HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-5-12, Page 4MARTIN-SEN.UR
The Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price -la advance $1,50
per year in Canada,' S2j1) in the
United States. An subscriptions not
paid in advance 50c. extra charged,
THURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1•92i
A quiet wedding tool; place at the.
Methodist parsonage, Centralia, on
May 4th, at 312 o'clock noo t'when Rev:
Statelier united in, marriage \liar Verdi
Maude Hicks, daughter of• Mrs. Sam-
uel Hi;ks, to Mr. Nelson Wilbert
Squire, son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Squire of Granton. The bridewas
becomingly atired in ,blue silk. Mr
and 'tars. Squire Ieft on a short,.trp
to Toronto, Haaniteen Mand other places
the bride travelling in a. blue serge
suit. Oar their return they s.411, ,, r,
side on. the groom's f.:rm in Usbk me
:Mothers' .Day. -Mothers' Day ;was
observed here on Sunday last, The
consiet:ng of the mothers eel'
the cane gigaton, gave excellent nutria
teed r
.e dcc _s
s placed
b ti
Bayaleem were situate grand.
Barnham deserves a great deal. a -;tit
praise for the manner in. which she
cl o.ate church e n
the u. h on t i S t
ll i -
ions. A the close of the t,wereng der.,
v°ee. a gendeman , n tit! ala enee tont,
a picture of the deeorattaxts.
me pial airs. Rou•?edge spent Su•n
day at Exeter.
`; Speecer of S`:. Thomas tl:sitar
with her mother, Mrs. Anderson and
with. Mrs. `tills on Monday.
Mr. Tints; Willis :'s hawing a well -
drilled a; the creamery this week.
Ma Brute tit .<°?i•:ll we und'zr{Cant!,
leas purchased a new ,Factor.
ate (U. Thompson seen¢ Sunday :fez
Ailsa Craft.
Mr, and Mrs. Brooks and fatuity vi
bed in Belgxaye on Sunday.
;gores of Stafta is visiting leer
dauglite;, \irs, N. Nlitchelle
;Hiss Mabel Eli cF'4t v.:sited at he
home. an Sunday.
int,*ifred Anderson of Goderiuh
spent the week -end cn the village.
2vi'1^raJasglt.am. T:atlor spell', the weak end
Mr, E. G. Kraft .made a• bus
'trip tee Chatham last week.
afe.:ltd Mre. Hooper of near Ee•eter.
.spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs
Earl Guenther.
Mr. Art Weber has purchased a
Gray Dor: car. Welch out for the
eneeiteneering i'.ne now.
Raymenl CailVas of Thedtord
agent Sunday at hs home here.
• 11--4. ha• Durr el Detroit is at pres
ant P-Sit;ng with her parent$,
aSr, end \irs. C. I ;ncieni,ield of Park•
•~were Sun ey teeters in,tnwwn
11'i; and Mrs. E. Swire and air. F red
Stere of Oshawa are visiting under th
ar7 Qat,
Mr. D. T:eman and family spent Sun
day '.n London.
air, Pe:lersen %s yisieing yn Minneap
air. and Mrg. E. G. 1Kraft and Mr.
aidairs, W. Kleinsurer spent Sunday
in Stratford.
Death of Fred Baker, -One by one
the sturdy men;of our community `ere)
pasein:; away. 'Alis week we are call
ed upon. to record the death oil anode
ee- of bur oldest and much esteemed
residents, in the ,person, of Mr. Fred
Baler; who died at his home hire on
Monday morning after a lingering ill
mess, at the age 78 years, 9 months
and , 27 clays. Deceased was a. native
of Germany, but came to this errantry
over day years ago and settled in this
neighbo hood: For t number of e -ears
;:u.r:_.ue..ted the sawmill west of here
but moved to the village over fifteen
ye tis ,ago; He was a man of strict in-
t tv. honest in all his dealings, un
assn ding and kindly, and wee respect-
ed ee Did and young alike. Besides
hes twtfe he `s survived by two. sons.
Samuel of Zurich and Rich. of Dash-
• wood, end two daughters, Mrs. McCor-
mick 'rf Peterborough, and Mrs.
kits Le. t:: British Columbia, The funeral
took place. to the Exeter Cemetery on
The Young Mother
with its
for the
health and
But later,
bring a dif-‘1,;'t
ferent result. The care of a family,
' +multiplied household duties, 'and••
very often the weakness causecthy
womanly. disease, tend to prolong
the suffering and to make conva-
•tlescence a slow and weary process
'1V.Iany women -perhaps your own
neighbors -have had beneficial
t experience with Dr. Pierce's ]Pa-
voritePrescription, whi ch prepares
'the' prospective mother. Send 10
,cents to Doctor Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a
'.trial" package of tablets.
PIem:wort, ONr,-tt I was advised
by a practical nurse to take Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription as a tonic during
expectancy, and I have had every rea-
son, to,he grateful for her advice, be-
cause, fteke@ppt me in perfeet'health`'and
I .bad prink really no suffering, The
Per escription'not onlybenefi�t, the'.
mote ern but: I ani positive .the child is
, benefited, too, L would" : not besitta;te
to recu ,;rnend this `'Prescriptioii' to
ev0i' :xpecsaiit nioth'er:s �Mits. C
SPIKE, 46 Hess Street, N.
Dissolve instantly on tongue,
or in hot or cold water, or
vichy.. Try at soda fountain.
sit°illiam H. Smith a,nd son Gerald
and sister, Mrs, Clayton Sims are in
Deiro:t this week resiting Mrs. Smith,
whe thee been a patient in the hospital.
We are peeas+ed to learn that Mrs.
Smith's condition is improving.
Oita Eweed. is having his butcher
sheet remodelled and will use a Dor
-on of it for a wonfectIonery. This
~vitt sheat a ieng felt ;want.
A meet -;,ng of the members a the
Et'angel:cal Church, was held on Nice -
day ,everting far Lite purpose of con -
t to be
`Cris r -tens
-_sa a a,n im aw
s e ,. p
made to the church and parsonage. A
ramsnitiee was appointed to iuv:sti-
gale, the matter ,and 'haw: the work
aerie as anon as possible.
A largo number of cattle have pas-
sed thr eugh the c^:UaQe this past
we :Ai; on their ,way ,to pasture.
The read hes been graded with the
Cotun'y Grader and just ni,ww• whle the
�see•l .s on we are swampsd with
,rust. The oil has arrived and will be
Out *c+n the .street ,jest a= soca as we
leave lead some rain.
Dated Reid of Seafoz th was 'n town
..on,, ttes4ay in eenne.tt en asth Cha tak,-
�nf* of the census, which wy11 com-
nienee on the est of jun: and: continue
about three weeks.'
G ne Sweitzer's' team made alive,
ly :un an %the east end of town last
week, but were- caught before much
« uitage was done:
Masons are starting the foundation
'A{ Finkbe..ner's new house Clyne
"r"e`a•-ge •1- rtzeI has bought Frank
TaVZoe's Grey -Dor:, wito ^,n turn has
bought :i Ford sedan. Albert Fanner
and Henry Fanner are recent buyers,
of Fords.
the basehall diamond. and field
Ina,. `wbe.i. put ,;.n shaae recently` and a
McGillivray Council
Counc.. met pursuant to adjourn-
ment in Town. Hall, 'McGillivray, May
2. Alf 'members Presrant Minutes : of
=last aiieet-ng ~wort', read and signed.
Aecounis agg.egating 51833.30 were
passel and ordered to be paid on mo-
tion of AUis.on and Lewvie.
Maguire-- :ekles--Thai the tender
,f A, l' at 6t .Cot, for the erection of
iron superstructure, Dixon's bridge, for
thesum of $1085.00, ` including clean -
ng even and geali Lg ewo'coatsof paint;
be accepted, -Carried.
The council then acljauned to meet
in the Town Hall Monday, May 30
az 1 o'clock. -j. D. Drtunmond, Clerk.
• DIED AT 102.
airs. Janet Fraser, aged t02 years,
died at her son's home, MooresvilleMooresvilleea Wednesday, May 4, at 11.45 o'clock.
•errs. Fraser was believed to be the
oldest woman in the county al Middle-,
sex. She head been in poor • health
the Colt of this year, but prey^:arra to
this was ah►ays active.active.She had tv=-
eti d. t tires w nin'>ty for a number of
years, and during the wax spent prac-
tically .all awe; nam:oe , knitting or the
sold ees. Mrs. Fraser was born on the'.
saine oak as •the ,late Queen Victoria.
given A xt :ti-.�iy party was „en her last
year when 95 of her relations from
paints the ughout Canada attended,
=1.;,. Fraser ;.s surw.ved by f'•ve sans
and one daughter -William sof 4\teGil-
:_wray, James and Charles of ,Detroc,t
*ieeataa. of Weaning, George ,of fort
Eluron land Mrs, Thomas Lewis of the
ti,,. o1 eleO.11ivray. She has resided
tea: some years with her sofa Willlum
o t • fleet es c _11e,
• meeting of the tawn business menand
bill tins was he`.:1 on Tuesday: night
the purpose of furnishing the boys
dta -.ecessa y suits and equipment for
l e coming ball season. We. want to
baric up our bays is every particular
eine went Crediton to stand away up.
.n the finals.
Last Thursday the Crediton Insti-
tute entertained the Zurich and I.lur-
undate :nsiitutes n their rooms. Over
125 were present. The Program was
gives by the vis::ttars. Papers were
given; by Mrs. Allison, Mins Keady and
ala; l Routledge which. were both
heiptul and ,instructive. The reading
greix by Miss Ftarl
Wertz of Zurich
the audience in close attention
1"he aisirttmental by Miss Saunders was
w e m:iered, and the duett by Miss-.
St.ebe7i and Routledge ~was enjoy-
ed b, all. Mrs. Amos, our Des rict
precedent, occupied the chair in her
usual pleasing manner. - Lunen was
served and all enjoyed the social hour.
i)ewt!i of Francis Aciair,-Deasti re-
newed teem our midst on Sunday last
Frint is Adair at the age of 73 years.
Adair has been an poor Health for
i nuarher of years, abut Avis always'
a oua+.l, His remains wvsre
n erred in Parke l ,.oat Tuesday. He
elves to mourn ii'.s loss, his widow
and daughter, to whom we ext.nd tui
Cities' Illy was f'ttingiy absere-
el _n bct`t our churches last Sunday,
Programs consisting of duetts and
:+ead ngs were given tat the Sunday
Sehool sessions and touch enjoyed.
e..e.tie and Mrs. Dan. Schwan and babe•
of Colborne visited Mrs. Geo. Holtz -
mann on Sunday.
Mrs. Walter Clark has received word
Trott her -daughter, ,Mrs. A. E. Kuhn
at Kerrobert, Sask., that her little sin
s quite ill with the whooping cough.
The Convention. of the W. M. S,
ttf, ilio Exeter aEis'trict ,was held in
the•llethaddst Church on Wednesday.
;fire particulars will be given in a lat-
ereissue. Mrs. Gordon, Wright of Lan-
den was the Denim speaker of the. three
sessions during the day.
Mount Carmel
t'7.4efie Eucharistic Congress will be
held an. Thursday, May 26th. Early
masse: will becelebrates by the vis
lung ele=gy,. at .10.15. a.m.. Pantifical
K:.ge Mass an tine church lawn. '.The
ceeteb ani, His Lardshup, the Bishop.
There wal be services at' 3.15 p.15" D.
M. and also at. 7 p»m. Rev. Fettber
Corcoran, ,pastor; invites all to attend.
-, fr Harry Clark is ,an the sick list.
Mrs. jos. McKeever and Miss P.
eM dden .called on friends in Londonl
S,aiurday.-Mr. `I`, j. Hall's many
.fr-en.i_s arc pleased to see him out
again after itis serious illness.
e' s, Gcrm'ey of Stratford is visit-
ing he sister, Mrs. Tam Collins, this
Yveek titss •Bre.n of London is the
guest of her ,sister, Mrs. Ti. J. Hail.
{ NI:, and Mrs F C. Davis spent Sun-
day: en Delaware Yarning •their daugh-
ter; Mrs .Edi, Hcdtham•,=Mr, and Mrs.
N•ewtcn 'Clark spent Sunday Willi the
lat to s parents, Mr. ani. Mrs. F. A.
Davis. -Miss Violet Kading of Them
esfo 3 spent.the week end on; the
t.wn;,ne.-Messrs., FF! C. Davis Land
Alex. 1^"ac aanald attended the " Synod
o,f the Diocese of Huron. held in Lone
r2 on ,hatihat week fits Joy W 1i tlrock
spent last week, hi this vicinity. -Mrs.
W. D. 'Hoclg.ms Of London spent the
week,,eni at t•the home Of, hex son, Mr
reed Haag:ns.-Mr; and :Mrs. F. J,
Davis s;ieat Sunday in Clandeboye -
Thee congregation of St. Pattick's
church enteral celebrating the' s xtieth
eneeve-sary of Their church on May
'?.ad, w:•ih snec.;al` serv'ces. See full
sktticulers ,next. week,-Ms'srs.. Allen
k*:tt;4onald and Alex'. Macdonald were
a';e: ,t,a D Len den on Saturday :ownng
tai, ve:y, Jew cLliez
The following is the report for
April, based on weekly tests • and
daily marking.
Sr.Sth, (Memory, Grain., Art,
Arith,)-E. Howard, 88; AL Tiernan
79; C. Steluhagen 77.
Jr. 5th, . (Same snbjeets.)---r.
Kleinstiver 73; E. Guenther 72; 1.
Ravelle 69; F. Hartleib 68*; .A.
Holtman 62*; J. Guenther 61; M.
Jennison 58.
Sr. 4th. (Arith., writ., Art, cotuP,)
-, Eveland 80; L. Tiernan 72; L.
Willett 74: C. Snell 57; A. Rader
Jr. 4th, (Same subjects.) -L.
Reid 89; V. Birk 86; E. Graupner
84; L. Baker 72; E. Zimmer 62*; A.
Kellerman 47*; V. Baker (absent.)
G. S. Howard, teacher.
Report of ll,00an 2 for the month
of April. Pupils examined in writ-
ing and arithmetic.
Sr. 3rd. Total marks 150. -En -
gene Tiernan 143; - Anna Tiernan.
126; Kenneth Wein 119; Clarence
Fischer 117; Lambert "Witmer 113;
Harry Hartleib 88; Harold., Keller-
man 84. '
Jr, 3rd, Total marks 125. --Grape
Guenther 106; Flossie Iwwlelnstiver
85; Arnetta Steinhagen 62; Almeda
Miller 45*; Harty Hoffman 43*; A.
Willert 42; Edna Wilds 39.
Sr. 2nd Total marks 150. --Aaron
Restameyer 127; Courtney Bur-
meister 124; Tlieda Hayter 120; Ed-
die Hamacher 102; Ivan Lipperd
98; Leonard Bender 94; Florence
Guenther 88; Martha Grauprier 84;
Elgin Merner 84; Mildred White
80; Ethel Hartleib 79; Pearl Ben-
der 77; Willie Eveland 76; Clarence
Pfaff 76*; Gordon Bender 73;• Mar-
greta Merner 70; Nelda Fassauld
64; Earl Witmer 57; FIoyd Wein 45.
Jr. 2nd. Total marks .150. -Gar-
net Burmeister 105; Louis Zimmer
91; Selma Guenther 81; Adam Stire
45*; Louise Staubus 41.
Those marked with an asterisk
missed one examination.
R. C. Edmeston.,
Jr. 2nd. -Helen Nadiger 603;
Elsie Kraft 530; Irvin Guenther
503; Earnest Rinker 465; Wallace
Wein 421.
Sr. Pt. II, -Ruth Kleinstiver 479;
Blanche Edighoffer 439; Zeta Na -
diger 429; Verda Burmeister 363;
George White 363; Addison Mason
Intermediate Pt. II. Rupert
Statton 379; Victor Kraft 361; Ar-
thur Morenz 345; Pearl Schade 296;
Oliver Staubust-a56; Rudolph 'Vin-
cent 217.
Jr, Pt II,=Edna :'Fischer=. 199;
Melvin Restemeyer : 375; Sophia
Stere 354; Verna Kraft 368; Morris
Klurepp 276; Harry Miller • 263,;
Ethylda Held.165*; John Donohey
84*. ,
Primer -Morris White 210; Irene
Genttner 192; Herbert Schlundt
160; Harry Rinker 154.
Beginners-Gertie Hoffman; `Beta
Hayter„ Gereta Burmeister, Florence
Baker, Emma Vincent, Mabel Ben-
der, Earl Zimmer, Raymond: Hart-
leib, Melvin Mason, Melvin Schlundt.
P. Tiernan, teacher.:
I7offilnion civil servants meet . in
Toronto and condemn patronage pro-
posal. . '
Lower rail rates divert much
grain from . Buffalo ' to Canadian
Two drownings • and two near
drownings occurred over the week-
end in Toronto,
A son oftev F. S. Carson of To-
ronto wins a ped scholarship in
the United State's:'
A store leas been opened in Quebec
City to sell. liquor for medicinal and
sacramental tires:
C. P. R. and C. N. R. agree to
transport laborers to harvest in West
at excursion rates.
Special guards will be placed
against any attempt to rescue Hot -
anal and . McFadden` from. Toronto.
Clang went the bell, that awful. bell
That fill man's soul with fear,
Anil wanien's hearts stand still with
' As, its dread call they .hear.
.from out the homes the women run,
Thechildren, too, are there,
While anxious voices call Woad,
"The' tire, <p where, 0 where?
Full well the flaxmen knew the peace,
Th e- els danger always there,
W Ut wwli:tngness they raced
An•l to..led beyond compare.
But ,flit too soca they found 'twas
"The mill is :loomed," they cried
"'But we shall.save the storehouse yet
Whatever may betide."
To will .was ,but, to act for them„
She season's v op was saved,
The :*road -to future usefulness
Was definitely paved.
But don't target these men had help,
a;he T`remen's band were There,
I;hc •engines poured the water on,
Arid helped to answer Drayer.
But other homes are burning .now,
rhere's work for .all .to do.
And many hands wore working well
And won the battle too.
A c:ere of igen, are out, of ww Ork,
Whose need for ,:,t was great.
But even. now the plans are laid
Fo; bu?d:tag hep to date.
Ana l?h en -t -dike, wwTe atop= to
A Metter mall arise,
W^e.e ,hese good fellows still may
W wse worth we recognize,
1 day we bow our heads with thanks
l:.o dank who all things gave;
Our homes are left, our tiv.s are
And myriad blessings have;
BRIN,EFIhLD-James Riley Is .Ina
c it=eal condition with five 'broken
ribs as a rest>i,t of being drawn into
a ;'Lead tractor White oiling' the gears
Its coat caught in .than gears.
Stephen for April, The standing is
bate i on. the ex~trn;itations
IV„ Ella Morlock, Jr. IV., G. Weber
L. Ween, L. Schwarz; Jr. 1I3„ E. Fah-
ner, 1.Stley, K. Morlock, R. Schwarz
R. Weber; Sr.,11„ S. Raalei', I. Mar -
tette, A, Becker, L. Wein; Jr. 11. A.,
At Mar.iene, C. Martene, B., L. Wein.
e;, Becker, Ta. Weber; Pati IL, E. Mar-
t terve ; Sr„Pa:., Ae, G. Becker E. We -
be;, Jr. 1'a:, A„ 0, liariene, L. Egle-
son:; Jr. Pr,. B., G. Mason, C. Marlene.
No, on roll 25,- M's's Mina: Ehlers
on. Lot 15, Con. 2; Stephen, T.
on MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1921 at 1
o'clock sharp, the following, -
Cattle -6 heifersrising 2 years;
3 eteers rising 2 years;
3 steers rising 1 year
3 heifers rising 1 year
1 renewed cow
1 cow due Juste 1
1 farrow cow
Colt -1 Light colt rising 3
Pigs -7 pigs 3 months old.
Sheep -4 ewes and 6 lambs
Positively no reservta.
Terms -6 months' credit on approv-
ed joint notes, with 4 per cent per
annum off for ,cash:
Auctsoneer Proprietor
Incorporated in 1855
Over 130 Branches
The Moist= Bank wants every farmer to feel
that he has a real friend itt the manager, that he
will receive a hearty welcome and can safely discuss
with hint his money needs.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business Gaily,
Safety -Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch.
Whatis the
Red Cross Doing
The Red Cross in Ontario has:
1. Continued its war work in military
2. Contributed' to the relief of disease -
stricken sufferers and undernourish-
ed children in Europe.
3. Co-operated with the Soldier Settle-
ment Board in helping soldier. set-
ters in emergencies due to sickness
in the family.
4. Provided funds for three years for a
course in public health nursing in
the University of Toronto, The
first class of fifty* graduates itt May.
S. Provided eight nurses for child
hygiene demonstrations under the
Provincial Board of Health.
6. Distributed to civil hospitals equip-
ment and supplies left over from
the war,
Wehave seen a Canada organized for war; now
let us have a Canada organized for good hec:!th.
Enroll in the Red Cross and help create Dubh. .'pinion in favor of
sound health measures. Enroll with your I. r•.' R d t : +.r,; Br:tnt'h gar
Enrollment Committee, or, if there is nor. 'n your community, with
the Ontario Provincial Division, 410 SUI'7RBOVRNE STREET.
Canadian Red Cross Society 1
Ontario Division
The Hard -Drying, Long -Wearing
"100% .PURE'S
The paint; for wear
and weather.
It wears and .wears
"and wears.
beautifies and yet.
serves Oil Cloith
and Linoleum.
Improves the new,
renews the old.
The sanitary, wauh.
able Flat Oil Paint
for Interior Decor-
Floor Finish.
Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a tome
as floors that are properly cared for; on thr
other hand, floors that are not protected are
Iunpleasant to look at,: are hard, tq ,keep„clean,
and become injured..:,through wear.: Don't r
Neglect your floors, beautify . the a and- save,
t ,n. Save the surface and you"save x11
MARBLE-ITEthe t ).ct
treatment for floors of all kinds. It is one
floor finish that has a money -back guarantee
attached to every can.
In 24 hours MARBLE -ITE dries hard with A
beautiful finish that will not show heel: marks.
It has a high gloss, yet is tough enough to stand
any amount of wear without injury. It can be
Washed with soap and water and it will not
tsar nor scratch white.
We invite you to call and discuss this method
of beautifying' and protecting your floors. ,We
can give you full details regarding this :.or. any
other -painting or rnishin problem.. We have
a complete stock of MARTIN-SLNOUR Paints
and' Varnishes, For every piurse-For every
G. A. Hawkins
Exeter, Ont
Ill III.
d1I II fuel uuunnulnomtlInnu!,1,j, 1111'
. ,.(;1' LIi/�I m nrununaunnu •,f
• lP' li;illi" Ij•t'0 1'' 'Flit; I
: 41101fli0I jh0ii�i el pe e�eeitd J(!a
0W, Ir is i;
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