HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-09-08, Page 21CH IB Elf 4 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 477—PAGE 7 "i stem needs more priorities according to uron County educa9on system is sound according to an evaluation sed Tuesday but it needs someone to- e direction and goals for educators in ay Lockerbie, project co-ordinator for stry of education, told the Huron County Education Tuesday that the education at Huron is basically sound but needs o offer some guidance for teachers to p aS Touch benefit from the system as arizing an evaluation report .on the duction systemLockerbie, who along xeter Public School principal Jim n, told the board that the general in the education system was good and re rnanY strengths in the system but hat there were areas that needed im- a. Ile said the improvements needed • • • • were not necessarily- weaknesses" but were things that could be done to make the system „glut math better. Lockerbie presented the board with a 45 page draft of the final report representing about six months work managed by he and Chapman. The evaluation was commissioned by the board in February and was to be done on the Exeter family of ,schools. The Exeter area was chosen because of its unique geography in that six elementary schools, one school for the retarded all feed into South Huron Secondary School in Exetei". The board hoped that by completing the evaluation on the Exeter schools it could get a good impression of how the education system was performing across the county* Lockerbie said that if he had to pick out the one area that seemed to betroubling most people in education it would be the goals of education. He - said some teachers. are wondering what..they're achieving and what their goals ,should be and the systemacould tie some human resources to work with teachers to lay down a firm philosophy for education. He said he was generally impressed with the system in Huron. He said tbe,re seemed to be a good climate within the system and that morale seemed to be high. He , claimed that most. professionals were concerned and dedicated to education and thatno one working,. on the evaluation found somedne that didn't care,' The evaluation was a long process according to Lockerbie. He said the, first step was .an internal evaluation., completed by teachers, students and parents directly involved with education. The people, were questioned, surveyed and asked for opinions and the information catalogued. From there a 'en:alp of professionals from outside the county eame to Exeter and visited schools surveyed teachers, students and .parents and compiled their findings in an external report. Lockerbie and Chapman then compared the two reports and wrote a final draft for the board. Lockerbie said the final draft was the only valid material. He said the internal and external reports were for backgrounthinformation only, adding that anywhere the two reports agreed or anything that kept recurring in the two was put in the final draft as a recommendation or opinion. Lockerbie said the real purpose of the exercise was not to compare the Huron system with another board but to take a look at education in this ounty to see if it meets the Standards the public and professionals want it to. He said that by doing the evaluation itself the board and professionals in the system would more readily ()clench harbor is for every arbor is for everybody, said Harbor p Don Wheeler Tuesday evening as he d a report from Trapsport Canada g the findings of George G. Leask, director, in the Algosea incident. On several small pleasure craft were during a turning manoeuver by the sisted hy two local tugs. r said his committee could follow the endations set forth in the com- on frocn Transport Canada to warn ft using the outside of the finger wharf e ships turn in the harbor and that a caused by their propellers may be dangerous; and to put some person at Snug to maintain the swing under the prevailing Harbor in charge of advising small boaters of the weather conditions. scheduledarrival of large lake freighters, and if To have attempted to aliort the turning necessary, to have the finger wharf cleared of .s manoeuver may have caused the vessel to 'boats prior to the sh. ' • The Transport Canada study showed that the Algosea entered Goderich Harbor in a "manner appropriate to the prevailing weather con- ditions". While in the turning manoeuver, the captain of the Algosea found he had lost the power of the bow thruster. To counteract the situation it was necessary to move one tug to the forward position, and ,to manoeuver the main engines. ahead and astern with sufficient power BOX nc ER 'P TI RTE iT 1 ES' EPS A RS ES' EC • 4' Flynn fixes daughter Jennifer's dress before leading her into Robertson Public Jennifer attended kindergarten class for the first time on Tuesday afternoon. could be seen walking their well groomed youngsters to the school both Tuesday g and afternoon. Some of tne children were excited about going to kindergarten hers,were a little apprehensive. (staff photo) SALE - USED MATERIAL K H. GERRITS CONST. LTD. CLINTON PHONE 482-7290 (mornings only) STOCK, USED LUMBER AND STEEL FOR RE -SALE, DUE TO THE DEMOLITION OF /44 MER LUCKNOW FURNITURE FACTORY BUILDING ON LUCKNOW'S MAIN ST. 411F t ANY .111111, 5 Ile' /MI 5 /MI # AMY 5 AMP Assorted Hardware - 2" widths 2 x 10 x 20 Hemlock X 10 x 12 and 2 x 10 x 14 in different kinds of lumber I x 6 Lapboard for flooring Plus various other !Umber and steel, all sizes. r # Air," Ais, ..mr• # Aar FIREWOOD - FREE OF CHARGE ntrol our environment by coming and taking away wood h could be used for firewood. Free of charge if you pick It up yourself. Material can be seen at the Site at the st end of Main Street, Lucknow or call our office, THANK YOU JACK H. GERRITS become uncontrollable in the 20-25 knot wind and caused 'a situation more dangerous than that whic.h actually occurred,'said the report:. Leask said in his report a letter was going out. from Transport Canada to all major shipping companies to advise their freighter captains of the need for such vessels to use extreme caution when manoeuvering in close proximity to small pleasure craft. - The report also pointed out that any boater Education costs report released Education Minister Thomas Wells has released the fifth report of the Com- mittee , on the Costs of Education. The report represents a review of several agencies in Ontario education, including the Teachers' Superan- nuation Fund, the Ministry of Education, ' local " school boards, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, the Ontario Education Com- munications Authority and the Metropolitan Toronto School Board - offering comments and suggeStions on their organiza,tion, ad- ministration and programs. ' Chairman of the Committee is Mr. Thomas A. McEwan of Mississauga. In all, the report contains 3S recommendations relating to topics as diverse as grade 13, honoraria for school trustees, Ontario Scholarships. correspondence eours9s, private schools, curriculum development,. Ministry organization and the length of the school year. BUYING A NEW GARDEN HOME IS AS EASY AS RENTING SEE PAGE 19 plan to attend GODERICH OLDTIMERS DANCE AT THE GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER, 17th, '77 Dancing from 9-1 to Shannon • Buffet Lunch $10.00 per couple ,TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: GLENMARK LUMBER GARB & GEAR SPORT SHOP IRENE HILL FURNITURE WORLD FINCHERS KIRKEY'S CAR CARE report accept the results and would have abetter Idea of what was needed for i provement. VN,_... He said the evaluatio should be useful to the entire ' county despite the fact that only. one section of it was -examined. He said people"in other areas of the cdunty could look at the report and offer their own conclusions pointing out that much of what was discovered in the Exeter family of schools could be extrapolated for schools in the north of Huron,. John Cochrane, director of education, told' the , board that' the senior executive administrators hoped to take a good look at the evaluation with the intention of offering the board methods of implementing recommendations contained in it. He said he would eventually like to see copies of the report go to all professionals in the system for a broader opinion of education in Huron. n€'to use who suffers damage in an incident like -the one involving the Algosea July 12, is free to claim compensation from the owner of the vessel alleged Th have caused the damage, and that civil action may be taken against the vessel's . owners whether or not charges were laid. Harbor Chairman Wheeler said the visiting boaters involved in the incident here in July will be advised of Transport Canada's findings. He added they will be invited back to Goderich as guests of the Marina". Councillor John Doherty said it was right to "At this point we have re viewed the recom- mendations only in a preliminary way," Mr. Wells said. "Over the next several months, all will be given appropriate study by the 'Ministry of Education, and we plan to issue a detailed response as soon as possible, particularly on those._. recommendations which deai specifically with - the M in is tr y." 111111.11 send a letter to these people, but added That Goderich harbor is essentially a commercial harbor from which 200-300 families ,derive their living. He said the b6aters should be made aware of his fact, Councillor Wheeler said the committee was trying to "hring people together" saying that a meeting is planned between the commercial fishermen, the pleasure boaters, •the elevator people and anyone else who uses the harbor fa cil ities "The harbor is for everybody," said Wheeler. THE SEPARATE SHOPPE ,MAIN CORNER, CLINTON PHONE 482-7778 (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) PANTSUITS - DRESSES PANTSUITS WITH SKIRTS • 0 -PEN T:45 7 OPEN 1,6 )/uncocuir mall I Now featuring the latest Styles'for Fall - for Back to the Books in.... Luxurious Velours by....Regency Did we say -Luxurious- Velours? The style is very modern. Yet the look is very Casuof While the feeling of this soft. ex tremely Easy Care fabric is very warm, cosy and comfortable Come in and sample the feeling and the look for yourself Did we say -Luxurious- well. it may not be Mink but then neither is the price., Tops available in Tunic, Turtle Neck and V - Neck with Collar styles. Jackets have zipper fronts and are available with or without hoods and waist ties. Slacks and Shirts, to mix and match-, also of the same " fabric. The most exciting feature of all is the com- bination of Colours - Blacks, Btown, Rusts and Bieges - in dynamic Strips and heavenly Solids. Suncoast Mall OPEN: Mon., to Fri., 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat., 10a.m. tob p.m. Phone 524-9449 4.