HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-09-08, Page 291 11 AS )NIL VT IPLI 16 Al IC GODERICH SIGNALS AR' �„ , TH,URSDAX, S�FTEMHE Iles_ for sale TIQUE pump organ, amental iron table, $45; pan camera case one. Phone 524- 36 d beer supplies ;• yeast, demijohns, barrels, it locks, and con- ium Home Hard - Dundas St., London, 35,36 70X14 belted Tornado to letter on one side, I other side. Four 14 slotted mags with bs and nuts. Fits GM, MC. Approximately 700 hone 529-7766 after 6 6 L78.15, good condition, 524-7660.-35-36 plums, bartlett pears, nd cooking apples, nd honey at Art Bell's arm, phone 524- ar EL "T" Ford front els, steering column, 3 Chev 1/4 ton tran- 1928 Essex rear axle Original oiler can for rm ',tractor. Old 22 caliber pump rifle. camper mirrors for dio controlled car, -.1/4 needs batteries. Call 524-7087.-35tfnc CE dinette set, $50.00. 630.-35tf 384 tractor with cab. Super 88 diesel. One esel. Ohe Kongsklide w. One John Deere 10 hone 236-4695 after 5 , DEA.DLINE FOR TAKING " CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ai ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 1 2 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER CLASSIFIEDS - 10c per word, minimum $2.00 1. Articles for sale SQUASH, tomatoes, potatoes, etc, Phone Helen Riehl, Saltford Heights, 524-8143.-36,37 1973 POLARIS TX400 free air snowmobile. Excellent condition. Phone 524-6547.-36 HARDWOOD cut and split, suitable for fireplace or stove. Phone 482:7192.-36 WASHER - SPIN DRYER $55.00; Duncan Phyfe table, opens to 72", $110.00; wooden training chair, $5.00; baby walker, $5.00. Phone 524-9538.-36 KENMORE dryer, two years old; wringer washer; antique walnut bonnet chest. Phone 524-6076.-36 KROEHLER chesterfield, turquoise and grey in excellent condition. Phone 524-8734.-36x 1976 KAWASAKI, 175, 1200 miles, like new, $825.00. Phone 524- 2477.-36 CHILD'S car seat in excellent condition. Phone 524-7931 or 524- 7037 after 6:00 p.m. -36 MacINTOSH and Courtland U -PICK tomatoes and apples for sale at Bellview Fruit Other vegetables --parrns or Arnold Bell. Phone 524- ndy Evans, 2 miles 8011.-36tfar field. 482-7562.-34TF L winter coat, adult ay's length, camel twice. A one-third off e price. Phone 529-- d cooking apples, 19 rieties, pears and ason, maple syrup. Orchards, Varna, tf 89- Base set, with 23 channels, 6 mos. $400. Phone 529-7573 4tf ALL BICYCLES in stock reduced 10 per cent. Come early for the best selection at DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS, 305 Ontario Street, Clinton. Phone 482-994L No trade-ins accepted on sale price.-36-37AR ONE 12 x 9 portable walk-in cooler. Contact Larry Jeffrey, RR5 Goderich. 'Phone 524- 6087.-36 PEACHES, SPECIAL - PICK YOUR OWN. Last chance for large, juicy Glohaven Harmony peaches. Excellent for eating, canning and freezing. Bargain prices, bring baskets. Open every or Authorized Sales day., Ross Middleton's Orchards, one mile east of Hayfield, north of sewing -.,machines, river. -36 y aners, parts and vice to all makes. Wing Centre, 73 St„ 524-8431, 29tfar C Toilet •Bowl oyes rust, lime and sits. Simply place in , f your toilet tank. Hoffmeyer Plum - Heating, Kingston ch -14tf of Good Used Furniture and .. CaII Peter 39 John St., or 524-8784. CoURter Top Push Button YOus Clean, end broil, 5Z4.6598 1. Articles for sale DRY FIREWOOD (hardwood). $20.00 per cord, 2 cords delivered free. Phone 524-2052.-20tf R.. CORDS - rock, all $2.00. Rush:Rush, Fly. by Night: Nazareth: Razamanaz; BTO: Not Fragile: Eno: April Wine: Stan El -,:k; Alice Cooper: School's Out; Wakeman: Journey; Taste Live; Hendrix; Iron Butterfly; ELP: Tarkus, ELP: Trilogy; Joe Walsh: So What; Yes; Relayer; Ham- mersmith; Johnny Winter and Cooper: School's Out. Phone 524- 9106 after 5 p.m.-50tfnc CHECK our prices on chester- fields, mattresses, chrome suites, coffee tables. C & E New and Used Furniture, 524-7231, EIA mile south of Goderich.----tf 2. Mobile Homes 1976 STATESMAN Homco - 14 x 68, three bedrooms, utility room, large kitchen, living room and bathroom. Fridge and stove included if desired. Reasonable price. Phone 524-6233 after 5 p.m .-29tf THREE bedroom 14 x 68 mobile home on a lot in beautiful Meneset Park. Only $1500 down, full price$14,500. Call 524- 6067.-tf ar r4.iMCO Ambassador mobile home, 14 x 68, two miles north of Goderich in Huron 'Haven Village. Call524-9808.-47tf. ' 12 x 60 MOBILE home, three bedrooms, four piece bath, fridge and stove, included in sale. Carpet throughout, except for kitchen. Asking price $6,000.00 or best offer. Phone 529-7917.-36 1976 MIDDLEBURY mobile home, excellent condition throughout. DeLuxe Model 12' x 65' will sell with or without fur- niture, will move anywhere. Best offer. Phone 482-7246.-36 1975 GT 750 SUZUKI. Excellent condition. Asking $1800. Call 482- 3. Articles for rent 7664.-36x SINGLE maple bed, new box spring and mattress. Phone 524- 9363.-36 ANTIQUE Queen Ann settee, r, newly upholstered. Phone 524- 4395.-36 HOUSEHOLD furniture, kitchen suite, two bedroom suites, etc. Phone 524-4319.-36-37 1973 MODEL Electrolux vacuum cleaner used one year. Mrs. Clifford Purdon, Dungannon. Phone 529-7188.-36 STATIONARY WINCH, t/2 H.P. Wagner -Leland; Heavy duty single axle boat trailer; G.E. domestic floor polisher. Phone 524-8018 after 5.-23TFNC PEACHES, eating and cooking apples, plums and potatoes. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich, phone 524-8008.-tfar Reach all of TARIO With your special lassified ad h a special arrangement between spaper and The Ontario Weekly Pers Association we now offer an Wide classified, advertising 524-8331 for details SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING HD. Box 220 Goderic}a, Ontario FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style brochure, Rawsons ,Shop for Men, Goderich.-20tf FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep - Steam Extraction. Bluewafer Cleaners 524-6231. We can suit you for every occasion with F11EEMAN'S FORMAL REN- TAL and JEFF'S FORMAL WEAR Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS LEASING Check out the reasonable rates and excellent service of the nice guys. REEN PARENT • FORD MERCURY SALES LTR. 263 HURON RD. GODERICH RENT -A -CAR 4. Articles wanted WANTED to buy - single, or 3/4 size bed in good condition. Phone 524-9293.-35tfnc FURNITURE, glass, china, clocks, bells, brass, copper. Will i buy for cash or sell by auction.' Mike Cummings, Auctioneer, 524- 9064.-22tf 4. Articles wanted SAbDLE, bridle and harness for Shetland pony. Good condpion. Phone 524-6348.-36x WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia.-23tf WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and ap- pliances. If you have articles to sell ` privately or by `auction contact Rathwell's Auction Service. Phone 482-3120 or 527- 1336.-29tf KURIOSITY KORNER will buy outright complete household estates or single pieces of fur- niture. Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is to please. 67 Main St. Seaforth, Phone 527- 1336.-2ltfar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1976 CAMARO, 12,000 miles. V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, bucket seats, console. Excellent condition. Phone 524-6957.-35,36 1973 MERCURY Marquis, 9 passenger stationwagon, V8 engine, power brakes and steering, air conditioned; . 1972 Mercury Montego '2 -door hard- top, V8 engine, automatic; 1972 Ford Grand Torino, 2 -door hardtop, V8 engine, power steering and brakes, automatic; 1970 Ford, 9 -door hardtop, power steering and brakes, automatic; 1970 Mercury Marquis, 2 -door hardtop, V8 engine, power steering and brakes, automatic; 1965 Mercury, 9 -door sedan, power steering and brakes, automatic. Huron Automotive- and Supply Ltd. 529-8462. R. G. Duckworth.-35tfar 1972 FORD Ranchero. Safety chucked, 47,000 miles. Phone 524- 6822.-35,36 1973 PONTIAC 2 door hardtop. $2200. or best offer. _.1975 GMC pickup. $3300 or best offer. Phone 524-7628.,-35,36 1973 COMET, very good con- dition, low mileage, V8 engine, safety checked. Phone 524-2834 after 5:30 p.m. weekdays or anytime on weekends.-34tf 1974 FORD F250; 4 wheel drive, V-8, 4 speed, power steering and power brakes. Safety checked. Phone 482-3855.-36 1973 FORD 1/2 ton, V8, Phone after 6 p.m. 524-8445.-36 1957 CHEV. Good shape. Asking $2200. Call 482-7664.-36x 1973 DUSTER, radio, in good. condition, safety checked. Ask for Al 524-2356.-36-37 FORD 8P0 Highway Tractor, full air, new rear tires, saddle tanks, 5th wheel. Call 345-2557, Dublin, evenings. -36-37 ANTIQUE truck 1949 Mercury half ton pick-up. Suit antique i collectors, all parts complete. ' Phone Dublin 345-2557 evenings. -36-37 6. Pets PUPPIES for sale - reasonably priced. If interested call 524- 7665.-36-37 MINIATURE Beagles, purebred, non -registered (six weeks old). Phone 529-7382 after 6 p.m. -36 ° TROPICAL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies, Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, ' Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Friday evenings.-20tf AQUARIUMS, birds, rodents, tropical fish, plants. Complete line of pet supplies. Goderich Pet and Hobby Centre. Phone 524- 2883.-28tf .9. Accommodation to rent TWO bedroom house in Clinton, living room, big kitchen, bathroom. Must have references. Immediate possession. Apply to 142 Joseph Street, Clinton, in person. -36x ONE bedroom apartment suitable for bachelor or working couple, heat, hydro, hot water, fridge and stove supplied. Available immediately. Phone 529.7528.-32 LARGE two storey brick house, five bedrooms, Targe double living room, formal dining room, main floor, family room with fireplace, large kitchen, garage, house newly decorated. Available immediately. Phone 524-2766.-36 9. Accommodation to rent TWO bedroom house, nicely furnished, centrally located, easily heated, all conveniences. Phone 524-9575.-36tf CENTRALLY located furnished home, Elgin Ave. West, available Nov. l to May 1. Adults preferred. Phone Toronto 742-8820.-36 NEW three bedroom house containing living room, dinette, kitchen, four piece bathroom.' $250. monthly. Apply in writing, stating income and family composition to Harold W. Shore, 55 Newgate St., Goderich, Ont.-36,37AR ROOM for rent, kitchen and living room privileges. Call 524- 2731.-34tf LARGE four bedroom house in Clinton, to reliable family, $215. per month. Available July 1st. Phone 519-658-9879.-25tf OFFICE accommodation, one room, available at 58 Elgin Avenue East, phone 524- 9372.-16tf SECOND floor bachelor apart- ment, with private entrance, Partially furnished, heated, suitable for one adult only. Phone 524-7547 after 5 p.m.-35tfnc FURNISHED rGoms, kitchen privileges, private home, central location, Apply Drawer 4, c -o Signal Star Publishing Ltd., Box 220, Goderich.-326 FOR RENT Third floor apartment near.Square 524-7132 after 5 p.m. SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Under New Managment by the Vanastra Group. Ample parking, near recreation facilities, utilities included. $194.40 per month. VANASTRA CALL NOW! 482-3574 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1st or sooner Newly renovated, carpeted throughout, fridge and stove included, large livingroom, dining room, private en- trance, close to downtown airea. Parking facilities. Phone 524-8610 or 524-7324 Daytime only THE BENNETT APARTMENTS APARTMENTS AVAILABLE 1- BEDROOM BARRROR Includes - fridge, stove, cable TV, and utilities. For information call: RON ANNIS REAL ESTATE 1-227-1163 VANASTRA APARTMENTS FOR RENT . Bachelors . One Bedroom . Two Bedroom STARTING AT $1 35a0A0ND UP . All utilities included . New Shag Carpets . Stove & Refrigerator . Central Laundry Facilities Near Recreational Centre ... Available December 482-3574 or 482-7335 11. Room and board WORK now completed at the Holiday Home, Clinton for retir•ea people. Select choice of roon}s now available. Three meals servelf daily. Mrs. C, Van Damme 482-3685.-35tf ROOM AND BOARD aviiilable in nice clean home, -close to everything in Clinton. Excellent -food, homey atmosphere, parking available. Call Clinton 482-3789.-36-37 12. Help wanted WANTED: Experienced guitarist for upcoming modern country band. For more in- formation and appointment phone 528-3206,-35,36 New Car Dealership requires 2 class "A" mechanics or 3rd year ap- prentices. Contact' Gord McGarvey at BIRRELL DODGE CHRYSLER KINCARDINE 396-3373 AFTER HOURS 396-2565 DO YOU WISH TO EARN AN EXECUTIVE INCOME? We are an international company, with over 5 years experience. Due to our growth, we offer a career opportunity to four ambitious, and aggressive individuals, choose goals in advancement in management. -EXPERIENCE NECESSARY - Two weeks training in Toronto, expenses paid. - Excellent pension and security program. -Opportunity to be promoted within the first year. - You can earn between 515,000 to $20,000 within the first year. TO QUALIFY: - Good character background. - Bondable. - Desire to succeed. - Have a reliable car. - Able to start immediately. ONLY THOSE WHO WISH TO GET AHEAD NEED APPLY Please phone to arrange a personal interview: call today and tomorrow 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. BEN NICHOLS CaII Collect: 519-652-3248 12. Help wanted A PERSON wanted to manage local motel and live in. Phone 524- 8374.-36 COUNTER person for parts department. Apply H. Lobb & Sons, Clinton 482,3409.-36AR FULL and part-time help required for retail ladies wear store. Reply to Drawer 3, c -o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., Box 220, Goderich, Ontario. -36-37 Part Time Person Wanted " to work 11/2 Days a week at Sandy's Fashion Shop. to Please apply in person Sandy's Fashion Shop Suncoast Mall 13. Wanted (general) COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C and E Furniture 524-7231.-tfar 14. Employment wanted ACCOUNTANT will compile and maintain small business ac- counts. Work at home due to ill' health. Pick up and. deliver. Weekly or monthly. Call 887-6084 Wed. or Thurs. mornings.-30tf 16. Mortgages Household Realty SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses No brokerage fees No finder's fees, FAST SERVICE Come on In or call the nearest office of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Services 35A West Street GODERICH 17. Auction sales ATP IWELL.'S MIWellipti.,12111=_=2,74,s'4111 4 UCTIONEERS LIQUIDATORS APPRAISERS Specializing in all types of auction sales * Business * Farm * Estates Free Verbal Appraisals Professional Sales Assistance PHONE 482-3120 or 527-1336 16 tfn TWILIGHT OFAUCSALE HOUSEHOLDTION EFFECTS AND ANTIQUES AT THE Auction Rooms, Hwy. 21, one mile south of Goderich, Friday, September 9 at 7 p.m. 6 pce. Dinette suite'; 4 pce. Bedroom suite; 5 pce. bronze set; buffet; dresser; 2 end tables; small tables; round patio table with 2 chairs; kitchen -cupboard; Viking wringer washer, machine; combination radio, record player and television; 4' x 8' pool table with accessories; 3 side chairs; frames; dishes; drapes; bedding; smoker's stand; table and floor lamps; pole lamp; rugs; exercise bicycle; electric heater; lawn chairs, right -handed -golf clubs - with case; electric store scales; electric lawn mower; 2 small bicycles; sfep-ladder; hand tools; garden tools etc. etc. Terms Cash Auctioneers - Marie Salm - Brussels 887-6352. " and Mike Cummings Goderich 524-9064. 18. Services available ])I-I:SS�1AKERS - setting of children's clothing. PHIni,, 524.7819,-36.37.3$,39 524-7383 LIGHT delivery, junk removal, no heavy articles. Phone 524-8553 mornings. --35-39 BE A + BLOOD DONOR 4 Career Opportunity Local company requires an aggressive in- dividual for its management training program, excellent salary and benefits, apply in person to: I.A.C. Limited 48 The Square Goderich, Ontario OPERATOR REQUIRED FOR GODERICH POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT The Town of Goderich, Ontario requires a Sewage Plant Operator, duties to commence on November 1st, 1977. DUTI ES: Will include general sewage plant maintenance and elec- trical servicing. QUALIFICATIONS: An Electrical Maintenance Certificate is required. SALARY: 510,000 to $12,000 Applications will be received by the undersigned to Sep- tember 16th, 1977 and should contain a detailed resume of qualifications and work experience. J. Harold Walls Clerk -Treasurer 57 West Street Goderich, Ontarin FOR INSTRUCTION on ac- cordion. piano, organ or guitar, phone 524-27]1. (Instruments supplied. i-tfar- SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. Two trucks to serve you. Phone H.T. Dale, Clinton 482-3320 and Sea forth 527-0284. SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis--Moffat-Beatty Sales -Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 -nit Steve Brennan's Home Improvements • Roofing • Siding • Rec Rooms • Painting Phone: 524-2952 GODERICH ALUMINUM & HOME IMPROVEMENTS LTALL MASON, REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER DOUGLAS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CLIMATIC ELITE SIDING' AWNINGS - WINDOWS - DOORS INSULATION SALES & INSTALLATIONS "MATERIALS4 WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED" GODERICN Call... 524-7428' P.C. 2 GODERICN