HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-09-08, Page 34PAGE 2O--GObERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1977 suit Wriest celebrates Massat Kingsbridge St. Joseph's Roman Sincere sympathy is extended Catholic Church at to his family. Kingsbridge was filled to W ith the Labour Day capacity on Sunday, Sep- holiday weekend and the tember 4. Reverend Father opening of schools on Curmiss, a Jesuit Priest of St. Tuesday, September 3, many Joseph's College, North ' of the summer cottagers have Point, Darjeeling, India returned to their homes in the celebrated Labour Day Mass. city. At St. Joseph's School, Special music was provided Kingsbridge, principal David by organist, Mrs, Rosemary Zyluk reports that there are Flannigan of St. Dennis approximately 120 children Parish, Kitchener, who ac- registered which includes companied Opera Singer eight kindergareten pupils, Mrs. Betty Strauss, also of who will be beginning classes Kitchener who rendered four on Wednesday morning. beautiful solos tg the delight Teachers' for the 1977-1978 of her audience. Following year are: Grade 8, Miss Mass they received standing Joanne Hamilton; Grade 7, • home at RR' 4, Birch Run, ovations. Mr. Harold Zettler; Grade 6 Michigan on Friday, Sep- , Garry_ Robert McQuillin, and 5, Mrs. Donald Frayne; tember 2nd. age 21years, passed away as Grades 4 and 3, Mrs. Nancy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond a result of a car accident on Park; Grades 2 and 1, Mrs. Hogan attended the wedding Highway 21, just south of Barbara Eedy Kin- of Mr. and Mrs, Brent Wickes Amberley. Garry had been dergarten, Mrs. Mary in Toronto on Saturday, missing for one week. Garry O'Keefe, Music teacher, Mrs. August 27. is survived by his wife, the Lillian Simpson: Special Miss Catherine Kenny of former Linda Geary, one Education, Mrs. Margaret Detroit, Michigan visited daughter Sara Lynn. his Ferguson: School Nurse, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. parents Harvey " and Isabel Mrs. ' Joanne Jasper: Bill Vogt and Frank Sullivan from (Scott) McQuillin of St. Eckert, Director of Friday, September 2 until •Catharines, one sister, Mrs. Education: Joseph Mills, Tuesday, September 6. Boris (Brenda) Tonkonoh and Superintendent: Jack Lane, Mr. and Mrs: Fred Cour: one brother, Rick of Kin- Superinteridentof • Business tney of Toronto spent the cardine. He is the grandson of and Finance: Bill Kinahan, Labour Day holiday weekend Robert Scott of Ashfield Sena rare School Board with Mr. and Mrs. John Township., Trustee. Austin and family visited His body rested at the !sirs. Wilamina (Lannan) with his brothers Joe and MacKenzieiFuneral Chapel in Hill of Toronto visited with Teresa Courtney and family Lucknow ! where funeral friends in this community and- Leo and Marcella during the last week. Courtney. Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph' Mr. and M rs. James Owens stayed at the home' of Stavalle of Detroit, Michigan spent the holiday weekend at their cottage at Port Albert and visited. with many friends in this area. �Mr, and Mrs. Eugene O'Keefe of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Keefe and family. Mr.and Mrs.- Albert Voll and son Joseph of St. Clements, and Mrs. Clayton Lienhardt and daughter Mary visited on Sunday, September 4 with Brother Carl Voll. Mr.' and Mrs. Michael Garvey and family of Clarkson an.d Mrs. Marie„: Garvey of Toronto spent the holiday weekend - at their summer home here. Joe and Teresa Courtney and Mr. Frank • Sullivan at- tended Open House for Mr. Elmer Rihey, RR 3 Tiverton • on Sunday afternoon, Sep- tember 4. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Forest Carter and with Mrs. Pearl Cole at Kincardine. Mr. Wilfred Austin, a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, since Wednesday, August 10, was released on Friday, September 2. He is convalescing at his home here. A very special welcome is given to Mr. Harold Zettler who will he teaching the Grade 7 class at St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge. He will he coaching some of the sport activities as well as teaching Religion and Geography to the Grade 8's. Mr. Zettler was horn in Chepstow, Ontario and is married to the former his cousin Joe Courtney, Mrs. Courtney and family during the past week and visited with Mr,and Mrs. J/ohn Austin and family and Mr. and Kis. Leo Courtney, returning to their g Kin sbrid x e g kapers Theresa Courtney, correspondent, 529-7189 service nesday, was in was held on Wed - September 7.. Burial Greenhill Cemetery. Kindergarten class and coloring books were serious business for James Seid. James attended kindergarten at -~Victoria Public School for the first time on Tuesday afternoon. All the children met with teacher Mrs. Rose Fisher for about an hour to play and become acquainted. James decided oto put his nose right to the grindstone. (staff photo) . Barbara Rich of Formosa. They have no family. Mr. Zettler received his Elementary Education at Mary Immaculate Separate School, Chepstow, attended five years at the.'Walkerton District Scondary School and went to the University 'uf Guelph for 4 years.. He graduated in 1975 and worked for one year, He then at- tended Teacher's College in London. Mr. Zettler lives, in Goderich. His wife is a Supply Teacher. Mrs. Susanna Weiss of Walkerton and Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Oberle and son of Sheffield visited on Sunday, September 4 with Brother Carl Voll. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wisser of Toronto spent the holiday weekend with her parents.Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vassella and with the Vassella families. The sincere sympathy goes to the family of Leonardus (Leo) Moerbeek who passed away at Huronview on Monday, .August 29th, 1977, Mr. Moerbeek was born on September 4, 1889 .and would have been 88 years of age on the Sunday following his death. He is survived by four sons, John of Goderich, Joe of Goderich, Peter of Los Anges, and Christopher' of Toroniate no and one daleughter MCaliforr's, Knneth, (Mary) Bee of Keswick,. grandchildren' and 6 great grandchildren. He. was predeceased by his wife the former Elizabeth Raamaker on August 16, 1964 and by one son Jacob. His body rested at the McCallum Funeral Home, Cambria Road at East Street, Goderich until Thursday . morning, .September 1 when funeral mass was celebrated in St.„ Joseph's Roman Catholic - Church at Kingsbridge by the Reverend Father John Winter of St. Thomas the Apostle Roman Catholic Church, Windsor, assisted by Reverend Father Ed Dentinger, C.R. parish priest. of Kingsbridge. Reverend Fathers Loebach of St. Peter's, Goderich, Carauana of Parkhill and Ryan, Church of Our Lady, Guelph and Sister Mary ' Egypt Cairo Michael, Mount St. Joseph, Jerusalem London were also in at- Copenhagen, et'a at- tendance. Newman tout Pallbearers were an, . from Toronto 4t air. strike thoan Moerbeek, Art FreemanArl38 �, Christopher Moerbeek, had to b� bussed .Joseph Moerbeek, Peter idstead of eavio 6 Moerbeek and John Moer from , the Torpnt beck Jr. Offering was taken 'national Airport, up by Ann Mavity, Brenda Freeman and Pamela Moerbeek. Burial was in Kingsbridge Cemetery. Following the services the ., family and friends were served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Moerbeek. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare and Mary Luanne returned to their home here on Mondaj, August 29 following a three week Newman Tour to Rome, BUYING AN GARDEN NO IS AS EAST RENTING SEE PAGE19. POWaER sane m,iTt4e3oodss!M LAUNDRY DETERGENT $ •99 MED., OLD) rcurr ver � � �-"• `-�� CHEDDAR CHOCOLATES 994E.. LB .$ 1.89 CHEFS WESTON'S 12 OZ. PKG.E"° 4 WAGON WHEELS PEPPERIDGE FARM 13 OZ. PKG. .. 2 ° 89 CAKES LO9 3 a.m. the most dangerous hour for you and your family. CENTURION EARLY WARNING HOME SMOKE AND FIRE DETECTOR • Powerful Awakening Alarm Alerts You to Smoke and Fire Hazards in Time to Save Lives and Property. FEATURES • Available in two models - battery powered or 120 volt AC - Dowered • Can sense smoke while still invisible before noxious gases from fire reach danger level • It will not alarm in a room full of heavy smokers • Miniature in design, S1/2" in diameter and 11/2" high. Weighs only 10 ounces. • Fastens to ceiling in minutes 3 Year Warranty Be Safe See the CENTURION Smoke Detector at �— SERVICE OSMINION HARDWARE 30 VICTORIA ST. NORTH GODERICH 524-0601 Council Briefs • from page :1 to the town of $1,000 per month over and above 'the present rate. C & W did attach an income and expenditure statement which showed a net return on investment of 11.77 per cent for. the year 1976. The matter has been referred- to the Works and - Engineering Committee. and it is expected a meeting will he held soon to hammer out a decision. The town has given some consideration to the idea of providing its own sanitation crew, but nothing definite has been proposedto date in this regard. SUMMERDALE 2, LB. BAG FRENCH FRIES ROYALE -BATHROOM 2 TISSUE ROLLS 59 FOR. C. KRAFT 'SMOOTH' 2' LB.' JAR' BUTTER $1.79 JAVEX 64 FL. OZ. LIQUID 594 BLEACH NESTLE'S 23 OZ. TIN HOT $ 1.99 CHOCOLATE ROYALE PAPER, -- -TOWELS - 2 ROLLS-9-9et FOR INGERSOLL'16 FL. OZ. CHEESE SPREAD %1.49 DEL MONTE FANCY 48 FL. OZ. TOMATO- 694 JUICE RED TOP 15 OZ. TIN DOG 6 R $ 1.0 0 FOOD + + + Bylaw 67 of 1977 was passed Tuesday evening at the council meeting - which establishes a plan for the co- ordination of municipal emergency services in the event of a "flood, hurricane, windstorm, blizzard, land- slide, explosion, aircraft or rail crash, toxic or • flam- mable gas escape, building or structure collapse, un- controllable fire of the threat of any of the foregoing". Councillor Elsa Haydon pointed out .she found it in- teresting that Bruce Generating Station was now on the list of things which are potentially dangerous to the community. However, Mayor Deb Shewfelt said he . didn't find that surprising at all. He said he would have been more surprised if BNPD had been left off the list. CARNATION 18 OZ. JAR BONUS$ 1 9 COFFEE MATE OZS FR E • FRESH 12 OZ. PKG. CANADA 128 FL. OZ. COMB . Si HONEY .59VIN GAR $1'19 CAMPBELL 10 FL. OZ. TINS iv ' .66F TOMATO SOUP (; Ou 1.5 LITRE WESTON'S 1 LB, PKG. PALMOLIVE 61.99 SODA '. 79C LiQUID CRACKERS LIBBY'S 14 FL, OZ, ALPHAGETTI 2694 DAVID CAROUSEL 31.7 OZ. COOKIES $ 1.79 LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNED 14 FL. OZ. R WiTH 2 O 794 PORK rt BEANS AVON,,CHOICE 19 FL. OZ. PEAS 3 a 894 TANG PKG. OF 4 - 3'4 OZ. ORANGE FLAVOUR 99' CRYSTALS DUNCAN HINES 18.5 OZ. PKG. CAKE MIXES CROWN BRAND 2 LBS. _CORN SYRUP 69° ALLEN'S RECON. 48 FL. OZ. APPLE JUICE 594 MAPLE LEAF 16 OZ. PKG. SINGLES CHEESE $1.49 SLICES MAPLE LEAF TENDERSWEET BONELESS SMOKED $ .2 HAM LBII . lei FRHMAMAPLE LEAFPORKVER WIENERS, LB, 39' . LB. 89' MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE, ROLL . $1.19 MAPLE LEAF 12 OZ. PKG. LUNCH MEATS CHICKEN BOLOGNA MAC 'N CHEESE 89; LUNCHEON LB. DEVON 'RINDLESS BACON L•$1 .49 --PRODUCE CLOVER LEAF 6.5 CHUNK 'LIGHT TUNA OZ. TIN 794 GAINES 22 LB, BAG 69°DOG MEAL $5.99 J.M.. CUTT Limited PRODUCE OF ONT. FANCY GRADE 4 QT. BASKET Macintosh Apples. 1 • 59 PRODUCE OF ONT. NO. 1 GRADE SMALL COOKING ONIONS. 10 LB. BAG 99' PRODUCE OF ONT. NO. 1 GRADE CELERY o) STALKS 45I 79; PRODUCE OF ONT. NO. 1 GRADE 10 LB. BAG POTATOES RED & WHITE FOODMASTER 91 VICTORIA ST. GODERICH CLOSED SUNDAYS OPEN NITEIY TILL 19 P.M. PRICES IN EFFECT FROM SEPTEMBER 8 TO SEPTEMBER 13 OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAS! WE RESERVE THE RiGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Funk &Wagnalls Wildlife Encyclopedia - 1 t' here' A w,.rid of facts on the world of liaint crew ur-. 2 v,du,n*", Mon. than 2,:,00 color iiluvt rot i, ts. • osni sit O. blit r'io d Or SI al fi