
listeningto music.' • Check up-
see if you have the 6 selections
he thinks every one should
possess. Get 'your copy. at:
once. Comae here --if you went
to hear or buy any of the RE-
CREATIONS Mr. - Edison has
named. We have the most
complete stock of RE-CREA
' TIONS in .thecity, and are
:always;10410 serve you.
j•;• Wr'fit's-'Powell';' Dealer` ..
Exeter, Ont,
We will cash your Victory Loan
Coupons or place them to your credit
in our Savings Bank where they 'will
draw interest at 3/ per annum. E„
THE CANADIAN ��C �].✓ ���
PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000.000
RESERVE FUNIS - - $ 15,000.000
EX4TER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager.
Incorporated iu 1£85
Over 130 Broaciief
There is gib safer Of` sifter WAY bf safeguarding your
Pius money than placing it in a savings account with
Molsotts flank.
Why not begin today ?
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent a,t the Exeter Branch.
sur -
Unurxc.eBed dining car nervios
SleeParlor ch
cars co Might trial lad
a t on principal tby
Fitlt •
information, fr oaa toy Greed
Trunk Ticket Agent, er C. E. Hoes.
i g Di xict Pas rs4iae A4ptmt, Toronto
Phone 4th. K. August, &mew
Display Advertising—Made known
ati app)Rcataoin,
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c..
three insertions $1,00.
Farm par Rea/ Estate for sale 50c.
eacb insertion for one month cif four
Miscellaneous articles of not more
than five lines, For Sate, To Root,
Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and
Found locals 25c, an insertion.
Local reading notices, etc., 10c, .per
fine per insertion; No notice less
than 25c, Card of Thant* 50c,
Auction Sales $3 for one incertioo
and $1.50 for each subsgquent-, Via-
arstiona if unkter-iivie inches in length.
Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a line.
James Ward of this village was ex-
onerated from all responsibility in con-
nection with the. death of. Mrs. Walter
Sovereign, also of this village, who,
died as a result of feeing struck by a
motor car driven by him on May 19th,
Twelve eyewitnesses were heard and
after their testimony had been taken
the jury agreed that the accident could
not have been avoided, -
Western University
London, Ontario
Summer School
flrts and Sciences
July 4th to August 12th
For Information and Calendar write
K. P R. NEVILLE, Registrar
eve ot
for you
CT right away. Our sup-
ply is going fast. "What
Edison Likes in Music" is full
of worth while things. Go
through the list of Mr. Edison'
• 25 favorites. Get his views on
listeningto music.' • Check up-
see if you have the 6 selections
he thinks every one should
possess. Get 'your copy. at:
once. Comae here --if you went
to hear or buy any of the RE-
CREATIONS Mr. - Edison has
named. We have the most
complete stock of RE-CREA
' TIONS in .thecity, and are
:always;10410 serve you.
j•;• Wr'fit's-'Powell';' Dealer` ..
Exeter, Ont,