HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-5-19, Page 4The Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Creech,, Proprietors
Subscription Price -In advance $1.50
per year a Canada,; USA) in the
Ignited States. All subscr phots net
Deidin advance 50c, extra charged.
9th, 1921
Stephen Council
The council of the Township 4t 1
Stephen eouvened in the Town Hail,
+Greditou, on Naanday. Maa and at
1 pan, Ail members were present.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and adopted.
:lir. and Mrs. Chas Zwicker and
Mrs. Daniel MeIsaac. reprsenting the
different associations interested in
the purchase of an athletic field
waited upon the couneil and inform-
ed therm that they were prepared to
pay over to the treasurer of the
township of Stephen the sunt of
$Sart for the purebase o€ the field
situated he the village et Crediton
and requested that a by-law he
passed to purchase the field in the
name of the manicipahly and a
board of directors appointed: there-
alayes-Penhale, That the request
of the tiep ttiauon lar granted and a
lay -law be passed as provided. for OF
'The Community l;1a.I1 Aet for tine
purelaawe of the land to esteblisb an
athletic field and that the following
persons comprise the Board of Di-
rectors, viz: Alex. Neeb, reeve, sad
David Webb, deputy -reeve, repre-
senting the township Council: Ezra
Feist, president of the Crediton base-
ball club; Ezra Oestreiclier, eeere-
tary of true Crediton Amateur Ath-
letic Association: ;firs. Chas. Zwick-
er. president ot the Women's In-
stitute and. Chas. Zwielser and Daniel
aleiseac representing Crediton. 1'a'
lice Village.--t'arried,
aleaes Streitrer-That tae eerurt
Or Revisieta IQ eieta:I4 r appeals :t i r:t «"lir? ossa bersag >sIc ted, 4ttun-
galuet the Assessment Roll for the rss 4onatnr wa trill g fie ded.
yeir Ifni. be helot tat the Town Hall. Ct-snp>1,113 ., :tai been t"tlt3 with
C`rzditen. all Thurs43o.�", May '2f", at trt,irnl]vr:, of :ln.' 4Co";ncil wLth st'tr-
2 pain. and that the proper notice rsf ba, c "a trio avar 0.;t ,:ns are daarrptza
.such court be advertised in the Ext a;:usc, a: tr:a clump .a ;ren nidi As
ter Adveeate.-.Carried. +'w, ,grounds leave ben re+:en'dy
The following orders were pnassee 'i"e.sard up » is °desired that all rub-
Cata aiiian Express (o iAxpreer, aunt b h hti e'ant44e l ,o tit' riar end es
l3oxinl;� "ire. 3 F. Ttrnt. f`xp ttf arb h_• 1 �" :.ntgtt�ad tri tlars3w-ng same
itratore re Exeter school award $3.1 l "4:t"` 3TSirtr't"4:''tPa pita S� refuse
90. Dominion Road Machinery Co. ',bargee; to small tee,
grader repairs $8.66: Chas. Zwick -
and repair 9f Township Roads for
1921 were read, approved and sign-
ed by the Reeve and Clerk, copies
of , the same to be forwarded to the
Deputy Minister of Highways.
The award of the Arbitrators re
changing boundaries of S. S. No 9
Union S.S. as presented to Council
by J. Elgin Tom. Relating to
same, the following motion was
passed. "That the Council express
Sts satisfaction at the settlement ot
the matter. that the copy be pres-
erved for future reference. and that
an order be issued for the payment
of %sborne's share of the expenses
$8.611." Hydro Electric Ry. Assn.
Corn. filed together with that of the
Soldier's Re-establishment Com.
Jahn Ratcliffe interviewed the
Council re securing Hydro Power.
A suggestion was made that if the
Farmer's Clubs were willing to as-
sume their share of the work ira
connection with the eanvass and
survey of the Township, the Coun-
cil were more than willing to en-
ncourage the scheme and assist.
The Court of Revision tor the
Assessment Roll for 1921 will sit
t on June 4th, at « 0'-
ls3ek p.m. to hear and dispose ot
ppeals in connection with same
to the amount ot $770.35
passed and orders lamed for
it adjourned to meet tit
Township Hall, June 4. 19 »1 at l
o'eleck p.rn.
In -
Centralia der thesplendid concert is be•ut; prepared un-
of he Womtert's
st°ttute and wall 'be given mostly by _j,
the Centrafa ;1lethodist Parsonag: t an
Wednesday, May 25th and spend an
evening. with the Nat:tons. Supaer
served a't 6 program after. '
The death, occurred at the home of
his son. Mr. John Contin, Biddulph, or,
Friday, leiay 13th, of Thomas Conlin,
at the age of 79 years, 10 months. The
)ate lire C,Pnlin was a former resid-
ent. of Port Perry, but for two.. years.
had resided with Its sort. Mr. Frank
Conlin of this place ;ss also a .on.
Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Strathro•
spoke in the interests of th>e Lord's
Day Alliance at both services n th •
church here on Sunday.
Mrs. .Parr, near Hamilton, is v'sitine
her -sister, airs. Herman Powe,
The Epworth League are arrangire
for A social evening on the 25th. wh r
.he four nationalities of the ,Britisl-
Ernoire wail be well reeresetteed.
ale. rind lairs. Sam. Davis of Londor
ell spend, a couple a weeks in Gen -
rata Mr. Davis is somewhat improv
ed eh:: his long illness.
4r. Reber. MMCFalls of London is
vision; at the home of Mr. Thotlaa,
Rev. artd '1;r,;, Sincleir and famay
t•s:aed w'•th friends in Bluevale Iasi
Miss. Elva Brooks t:hei.ed at Belgrave
last week..
Mr. Thos. Carling purchased at the:
sole of time late Mrs. Dan Smith- th
property b4long'stg W her lstate. fat-
wh:eh be w:1 move shoe'tly. •
We are sorry to report the Diness
latae Norman S:ancla.'r. It appears
frac an Xray era n nation that he
has evteltowed a small key, which has
Ledges :n hvi thro♦.a,t. On Tuesday, af-
terupon he was see keit to Lo¢tdoe to
have ;t removed..
r Council
The council nrcpn the atria. Absnt rheic are a num r a1 changes be,
Ce-ttn1:itOrs Davis and E?stoa. Frev'oas ;ng made around town. Robs, Spence
athletes approved. c h-ving his house enlarged and re-
T e clerk was anstrutitel to ord:r metle«led. Arthur Westman has sold
a copy of Statute. amendments coker- los nra>ner:y, house acid two acres, to
the period from 1914 to 1929. es sirs, nee. Alps. and vacates it by July
pt Kr letter trout B. Garratt, Toronto, 1st.--`ewton Gunning is enlarging his
W. j. CerZ g and Gel-• latl adsott garage. There ara now three gas and
ora -ci cera the t,:ousncal re drain or, repair shoos in town, --Abner Langer
ex na S: -seri ial4t1r,xag that the sateet lard a Tc>rotnto was here this weal:
tion rani: o: order with taressas t that a.teand`nti tZtk itant's tl of his brother.
The elerk reported that the Asses-
er purchase of athelc.tie field $860 !'`-r had re.urn4ed the assessment roll,
Fr tretrereirh'an use of hall at ?donut Clae vaar of revision was tired for
Carmel, SR. ;tic $2.130; Thomas t "°1113-:4'i�I:t} 3t. a1 7,30 Alla
€;raliinig, $13 , ..: jail, poi- i Tint. t itow ng act taunts were read
and passed --S, Martin & : on, supplies
leek. axle grease, Sec; IL Warner leo; R.. N. Rhwe: pa, er holders 1.50;
sand others. grading $12.50; H. lien. alentle, e•oel, library 49.40; Cecil
Link and other; gra ding, $15. 00; 1 or.4 bbor. sere:ery 2K.50; J• Kydd,
Earl 'Webb, hauling tile. $4.00; Y ifh is ..meiary 13.50; R, Hunter, as -
'Vincent, dragging and hauling the `"tss" - and preparing,truant officer's
13.Eta: C. Began, moving grader,
zs>� endl pos.ti
age 14J; JeNorry, la-
ar , ilei a Cann, drawing ale. oeito
ii en The council adjourned to meet a F. !ben,.r.7 0.laba: Passed
C. oniBeon at
esti ether _n t.i 1 aas��l on nation of
gain in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Snell an:l Penhale.
Thursday. the 26th inst at 1 p.m. A!j:aurnnmeer by Penbale
HENRY EILBER, Clerk Jes. Senior, Clerk.
T'sborne Council
i'sborno Council it islet en 11iay 7th.
pursuant to adjontareut, All the
members were present with Reeve
'Wm. Coates in the eehair.
Minete•s tit meeting of April 2nd
were read and ;ileproved.
1'y -law No 6-1521, Re. fixing
prig.priee per day to be charged for
StLta.'e Leaver returned undone and
com:ration of Statute Labor, was
read and approved.
ocai talent. Bills will be our in a (et'lays, giving full particulars.
Saran. W. has sold out .his barber
.hop 'to Emmerson, Wenzel of Kitch-
ener, who takes possession on the lst
if August,
Mr. Ito sell has been unable to take .
'barge of his room at the school. this
e eek on account of ill health. His
,nany friends hope he w well soon be
'ale to resume inns duties.
Mr. S. Stothers of Clinton, District
3 gri'cuttural Represlarteative, was
,�on Tuesday arranging the prize
'list for our School Fair.
Messrs. Young & Son have bought
:e Ford run abc$s. to be used in their
tinsmith business.
jos. Hoist is sepa•i;ring the verandah
e". his house ,pad tel give the resf-
lence a coat of paint.
Ilan Oestreicher has sold Ms Ford.
uto to tris ;nephew, Ed. Nickles of
avastock pad has bought a Sedan.
Edward Fanner was in London on
i uesday on business.
tirhils: efdta6 a bicycle on Sunday
tf.ernoon Roy Schwartz tried to get
ip �on the sidewalk in front of, tine
,arber shop, hath the result that he
st control and went head - first
rough the large window. The boy
ad his face ,severely cut and it xe-
lu'red several stitches to sew nip tine
rounds. The glass was completely
Zezteered. It was fortunate that at
vas see worse.
F. W. Ci�'k ,h4 his gasoline tank
lug up last week to investigate a leak
:Ricin had been connpla;ated of'and
vhen. the tank was raised to the ser-
ve at was found that a small hole
be dealcil an the side neat- the
3ottom. � `e e .a't believe that this
as done by any person aan VINO
spite, but who 'ever is the
,arty Go
bas 3. character too low for
Ezra. -:sirs. Kinney wha left .last
and fractured her hip, :gip flow
ser ousle ill of heart trouble --Mrs.
Jaen Wrght spent the week -end with
her brother in London. -1,1'm. and
Isaai Langford have the sympathy of
her friends in the death of their
brother. Exna„ Their brother Den. is
al, t seriously sll et Lacan.
We are please knew that :ti1r.
Janet Horton who itaas been sick, is
now gettine.better. His sickness was
from the. effects of a. bad cold.- Mr.
James Norris, Miss El'7a, Mrs. lingo
Norris. sr., and Mrs. Butson, all of
htehell. motored up and called on
frends in Lunney. -Mr. , ad Mre. Geo.
Armstrong visited relatives here for
1 few days. leaving for London and
S trathroy on Monday evening. They;,
attend to leave for Winn'peg next'
week wher., they will reside. •- Glen
Broadfoot has returned to resume .his
duties in the Sterling Bank after en-
joying hi., two weeks holidays.- firs.
Parish of Exeter is the guest of airs.
Arthur Jones.
Dashwood Grand Bend
Rev and fire lager, J. K. Geese
and R. Grine ; motored to Scb'r ngs;lle
lea Friday to attend the funeral of
lie•r eilly° : urtiv n;; uncle, who dirt] int
this 08th ye.tr. He serval in 'the
/French army during :he reign et Lours'
Ph�ilipe and Na. oleon Bonapart.
\\ie.-srs, Thayler Bros. of P,arkh;ll
hive opened a general store in Hart--;
ie:b's block.
� 'fir, Herb Rinker of Sarnia spent'
By-laws No 7-1921, and No 8- spar.) wit t n s parents intra,
tit Frei. ei, \ate hada very success -
1:921, Ire, the appointment of a , .
til-ar. a:ern sale of his grocery stock
Township Road Superintendent last week, Mr. Art. Weber very ably
and fixing a suer for fuaintainance condu.:,ed the sale ail the afternoon
and again in She evening.
1I_° .L. W. Shenk of Stratford has
opened a new grocery, confectionery
and bakery shop here in White's old
Mrs. G. Nadiger and Mrs. Louis Res-
ainayer, Sr., are -t present under the
dodo='s care. We hope for a speedy
recovery. -
Mr. C. Fritz of Zurich has purchased
the shoe business of the late J. Kraft
'•!dr. Wilbur Graybiel of Woodstock
spent the week -end et his home here.
Mr. Pedersen has returned from, Mat-
nesp&Js. He was accompanied home
by .his bride. We extend congratula-
i\ir. and Mrs: Normyle dud Mrs.
Shultz of 1Pchigan, and Mrs. Hender-
son of Blair are visiting their mother,
Mrs Nadiger, who ,is ail.
Messrs. F. Rinker, D. Betchen -and
W. England ot Sarnia spent the week
end at their homes hero.
;era. L. Hamacher and daughter, Tile
>ke are vis` ting :A7. Detroit.
Comes to you and the children if
you have Dr. Pierce's Golden
V1edica1 Discovery in the house.
For "little -ones" and "grown-
ups" this old fashioned vegetable
..tonic and blood -maker is still
used by the million bottles every
year. It -vas first used by every-
' body '60 years ago and is still safe
',and sane because it contains no
alcohol or narcotic. It is made
• up of Blood root, Oregon Grape
''toot, Queen's root,Stone root,
Cherry Bark,witout alcohol.
Make your lood redder and
your health better by going to
your nearest druggist and ob-
taining Dr. Pierce's Golden Med-
ical Discovery in tablet or liquid.
CENTRAL Btrrrs, Sasit.-" I have used
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for a number of years, and am pleased
-to recommend it as a blood purifier. 1
know it has no equal, as I used it for my
boy. My neighbors and friends were
surprised with the results; in fact, I de
not think he would be alive to -day had
it not Been for the `Medical Discovery.'
I also keep it on hand for coughs; as it
differs so from other cough medicines;
instead of upsetting the stomach, as
most cough syrups do, it isood for the
stomach. I only wish I had known
About 13x, Ven mos meda^lnes sooner."
Mr, Tedball of Thedford visited at
r rink Tetreau's last wk. -Mr. Ja
r 'be has. rented. ,alr. Brenner's barber
el ie for the summer. Ile was here
for a fee days last week.
Ttr,rt e His Leg.-1fr. Ware Oliver,
while playing baseball last Thursday
had the misfoetune to break his leg
between the ankle and knee. He is
henrev pe. atcely, but it will be some
time before he ys,1l have use of 'the
Rjured limb.
The funeral of hare. Frank Hodgins
ook place on. Saturday from her home
zn the 1st concession of McGillivray,
;t. Jaines' Cemetery, here.
French troops are ntaasing on the
;nor iera of the Ruhr area.
Aldershot soldiers rioted on Satur-
lay night and looted shops,
Six royal swans, lite gift of King
George, arrive at 1+slingtpn,.
Ten thousand Jew" attend Zionist
rally in the Arena, Toronto,
Riversides captured live titles in the
international boxing tourney,
nitre the Young Pigs Arrive in
April or October.
Tune and December the Months for
Mating --Give the Sow Good
Farrowing Quarters -- Care of
Milk In Rot Weather.
(Contrite ,ted by OntariorDepartment
in o rtment at
A quiet but very pretty wedding was
solemnized at St. Andrew's elapse,
Landon. on Zfay 11. by Rev. D. C.
MacGregor, when Irene Schroeder,
eldest daughter of sir. and 'Mrs.
Schroeder of Sh'pka, was united
marriage to Carl MacDougall of Lon-
don, The bride was smartly attired in.
a going -way sunt of navy blue. serge,
with handsomely embroidered hat to
match, and wore a corsage of Sunset
eases. The bride was attended by her
cousin, 'till's Ora Mason, who wore a
charming dress of navy blue messaliae
and a pretty hat of Alice blue me -
i ne, \fcCourt MacDougall, brother of
the groom, acted has ..best man! The
bride was the recipient of many beau-
tiful gifts which included a handsome
dinner service from the staff of Mc
Connell & Fergusson. The happy
`couple on their return from a short
tr',p east will reside in St. Thomas'.
Mount Carmel
The holy banns of marriage was an-
nounced by Rev, Fr. Corcoran. on Sun-
day of Peter Doyle of affcGill'vray to
Miss 2fary Loretta Glavin, eldest
daughter of Mr. an.d Mrs. Thomas.
Glavin of Detroit, the marriage to -take
place at Detroit ,early in June. Mrs'.
Corcoran. of London. is spending a few
days the guest of her son Rev. ?Fr.
Corcoran, -.Kr. Vincent Quarry of Ai-
garna is • spending a few days with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs,, J. G-.
Quarry. -Mr. 'Alonzo McCann is ill
with quinsy. -Messrs. Joseph Glavin,
Ed; Hall, John Hovliban and Misses
Clara and Madeline Glavin aitereded.
the funeral, of their cousin, the late
Gila:Ica Joseph Kilgallin at London on
W e'mnesday ,of last week - iSilise Nora
t ollins txccompan:el by her/ .sister, Mrs
NI O'Rourke called On fri.en s at Dub-
lin on 'Sunday. -11,1r. Joseph McCarthy
earreiseeel. a new i; evil _ax' las[
Now is the time to start and get
ready for the tali litter of pigs. Any
females of breeding age should be
bred. as soon as possible in order that
they may farrow betore the cold
weather of winter sets in. The gesta-
tion period of the sae is sixteen
weeks anti consequently, if the sows
are to farrow before winter, it is
necest try that th no bred soon. Prrr
the avrra^re farther the best time to
have the sows fa -row le in April and
October. When the pips are born
:ni, April t', ,: art. ,ivcn a cnance to
let a flood start before the hot
:eathr°r conies Wh e% the litter
etrnae's in the fall say October or
,early November, tine young pigs are
;e c' -'lc t • eat nut into the
tele' end get t*t=':C e e watch gives
th 'm an early real before they are
bloir-Wolfe.-A quiet but very pret-
ty wedding took place at the Evangel-
ical parsonage on Wednesday, May 18
when Rev. Hauch performed the cere-
mony that= united in marriage Mr. John
Harold Moir, son of Mr. Peter M. Moir
of Usborae, and Miss Irene Pparl,
Wolfe, daughter a Mr, Charles Wolfe,
of Crediton. Both were unattended.
The same evaning they left for Lon,
don, and from there will go Windsor
and Detroit. After a short honeymoon
they will return to London where they
will reside for a ;tame. They will have
the best wishes of all their friends.
Albert Wolfe has :mowed into the
house he recently bought from ,hays
father, Chas, Wolfe and George Mew -
ha -may has moved to town and is oc-
cupying Albert Wolfe's, house. We
tvelcoin.e "hir, and ,Mfrs, alawhurmey to
cur rm;,ds's`1 and trust they will litre
many years to enjoy their ,new home)
Our Band is, being reorganized . for
the 3rd 9f Jane 'Celebration. Ariange-
menta have been made for Zurich, eto
play our boys a. double, header. A
To the Da at ,
RE your towns as large as they
> should bo
High cots mfike�nuu�dlnurn Yl 'aa
essential quality lo Y ` .
ONI, anlaab-
Oswill spiv money to reap.•ona1b1e',
kers to poor producers. s>ts
EXETER BRANCH, E. A. Chapman, ivlanager.
$i 5,000,000
,y �y Incorporated in 1855
Over 130 Bransbee
Buy Canadt Goads -and h as posstbie and deposit your
lettsY, it, will heli Tau..,
Buy wisely and, save as muebelp to keep Cattadiast werkren
savings iia The Maisons MBank.
Courteous Service to ail,
11204113B,, BRAND*
T. S. WOODS Manager.
iia Bra; -eh open for busmen$ day.
I3oitert tc- Retnt at the Exeter Branncn,
rpt idri ttif= t lase- confinement of
'Tinter quarters
For those contemplating breeding
sows for fall Utters, always pick the
strongest and most typy on hand.
Always use the best individuals to
be had, particularly those exhibiting
a good matronly appearance as
shown by the number of teats.
Plenty of exercise while the sows
are pregnant is very essential, and a
good way for the sows to gain this
is to allow them the freedom of the
fields after the grain has been cut
and taken off. As the time for far-
rowing approaches, closer watch
must be kept on the sow in pig, and
a few days, say two weeks before
her time is up she should be
brought in and introduced to her new
quarters. She need not necessarily
be kept in there all the time, but
she should be kept in tbere at night.
She should receive a. little grain at
the outset with plenty of water and
some feed of a laxative nature to pre-
vent constipation, which is the bane
of hog raisers, By judicious feeding
of the sow previous to farrowing the
owner will have the sow in good
physical' condition and the pigs will
come strong and healthy, and there
will be lots of milk for the young-
sters when they arrive..
As for farrowing quarters any
good warm box -stall, free . from
draughts and dampness, is a good
place. The quarters should be dry •
and clean. Some people advocate'
little bedding for the sow while the
pigs are young, . clairning that the
youngsters are liable to get buried
in the straw and the sow is liable
to lie on them. ,A. good remedy for
this would be to use cut straw where
possible. However, if the cut straw
is "out of the question, it may be just
as well not to be too liberal with
the long, straw. The farmer must use
`his own judgment *heti .emergencies
erase, a1tir>sys being careful to do the
best thine for the Oiotiier Sand tardily.
-J. C. Illeboitas O. A. &lege;
F, only kind
of phonograph comparison,
tbst will actually help you,
is one
which plays the leading phonographs,
all in the same room,
from the same position,
using recordings by the
same artist.
The only such comparison
in town is our Edison'
Turn -Table "'k'ii`
Ask to hear it.
J, Willis Powell, Dealer
Exeter, .Ont.
Red Cross Aims
In Ontario
1. To act as a voluntary auxiliary to
the Ontario Government in its
health work. •
2. iro co-operate with local Boards of
Health, School Boards, and volun-
tary organizations working for good
3. To enlist the support of Ontario
citizens in helping to establish Out-
post Hospitals and Nursing Service
in 'remote parts of the Province.
4, To create and maintain a reserve of
money, garments and medical sup-
plies, and to enlist voluntary aid,
for emergencies, such as epidemics
and disasters.
5. To create public opinion in favor of
sound health measures.
6. To promote better health among
children by the organization of
Junior Red Cross auxiliaries in the
"In the field of Public Health, the harvest _is
ready and 'the laborers are few." -Prof. Winslow.
Enroll with your Weal Red Cross Branch or' Enrollment Committee,
or,if there is none in your community, with the Ontario Provincial
Ian Red
Ontario Division