HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-5-19, Page 8EXEPER, AtIVOIDAT.E, TRIINSBAT, IDLY 113 , 1ft21 Exeter Markets. CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat - 1,50 Marley • , . .. ,,t 50‘'..lot So Oats ; . .1 • 35 to 40 Family Flour ...5.30 Feed Plow . 240 Shorts . . 1.90 Bran . 1.90 reatnery Butler .. 35 patsy Butter 77 to 30 Eggs 73 Lard 20 Hay per ton ..$15 to $16 Hogs , 9.50 IIALF1.10LIDAY We the undersigned Isierehants of the Village of Exeter agree to dose our respective places ot business at 12.30 sharp EVERY Wednesday during the mouths of June, July and August. B. W. Beavers. Jones & May W. W. Taman A. Stewart Sentheott Bros. R.N.'Rowe W. 3. Beer Gs A. BawkinS S. l'aertin 4.; Son E.. Gardiner W. 3. Hearoan Ed. Dignan D. Russell. Grigg Stationery Co. N. Hockey T. ElliOtt H. S. Walters J. Senior Jas. Lawson S. Fitton P. Frayne STRAY PIG -A four weeks' • ola st'..g. has sr.r.aye I unto ,rny Dremi.ses. Owner can ve sane by peg ex- penses anti prevelg pry. -Thos. Houl:lest. Exeter. CARS FOR lilit,E-Elone St, C. L. WILSON,. WM. FE, WYANDOTTE EGGS, Urnei411urlr a.tr ot Wh. Wyandotte Eggs dor satirge. Marti strain Thor- oughlreds. Hyndmen, Exe:er. FOR. RENT, -100 acres good pas- ture, Lot 9, South. Beurulary. Stephen. .A.pnly to Wesley Jones, Exeter. PLOWING DONE. Having purchased a tractor outfit' I am prepared to accept contracts for plowing. -E. B. Mitchell, Centralia. ••••,•••••••••• OVERLAND COI,JP.b. FOR SALE. Perfect running condition, run 1000 miles; good reason for selling. Appy at Advocate Office. --- HOTEL FOR SALk... First-class Hotel, situated at Dash- -wood on the main road between Ex- eter and Grand Bend. Buildings allin Ifiest-class shape, with good stabling accommodation. Gocd reasons for selling, Will be sold very reasonably. For particlars apply to Wm. Zimmer, Dashwood. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. , Apply to J. H. Geeeve Exeter . --- NEW MILK ROUTE. I wish to announce to the citizens of Exeter that I will commence a new route here on Monday, April 4th, and trust you will favor me with your pat- ronage. SAI. ELLIOTT. -------- TRUCK FOR SERVICE. I have a truck for service. Rhone 115, Exeter. S. I, V. CANN. If you have anything to sell or you want to buy, try The Advocate Want Column VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E j Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time 4 to 6 p'clock; evenings 1 to '3 COURT OF REVISION .11=1•••••••• Local Doings Wee Wm. Reid tof Exeter last week reed word of the death of his mother, „Mrs. jobn. Ae,I ofBelfastiii. Breland, aged 86 years, A family of five sons and four daughters survive. I. 11, Carling, RA Barrister Solicitor, 14otaiy Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mo... Sons 13ank, Rte. DIED AT SOMBRA. The death occurred at Sombre on Thursday, l'day 12th, of Anzfe Rattary wife of 1R-ev. Edward Jones, formerly of Exteger, at the age .of 28 years, Decbased had been ill for eometime. and Mrs'. Jones were married about six years ago,. and for a time .Mr. Jones preached at Varna and Bayfield Since the death kof Mrs. Jones father :hey have been farming at Sombrs, where '1r. Jones has also been sup- plying in the Presbyterian church, Be- sides the husband she is survived i.y a son, and daeghter. The funeral took place at Sombre. Me. Jones is a son of \L-. and Mrs. Wesley Jones of town who attended. tile funeral OLD RESIDENTER PASSES. Mr. George Cudmore, old and ?Jailer res,esient ,of Exeter, answered ,he great roll call an Sunday morning last about 7.30 cecloek. Several weeks age he had the misfortune Of falling whse s. a rte4g,hbors and fracturedhis thigh. Since that time he has been emu -Zits -id to his bed, suffering consid- erably Irani the effects of his injury and being in the ti4th year of his age the strain preVed too great a shock to his constittetien, and he gradually sank until death elaimed lam, He was born n Devonshire, Erng., en, the 30th day of August, 1937, and just 30 years lat- er lie same to Canada. nettling Imre: where he lias resided ever since. His wife was Mary Jane, Siaelake, who pre- deeeased him !II the year 1338. lie is surveyed by two SOn$, Wilber of uatistay. Alta., and Enos of Sedro 1,Voelley, Wash, tind one daughter, Mrs Wm. Fraser, with whoni he was resist. log at the time of his death. He also leaves one brother, Aaron, of 1...'rystal Ciiy, Mn-. and two sistv;s• Mr.. John Johns cat ,own,, and Me& Thos.. Prior. He wa., member ;h: Zsiethodist Church, end in politics was a Comer- vative. HO was a hard working and industrious man and of careful habits. The lusteral cook place to Ow Exeter cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. VILLAGE OF EXETER Ntcee; hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Wisp Exeter will hold iesi first meeting en the Counc.1 Chambers, Li- brary Bulling, Exeter, on Monday. .30th day ol May, ,1921, at 7.30.p.m. Jos. Senior.; Clerk. ISEATH OF MRS. DAWDEN. The sad death took place on Thurs- day evening last :Nay 12th a Mildred View:1u Martin, Nvlfe of Mr. Sandy G. Bawden a EcImenton, in her 36th year. Deceased came here from Ed- monton a few weeks ago, and two weeks prior to her death. became the :nether Pt a baby girl. Her recovery WU Dna as rapid and successful as hoped tor, but ;she was supposed to have passed the dangerous period when she was suddenly seized with heart failure, and death followed in a few. moment& casting a gloom over ,he whole community. Deceaseo was a daughter of Mr. %arid Mrs, .Sarnuel Alantin of toetn, ,and was born at Ex- eter. About ten. years ago she mar- ried gr. 'Bawden, and after two or three years residence here she and her _husband moved to Edmonton to reside. She was a general favorite with old and young and both here and in her vqeseern. home she had made VerV many warm friends, who heard of her passing with sincere regret. Besides rhe husband and little da.ugh- ter !she. is survived by her parents, one brether.. Wilbur and 'one sister, Miss Lulu, all oth f whom have e sympathy of entire community in their be- reavement. Alter the arrival of Me. Bawden pn noon on Monday the fun- eral, took place •at 3 o'clock to the Exeter cemetery, the service being conducted by Revs. Wilson, McAlister and Foote. The floral tributes were very beautiful, many of them being sent by friends in. Edmonton. WANTED a local representative at Exeter to represent "The Old Relies ble Foothill Nurseries", and cover sur- rounding; territory. A splendid' open- ing, for a. reliable man. Exclusive 12r- ritory.,-- STONE & WELLINGTON Toronto; Ontario. COURT REVISION TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN --- Notije is hereby ,given that a Court of 'Revision 01 the Assessment Roll'of the. Township of Stephen will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall, Cre& ton, on Thursday, the 26th day efMay 1921, at 1 o'clock es, m, HENRY EILBER, Township Clerk, Crediton, Ont HIGH INVESTMENT YIELDS NOW AVAILABLE , Dominion of Canada Victory Bonds Provence of Ontario Bonds. , City of Toronto and other leprids'... ERNEST ELLIOT (Mace Elliot Building Exeter TURNING MILL •. t All kinds of Turning, Gum/Sting Saws, Etc., done on shortest nOtiep.,,- FOR SALE. Massey -Harris Cream Separator, 500 eapacety, nearly newe • APPLE BUTTER AND BOILED -Cider, first-class quality, • INDIAN PONY FOR SALE, 4 yrs. old. • S. X. V. CANN, Phone 115 Y. P. C. A. Ladies' Night to -night at the Y. The rooms open. ell day May 24th. IA gathering of ladies and gentlemen at night,- A meeting is being Arranged for delegates from surrounding places to schedule games. 1.1' ,7 Trivitt Memorial Church INVEST YOUR, FUNDS in Victory, Demittion of Canada, Pro- incial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trost Foods. At exist/kg prices from 6 Der cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds, Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest Office -Carling Bk., Main St., Exeter Tuegelay next is :May 24th, a public holiday. a.m.-"The Abiding„presence of Chase” p,m."The Concealment of Christ." eltev A. A. Trumper, Rector s• efrs. Thomas Jones is confined to her .hOme through illness. Rev. W. K McAlister is to con- duct anniversary -services next Sunday at Munro Mr. Preston Dearing of Stephen has been suffering from a severe attack of quinsy. • Mr. 11000.ngs is still taking the re,St, .cure at,his home, and improving considerably. - Laborers in Ottawa are aeeepting3O cents pe' honer to go to 'work outside the city. This is the wage that is ef- fered, by the 044ariO labor butiettar, Dr. !Moore of London was here Sim - day in consultation uSith. Dr. Hy:adma4. regar.ling. the illness of "Aliss Station and 7A, E. Fuke, both of whom are showing Signs of improvement The ,poor Printer is hit another blow bv the Union .Government's. new Sales Tax 1,4COXISe. AS we are Classed manufacturers we must pay three ner cent. on all 'job printing mantifactur- ed our establishment" Judge Porterfield of Kansas City, says, the youth of to -day is "dancing ';,•s NNW to hell, through the public dartee halls and movies. The courts or the schools can make good thud - ren so long as this practice is con- .inued." Mrs Hulbert ot the Wellington St Methodist Choir, London, assisted theMain St . Methodist ,,Choir in the ser- viee ot praise last. Sunday lie- solo contribution, "I Come to rhe." was much, appreciated !!)y the CengregatiOrk, Major W. J. 'Beaman, was in Clinion ta weelCattendiu7 a meeting of the Huron Batmlion, a.Z.dis to take charge of his old eompany during the summer camp at London in jene. He. is tore- eruit the company at BrusselarSea- forth, Hensall. and Exciter. The rate - of pay is $1.50 'for old: and $11.25,,,,for new members. Tobaeco is the, least harmful of the "four social p'oison.s', tea, coffee, 'to- baeco and alcohol, according to Sir jetties Cantlie, the eminent surgeon. He says three days abstenance from smoking would entirely free the sys- ;em from nicotine. He condemns the cigarette. • 4JAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 11 aSM,—How life's problems were taken up by our Lord. 7 p.m.—Beulah Land. The Minister. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11,00 -"For Thine is the Kingdem,and the Power and the Glory For - sever". Our Lord's Prayer. 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible Study. 7.00 p.m. -Rev. McConnell, of Hen - sail Presbyterian Church. Inspiring Music. All welcome MAII'PST. METHODIST CHURcH. 'Re'.v Geo. McAlister M. • • Phone 21.r3 11 J. Morley Coiling 31 p.m.Sunday School and'Bible J.,*„orleycolling • • • 2;36-S. S. Anniversery.,-Rev. J. MOT, ley Coiling. F11,44:11C; 1110.Mik WEDDED IN TORONTO. Mr, Earl Browning, son of Dr. Browning of thwn, was married in To :onto a Lew days ago to Miss Mont- gernere7 of that city. Earl will have the best wishes of his many friends here for a happy wedded life. UNVEILING OF TABLET. The public are cordially invited to attend a ceremony in connection. with the unveiling of a Memorial Tablet which has been placed in the banking room of the local branch of The Can- adian Bank of Commerce in honour of the members of the Bank's staff from Exeter and District who enlisted for service in 'the Great War. The unveling will take place at the Bank on Thursday afternoon. 19th \lay, at 4.30 o'clock. -- .1.UN11OR BASEBALL LEAGUE. The Baseball Schedule for the Ex- eter V.P.C.A., Clinton and Seaforth Junior Group shows the following list of games. The Exeter committee is W. J. Beaman, Boyle, W. S. Cole. -Exeter play.s at Seaforth an June 2, July 15, and August 12; at Clinton on June 10, June 19, and July 29. Clinton ,play.s at,Seaforth on. June 6, July 12; July 26; at Exeker on May 31, Judy 8, and Augnst 9; Seaeorth plays at eClinton 'on May 27, July 5, AQggsil, t$; at Exeter on June 2, JuilY .15, And August' 12. • Mr. Walter Dearing of London vis- ited here over Sundary Miss Grace Creech of Stratford Bus- iness College, was home over Sunday. Mr. Robert. Rowcliffe left last week spenJ someenonehs at High, Water, Man. ass Lii1ilai Kay of 'Toronto is vis- i:Ung her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kay. Mr. Herb...Soutlecott left Monday for Toronto to resume nes duties as traveller. Sir. Luther Braund and two sons of Brantford visited with friends here over Sunday. Mrs. Se. S. Deaviiit, after a few weeks' visit here, returned to Lis - Ls well Monday. Miss Charlotte Dearing returned on Saturday from Detroit where she spent the winter. Mrs, j. H. Markham of London spent a comele days with friends in town the latter part of last week. Mr. a,nd Mrs. Kestee of Brantford, and Met and Mrs. Wm, Amy of Bur- ford spent Sunday at the home of .Mr.• E. Jory. • r• • 41and Mrs, W. Herbert, Mr. Fall - sell, and Miss Terry -of London spent, the week.Ads.54 w•ittle*ri,a0 Mrs'. E, Gardiner of town Mr. ancl,:-Mta,:13?''F.I'VerguSon of' Winnipee vaerived• here the latter part • of, i.a.st wieek ,and ,w3.11 vent for a time wethe latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs, . Mr. acrid Mrs. Thomas Dayinin jief 1) on Fr:day for their home in Outlook Sask., After spending the winter in town, Mrs. Murray also ,returnea to her ham& n Dakcita, while Miss Edith Dads accOmparded them and will, viesii her sister Mrs, Cockwell at Illeds worth, Sask • "rtrisei ' e-saressels-or PHONE- 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 TRUE- V ALU At this time of generally unsatisfac- tory buying conditions, it is empha- sized to the thoughtful purchaser that the true v:ilue of a corset -Toes not lie in the monger of dollars you pay for it, but in the number of days it will wear beyond the life of the average corset and continue to give you the joy of possession it gave the Arst day you put it on, You may buy every GOSS A D Pion: Lgcfns CORSET with our assurance of your complete satisfaction. E oF OUR CORSET DEPARTMENT TS BECOMING MORE POPULAR EACH WEEK. AS WELL AS GOSSARD'S WE ALSO HANDLE THE CELEBRATED NEMO, TM. CROMPTON'S LA GRACE AND 0. Sc, A. liRANDS, ASK TO SEE OUR "NUNIODE" BRASSIERES. FINAL CLEARING OF LAD IES AND MISSES' SPRING COATS AND SUflS Every Coat and Suit must go regardless of price. We can offer you real bargains for the next ten, days. MEN'S AND BOY'S STRAW HATS The Summer Straw Hats are here for !lien and Boys. -Sailors, Pan- amas, Etc., at wonderfully attractive prices. 'MEN'S SUMMER FURNISHINGS Metes Belts, Ties, Braces, Shirts. Garters, Pyjamas, Hats, Caps, Clothing, Etc,, ready for summer selling. LADIESBLOUSES. Shipment just. arrived, Voiles and Georgetkes. Ask to, see our Georg- ette Blouses at $5,00. They are beauties. THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY. AFTER- NOON DURING JUNE JULY AND AUGUST. JONES & MAY WW1101 • WP ■•• • o''`04.1..1PwW.,*g•No4 Auto Licenses and Markers Issued in Exeter. These are now being issued in Ex- eter. We have them in stock and can supply you at shortest notice. Have your application forms properly filled jai. 5. W. Simms Express Office, Exeter. R. N. ROWE FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License No. 210 Motor -Hearse Service Phones 20J and 20W. WESTERN ONTARIO i3EST COM- MERCIAL SCHOOL. -CENTRAL STRATFORD.. ONT. Our winter term commences Tues- day, January 4th, and students may register in our Commercial, Short- hand or Telegraphy Departments at any time. Our courses are thorough and practical, and we assist grad- uates to positions. Get our free Catalogue' D. .A. McLachlan. Principal. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce, - taken in exchange Jas. Gould MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 • Special Value in Shoes and Oxfords for 1 Week only FIFTEEN PAIRS LAD IES' OXFORDS. ,sizes 3, 4 ,5, and 6. They are just the thing for wearing around the house. Regular price $3.00 and $3.50. Special Price th.,s week $1.98. 28 PAIRS LADIES OXFORDS AND PUMPS.-Beeter quality than the above line. Regular $4.50 to $5.50 values. Not every size Sn this assort- ment. Special Price this week $2.48. • . : 46 PAIRS MEN'S FINE SH028 sE:''''Wehaee 46 pairs Men's Fine Shoes Bizet 6 and '7, 7'1-z and 8 This 'IS real bargain for men- whet. want a „tight weight shoe for summer. Regular AT 44:501'to ' Specia0, Price for ths week only $2.98,and $3.48. 75 PAIRS MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHOES - Reguilar .$5.50 and .$6.00 • .valiree., If in need of a good work .shoe sure, 10 see these lines. . Special. Price $4,98. Southcott Bros. DR. AL E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr, Vining) Phone 26w DR. SW,EET Veterinary Surgeon Can be consulted at his office. Dehorning Clippers ;to rent. Office -t ° Phone No. 120 Exeter. DR, HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST . Office -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter t Calls promptly attended to day or night. f,' mre Dr. G. F. Roalstoan L. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office ' Closed Wednesday afternoon.s. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farts Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed aucttiotr nei LorCountiesof Prices Reasonable' and Middlesexon Guaranteed. • Crediton, - Ontario. If you want to order a daily paper r magazine, or renew a -present sub- scription, leave your order at the Advocate Office. We save you paper, POsta0e .stainp and coat of money order .and when clubbing tie more besides. MONEY- TO LOAN • We have &large amount- of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN 8C'STANBURY 13arristers, Solicitors, Exeter