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The Exeter Advocate, 1921-5-12, Page 8
r4 a• EXETER. ADVQGATE, TSURaBAY.*. MAY lair 1821 Exeter Markets Ucal Doings-, CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY The early. seeding ass now about 'ilea ( s 150 fished. lane ey ;,. ,.t 50 tea 40 -rhe tendon Conference of the Oats ... 40 'Methodist ,Church wall meet in Askin Fam ly Flour .?°3Q Street Chtu'sh London, on. June 2nd, :be -rd we . 2.44 ' Shorts 1.90 The Anglican Synod of Huron is Bran ,...,. 1;.90 n4ww ,im>i- session at London. having ,op- etmery Boater 5c1 - 52 erect on Monday. Rev. Trumper and 40 _ 43 Mr.Rteii liurphy ;are the delegates atteni.r•g from hexe. Mr. and Mrs E, Hodgson of Ciarade,- boye announce the engagement of their daughter, :Merle, to Mr. Charles E. Sumner of London, the marriage to Da y ,Butler , s .., Egan....,. ..i., .. *.. 25 Lard , ,. , 22 clay per to $15 to $16 Hens ,.,,, 11.50 Ward of London moved to town t week, taking possession of the benne. Owe -;t by Mr. Venstoee on Hu- -on Street East. HOtalla ROBBED. The acme of Ret: D. • W. Collins of '1Na;n^.s•::. former rector of Trivitt '.Nemo: a Church, Exeter, was neer el. by scbbers o'. Saturday night last ar't4 ieveiny edited a: ago was stolen. WHI rs2 WY AND' OTSJr EGGS. L miles .number of Wit. Wyann'otte t:A4e bra. sett -aa elartin •cur's. Thor- eess5b-eo's -G. Hyndnaan. Exeter. All members tri Exe.=r Lodge of o attend the • 17. Rusin:s, O `dle:lowws *eeues stream on Tutsday, of importance. The Lefties' .fid of C;tvti:;t C lwureh . pu:nose bolding a sale of home -mad: t poking on Sa.uriay, May 14th at 3 p.m., u the =ant store iso, the 'lIc- Dones.! Block. Don't forget the time awed place. FOR RENT. -100 acres good tore, Lot 9, South Boundary Step Apply itw Wesley Jones. Exeter. PLOWING DONT:.. Having pur4hased a I am prepared to accept plowing. -E. B. elitcbell, pas - hen. .tor ynt acts entralie c>;Atfit for OVERLAND COUPE FOR SALE. Perfect runningcondition, run. 1000 miles; good reason for selling. Apply at Advocate Office. PI,Nn PPL ES PI ?:EAPa LES PINEAPPL1;S Mane.. 56 and weave lour order for Pureapeles. and we weal d:lever when they are at their best and the prices right. ' WIL.5ON CTFw.00ERY S: RhSTAU AN r HOUSE FOR SALE. Frame house on Lot 4, Con. 7, Hay. Anyone desiring to build could ntii-, Sze the material therein. Apply to Ed: $ooderiel, R. R. 1, Exeter. HOTEL FOR SAL1... First-class Hotel, situated at Dash - * rood on the main ,road. between Ex- eter and Grand Bend. Buildings all in first-class shape, avitth good stabling accommodation. Gocd reasons for selling. Will be sold very reasonably. .For ,aarticlars apply to Wm. Zimmer, .Dashwood. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. Apply to J. H, Gr,'eve Exeter . NEW MILK ROUTE. I with to announce to the citizens z Exeter that 1 will commence a new route here on Monday, April 4th, and trust you will favor me with your pat- ronage. SAM. ELLIOTT. _ TRUCK FOR SERVICE. I have a truck for service. Rhone 115, Exeter. S. J. V CANN. If you have anything to sell or you want to buy, try The Advocate Want Column VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply et any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF EXETER • N at_:e i,> i:ereby given that a Court of Rev:nice of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter treehold mtst first meeting tai the Camel Chambers,. Li- brary !3u i 'ig, Exeter•, on :wfoiday. 30th n ay cl May, •,1921, at 7.30 p.m, Jos. Senior, Clerk, COURT REVISION TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Notice is hereby given that a Court of Reoisien oi the Assessment Roll of the Towns.hp of Stephen will, bold its first meeting in the Town Hall, Crede ton, on Thursday, the 26tb day of May 1921, at 1.c'clock \p. in. • HENRY EMBER,, Township Clerk, Crediton, Orly HIGH INVESTMENT YIeLDS' NOW AVAILABLE Donee:on of Canada Victory Bonds Provttce .of Ontario Bonds. : r City of Toronto and other bonds. ERNEST ELLIOT Office Elliot Building: Exeter, TURNING MILL All kinds of Turning,Gumming Saws, Etc., donee an shortest notice, FOR SALE. .. Massey Harrynew.Cream Separator, 500. lbs. <apacity,,:nearly new. APPLE BTJTTER AND BOILED Cider,' ;first-class quality,- INDIAN PONY FOR SALE,,, 4''yrs. old. S. J. V. CAN,N, Phone 115 take puce tits month, Arrangements are being made for • he bolding of an AnnQl +cash Summer Camp at Bayfield airs year, the first part. of the season .being for boys and ?ae latter part for the girlst Betore nine o'clock Thursday morn- ing he auto tire and .rima adslertiOed the Advocate last week was landed n our ofti: e. I: pays to advertise, and The Advocate produces cquick re - sues. Ren T.umper was enable to take ihe - aer ict^,s :,a ,the Trisittlen for l Church on Sunday last owleg to ill- ness The services were conducted by Th. Thomas Wright, student of Fur- y College, London • Anne Sanders, who .has been Ikncon staff, Stratford, re- neat to herahome here on Saturday, vane again on Tuesday for St. is Hospital, London, *where she well un:.ergo an operation. She was ae- orapara'el by her sister, Mrs. \kAvoy who will remain. Ort the city till anter the. opcea!tion, CH1NESb. RELIEF. Further donations are aektiowwledged by F.. Chapman, treasurer, for the Chinese Famine Relief Fund, as fol, lows :--Jaraea St. League $5; A. friend $z. CURED) OF LOCKJAW. Stanley 'Mitchell of near Hensel'. who leas been ;n Si. Joseph's Hoenital, London, sufteent from lo:kiaw, and who, as -as linebje to,eat for three days, eturned home eompleteiy cured an I°hursday, at serum treatment being xesponsible for his recovery. • CCUI•)ENT. What might have resulted in a ser- lfaus a veident oecareed at that corner lsan and James ,streets here on Sun- gtay evening Iasi. M C. W. Christie and family of Stephen were on the way to Church in their car, and comm; in from the lsoiith went to turn onto James street. Mr. Christie, wbo was driving 'did not make the turn quick- lv enough and the ear ran in on the sidewalk, striking Tam Yellow, son of arta . Jos. Yellowy of Usbornet The boy *was Jsolding VS bycicle and both were knocked down, but strange to say the boy was not ;injured, but the bike was badly damaged. Luckily a number of ether young fellows, who were stand- ing on the Corner just a few ' mom - en" ,before, laa:i •moved away. DEA:I'H OF JOHN L1.ATHORN. Following an, illness .of only a few duraiion, the death of John Lea. thorn a well-known resident, occurred in the early morning of May 5th, at his home, Vicioria Street, Ingersoll, from hemorrhage of the brain. Mr, Leatborn was seized Wednesday night about 9 o'clock, soon after he ,enter- ed the _house after working in the garden. His death ensuad unexpect- edly shortly after midnight. He leaves a widow pnd. family. He. was 65 years old, and .had been in the employment of the Ingersoll Packing Company fon several years, The late Mr. Leathorn was a son of the late Robert Lea - thorn and "for a number of years con- ducted the • Mansion House, Exeter, He. was bor-ri :,on the end concession of Stephen Township. The funeral took place from the home of hes sister, Mrs. Heard, London; on Sunday to Wood- land cemetery: Mr. Leathern was twice married. Y. P. C. A • All 1adiea,and gentlemen asked to be present at ,the "Y" Rooms to -night to arrange a social night for May 24 and for eft -rim -dr sports. All come 8.30 p.m, share. Trivitt Memorial Church Regular services next Sabbath at 11 a.m.. and ..7 p.m. Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector, OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN (DHURCH R. James Foote, B. A., Minister 11 a.m.=Communion service. 7 pee.—"The Delectable Moun- tains." Preparatory service, Friday, at 8 pen,. ;Rev. ,Mr. Chidley to preach. The Minister. JAMES ST.; METHODIST CHURCH' Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 1d: • can. -"Lead us not into Tempta melon -Study of Our Lord's Prayer. 3 nein:- :Sabbeth Schoch and Bible ;;Study. 7 p,m.-"A2eving Pictures and their Effect." Baptismal. Service at 11.15 atm. ,Insp'r!ng` music -a 'real welcome MAID ST.'' METHODIST CHURCH Rev'-Getsr McAlister, M. A Phone 21r3 11' p.m.-Tf Second Mystery of the Kingdom. 3 p.m . -Sunday. •. ,School rend ,'Ihble 7' p rn A' Mlilngi- t Tragedy ort Mt. ';Giebetee BETHANY . 230 p.m. " jelotherhood." L R. Carling, $� 'balker Stilicitoc, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol,- sons Bank, Etc. S' NT.' VST YOUR ?t UNDS in Victory, Dominion, of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Fundi. At existiar.g prices froth 6 per cent, to 7 ver cent. can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by ttae. Money to loan at lowest rates. or interest. Office -Carling Bk., Mean. St., Exeter „leer, E_ Com, Toren ,of Leer, is ser- Wisely.Wisely.ill. Mrs. John Johns pf toww , is it every Torr state of health. Miss Ruby Davis is Jearnting the art mt�tamerl: *with Mss McDonald. Mr. Ed. Pollen ws again able to et. :end to his 4luties in the garage af-- ter being confined to his home with ant attack of xnumps. Consideaable excitement was caused its 'the north 'end lay Mr. Thos,. Web- ster's mare naming away on Tuesday learning. She was attached to a wa- gram, when oiee of the draw bolts in the shaft dropned out, and this fright- ening the beast she started to run iakin the rig with 'her for a, short l,disw.atee, She was last seen at Sodom i an 3s't:ft tto'at a rapid rate. The Outlook, Outlook, Sash.. et' last week, ,gave a lengthy report Qf what nt doubt was the• worst windstorm evNr emir.* in the west, it prevailing all ties Sunday and continued with ine creasel velocity during Monday fill - jig tate e - r w4th each. quantities of dust that the sun was obscured most of the time. Beans were overturn, ed v rturn.- ed and lifted from their foundations; fence.: blown down, much of the seed.. :lig done by the farmers was destroyed ttni houses throughout the entire cousf ry' here the storm prevailed were ' terealy covered ww th duat both, si4 3 and out. DANDELIONS IN LAWN. The mos. edfeetive remeiy known for the destruction of dandelions in a lawn without iaijuraag, the grass as a solution of copperas or i:'bn sulphate. ttrezzare•t by disolving at the rat' of one ,nil one quarter pounds oi the stir In a gallon ot water. Apple this tw the lawn with a spray trump, so as to wet every :plant. A line spray must be meta and with somite force. Give a second apolie noon et. two or three weeks. \IRS. GODBOLT PASSES. The death of Mrs. Charles ©. God - bait at her home •a. little east of the village, on Monday morning about 3 o'clock, was an event of unusual sad- ness, Mrs. Godbolt had been in poor health for a number of years, but her condition did not assume a serious na-. turf..+ until after an operation a couple weeks ago, when she took a turn for the worse and sank rapidly. Mrs, God - boa's maiden. name was Mabel Johns,. daughter. of Mr, ,and Mrs. John Johns of town, and was ,borin in the Town- ship of Usbo:ne, where she lived all her life. The deceased was a mem- ber 'of the Methodist Church and was of a kind and gentle dispo&tion,wwhtch wen for her many warm friends wbo will mourn .her loss. Besides herbus- band, one daughter, Kathleen, she is survived by •lover father and mother ani thea brothers, Richard. and Char- les of TJssboxne and Samuel of Exeter. She. was aged 37 years and 6 months, The funeral took place to the Exeter cemetery on 'Wednesday afternoon. FLAX TILL BURNED. Fire broke out int 'the Exeter Flax 31111, the prcxrerty of the Ontario Flax Co., on Monday last about 12.30, noon, while the workmen were away to din- ner. and before anything, could be done the entre bund:ng was .enveloped in flame;. Soon a la-ge number gathered on the scene but nothing could be save.). The *Wading contained about six tons of flax and about 200 pounds of dressed flax, and this, 'together with all the roach mery, were destroy- ed. Be_ng an all, frame building it burned rapidly, and live cinders from the blaze :gnited a number of the buildings at the ,east -no less than 16 being on fire et ,the sa.na time. The origin oI the fire 5s a mystery, having s'tarle't ; the dust room, and the en-, gine room is about th'rty feet distant from the place ot starting, therefore it would be site in, conclud'ng that it did awl start from that source. The loss to the t,pwirt will be considerable as about twenty heads of families were emnploy-sd :n ,the mill.. The lass• is lestimated at about S10,000, but we understand art its; :parially insured. Mr. basis, the Ytnanage mf orms us that she company has dec.ded to rebuild. Mrs. W. J. Bissett returned Satur- day from a visit Dr. Raulston w es in Toronto, last week attending, the dental conventioin Mr Herb SOuthcatt .and Mrs' O. Southcott motored to Toronto this week. • D- McGill?r`uddy of Landon was called ,La consultation here on Sunday. He was accornnan:ed by. Mrs. McGilli- cuddy. Mr, and Sere Nev inen and child o#' Kingston are vis:ginng with, Mrs." New: main's parents, Mr. and .Mrs., R'. G, Seldon. Miss (Gladys Ford, who liars been. nursing Ent Port Huron, returned, toher home ,here i}his week and will rema us for p. time. ` Mrs. Jahn Snell, who has been vis - _ting wvi!th her daughter, Mrs. Clar- ence. ,Smith, at Windage, has returned to cher home hei%e7. v,':14. J. ri;g -�.,•. Mr. and Are Russell,Ferguson .mot- ored to Teeswa;ter for the Week end, elri?VeritiVares .mother, who has been visieng them, returned to Tee•sweter with them. Mr, Fred Elierington.returned Mon- day from a trip ,to the coast with as number of horses. He reports a -good sale and a very pleasant, trio, :.'.both going and, earn ung:. Mrs,. ` Eller,'.ngten: welt to o -onto Saturday and re- time ne:1 : with Mr.' Ellerington PHONE. 32. •JONES &..MAY PHONE 32 Puritan Maid F.k.si€ry Week. We are local selling agents for the celebrated PURITAN MAID brand of hosiery for Ladies anti Children. These are shown in different styles in Silk,. Lisae and Cotton. See our window display this week., 2 Hosiery Specials s Half Price LOT NO. 1-20 dozen pair ladies' fine Lisle Hosiery in Black and White CQlars, These are seconds at nearly half price -35c a aair, 3pr. for S1, LOT NO. 2-10 dozen pairs extra quality Ladies' Fine Lisle Hosiery iu Black only'., ribbed garter top, These are slightly imperfect, but woat- "derful value at ,sale priec, 49c. Pair, We are also local selling ag-.nts for "Niagara Tad" and '" Venus" Silk Hosiery. Hoose Furnishings We can save you money on your house itgasigAgs, We have an error mous stock of Rugs, Congcleums, .Oilcloths, Linoleums, Window Blinds Curtains. Wall Papers, Etc., at wonderfully attractive prices. New Congoleuni Rugs. Another sbipment just arrived. Prices much low Than last season. Special Values in Cotton Staples You will be surprised to see sueh large reductions in the prices of our Stock of Prints, S hirtings, Galateas, Giaghams, Sbeetings, Pillow Cottons etc. Get your supple* now. Strap -Slippers, Oxfords, Fancy Pumps We are doing an enormous business in Ladies' Slippers. We have all the latest styles, and also have all the sires. These goods are scarce. bard to get. We stocked heavily and are able to give you now when you *want them, all styles, all sizes, at popular prices. Clothing Smart Styles, Nice Pettetus, Medium Price;, Men's Suits. Alio a splendid assortment of Boys' Bloomer Suits THIS STORE WILL .)3.b. CLOSET? EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTER- NOON DURING JUNE JULY AND AUGUST.'"mm" 'JONES & MAY Auto Licenses and Markers Issued in Exeter. These are now being issued in Ex- eter. We have them in stock and can supply you at shortest notice. Have your application forms properly filled in. S. W. Simms Express Office, Exeter. R. N. ROTE FURNITURE DEALER FTN?ERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License No. 210 OMNI Motor Hea• rse Service' e ----Phones 20J and 20W. WESTERN ONTARIO BEST COM- DR A. E. TENNANT MERCIAL SCHOOL. Veterinary Surgeon McDoneli's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w � CENTRAL akiia STRATFORD,. ONT. Our winter term commences Tues- day, January 4th, and students may register in our Commercial, Short - band or Telegraphy Departments at any time. Our courses are thorough and practical, and we assist grad- uates to positions. Get our free Catalogue. D. A. McLachlan Principal. Tea .& Coffee Store For the choicest, groceries, fruits, spices; teas, coffee and every- thing In the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- Ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould • MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE. 134 PHONE 134 Special ,Value in New Silks SPOT TOKIO _JAP SILKS A splendid silk for Girls' Dresses. This is a good wearing silk, looks well and washes well. Very special at .per yard 50c. NEW SIL K CREPES. In shades of sand, blue, brown, taupe and black. A very popular ma- terial this season, and one that is bound to give satisfaction. Last year's price, 43.50 Special price per yard, $2.25. 36 IN. BLACK SILItS1EILiI PER YARD $1:60. We want: you to see this. silk. It Is very special value, fitiil 36 t hes wide, good black and splendid weave, - and ` will give good wear., Extra value at per yard $1.60 CONGOLEUM RUGS IN ALL SIZES,"" Get our prices on blinds and . 1,naleums Southcott Bros. DR. SWEET Veterinary Surgeon Can be consulted at his office. Dehorning Clippers to rent. Office Phone No. 120 • Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery Baan, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. i. r ^'�l Dr. G. F. Roulstoaa, L. D. S., D. D. S, DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University, , Office -over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONELR AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. 'Farm Stock Sties a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRAM[ TAYLOR ' Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex, Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. If you want to ordera daily paper or. magazine, or renew a present sub- scription, leave your order at the Advocate ,Office, We save you paper, gamine postage stamp and cost of motley order and when clubbing alit,. ale' more .besides: ` MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount ' of . rivate funds to loam on `farm '• and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN Sr STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors Exeter