HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-5-19, Page 54 1EWS TOPICS EEK and Pormine districsw t, also eat Nof Children love home-made bread made of Cream of the West Flour. And there is nothing else so good for them that costs so little, Maple Leaf Milling Co„ Limited Toronto,. Winnipeg .Banda. Halifax OFCaPPrreo°$iperou's Dutch farmera pass through Toronto on their way to set- tle iu the West. Rumors of buried treasure on banks of stream in Lacblue, Que., e use stampede. Irene E. Bougalt, aged 16, of Ot- tawa, disappears in Montreal since Monday eveniug. Sexual Qt Huron amends canon laws to previde for interdeuomina- *Waal pulpit exchange. Printers' strir elknYd$ in Regina. Newark defeated Toronto by 9 to 5, Canada mny borrow $40.000,00Q in New York market. Tema) meteorologists soon to set forth on Arctic expedition. The schooner Canada aeeraged 11 miles an hour in a trial trip. German workers in OPpelu, have declared a general striae. George Kelly leads the National League with eight home Tuns. Toronto wake discover a new echeilae to rob department otores. "Balee" Rutts made his teeth homer of the season en Thursday. Ontario Government liquor dis- bpoentttrer.lea to advance prices $1 per Halifax wW play the Scottish SO.C- ger team despite the A. A. U. of C. ruling. " Oliarle$ Forbes was hit by a To- mato street ear; the motorman was rreetede British locomotive engineers have beets ordered not to move "Plaele Leg" eael. Britain'e Solicitor-Go:14)Tel to at - teed trial of German war erisainals ns_eiptig. Hydra In liamiltork and. London swamped with applications for cook- ing4etiliroell' • atce baud a and elate official* ot the Cunard Co. will rears tbe Aquitania. Hary Maii911, and indwardlenknoti, aged 48 and 19. or °thaw*. are fear- ed drowned. G. T. R. sbareholders 4ecide to ratify the agreement with Canadian CIOTernmeut, Goyernment*a eonditiona for tsktng ovez' of the Grand Trunk are aceept- ed by ahareholders. joins Todd., of Nora; aged 78, burned to death in bush fire. which got beyond bis control. Florence Nightingaleat birthday celebrated in the 'United States an Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World'a Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and attractive Sime for the Readere of One Paper A Solid Uour's Enjonment, TUESDAY, Forest Ares are raging in the Mus- koka, district. Baltimore and. Newark were beat- en on Monday. Rich strike of free gold is reported near Port Arthur, The New York Kilties beat Toron- to on 3Ionday, 4 to 3, Charles Cooper died suddenly on the street in GuelPh. Sailors and transport workers in Sweden are on strike. Germans are arming on the weet side of the Oder river. Termite merchants and businesa leaders diocese budget. Berlin parties ahem disposition to accept the allied ultimatum. Only two games were played in *be realer leagues Monday. Dublin's national bank was raide y bandits and n85.400 stolen. Knights of Columbus will discon- You can moire Cream of the. West r our in Exeter (rota � SELDON ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known on apnlication, Stray Animals -One insertion 50c, three ineertione $L00. Fa.vm or Real Estaeo for sale 50c. oNinh insert3on. for one month of four insertions Miscella.neous articles of not more than fine lines: For Sale. To Rent. Wnnted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found iocaLs 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. .per nkin per inertion. No notice less than 25. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales $3 for one insertion .and $1.50 for each subsequent in - 'amnion if under five inches in length. Legal advertisfog 10c. and Sc. a line. DOUBLII rxrAcr ROUrks Bowe= moNrarsAx. TORONTO DETROIT 1134 CHICAGO Uolaxce1ie4 dining car servina Moentog cars on night tram, a*d Parlor =Inn on PriocApal day train. ktornatka to= I.o7 Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horne sag %strict Plunisnner Agent. Toronto 11. J. DORE nano 44v 4.14COEA. EXII*41 Western Univers London, Ontario Summer School for *Arts and Sciences ,July 4th to August 12th For Information and Calendar write K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar TIE C00111TIN ECM or Exeter, Ont. HAS INVENTED A MACHINE 'FOR GRINDING ENGINE CYLINDERS, CAR AND TRACTOR BLOCKS. WE MAKE PISTONS AND RINGS TO FIT ANY CYLINDER CYLINDERS ARE GROUND TO 10006 PART OF AN INCH, AND AS • 'TRUE AND ACCURATE AS MADE BY ANY MAI4UFACTURER. WE CAN MAKE YOUR ENGINE AS GOOD AS NEW. WE MAKE SAW MANDRELS, EMERY STANDS, SPEED JACKS HANGERS, PULLEYS, and have SHAFTING FOR SALE ALSO, THESE WE MAKE TO SUIT THE USERS. HAVE A FIRST CLASS WELDING OUTFIT. AGENTS FOR J. I. CASE THRESHING COMPANY. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS MORSE CO'Y., COME AND SEE US REGARDING YOUR WANTS She athiOgPNYr Under Floors For LinlwA, Cases For Beehive.s - For A Eough craft paptr,y&Ctatecl - B lc4! e erk walls filaSter .71! f",t;:i-;1 Houses! both sides with aisph,.ailfic comp' mind - • , Brantford Rootirig 1.;-mitevi Head Office.ancl Factory, Brantford, Can. 12.4 • PAM insuring Canadian toembere. Twelve bandits aecured 4,000 front tbe Detroit United RellwaY. Hamilton to grant Gas Go. 7.5e state for natural gas in May and June. Harry Freematt, Torouto, on Mon- day beat Nle a Michaela of Syraetuse. Sugar reanery plants At Chatbaut and Kitchener are to erne over - ;Mosta. Toronto engineers claim a disco's - ern that will eliminate the bleat furnaee. Butter dropped 10 cents at Belle. ville. creamery gelling wholesale at 32 outs. Two children of Willis ntacnenzie were burned to death at Douglas. town. N.U. The Preebnterlan General Assent - are facing a, budget of *ammo. Thomas Z. Mahoney will succeed Dr. George Creelman as general man- ager of the 'Niagara, Peninsula Grow- ers. Limited. A deputation from the Six Nations Council of Chiefs waited on the GQ'r^ =omit at Ottawa on Monday to pro test against compulsory enfranehlse- cut. WEDNESDAY. "Babe" Ruth made bis ninth homer of tbe season. German Reichstag votes to accept the allied tatimatura. Manitoba Court of Appeal decidea a mule la not a horse. Reading defeated the Leafs for the second consecutive time. Polish insurgents in Silesia, threa- ten to seize the big cities. Hull police cells empty, ascribed by pblice to new liquor law. A theatre and contents were burn- ed at Brandon; loss $20,000. The Australian cricketers beat Surrey by an bluing and 66 runs. Carl Trernaine beat Eddie Galla- gher at Harailton in four rounds. A woman in Toronto is the victim of an attack of sleeping sickness. The Government will enlarge the ilre.ranging service this summer. A victim of the Bolsheviki, held as hostage, is a visitor to Toronto. Opinion varies among business xnen as to the merits of the budget. British transport workers' execu- tive decides on embargo on foreign coal. The University of Toronto alumni has aided 214 soldier students by loans. Further offers have been made to the Sinn Fein on a united Ireland basis. Col. C. W. Pack, V.C., M.P. for Skeena, to command Canadian Bisley team. Fie -cent glass of beer is expected soon on sale in Montreal owing to removal of tax. Serious bush Ares around Capreol, south of Cobalt, and in Timagansi Forest Reserve. Young child of Mr. and Mrs. A. King, Dover township, near Chat- ham, dies of burns. The successful students:, of the Royal Dental College in final year are announced. Dr. Feed is on trial in connection with the death of two women through an error in drug's. "Charlie" Chaplin, the famous movie star., was severely burned dur- ing .one of his "stunt." THURSDAY. ,Many paper mills in Canada shut doWn. James Cook dies at St. John, N.B., •aged 102 years. A Toronto youtfi was electrocuted by a fallen wire. The Reading -Toronto double-head- er was postponed. Alberta and Saskatchewan gets eapious needed rains. Rioting breaks out among striking coal drivers in Ottawa. • German troops baae crossed the Oder river into Silesia. Secretary of British Communists is on trial for sedition. IL S. Senate passed its Emergency Tariff Bill on Wednesday. • Census enumerators will inquire specifically as .to incomes. • The Boston Nationals beat Pitts- • burg, 1 to 0 in 13 innings. Sinn Feiners are now destroying agricultural seed in Ireland. "Benny" Haute denies the charge that he stole an autoraobile. Seven divines in field for modera- torship of the General Assembly. • Bandits are on trial for the mur- der. of Sabine, a Toronto druggist. Irish bishops and priests have pre- sented gifts to Archbishop Mannix." A. Toronto man had a narrow escape from • asphyxiation in a firea British cotton spinners have an- nounced a wage cut of 30 per cent. Buffalo advanced to second place In.the Ixiternational Baseball League has been 'introduced in the • Commons to regulate immigration of For Sale by Ross Taylor Co., Ltd. Chinese' Booth Area gain headway in Coba/t •••reat,.Oppor • The Men: of Exeter and Vicinity . • • , • TO GET • • • ..• nTip Top Clothes • At $24 per Suit lor Overcoat. TIP Tor TAILORS show lher %telt Snitaras and Ovexceatinas at the CENTAL HOTEL. EXETaR. ON THURSDAY, MAY ee h The -Se goads were fOrugglY SPUI during the war far $511 and 455. j• • TIP TOP TAILORS art li.'nown throughout Canada, for the good iy otylishperfeetly fitting ohoi they snake o rasasure and WI • the very low price a u4.00. MADE TO MEASURE MADE- TO FIT MADE TO PLEASE DON'T FORGET THE DATE nNIND' ?LACE TiURSDAY. MAY 26th,'At 'CENT i.en HOTEL EXh.TFR (Intended for last week,) Alex. Murdock spent lant week , Tessa anti E/sie GunrChn amWor4 and Toronto. -Mr. pens. ,snent Sunday with their .ter, Plass is nor:fined to .itis heel 'from ;41 P.assmore Thamen Road -M. and attack of pleuts:sy.-Mrs. Sam, ';itacen John W:nnis, of Gra.aten were spent a few days last tveek" initb Ilniaisors an the 3' ea: Mrs, Jos. Mor - friends at Cromarty. -Dr, Jas. BM of ilen Flnday.--Mse xead MTS. Edgar Harrisburg, Pa., te spendine a new :nquses. Were 14%-ooalwate on Sunday weeks with his mother, Mrs, a'n4 3Inet of tante Par.V4S, Mr. $r-lars. 0, aleleonelj and Miss Dor- rand r. john MorZey,-Mr. and Mrn othy were in Toronto, where thy via- Ed. Waolivard son Rees of Saxe:t- iled for a few idaYn.-Eneter Distriet fond monned6.1 and spant Sunday meeting wall be avid in the Methoditt nthe 7.attern sister, :44r.i. G4ori4,* Church here on Ftinlay, May 2001,-, Park:DOW-Mr, ani Ma. C. W. Thursday as "hospital day." sne. Geo, Brock, who la,st week lost soon ano &ugh er Ruth of Lucan spent John Atkinson, one of the best alt Ins blacksmith axes, etc., no, the nunsinv at the home. of Frank Sqfares known guides lu Manitoba, commits ism has elevated to buad 4 txcw App, suicide because despondent, and an purchased from Mr. Tawas Mrs. A. E. Reynolds, Winnipeg, niurdock the land en which bin former electrocuted in attempting to with- shop stood, and will erect at two draw plug from small beater. storey cement shop. 'air. C. S. Hud- SATURDAYwho, also lost everything in the . Newark defeated Toronto, 9 to 3, fireWfrIt have a. shop the new build-, to ing.-Lhe senior room of the public Ottawa coal drivers return work. Big celebration by Mystic Shriners at n,ondon. Two dogs worry cattle to death near Petrolea. Showers partly subdue forest fires Timisltarning. •German general strike in Oppelu has been -called off. The price of confectionery has dropped 10c per pound. Forest fire threatened destruction of New Waterford, N.S. Independent Laborites were nomi- nated for the Ulster House. Trouble was caused in Woolwich, Eng., on Friday night by soldiers. Britain's Railway Labor executive has ordered the men to move foreign coal. North Bay pollee, suspended by mayor, are reinstated by the Town Council. Thirty-seven graduates receive so- cial service diplomas from Toronto tions. Uniirersity. Kitchener Board of Trade goes out. of existence after about forty SEAFORTH-The remains of .he rlivonorka.nd McFadden each swear 'Toronto. aged 34, nldest son 01 the yeanrost' late. John Allen Roberts, druggist, of the other murdered the Toronto Ica/A, J. S. Roberts et Seatorth, who . druggists. died suddenly on Monday, n Dr. Edith Gordon appointed medis brought bete for interment. -Mrs. John cal adviser to University of Toronto Eckert died on day 8, aged 97 years,' /DWan Cameron, for 50 years In She name to Canada when ZI years of, lady students. charge' a CI, 14. W. telegraph office at Brantford, dies at 82 years of age. There is a rush of imports from the United States pending revision or, Customs • Act to conform with budget. MONDAY. British coal strike nearer settle- ment. Wave of crime in Ireland is on the increase. The Leafs broke even with Newark on Saturday. Peterboro and Brantford printers' strikes ended. The Scottish soccer team has. sail- ed for Canada. Sinn Fein commit outrages in Lon- don and Liverpool. Rt. Rev. Mgr. Dominic Casey dies suddenly at Lindsay. Three severe earthquakes were felt on Saturday in Salvador. Premier Briand sayeeEeence won't tolerate German troopsete Silesia. Toronto -Scottish defeated All - Scots 1-0 in an Ontariotqlep game. A new Masonic lodgejeate be form- ed 'in honor of Grand Master Har- court. • John Rice, aged 59 was accidental- ly , killed by shunting engine at Lendon. P. E. Perrault and wife, aged 62 and 61, found dead in their home at Quebec. New York beat Cleveland twice in succession and lead the American League. • • The steamship Aquitania sailed for the U. S. with office clerks, etc., as stewards. Railway labsee organizatiohe anti- fied wage agreements to be ter- minated. • Orangemen In Toronto attended a memorial service to the late Rev. J. D. morrow. A doctor grappled with. burglar in Toronto, who eseapedontter inaur- ing.his assailant. A boy in Toronto was badly infur en when chemicals' for 'fireworks ,ek-4 Pit)Tdb.eeic4omhltas tigiconePUrposes opontlinni 47;000,000 in building up Toronto railway' system, -Mrs. Frank Gunman, spent Tuesday and Wednesday ol 111.41S %V* On -o -n -ss ilancah `Ram of Lo.salOft spent last a..e.e‘ with her &later, Mrs„ Freeman Arkses.-Mo.hers Day was obseeved iat church Sunday. The •Serviees were eon:lees:ea by Rev. m- ende and opesid musie given by the sehool has been nlosed fon st few new:v.-St:venal stoat .1ns CA strint at. days owing to ,the illness of Penni- '4,1`..Wal the, Annual Dntrset W. M. S. pal niacnny.-On Saturday Mn. T. Neelands received a message inform- ing her of the death of her sister, Mrs. J. Elliott of Nancouxer, 13. C. - Among those who were successful in passing their examinations In their first year course in engineering are W. T. A. Bell, son. of Mrs. Berslia. Bell; Jack Elder, son of Mr. and Mrs John Elder, who passed wait honors; and Ralph Hawkins. -Mrs (Dr.) Carne bell of Tomato a's the guest of her parents. Ir. and Mrs. T. Murdock. Zurich • •••••• Iiss E. Robinson, who has been nursing .at Victoria Hospital, London, received her diploma on Wednesday of last week. We extend eongeatula- siRieR IOR ;At 1. ral.ton V 4 IA SCHOOL REPORT of 5 5.o 3. 3, 5 ThPHEN, or April anti May -Sr. 4- R., Jere 73, F. PgrsOrts 08. 14. Penhale 5,7. Jr. Knight 77. A. Preotea- nor 70. Sr. 3-R Dearing 86, S. Dear - :ng 84, M. Jory 31, M. Winn 70. Lt snarnake :4, E. Christie 62. Jr. 3-5. Box 64. Sr. Z -E. Dearing 83. Jr. 1 Fd C.hrisne., M Perthole, B. Sanders, G. Deanni, M, Sent. lst Class -L. Tory. Prlmer-W, Stanlake, G. Pen- ' 'antiance 2.1. -Lela B. Sandsrs, tea- , hcahlee:, Triebner. Number on roll ZZ; ae age A fenny of eight ehldren, 52 grandchildren and 30 great grandchild- ren survive. (dRANULES) F" INDIGESTION Taste good, do good; dissolve instantly on tongue or in water; take as needed. QUICK RELIEF! ALSO IN VAIM-Er FORM FOR THOS WHO PREFER THEM. MADE BY SCOTT* Sownc MAKERS OF' SCOTT'S EMULSION rta :-. How are you going to find theVg'si music for your home? How are you going to know the best musical instrument when you hear it? There's only one absolutely sure way. Come to our store and hear the Edison Turn -Table Comparison! It plays the four leading phonographs in the same room, from the same position; 'using recordings by the same artists. Ask for it. Give only on request. J, WILLIS POWELL, laaA.LER • EXe„TER,a6- ONTARIO 1 a 4 ao • 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 1 4