HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-09-08, Page 19dive ;e5 lt€ and is to s withoal thinking rings ad 'land' beans Ise this the any ..,. my ?rests most there) s that! 1 bunch r dinner to get •ompts bout a highs, 'very r pla )een c rn snat ly adj )f liria remI yhe i Square s, m0 ick up ;erth be is fro U! In GO., ,off i ere. dis po Irea it Iesdrl Iroe S 'JO et l Golly, are the labour and business boys upset. And the more than 2 million members of the Canadian Labor Congress told the government where they could stick their federal economic practices. dasp. And it was probably enough to make our well travelled PM blush. The CLC told the federal government to insert their economic practices in a prominent position after learning last Monday that production in the economy declined in the second quarter of this year at a 2.4 percent annual rate. Now everybody is blaming our economic hardships and unemployment on reduced personal spending which normally provides the key stimulus for increased production of goods and services. It just seems 'that nobody is buying a new refrigerator, color television or that second car, provided they were able to afford the first one. In fact sources claim that anyone with .disposable income (you mdy have to go a long way to find somebody •with one) is simply stashing the green stuff into the bank and attracting modest interest rates. . Well the CLC say that such a moveis positively criminal and that public in- vestment is necessary to provide jobs and perhaps create some new ones. Labor officials -say that the budget has: done nothing for the economy and look to income tax cuts as the only'solution to increase spending. Now there's something most of us could' live with. Personal income tax break$ for low and middle income earners. But the trick is that once we have more of our weakened dollars in GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1977 P/► our pockets we have to buy things with them. Now if the government of Canada is going to consider a new policy on per- sonal income tax deductions to put more disposable income into people's pockets to increase spending, then there are a few deductions worth considering in the new policy. The government should allow personal deductions for money paid to children for. allowance. More .parents are having to turn over their checkbook to teenagers who need. money for a weekend date. The government should allow personal income tax deductions for food and lodging supplied to mothers-in-law who take a 'drop over anytime' casual statement seriously and after the third week of the visit believe you when you tell them it is no trouble at all. - The.government should allow personal income tax deductions or- at least a monetary bonus for anyone in Canada who is capable of filling out their income tax return, completely and properly. The govertament should allow personal income tax deductions for people"who are forced to rely on strike ridden transit and bus lines for transportation. The government should allow personal income tax deductions for many forms of entertainment before they are priced out of market and turn Canadians to other form's of entertainment that would only increase the family allowance budget in the country. The government should allow inconie tax deductions for people who have never qualified for a home buying grant, a student loan, unemployment insurance or any other type of government loan. WEEK AFTER b of Goderich will hold a f county representatives 14 to discuss the possibility of ide police radio dispatch ng of Clinton county council eputy-reeve Frank Cook told Clinton will seek to have the e radio dispatch systeni in eeve Cook is chairman of the ice committee and said his has already drawn up a ng with plans that wotald be e other four ,county towns HERE involved prior to the scheduled meeting at MacKay Hall in Goderich. Cook would not release any of the details of the plan until it was presented to the other town representatives and discussed at the September 14 meeting. Several months ago the Goderich Police Commission initiated a meeting of police chiefs of Clinton, Goderich, •Seaforth,. Wingham and Exeter to 'discuss the possibility of establishing a central radio dispatch system for use by the five communities. The Goderich representatives suggested the system be located in Goderich. INFORMATION, BACKGROUND AND OPINION • IN HURON Cook told his fellow councillors that he hoed they would be at the meeting to back up his police committee's proposal to locate the system in Clinton. The Goderich meeting is open to all elected officials of the five towns. Each town in the county is presently operating under its own dispatch system and three years ago the Ontario Police Commission claimed that the separate systems were inadequate. The Goderieh- Polrce department has been outfitted with a new radio- telephone dispatch system over the last year but the police in that town believe the system is inadequate. The poliom officers complained of a limited effective range, t,ie slow speed at which the system must be operated and its failure when mobile walkie-talkie units are inside steel buildings. The Goderich Police Association said that operating in car units is a two-handed job. Police officers claim that it makes it difficult for an officer to summon for assistance when he is trying to quell' a disturbance and is also dangerous when he tries to contact other officers while pursuing a suspect in another motor vehicle. The association even offered 'an example of an incident in which the cord became tangled in the car steering wheel and caused the police cruiser to go in the ditch. Policemen have also made claims that the system does not provide enough lines, that its automatic cutoff, which is set for three minutes, sometimes switches in after only 10 or 20 seconds and that the _system lacks privacy for calls from citizens reporting an incident to the police. It was also pointed out in a report ,to the Goderich Police Commission that when the cruiser roof lights are ac- tivated they cause interference with the system making it impossible to use the radio. Several other Ontario communities are using the; radio -telephone dispatch system but none reported any great inconvenience with the system. However, to revert to the old dispatcher system would rust the town arradditior a1 $11,000 per year. - rations of minority gover- e created a third vacant the cabinet"' of Premier by the constraints of the e minority government, the nsumer and Commercial inister, Sidney Handleman, portfolio last week. conference at Queens Park told reporters that he the need for opposition but Iso a need for a government make decisions and be ac - or it. He said there was a PROVINCIAL POINTS need for strength in government at Queens Park. Handleman claimed that he would probably not have resigned if the Con- servatives had regained their majority in the June election. His resignation now adds to two other cabinet vacancies caused by the last election. Davis said he will fill the empty portfolios when he rearranges his cabinet within the next month. Handleman, 56, will act as the MPP for Carleton at least until the next election, a seat that he has held for the past six years. After Handleman was t Eskimos of, Quebec, who ly suggested they will secede. ec over the language bill, ed the support of the federal t'in principle. ernment has lest moral he,lnuit hut does not appear power to regulate the dispute e two parties. A spokesman Affairs Minister Warren d the minister was trying to meeting with the Quebec and the Inuit to resolve the remier Rene Levesque -has • appointed 1 -lousing Minister in 1974 he suffered a severe heart attack but told reporters that he never'felt better. As Consumer and Commercial Relations Minister he has. been the target of a barrage of criticism over such controversial issues as rent con- trols and the banning of beer sales from the stands at Exhibition Stadium in Toronto. He threatened' to resign from -his post earlier rather than administer a continuation of the existing rent control program but now claims to be satisfied with the recent changes that were made. James Breithaupt, Liberal House Leader, claimed that Handleman's complaint about the limited time for legislation in the House was a smokescreen, Breithaupt believes that his real objection was that the .Con- servatives would not have the licence to do as they .wish. The Liberal house leader said that intelligent compromise will make thee parliament work and he was sorry that Handleman could not accept it. There were rumors that Handleman threw in the towel because of objections to his .rent controls. But Handleman claims that minority government is not CANADA IN SEVEN agreed to meet with Inuit represen- tatives but criticized the' federal government claiming they offered financial support to the Inuit in their fight against the language legislation. Inuit have held demonstrations in Northern Quebec communities and cut water and garbage collection services to government offices but there has been no.vidlence so far. Now the federal government is ac- cusing the'Quebec government of heavy- handed tactics in dealing with the Eskimos. Allmand issued a statement last week saying he supports the Nor- thern Quebec Inuit Association in their' fight by democratic means against the language bill 101 to preserve and promote the Inuit language and culture. ' Allmand also claimed that he asked the Quebec government to withdraw special police units that were sent to the northern communities but his request was denied. However he said that he probably had no authority to order their' withdrawal or the removal of the Quebec employees. Inuit leaders have asked that both the police and provincial public servants leave the area. Naturally the federal government is in a peculiar situation in trying to deal with the problem since the Dispute over the language hill is basically a provincial matter. However the James Bay agreement, a land claims settlement involving Quebec and northern natives., is under jurisdiction and has become linked to the language legislation. The numerous language and cultural guarantees for natives in the language legislation apply only to those who signed the James Bay agreement. Also the agreement has not received working and that the frustration created was the icing on the cake in his deciasion to resign. He added that the government lost control of its legislative program. Handleman had some important legislation he wanted passed through the House during the fall session including a new Securities Act. However, he said there would' be only 25 hours of debating time for Government bill in the House during the two month fall session and that time would have to be shared by all the ministries. The limit on the debating time is a one year experiment agreed to by all parties royal -approval although November has been tentatively set for that final ceremony to make the agreement law.. Allmand says he will stand by a threat to delay royal proclamation until the dispute is settled in northern Quebec. Progressive Conservative leader Joe Clark said at a news conference that the federal' government should take Quebec to 'court if the language legislation reduces the natives language rights. Clark also requested a study of the constitutionality of the language legislation, possibly resulting in another court challenge by the federal gover- and which -has been used through the six week session. Stephen Lewis, New Democratic Party leader,. lauded the efforts of Handleman through his portfolios but said he was ` not persuaded by his arguments about minority government not working. Handleman said he hoped the government would take strong action in the future, particularly affecting the economy without worrying whether such actions will be popular and that a responsible opposition will recognize what is necessary. nment. Prime Minister Trudeau has already " promised to investigate the con- stitutionality of Quebec's language Legislation, which once it becomes law would promote the use of French and limit the use of English in the province. The bill has already received third and final reading in the Assembly. The James Bay agreement does not protect all the language rights and an official of Allmand's office said his office is legally and morally bound to protect the rights of the Inuit. fr of Sam suspect may never rkowitz, 24, and suspected killer was labelled as an ed person, last week in a report. The report now in - likelihood that he will never for the six Son of Sam mur- ourt appointed psychiatrists at as a result of mental defect the 24.year-old Bronx loyee lacked the capacity to the proceedings against him is lawyer in his own defense. Mies are the criteria for WORLDWEEK competence to stand trial in New York State. If the psychiatrists findings stand, then Berkowitz will he ordered in- carcerated in a state institution for the criminally insane. Therefore, he will not he brought to trial unless ' he is later judged to have recovered his sanity, which the psychiatrists said was unlikely. But Brooklyn District Attorney Eugene Gold has since won the right to have his own psychiatrists examine Berkowitz. Mr. Gold said that as district attorney of the court it was his opinion that Berkowitz was fit to stand trial. Gerald Held, Brooklyn state Supreme Court Justice gave the state until October 4 to present any conflicting psychiatric data that might open the way to conductingoa trial. The murders of six young people and the wounding of seven others were carried out during a year reign of terror, always at night and with a .44 calibre revolver. The gunman concentrated his efforts on couples in parked cars and sometimes left taunting notes for the police and media, .eventually adopting the name Son of Sam, Berkowitz was arrested August 10 after a parking ticket issued near the site of the last killing led police to him. Berkowitz appeared in court last Tuesday with an escort of nine police cars and a police helicopter. Re displayed no reaction during the brief legal proceedings as his alleged mental shortcomings were read in the letter covering the psychiatrist's eight page opinion. field read from the cover letter of the report in court but ordered that the document he resealed and that those familiar with it not discuss it. Berkowitz is under indictment in Brooklyn for the last of the .44 calibre attacks which was a July 31 assault that killed Stacy Moskowitz 20, and partially blinded her date. 20 year old Robert Violante. in addition to the last killing Berkowitz has been indicted in the Bronx for three murders and the wounding of a fourth person and in Queens for two killings and five, woundings. The Bronx and Queens indictments are being put off pending a finding in the ilrenklyn case. Court sources said a finding that Berkowitz is imcompetcnt would shelve these indictments. After the last court session Berkowitz was returned to an isolation ward at King's County Hospital where he has- been confined since his arrest. The two psychiatrists, Dr. Daniel Sch- wartz and Dr. Richard Weidenhacher said they examined Berkowitz for 11 hours at the hospital. The doctors studied statements that Berkowitz has made to prosecutors, photographs of his Yonkers apartment and automobile, skull X-rays and brain tests and letters from the Son of Sam to police and to I)a ily News columnist Jimmy Breslin. i