HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-08-11, Page 12r• E QERICH;sIG1+ A .-s URS A uGU 401 18. Services available WALLPAPER AND PAINTING e Neat, clean work Coll after 6:00 p.m. 524-7961 HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC refrigerators, dishwashers,• , ranges GAS Ranges, b•rbecues, lights, MVOS insulspray FOAMED -IN-PLACE INSULATION • Saves heating, cooling costs! • Stops drafts and cold walls! • Lowers noise level! • Easy, fast application NEW HOMES, OLDER HOMES, COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES For free estimate. cafl 565-2633 insuispray is a registered trademark oqicirdm Inc MATHERS LANDSCAPING LAWN MAINTENANCE SHRUBS ROLLING - SODDING AERIFYING GRADING AND TOP SOIL R.R. 2 GODERICH, ONT. 524-2401,or 524-7044 GODERICH CONCRETE FLOORS l'ILaying and finishing concrete:, ;floors for basement, garages,f ?patios, driveways ancq jpargeting. Call George', Phone 524-8158 or 262-5341 f. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. Two trucks to serve you. Phone H.T. Dale, Clinton 482-332o and Seaforth 527-0284. SKELTON APKIANCES Inglis --Moffat —Beal ty Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 BACKHOE SERVICE BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING SEWERS Septic Tank Installations Government Licenced FREE ESTIMATES Sid Bruinsma Goderich 18. Servites available Public and private seviage systems Government Licensed Excavations,of all types Free' Estimates, Guidon Jacques Construction ' RR 2 GODERICH 524-7104 Big or small we do them all! DAVE PERGEL Plumbing NEW INSTALLATION GENERAL REPAIR; Milers PumPs SALES AND. SERVICE PHONE 2364770 BRIAN STOTHElit BRICK AND BLOCK LAYER FIREPLACES 529-7309 Steve Brennan's Home Improvements • Roofing • Siding • Rec Rooms Phone: 524-2952 * SCREENED TOP SOIL * % Crushed Stone * Backhoe Work Phone LYLE MONTGOMERY Clinton 482-7644 Hier RE -UPHOLSTERING RE -STYLING REPAIRS Let us make your old furniture better than new. Large assortment of fabrics to choose from.' Call for free estimate MEL'S UPHOLSTERY RR 2-GODERICH 524-2395 FOR YOUR Carpet and _ Upholstery Cleaning Needs SUperior Maintenance Now Offers STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO For Free Estimate Call 257 Warren St., Goderich HURON LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR ' * FALL SEEDING * SODDING * TREE & SHRUB SALES * GRASS SEED SALES * WOODCHIPS FOR MULCH CONTACT: GREG ALTON AT 529-7247 4 MILES SOUTH OF LUCKNOW HURON ROAD NO. 1 18. Services available DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates Goderich Phone 524-8391 BERE BROS. CONSTRUCTION General Carpenters Framing and Finishing DUNGANNON PHONE 529-7894, 529-7915 TV 43, Appliance All Makes 3 Speedy Service ) In-home repairs Broadfoot CLOCKS REPAIRED All types: • Grandfather • Antique • French, Etc. 8 Specialist on pick up and'deliver. Trade work accepted. 1.T. HOLLINSHE AD Residence 4B2-3759 tfar BACKHOE SERVICE Dump Truck 2 Top Soil CLIFFORD Construction 376 Huron Rd., Goderich 524-7170 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELSIE CHELLEW: ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of • Huron, (formerly of the Town of Goderich), widow; who died on July 5th, 1917, are required to file proof of same with Victoria and Grey Trust Company, 1 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario, on or. before the 20th day of August, 1977. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate havfng regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 26th day.of July, A.D. 1977. CRAWFORD MILL & DAVIES WINGHAM, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 20. Public notices The Humanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah 'Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-7217.-2eowar 21. Personal PLANNED PARENTHOOD 67 NORTH ST. GODERICH Phone 524-9145 NEW SUMMER HOURS & 24 hr. Answering Service DROP IN 21.' Personal ARE you living with a drinking problem? AL -ANON can help. 6001.-4eownc visit the Arbor Gift Shop , in Clinton. Receive a free gift, and tell your friends about ourShower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation.-3tf_ TAKING motor trip? Join Ontario Motor League for "Triptik" routing emergency road service, bonded repair service, personal accident in- surance. Dick Atkey 482- 7380.-31-35 22. Lost ;lid fOund LOST: One pair man's prescription glasses in case, "Longstaff Optometrist". Vicinity Bennett St. and,Hwy.421 on day of Jubilee parade. Phone 482-3405 Royce Macaulay. -32x WILL the parties that were seen taking a bicycle early July 31st please return before charges are LOST Black wallet, near High School, finder please phone 524- 9243.-32 FOUND — Daschund in Colborne Township, with white collar. Phone 524-8038.-32 26. Births SMITH: Douglas and Cheryl Smith of Goderich are pleased to announce the arrival of their baby daughter, Amy Katherine, born August 3, 1977, in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Ontario. SCOTT: Glen and Debbie Scott, Goderich, are happy to announce the arrival of their baby ,aughter, Jillian Ann, at Alexandra Hospital on August 3, 1977. PATTERSON: Mrs. Dale Pat- terson, Goderich, is happy to announce the arrival of a baby daughter, Kelly Gayle, born August 4, 1977, at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Ontario. HOY: Ronald and Judy Hoy, Goderich, are pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of their baby boy, Daniel Ronald, on August 4, 1977, at Alexandra Hospital. ° LAWRENCE : Laura and are happy to announce the,h1r of their baby son, Martin Maurice, born August 9, 1977, at Alexandra Hospital. STRAUGHAN: David and Katherin happily announce the arrival of their daughter, Sarah Katherin, born August 2, 1977, in St. Joseph's Hospital, North Bay, Ontario. A wee sister for Andrew and Jeffery.-32nc BEAN: At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, 'Ontario, on August -3rd; 1977, to Gary and Ellen Bean, Exeter, a daughter, Lisa FERGUSON: To Ronald and Diane, RR 6, Woodstock, Ontar,io, a daughter, born August 4, 1977. First grandchild for Warren and Marian Zinn, Ashfield Twp., and 9th great grandchild for Mrs. E. G. Zinn, Goderich.-32x WORSELL: Richard and Pat (nee Bedard) joyfully announce the birth of a daughter, Amanda Suzanne (Mandi) on July 19, 1977, A lovely baby sister for Nicole, Trevor and Heather.-32nc 28. Engagements ' 77-77— —Th --77, . The regular Meeting of ' FollOWine the minutes and sernion and the' . ., Women's Institute was held treasurer's report Mine provided seVer 1 31. Card of thanks Wedneaday evening August 3, business Waa dtaCussed numsbers,s. yfir. , ...,...„, 1917 at tbe home ot,,Mrs. , regarding the date to .en- Thompsnn 440 t Gordon Finnigan, Goclerich. tertain' the Huron County , There W40 a I .Geo. -Errington, 'first,- vice- -,'CUrator and: assistants were tismal service.' ev president conducted the • rentinded 'of , the Meeting on Martin froiu Milw gnests and members. All' sang the Opening Ode and friends; neighbors arid relitive§ for cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in the Goderich Hospital, also Dr. Lynch' and nurses of the First Floor.—MrS. Walter Cooper. -32x repeated the Mary Stewart Ken and Ruth Oke are pleased to marriage of their daughter, Dawn Marie, to Wayne George Tucker, son of MrS. Helen Tucker, all of Goderich, Ontario. The wedding will take place on August 27, 1977, in Nbrth Street United Church, Goderich, Ontario, at 4 o'clock.-32ts, Mr. and Mrs. George WTaith of Goderich are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of, their daughter, Dorothy Jean, to James Andrew Collinson, son of Mr. and Mrs., Alvin Collinson of Goderich. The wedding will take place Saturday, September 3, 1977, at 4 p.m. in North Street United Church. -32 Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Craven of Goderich wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Pamela Daisy to Kevin James 1VIeriam,' son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Meriam of Goderich. The service will take place August 20, 1977 at 3 p.m. at St. George's Church. A trousseau tea will be helti.Attgust 14 at 2 p.m. for family and friends at the bride's home at 169 West St. in Goderich.-32x 31. Card of thanks HARRISON, - would like to thank those who sent cards, flowers and came to visit ,me while I was a patient in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks tu Dr. Lynch, nurses and staff on first floor.—Lenore BIRD: Many thankS to everyone who remembered me with cards, treats and flowers during my stay in the 'hospital. Special thanks tO Dr. Lomas, Dr. Lyneh, and nurses on second tjoor.—Mary Bird. -32 McNEE - We wish to sincerely thank all, our , relatives and friends for the many acts of kindness extended to us in the loss of a dear husband, father, and grandfather, Ross McNee. A very, special thank you for the floral tributes and donations to Nile United Church; The Cancer Society, The Heart Foundation, and The Multiple Sclerosis Society; also to 'Rev. Clyde Westhaver, to Stiles Funeral Home, and to the Nile ladies for serving lunch after the funeraL—Mrs. Ross McNee and family.-32ar RUDDOCK - We would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who were so kind during our recent_sorrow and passing of a dear wife, mother, grand- mother and great grandmother. Special thanks to Lieutenant and Mrs. Neil Watt, to Stiles Funeral Home; Goderich, to the ladies of the Tiger Dunlop Institute, to relatives, friends and neighbors who expressed their sympathy in floral tributes, donations to the Heart Fund, cards and letterS. All was very much ap- preciated.—Jim Ruddikk and Phyllis.-32ar itt:igaottori.: SOCIAL Ng Collect. , Mrs. Harry Girvin called Donnie Carmie few -days inGoderi the Roll and many wor- wIth chest pains. thwhile answers were given Craig 'Camp to "How we get unity and Belgrave visited strength to face the many with his friend; challenges existing today; i.e. prayer, faith, the golden rule, co-operation, etc." The program on Public Relations included two guests. Mary Louanne Clare of KingSbridge gave her prize-winning speech on Drugs in a very effective manner, and all marvelled at her ability. Miss Flora Dtirnin from TottenhaM gave the topic on Public Relations and told of her experiente when a Junior Institute member at - Mary Bere, correspondent, 529-7915 Dungannon and influences which led to her work as a Home Economist in several counties in Ontario. She also outlined public relations - ideas. Each speaker Was introduced by Mrs. Cecil Blake, P.R.O. convener and presented both with a gift. Doug Zehr spoke from Col. 2 were three 4-H girls, -Kathy Pentland, Elaine Stewart and and offered special prayer for • Mary Van Diepen who have Joyce Wagler who left Sun - completed 12 projects in 4-H day on a flight to Germany clubs. Each was presented for a year's study. with a hanging flower pot by Susan Wagler reported. on Mrs. Errington and Mrs, the five-day event called Girvin. Kathy Pentland "Jesus - 77", near Brantford where 5,000 were in at - thanked the W.I. for their tendance from different ,gifts and also for sponsoring each club. The members are denominations. proud of the .achievements of On Sunday evening at the these young people and voted Drive -In service Mr. Cleason to sponsor the next club which . Mmaarrrtainy Gwraasngeleradgearv,e Mthre. is "Featuring Fruit". Collection and Pennies for Friendship were received and courtesies given by Mrs. G. Errington. Following The Queen and W.I. grace a lovely lunch was served by !Ars. Alvin Kerr and Mrs. Russell Alton and the hostess. CHURCH NEWS On Sunday morning at the Christian Fellowship service special music was provided by a quintet: Mr. and Mrs. Murray Martin, Mr. Peter, Martin and daughter Irene and Miss Pauline Baumani his niece from Elmira. John Wagler read the Scripture from Colossians 2, and gave his personal prayer. -Pastor cerely thank all my family and friends who visited me and sent get well cards and flowers while I was a patient at Alexandra Hospital and to my wonderful neighbors who helped out so much. Special thanks to Father Moynahan and to the Industrial League Softball Club, the nurses on 2 West and 1 East, Dr. Cieslar and Dr. 'Lomas.—Muriel SINCLAIR: We ,would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who were so kind during our recent sorrow and passing of a beloved wife, mother and grandmother. Special thanks to Hollingworth, Stiles Funeral Home, to the ladies of the First Baptist Church, to friends and neighbors of Taylor's Corners for the lovely lunch and to all who expressed their sympathy in floral tributes, donations to the Heart and Cancer fund, cards and letters, all was greatly ap- 'preciated.—Claude" Sinclair and family. -32x CRANE - I wish to thank my family and friends for flowers, cards and visits while I was a patient in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hollingworth, Dr. Watts and br. Thompson, nurses and staff of 1st floor and 2nd East.—Lillian Crane. -32 'Sing Ong at Bbrth - On August 14 the stage of the Blyth Memorial Hall will be full to bursting with song and celebration as the Blyth Summer Festival presents its annual music concert - two hours of hand -clapping, foot - stomping, fiddle -playing, finger -picking and general musical merrimantt „, The concert will feature the Festivals fast -fingered flatpicker Joe Miller and his Magic Mandolin, playing songs most people would prefer to forget; Anne Lederman, whose violence tit the violin (or rather, ferocity at the fiddle) has gotten her into more trouble than she would care to admit; and the charming and talented Gordon Woodbury, a devil- may-care musical jack-of-all- trades. who claims to be able to produce a sound (of one kind or another) on any in- strument he can get his harmonic hands on, ex- cepting the swiss feather - whistle, although he sa give that the old college try as well. And, of course, there's Huron County's own silver - throated, bhromium-plated lad, that bozo on the banjo, Saek Blum, singing songs Of love and atomic research that will Warm the cockier; of your hiart (nothing like hot • istrict news pOcial delivery The honeymoon express, a decorated manure spreader, greeted Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Brindley as they came down the steps of North St. United Church on Saturday evening, August 6. Agnes Marie Cardiff and Gordon Henry Brindley had been married at a small family wedding at 7:30 p.m. with Rev. Ralph King officiating. After a honeymoon express journey around the square the families "met at the town home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mfs. Gordon K. Brindley, where a delightfill hot buffet dinner was served to approximately 75 friends and relatives. An open reception will be held Sep- tember 3 at Blyth Arena when Harry, as he is known to all of us, and his bride Agnes return from the West Coast. Mrs. Gordon Brindley Sr.'s friends in Colborne were very pleased, to see that she was able to be out of the hospital for their wedding and sin- cerely hope she will take it easy and continue to improve. About 25 relatives, neigh- bors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. --James Clutton at ' Dunlop Motel, on Friday evening August 5, when their daughters Nancy and Cindy Clutton entertained at a surprise miscellaneous bridal shower for Theresa Green of London. The first part of the evening, the guests par- ticipated and enjoyed several contests after which the bride-to-be opened her many gifts which formed a splendid ' miscellaneous array. After a delichitts lunch, all joined in extending congratulations and best wishes to Theresa whose marriage to Mtn Clutton is planned , for Saturday SepteMber 10. Congratulations to Stephen and Bernadine VanRony of Kingsbridge whose marriage took place Saturday July 30in ' St Joseph's Rornaw Catholic. Church at Kings'oridge. Guests with the parents Mr. and Mrs. Eric Reaburn for the wedding were son, Constable James Reaburn pf Surrey, B.C., daughters Maureen of Vancouver and Carmichael. Mr. and Mrs; Broughton of Monk with their daughter, Pengelly, Mr. Pen family on Saturday Mr. Parky taken to Wingham Wednesday; Mrs. who was in London with a broken hip moved to Wingham Mrs. Joyce Cra has been in Wingh for the past. two transferred to Hospital, London f tests. Mr. and Mrs. were hosts, to a ga family and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Das July 27. Mr. Dan Al half-brother of the Wrn, Irvin. Mr. Alton had spent a earlier. with Mr, Robt. Irvin, then, w East coast and s days again with Mr, Irvin before ret ,were nine coupl Alton at this gath still some were attend. spent last Su Thamesville w daughter Betty a Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Darlene and Harold. Mr. and Mrs. To spent several days at Bolton with their Thomas and family.' John ,Young en holiday trip to the E The librarian, McConnell has ask Huron County books please be brou Saturday, August 1 pick-up next week. Mr. and Mrs. Megan, Jennifer spent the weekend and Mrs. Irvine E enjoyed a two w trip to Winnipeg w visited Mrs. Eedy's Mr. and Mrs. Je and Brad of Willow dre spending a fen their summer home Mr. and Mrs Saturday with Bere. They have m near Brampton. Congratulations Mrs. Harry Brin were married August 6. They chased a new Dungannon on Alb Mr. and Mrs. G and Anne from visited Mrs. Win. Sunday and along visited Mr. and Wiggins in Wingha Mrs. Ethel W Wyoming is spend days with her nep Wiggins and s'is latter's parents Mr. Wingham hospital., Mr. and Mrs. at from St. Cathar holidaying with Blake and other Several couples area attended the Concert activities weekend at Shelb McNee, Mr. and M Nivins, Eric Ste Scott, Mr. and Sproul and Mt. Gerrie Glenn. Vacation School alo week with an tendance of 73. assembled in Churc.h and the SO Christian Fellow On Friday an music and $(4 under, Kevin . concluded the Eli Colborne corner Gertrude Kaitting, correspondent, 524-2076 Janice of Dundas, Mrs. Reaburn's sister Mrs. Lillian Bannish and daughter Jen- nifer and brother Ted Rebizant and Mrs, Rebizant and son Steve from Dougald, Manitoba, and a sister Mrs. Marjorie Koltalo and daughter Beverley of Pilate Mound, Manitoba and several friends from,nearby. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting last week were Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Locking of Ottawa and Mrs. Richard Wagner and sister of London, and on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. G. Kaitting ac- companied by Mrs. Lillian Kaitting of Goderich attended the wedding of Gordon Thomas\ Kaitting, son of Mr. Edward Kaitting and the late Mrs. Kaitting to Patricia Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hall, at Erindale UnitedChurch, Mississauga. Colborne Township softball teams will be starting their playoffs this week. In the senior boys, Colborne play's Stanley in the first round. In the Midget boyi, CoIbotne will be playing Stanley. In the Tykes, Colborne 13- plays Stanley and Colborne A and -C play off together, In the girls, the senior swill play against Bullet B in the first round and the junior ,girls, dociefich and Colborne and Stanley willbe playipg. tor rmi