HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-08-11, Page 1'ry
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er business, a gletter waskrecoiyed trod
Counrailor pian Profit to df i oui cil ie .ways .
”terribly' disappointed'":by'the,Legion decision to •;
'sell the Lancaster,' Profit was'reminded the cost,
of .maintenance, especially due to vandalisei,�,, et
the bomber made it "impo Bible for the Legion to
keep the vlintage ai rcraft any. Ionge�;
The I O.D.E. Ahmeek Chapter were on hand at the reception in St. George's
Parish Hall on Sunday topresent the Honorable Pauline M. McGibbon,
Lieutenant-Governoruf Ontario, with a needlepoint 1.O.D.E. crest. Later in
the day the LO.D.E. Maple Leaf Chapter Regent, Mrs. Audrey Royal
presented the Lieutenant -Governor with the book, Memories of Goderich.
130 YEAR -32
allum : (left) smiles as her daughter
akes hands with the Honorable Pauline
bbon, Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario
In Goderich on Sunday to take part in an
al church service in St.' George's
Church and to unveil two plaques. The
first plaque was unveiled in Court House Park to
commemorate the Queen's Silver Jubilee and
Goderich's Sesquicentennial. The second plaque
was unveiled at Harbor Park to commemorate
Thomas Mercer Jones, one of Goderich's most
famous early residents. (Staff photo)
eed early decision
gh the contract with C & W Sanitation
ed, citizens in Goderich are assured of
collection... at least for a while yet.
of town -council looked from one to
Monday evening in the council cham-
iously puzzled by the visit of Tom Cook
W Sanitation who was asking for a
with council to discuss a new contract
embers of town council thought had
nded until the end of this year.
tated that his company's intention was
towards a three-year contract with the
garbage disposal. He said the company
requesting an annual increase of seven
six plus one) for each of the three years
act was in effect. He added his company
r agreed to a temporary contract with
Ilor Dave Gower, chairman of the
nd Engineering Committee of town
ad reported to members of council
ig year that consideration was being
some alternate solutions to garbage
in Goderich. He said study would be
he feasibility for the towrl,,to buy its own
t and hire_ its own staff to carry out
collection here. It was also suggested
her contractor might be sought for the
garbage collection and disposal in the
municipality. Gower said then the extended
contract would give the town time to seek out the
best alternatives.
Councillor Gower understood from a meeting
early in June that Tom Cook and Bob Murray of
C and W Sanitation were willing to extend the
present garbage contract for a further five
months, from the end of July until the end of
December. Minutes from that meeting show that
Cook and Murray expressed some concern about
the need to purchase new equipment and
suggested at that time there was some.urgency
for . a decision . from the town about garbage
collection since it takes considerable time to
order and receive new vehicles.
At that meeting as well, C and W represen-
tatives advised Councillor Gower and
Administrator Harold Walls that they were
prepared to consider the contract subject to the
Anti -Inflation Board guidelines (six percent),
plus a factor for vehicle operation (one percent).
Earlier in the year, the Works and
Engineering Committee met with a represen-
epresentative` of SMI Industries to review the cost of
garbage packers and the maintenance •of same:.
The committee requested that representative,
and okays lease
ron County Board of Education decided
to lease 9.6 acres • of land it owns for
nt of a sports complex at. the nor-
rner of Eldon and Bennett streets in
5,000 complex across the street from
District Collegiate Institute will in -
00 metre track. Enclosing a soccer and
field, There will also be " a softball
and facilities for other track and field
h Principal John Stringer said the
hich will be open to all citizens, will be.
in four stages. Money for' the first
ing $12,000 has already been raised by
ts, he said.
Briefs Page 16•i
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The first phase will include levelling and
draining the area. The track and different pits
will be laid out in the second phase and a track
and different pits will be laid out in the second
phase and a track base will be put down. The cost
is estimated at $10,000.
In the third phase costing $18,000, the softball
diamond will be constructed and an asphalt
track surface. The $35,000 fourth stage will
complete the track surface,
The developmetit-will be financed partially by
Wintario• and Community.. Recreation. Centre
grants, Mr. Stringer said. =
Board solicitor Dain Murphy said the board is
not eligible for grants. Only municipalities arid.
incorporated organizations may apply for funds.
Mr: Stringer suggested the board lease the
property to the Goderich Sports Association'
which could qualify for the grant. Itwas left With
Mr. Murphy to decide who the lessee should be.
Lynn Meyers, head of the Goderich school's
physical education, said the facilities at the
school are over -used. At present - one field is
being used,for football, soccer•and baseball.
Meyers said slightly leis than half of the total
costs would be covered by the,grants.
The;board decided to lease the property for 21
year's,. At the end of thatperiod,tbe lease could be
iCren w'.ed 3t,the `i rot,erty� lido{ .needed:' 'ter other
Here, left to right are Ahmeek Chapter members Grace Neville, treasurer
and past Regent, Mary Henderson, Regent, Celia Taylor, the Honorable
Pauline M. McGibbon, Mrs. E. Sitter, Mrs. C. Ruffel, Hazel Habel, Mrs. B.
Chisholm and Mrs. R. G. Emerson. (staff photo)
laws clear the, way
Three bylaws on Monday evening's town
council agenda were approved by recorded vote
showing a slim margin of assent. A complete
council voted five to four in favor of clearing the
way for a convenience store at the intersection of
Bayfield Road and Bennett Street.
Those in favor were' Mayor Deb Shewfelt,
Reeve Bill Clifford, Deputy -reeve Eileen
Palmer, Councillor Bob Allen and Councillor
Dave Gower. .
Councillor Elsa Haydon who requested the
recorded vote, said this was not planned_ as
essentially a neighborhood store. Rather it was
to be what she termed "an out-of-town chain".
She said it was creating a new store, rather than
filling existing stores which are empty.
Reeve Bill Clifford told his associates at the
council table the Goderich and Area Planning
Board had "deliberated at 'great length" over
this very same question. He recalled that very
stropg delegations had appealled to the planning
board to deny the request for • zoning changes
but, he said; planning board had decided the
zoning was feasible. He said members of the
planning board had agreed it was not their duty
to attempt to legislate competition.
"It simply isn't good enough to say it isn't
within your jurisdiction," said Councillor Stan
Profit. "It requires a change in the official plan.
Where's the point in having a plan if we are
constantly changing it for anyone who requests a
Councillor John Doherty said that in his
..opinion, three convenience stores in that area of
town - one on Britannia Road, one on Bayfield
Road and one on Huron Road - was sufficient.
"One more would just be cutting the throats of
the three other people," he said.
"I don't think we can ever start to control
competition," offered Councillor Bob Allen. He
said the freedom to compete in business does not
always insure the best interests of all parties will
be served, but he suggested it was a valuable
freedom never the less:
Councillor Don Wheeler suggested it may be
time the official plan for Goderich was revised.
He was told the work is already slated whenever
the Huron County Planning Department can fit
the Goderich project into their work schedules.
The bylaws were given third and final reading.
Bylaw 56 authorizes a development agreement
between `=ravco Incorporated of Listowel and
the Town of Goderich; Bylaw 59 amends the
. official plan redesignating the property at the
southwest corner of Bennett Street and Bayfield
Road as commercial from' residential; and
Bylaw 60 which permits the establishment of a
convenience,z etail store on that property. y
DRMCOno more
You may have called it The Good Roads.... for
years. You may even have a DRMCo sweater.
But in both cases you are out of style.
' Dominion Road Machinery Co. Limited is now
Champion Road Machinery Limited. It isn't
really such a great change, but it is believed
Champion Road Machinery more closely
identifies the company with the registered trade
name under which Champion motor graders are
distributed in the world markets.
.ettes service well used
(Story on Page 7)
Karen Fry (left) and Freida Thompson, co-ordinators ot'the Goderich'
Kinettes' Clothing Room project show one of the many articles of used
clothing available free of charge for needy families. The room has been;iltt ;
operation since 1975 and the Kinettes have faced many hardtthfpY
Accommodation was their biggest problem until this year when the ,Knill
of Columbus offered them a room in the old convent at 138 Nelson Street;
project recently..:wdit the Myrtle WIlson award for the project
Serves the coMmunity In District one.