HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-08-11, Page 11.41040, upper breeding. breeder. Photle' 524' GROUSE heavy duty: `,machine, lest t tan Ane Plione.524 6065 3233 • BERGLAS 1.30at30 h.p., motor,, . ,trail'er, five. nk, five life Packets, oars excellent condition ae 524-6474.-32 LE welder, Lincoln 200 wited on ' two wheel 200 feet cable, almost ellent condition. 32500. 6474.-32 1. Articles -for sale fly ti ADSCA N T',. M BE ACCEPTED AFTER. 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT ;WEEK S PAPER CLASSIFIEDS '10c.per word, minimum $2.00 LAS sailboat: ex- ly safe and stable. Ideal priers or youngsters. e season, only 3750. 350.-32x ASAKI 90, good con - one 524-8769.-32 rifle,with,redfield scope ::Phone 524-8823:-32x 11 II ates; TS, Treasures and the backyard of 97 Goderich, on the 19th p:m. and dusk, the 20th m. on. Some examples: cupboard, babyneeds, hitch and hub caps, gas tools, plants, crafts, pump organ in playing all type. Phone 524 - SAW, complete with ake offer. `'Phoneg524- Y of new automotive older cars, Ford A, ; also parts and data ne 524-7180.-32x DA 350, excellent New tire, header, will ne 524-2706.-32,33 ITI iy )e PCN mora 18.87 ji) IRA 1Vi AILER, 76 model, for de for smaller trailer; freezer, two years old; best offer. Phone 482 - ARABIAN - PINTO riding horse and saddle. Phone 482-9874.-32 BOY'S bicycle, 16" wheel, good condition; TV vil`leo sport, with four games. Call 482-9929.-32 ONE Gendron baby buggy, very good condition, 335.00. Phone 524- 8743.-32 POOL TABLE 8' x 4', 4 cues and cue rack, complete set of balls. Phone 524-7550.-32,33 ZENITH color TV, 23" console. Phone 524-6675.-32 4000 FORD S.U. - 600 hours with new loader; 34 Massey Ferguson Swather; Seven ton Meeks hydraulic trailer; one ton 71" Ford Truck, 350 model dual wheels. Wm. Little, Lon- desboro.-32 STORM window or door, 261/2" x 6', $15.00; two-tone orange area rug, 6' x 10'10"; scatter mats, 31.00; dishes - dinner plates, bowls, platters, glasses, "etc., $10.00 or less; children's wading pool, steel sides, almost new, $8.00. Phone .524-8438.-32 SUN HAVEN and Garnet Beauty peaches, eating and cooking apples, potatoes and new honey at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037.-31 tfar PEACHES, eating and cooking apples,. plums and ,.POIO."- Gerald B"eli:iultr..F'srmiRs�� Goderich, phone 524-8008.-tfar good condition, can be Ingle or double bed, e 524-6564,-32 in -washer dryer, 21/2 like new condition. 276.-32x ICYCLES, all 20" ghrise bars and 3 boys' and one girl's, ent condition, $40,00 hone 524-0866.-32,33 , Sun Haven and eauty this week, eating applies, oking apples, plums, and potatoes. Phone it Farm or Arnold 1.-tfar S, corn, peaches, ash, cucumbers and or small quantities. s, 2 miles north of -7562.-32tf wooden washing otary lawnmower; ter; • two 4' iron dent double desk; rved front corner ' console stereo; e; 6' oval arborite le; girl's 10 speed minion ironer; and empty wine. bottles. 59 after 7 p.m. -42,33 2 -piece Suite, Coil struction, Durable Chesterfield 81" long cushions. Matching 27" x 29" high. ndition. 3200 cash. -7284.-32x hbend lathe with 6 ft. ge drill press with 524=8451.-31,32 CHECK our prices on chester- fields, mattresses, chrome suites, coffee tables. C & E New and Used Furniture, 524-7231, 1/2 mile south of Goderich.-tf STATIONARY WINCH, 1/2 H.P. Wagner -Leland; Heavy duty single axle boat trailer; G.E. domestic floor polisher. Phone 524-8018 after 5.-23TFNC 1974, 400 c.c. MOTOCROSS Husqvarna. Brand new engine parts. A real good racers' buy. Ask for Jerry. Phone 524- 2369.-30-33x R -CORDS - rock, all 32.00. Rash: Rush, Fly by Night: Nasareth: Razamanaz; BTO: Not Fragile: Eno: April Wine. Stan .,B-ek; Alice Cooper: School's Out; Wakeman: Journey; Taste Live; Hendrix; Iron Butterfly; ELP: Tarkus, ELP: Trilogy; Joe Walsh: So What; Yes; ReIayer; Ham- mersmith; Johnny. Winter and Cooper: School's Out. Phone 524- 9106 after 5 p.m.-50tfnc SINGER - For Authorized Sales & Service, sewing machines, - vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service. to all makes. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich.-28,29tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and' mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available 'at Hoffmeyer Plum- bing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-14tf Reach all of NTARIO with your special classified ad gh a special arrangement between ewspaper and The Ontario Weekly apers Association we now offer an O -Wide classified advertising 524-8331 cor details, YAR. 081.15N1N6 a[ID. `3oderich ' Ontario t 1. Articles for sale DRY FIREWOOD' (hardwood). $20.00 per cord, 2 cords delivered free. Phone 524.2052.-20tf N SIMPLICITY 2 speed portable washer spin-dry, one year old, $150.00. One concrete laundry tub, $20.00. Phone 524-9394.-31,32 2. Mobile Homes FOR SALE, Bendix Paramount Mobile Home, three bedrooms, treed lakefront lot at beafltiful Meneset Park. Phone 524- 9179.-32x, HGMCO Ambassador mobile home, 14 x 68, two miles north of Goderich in Huron Haven `tillage. Call 524-9808.-47tf. THREE bedroom 14 x 68 mobile home on a lot. in beautiful Meneset Park. Only $1500 down, full price $14,500. Call 524- 6067.-tf ar 1976 STATESMAN Homco - 14 'x 68, three bedrooms, utility room, large kitchen, living room and' bathroom. Fridge and stove included if desired. Reasonable price. Phone 524-6393 after 5 p,.1n -29tf " - BENDIX Mobile Home, 3 bedroom, 12' x 68', five months old, vinyl skirted, shed, hook-up for washer and dryer in bathroom, $14,900. without frig and stove, or $15,500. with, all on a nice lot, 73 Algonquin, Meneset Park,rrGoderich: Phone 524-2791 evenings or anytime on weekends. -31,32 FOR SALE - Mobile home at Meneset Park - lakefront lot 12 x 16 addition. Phone 524-9686.-31- 32 1 Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style borchuro.. Rawsons Shop for Men, Goderich. -20tf FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524-6231. We can suit you for every occasion with FR,EEMAN'S FORMAL. REN- ! TAL and JEFF'S FORMAL WEAR Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS LEASING Check out the reasonable rates and excellent service of the nice guys. °GREEN PARENT • FORD. MERCURY SALU M. 263 HURON RD. GODERICH RENT -A -CAR 4. Articles wanted PROPANE space heater, 50,000 ,,or 60,000 B.T.U., must be in good working condition. Phone 529- 6363.-32,33 WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 23tf WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture 'and ap- pliances. If you havearticlesto sell privately or by auction contact RathWell's Auction Service. Phone 482.3120 or 527- • 1336.--29tf FURNITURE, glass,: china, clocks, belts brass, copper. Will' buy for caslf or sell by.auctlori. 's rMike Cummings, Auctioneer, 524- 906422t1 - Artiles. want .. KURIOSITY KO_ outright compute 1�pt ebol? estates or single'pleces o aiture. Best price''paid or will by auction. Do not hesitate to c. •us. Our alm' Is to 'please:'67 1 St. Seaforth;:Phone 52'a 1336.=-2ltfar '• 9. to occon modation " 12, Help wanted 17. Auction sales_ LARGE four bedroom house in Clinton, to reliable family, $215. per month. Available July lst. Phone 519-658-9879.-25tf PART-TIME help. wanted, Brig- Q-Doon Restaurant. Phone .524- 9111 after 7:30p.m.-32 5. Cars, trucks for sa OFFICE for rent on West Street. Phone 524-8845 after 5.-31tfnc PART-TIME babysitter wanted fortwo pre-schoblers, Robertson School area: Phone 524-6543,-32 , OFFICE accommodation, one - HOUSEHOLD HELP, Can live in room, available at 58 Elgin if desired. Apply Drawer 98, Box -Avenue East, phone 524- 220, Signal -Star •Publishing Ltd., 9372.-16tf Goderich, Ont. -32,33 1972 FORD VAN, finished iih terior, 6 cylinder, standard, radials, $2,000, certified. Phone 10. Wanted to rent 565-2824.-32 1976 CAMARO, under 12,000. miles. V8 automatic, console, bucket seats, p.s., p.b., beautiful condition. Phone 524-6957 after 6 p.m. -32 1975 3/4 TON CHEV window van. Must be seen. Call 524-9024 or 524- 7435.-32,33ar FIFTH WHEEL TRAILER, tandem duals, 20' box and hoist, steel racks and tarp; plus 1976 Dodge 1 Ton pickup, duals, 440 engine automatic. Sell together or separately. Kippen 262- 5618.-32,33,34 1972 CHEV BELAIR, sell as is, best offer. Phone 524-2772.-32,33 1970 FORD GALAXIE 500 Special, power steering and brakes, radio, two new snow tires with rims, first class condition, asking 31,000.00. Phone 524- 9459.-32 , 1972 FORD VAN with sliding door, V8 automatic, radial tires. Call 524-8572 before 6 p.m., after 6 Point Clark 1-395-5725.-32. 1969 FORD Mustang Fastback,. 351 Cleveland engine, ' good condition. Phone after 6 p.m. 524- 7495.-32 1966 V8 PARISIENNE, new tires, best offer. Call 524-6726 during day, or 524-9676 after 6 p.m. -32 1969 METEOR four door hardtop, in good running condition, as is. Phone 524-6936.-32 1971 CHEVROLEiT Impala two door, 350 automatic, excellent condition. $1900. Phone 524- 6097.-32=33 '1968 CONVERTIBLE Buick Skylark, GS 400, power brakes, steering and windows, 3500. or best offer. Phone 527-0104.-32x 1970 TRIUMPH Bonneville 650, $850. or best offer. Phone 527- 0104,-32x 1971 BUICK Electra, 225, 955 four barrel, automatic, power steering, power brakes, electric seat and windows. Asking $1600. Call after 5 p.m. 524-2527,-31-32 1966 PLYMOUTH Fury II, automatic, $200. Call after 5 p.m. 524-2527.-31-32 6. Pets CHIHUAHUA puppies ready to go anytime. Phone 482-7509.-32x SIX-YEAR-OLD mare, gentle, good with children; also harness and cart; one -year-old stud, needs to be trained. Phone 482- 4 9929.-32 AQUARIUMS, birds, rcdents, tropical fish, plants. Complete line of pet supplies. Goderich Pet and Hobby Centre. Phone 524- 2883.-28tf TROPICAL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Friday evenings.-20tf 9. Accommodation to rent AVAILABLE first of September, very roomy two bedroom apartment in private home. Newly decorated. Fridge and stove supplied, carpet throughout, heated, hook-ups available for washer, dryer and cable TV. $229.00 per month, plus hydro. No children or pets please. Phone 524-9166 evenings. -32 TWO APARTMENTS to rent, centrally located. Immediate occupancy. Phone 524-8156.--32 SECOND floor apartment, heated, near Square, not suitable for children or pets. Available immediately. Phone after 8 p.m. 524-8140.-32tf APT. TO rent one bedroom apartment ideal for newlyweds or single adult. Phone 524-7898 mornings. -32x FURNISHED home, . centrally located, Nov. 1 to May 1., Adults only' preferred, ' no pets. Weekends call 524.2323, midweek 1.418.742-8820.-"31-32x APARTMENT WANTED - Responsible adult and two children desire 2 bedroom apartment in Goderich (duplex) for September 1st. Phone 524- 2500.-32 - c TEACHER, Goderich high school requires one bedroom apartment in town or area by August 31st. Furnishings preferred. Call collect 1-368-5160.-31-32 11. Room and board ROOM with kitchen privileges in private home. Suitable for working person. For information write Drawer 93, c -o Signal Star P.O. Box 220, Goderich Ont.-30tf HOLIDAY Home for retired people. Private bed sitting rooms, spacious living room, 3 meals served daily. $10. a day. Not a nursing home. Phone 482- 3685.-31 tf 12. Help wanted ACTIVITY DIRECTOR for Maitland Manor Nursing Home, cheerful, outgoing, self assertive person, ability to work with Senior Citizens, experience an asset, qualified persons only. Phone 524-7324 for in- terviews.-32ar WAITRESSES Full time Part time APPLY TO GODERICH RESTAURANT 42 WEST ST. GODERICH 524-9291 STEDMANS The Family Store with the Hometown Feeling. Soon to be opening in•the Hwy. 8 (Zehrs) Mall Requires Full and Part Time Staff Apply to P.O. Box 250 Goderich Experienced 9 Full Time Waitress Wanted 5 days a week 5 p.m. 1 a.m. and Student Wanted for Part-time Waitress Fri, Sat., Sun. 5 p.m. 1 a.m. Apply in person to: Club Grill 33 Kingston St. BP OIL LTD. REQUIRES Gas Bar ''Manager 81 Attendants For Location in Goderich Please Contact: D. 1. STEWART (Days) 1400-265-4157 „(Evenings) 519-472.2641 • COLLECT FULL OR PART-TIME, pick your own hours. Commissionable sales, no obligation. Call for details 2364618.-32,33 I w Lillie' Consiynm U Ti of FarT '' TRACTORS &MACH[' On SATURDAY, AUGUST 13t LAKEVIEW SALES'& SERVICE 7 miles Northeast of Goderich or. 1V2 miles North, 1 mile East of Carlow Phone 524-6451 THINKING of volunteer work? 16. Canteen manager needed by Volunteer Association of Bluewater Centre. Mornings only, mileage paid. Contact Mrs, Wheeler 524-7331-, Ext. 236.-32ar Mortgages WE HAVE immediate jobs for those who qualify. For details call 5 24-9024. -3 2, 3 3 e r EXPANSION - has made it necessary for us to employ several new people, who are neat, and want to get ahead in life. High earnings based on bonus and -..incentive plans. Call 524 6092.-32,33ar • RELIABLE person to look after pre-school child in my own home Monday to Friday. Phone 524- 9276.-32x FULLER BRUSH COMPANY 'needs additional dealers to service customers in this area. Full or part-time positions. Excellent commission on guaranteed product.' For in- formation call 1-296-4646 collect evenings. -32-39 COMPANION for a lady from eight o'clock in the evening till eight o'clock in the morning with pay. No household duties in a fine modern home with pleasant surroundings, for a period of one to three months. Starting Sep- tember. Apply to Drawer 96, c -o Box 220, Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. -31-32 SALES PERSON to run the Goderich location of Sandy's Fashion Shop. The applicant must be aggressive, eager to learn and willing to work on a commission program. Apply in writing to Sandy's Fashion Shop, 331 -10th Street, Hanover, at- tention Ben Farlow.-24tfar HOUSEKEEPER, one day per week, for modern home, beginning September 1. Lady of the house employed outside the home. Duties to include vacuuming, dusting, kitchen and bathroom floors , and fixtures, windows. No heavy housecleaning. Your choice of day and -or hours. Please reply, in writing, stating age, hourly rate expected, references, to Drawer 92, c -o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., Box 220, Goderich.-30tfnc SECRETARY A local firm has an opening for a part time secretary. The successful applicant must possess a pleasant per- sonality, have good shorthand skills and be a fast and ac- curate typist. Interested individuals who meet the qualifications described above should apply in full confidence to Drawer No. 99, Signal -Star Publishing, Box 220, Goderich, Ontario 13. Wanted (general) ATTENTION HOCKEY PLAYERS - Anyone between the ages of 15 to20 years interested in playing hockey this • winter, contact Petrolia Jr. B. Jets Hockey Club, Petrolia, Ont. NON IRO, or phone Richard Hunter, 1 (519) 844-2866.-32 WANTED - Used lumber suitable for stable pens. Call Steve Buchanan at 524-6353 evenings.-20tfnc COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C and E Furniture, 524-7231.-tf 14. Employment wanted WILL babysit in my home Monday to Friday beginning September. Phone 524-4309.-32 -EXPERIENCED woman will babysit in own home five days a week. Phone 524-8150.-32,2,3 ACCOUNTANT will compile and maintain small business ac- couhts, Work at home due to i11 , health. Pick up and deliver. Weekly or monthly. Call 887-6084 Wed. or Thurs. mornings.-30tf Household Realty SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses No brokerage fees No finder's fees FAST SERVICE Come on in or call the nearest office of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Services .35A West Street GODERICH 524-7383 17. Auction sales ATy¢hfWELL'S • AUCTIONEERS LIQUIDATORS ' APPRAISERS Specializing in all types of auction sales * Business * Farm * Estates Free Verbal Appraisals Professional Sales Assistance PHONE 482-3120 or 527-1336 16 tfn TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Antiques at the Auction Rooms, Hwy 21, one mile South of Goderich on Friday, August 12 at 7 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; 6 pc. inette suite with china abinet; 4 pc. bedroom suite; commode; 2 upholstered tub chairs, hall tree; hall mirror with shelf; end tables; coffee able; studio couch with matching chair; buffet; 2 single beds; continental bed; chests of drawers; 4 wooden itchen chairs; odd chairs; iling cabinet; dishes; crocks; iron pump; electric sewing machine; Frigidaire dish- asher; Viking Dehumidifier; as space -heater; large oil pace heater; hand tools; 20" ut power lawn mower, etc. tc. Terms - cash Auctioneers - Marie Salm, Sea forth 527-0494 and Mike Cummings, Goderich 524-9064 18. Services available 18. Services available LIGHT delivery, junk removal, no heavy articles. Phone 524-8553 mornings. -30-34 FOR INSTRUCTION on aC • cordion, piano, organ or guitar, phone 524-2711. (Instruments supplied.)-26tf GODERICH ALUMINUM & HOME IMPROVEMENTS LTALL MABON, REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER DOUGLAS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CLIMATIC ELITE SIDING AWNINGS • WINDOWS • DOORS INSULATION SALES L INSTALLATIONS "MATERIALS It WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED" GODERICH CaII... 524-7428 R.R. 2 GODERICH PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING WITH "STEAM" • Steam gets the dirt other methods don't reach • Removes old shampoo • Carpet dries quickly • Steam Machine Rentals. CARPET CARE 216 Wellington Street S. Goderich 524-2440 ART'S Landscaping-Nusery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich Mon. - Sat. Sunday 8 'til dark 12 'til 6 FERTILIZERS SEEDING - SODDING TREES - SHRUBS; BEDDING PLANTS Complete Line of Everything Needed For INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 1 Contact Woodall & Leonard Plumbing Ltd. For Your Plumbing, Heating and Gas Fitting Needs Bob Woodall 524-2833 • TI PHONE. 5 24-2062. For1 :r' Sd