HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-5-5, Page 8Exeter Markets Cl; eNGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheit6.:1.40 Oats , .......... 4.111 40 Faniil- ,Flour 5.10 Feed 141our . e. . 240 Slieee a, ? '' , • ., 1.90 Brae. 1,90 Egg:, •„ • • 17 Daery Butter ... .... 47. Creamery Better • - • . 58te62 Li .. . 22 Hao• per too. • $15 to $16 Hogs 11.50 etie Wm. Newcombe of. Spokene Weshe aeretel here Wednesday norn- v speeda couple woks be with his mother end other relao • lives.. He • has just zeturned: ..from a -• tee dewn through the Southern States aeed Nf,exicO„ tenor:itng things generally . very erosnerees thet part of the• ceuntry. Auto Tire Lost thee T. .7..ianyino n NO1-thy Itreld auto tine 31x4. with inner tube and ran. e5.4.e.• rewerdc Wren to Aderenne Office,. CALF FOR SALEi. Durham weeks aid Jehrt Sr. FII,VER ANNIVERSARY W. .M. 5. The S. -.1%-e= Aera:vcrv:iri' f 1 W. M. S. of Exer Distrkt wia2 be held Ceediton at:thodiat church on May 11. The moving sess:ea wee opan a; 9.40. Mrs. Gordee Wright of London the Braneh President. will speak at boat the efterttoon :and evening ses- eiona. AUTO NUMBER LOS'f. No. 156-314. Finder kindly retur to Ford Garage. Exeter. :urtnroved. EXETER AllittlEATE, THURSDAY, MAY 51 11 Local Doings attat*,,, Next Sunday will be Mothers' Da May 4th. and the furnace still going. M. Ed. Pollen of the Ford Garag is ill with mumps,. Gasoline atow sells at 40 cents gallon, a drop of 5 cents., Mr, W. E. Sanders last week sold Lae lot north of hs dwelling to -Mr Ed. Short, The elethoclist Summer Scheel for the district, as already announced, will be held in Goderich on Jule 18 to 25. Mr. Win. Kuntes fine black race harse was somewhat injured one night ,last 1,1,-.eoc; by getting mixed up in the heiter. 11-: Bray, accountant of the Bank of Commerce. am leased Ws, W. J. Russells home on William Street, for a few months. The Jackson Factory has been clos- ed down tor several days for the eiterene on seock *at, hue resumed operations yesterday. etas% Rewe's room al the school. weich has been closed for iwo weeks was eie-opaned on Tuasday with Miss & Dena in eherge. A eery large crowd attended the denee in aleDoegil's Hall on April 27 eitd had a good time. Another, dance "..a be held oa the 10th of lay. The G. T. R. has made a number ef ehenge, in their time table. There no, change affeeting the L. U. bit,: ran effort Is on foot to speed. up his line to make close conianation at %Amon .for passengers from Godereah going to London. Mrs John Wood, who has been in Vr Hospitel. London. for the peat month, tmdergOng an operation an her too., returned home Saturday, avecenpanitail by her daughter. Mrs. W. ale vete. The oparaeon was a sue . - cess, en4 while she WM not be able Zo have the use of the toot foe some little time, her corolition V I be much I. R. Carling*, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the, 4o - sons Bat*, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS e n Victory, Domnio of Canada, Pro- vincial' and Municipal Bonds all legal inlrestreent• far Trust Funds: At existing prices from 6 per cent. to 7 pee cent, can be obtained from these bonds. Orden received by Money to loon at lowest rates pf ireterest Office—Carling Bk., Mado St, Exetee FOR N1..b geod Itu‘e, Lot 9. S.,,ath Botutd.r3, Stephen. pr45; We -ivy Jones., ExVter aeamtaatlatila• DANCE. ON MAY lOth Ke' 4 -re Cleehostie aititiZ' for a dan.'e on Toesdav eveneig, M.y Rh, n NisT6PnerA Hall Eneter, nes.: des are vt;ry pleas- .t..nz anden.s.wiatyl.. affar:., Dna th,'sone will be no exceplion. Les—Luncle PLOWING DONE, Having purchased a wear outfit' 1 era prepared to accept eontra,ets ter ..' alitchea, Cvntrair.,a. Tee Stretford Beacon contains group reeeme oI three members :he goaduerng class of the Royal College of Dental Surgaons of Outer- , who will reeve not only a lieense practise dentistry in Ontarie, but degre of Doctor of Dental Surg- cev from the treversey of Toronte„ The first member of 1h. group is varg9.re4 Kinsman, daughter of Dr, Hainer Kinsman of Sarnia. an Exeter Old Buy, Dr. Kinsman of town is en uncle - One of the most caitical periods in .he hisurzy ol the Methodist church n Canade for fifteen. years faces the tueell to -day as a result of the fin- ancial stringency. The missionary need ot the church requires not les qbun r.3,500,000 within the next four ear.s, to complete the budget of tight mon voted en 1918, as almost $12- 000,000 are now required to do the ark of 5,8,000,000 in 1918, because of .he depaeciation In the purchasing po- we.: of the dollar, and the difference in the -ate of exchange, airs. Emma Coombe, widow of the Rev. William Coombe, who has been ;n Bowmanville since the Jus - band's death someearsago, is corn - ;no to Exeter to live with, her aged Cunt. Before leaving about fifty friends and neighbors met and pres- ented airs. Coombe with a well word- ed address and an electric reading lamp. airs. Coombe has been a vary ereartes1 and faithful worker in all departments of the 'Methodist church and Sunday School in Bownia.n.villeand he will be welcomed to Exeter. •••••••••••••• OVERLAND COUPE FOR SALE. Berteci rutufaig k'ondiVion, run ltf0t1 railes,• good reason, for selling. Apply ai Advocate Office. PIN':APPLES PINEAPPLES PINEAPPLLS - Plena 5e, and ;cave your ardor for "meapolea. and we will dcler when they are. at their best and the prices right WILSON'S, GROCERY & REST.AURA:aT HOUSE FOR. SALE. Frame house on Lot 4, Con. 7, Hay. Anyone desiring to buld could util- ize the material therein. Apply to Ed. Vroderick., R. 11., 1, gxe:er. 2-1(L FOR SALE. First-class Hotel, situated at Dash- iwood on the main :road between Ex- e eter and Grand Bend. Buildings all in The application of the sales tax to he job department of weekly news- auera was made the subject of repre- entation to the Minister of Inland Revenue, by the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association, and a final answe- has been received that job prtntirre: plants and departments Inuit cvliert the 2 per s:ent..sales tax from their customers. In future as far aa Exeter is concerned the sales' taxes collected by all manufacturers must be remitted monthly to the customs carlector at Goderich, not at London. Lint -class shape, wieh good stabling accammodation. Gocd reasons for selling win be sold very reasonably. For paxticiars appy to Wm. Zimmer, Dashwood. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. Apply Ile J. H. Grieve Exeter NEW MILK ROUTE. I wish to announce to the citizens of Exeter that I will commence a new route. here on Monday, April 4th, and trust you will favor me. with your pat- ronage. SAM. ELLIOTT. TRUCK FOR SERVICE. I have a truck for service. Phone 115, Exeter. S. 7. V. CANN. If you have anything to sell or you want to buy, try The Advocate Want Column VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs, E. j Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenm,gs 7 to 8 COURT REVISION TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Noticei hereby tgiven that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Townsh.p of Stephen will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall, Cred-' tart, on Thursday, -the 26th day of May 1921, et, 1 o'clock m,. HENRY EILBER, Township Clerk, Crediton, Ont HIGH INVESTMENT YIh,LDS NOW AVAILABLE Dom:nion of Canada Victory Bonds Province of Ontario Bonds. -City af Toronto and other bonds. ERNEST hLLIOT Office Elliot Budding Exeter! TURNING MILL Alt kinds of Turning, Gumming Saws, Etc., done aa shortest notice. FOR SALE. Maiseyeelarris Cream Separator, 509 lbs:'CaPaetty, nearly nev,-, , APPLE BUTTER AND BOILED Cider, first-class quality, INDIAN PONY FOR SALE, 4 • S. J V. CANN Phone 115 • • W. P. C. A. LADIES NIGHT TO-NIGHTI,Whin) Arealigernents are going ahead for Teams, Basket Ball, Soft Ball and Volley Billq-cagues. The Junior Base Ball has gone into the Well4agton Season. League. Expect.'„sortie fine field games. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.—"The perils of a Busy Life.” 7 • p.m. --"Recognition after Eternity.m Rev A. A. Tramper, Rector. CAVEAT PRESBYTERIAN CHITROM Bev. .James Foote, B. A., Minister 11 :a.m:—Mothers' Day Service. 7' reuir—Pilgrim's Progress.—"The Castle of Giant Despair." Caininunion Service, May 15th. The Minister. JAMES ST: METHODIST CHURCH •• Pastor, M. J. Wilsonip.A. :MOTHERS* DAY SERVICES .A. spe.ciai il/Lothcrs' Day program ih the Sabbath, School 3. p.m. Professor Anderton will give a spec - ley, interesting Song Service with the Cb mr; at the evening service. •MAIN S" METHODIST CHURCH- • ' Reg, Geo, McAlister, M. A. •Itz,..ito, Phone 21r3 • - 11n.m.—"HOW are. we Saved?" 3 Rea.inefundkv, School&and ' ' 'ealasitiee , , ble - • ^ .-'The of , • BETHANY 2,30 p.m..,-"Fr'encish• ' Alfreit W. AndertFon reofesser of itteaie. Cert. Teacher T. R. C. LPIAQU. Eng. Organist Jame e St. Methodist Church Late organist to -Lisburn Cathedral Lisbum Presbyterian Church Cater Parish Church. d Mustic Master of Ulster Provin- cial Schools, Belfastt •Successes exanaisamainels of Aso. Board Ackya. Academy Musie Royal Coliege Music London College fuse Ete, Terms Moderate Tuition commences Monday Apr 18 Sir A„ E. Fulte „is confined to. hia home through Meese. Miss Hazel Lang .has taken a peaP tion with Southeott Bros, Miss Jory having resigned. Mv. John Wood has purchased the lot on. Huron eitreet, eaat of Misa Fanny Bissett's residence, from Mr. Via Snell, and will -erect a residence ihereon, The London Advertiser—"Mrs, J. T. Parkinson of 299 Ridout street south entertained Thursday at adainty luo- ehoort so, hector of Airs, George Mac., Donald of NeepawA, Man., and Mrs. Noonan Graham. nee Elva Rowcliffe, of Exeter, Ont. The ratepayers approved the action of the town. council of Goderich it guaranteeing the bonds of the Nation- • al Shipbueiternal Company to the ex - •teat of 550.000 when they earried the by-law put before them on Monday, the vote being 577 for and 157 against. George Hill who was skricken with paralysis some months ago, and who. has ben cared for here by Mr. and Mrs. D. Richards, and later by :ate and airs. J. Sims, left for Dunn Aven- ue Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday. Be- ing a Charter member of the Cana.d- ian Order of Foresters, a number of the brethren assembled at Ms quart- ers on. Friday evening to spent a short time with him socially before Ms de- parture. A. very pleasant time was spent together, and a luncheon was' served. Mr. Hill has been a faithful and valued member of the Order for about 40 years, and will be ninch miss- ed Irom their ranks, as also Exeter will lose a valued eitizen. We trust that Mr. Hill will continue to improve until he is quite well again. His son, al- Wifliasn Hill, came up from, Tor- onto to. take, his father to the hospital. MET AT .11XETER. A director's meeting of the St. Nfarys, ;),Iedina & Kirkton Telephone Company was held at the home of'Mr 7. G. Jones on NIonday. The former officers were re-elee ted,—Past Pres,, A. Brethour; Pres., J. G. Jones; Mee President, Jahn Perry; Sec., E. N. Shier; Treas., j, L. Routley; "OIanager John Perry, BASEBALL, • A preliminary meeting was .held li Zurich ,an Thursday last to organize a baseball league for South Hitroa, Zur- ich, Crediton, Seaforth, Goderich and Clinton teams .have entered, and Mit- chell and Stratford are invited to en, - Ler teams. The schedule is to be ar- ranged this week. -This group is en- tered in the North Wellington League Melville Gladman, was home from London over Sunday, Miss 'Margaret Pickard, student of Landon was here over Sunday. De A. R. Kinsman is attending the dental convention, in Toronto ties week Mrs. E. Golby of London spent the week end wath her mother, Mrs. Vale, a town. Ur. Morris Wexler' of Torantc spent Thursday in town with his bro- ther, Amy.: Mr James Walker of Toronto Un- iversity arrived home • on 'Friday for the summer. are Tales. Hawkins of Windsor spent a fewl days in town last week with relatives. Mr. Narmain. Paaterson of Londcn, formerly: of Exeter, visited friends here on Sunday. Miss Alice Vincent of Stratfordls visiting with he parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vincent here. Mr. Pieter Case left Monday morn- ing for Taranto where he wilt vlstht relatives for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Hutton and daughter of Brantford, visited over Sunday with Mr, 4nd Mas. T. O. Sauthcott. Mr. Fred Ellerington, who left here over two months ago with a number of hor,ses for the coast, is expected home this week. • Mr, Gecs: Windsor, who has been Toronto for the east fivie weeks, un- dergoing -treatment returned home on Thursday last, =Bah improved in. health, mr. and Mrs, Albert Perrett, who left Exeter for Bristol; Eng, about are year ago raturned to Canada last week, and carne here by mite from Lanclon oa Sunday, ,ePt.tee.,a'-*_ere', journey across"the 'At1antid. Mr, and ae-saeifeeyeet• lefehere with full inten- ticateeteeniake their future home in che'r native 16.pd,' but '6wing to thc changed conditions attcVOther",feaSOns, decided to retunn to Exeter. Mr. Per - :61 t will take his, old, p.sition, at the Jackson Factory here, with .Which com- pany he was employed for ManY year befo.-e going to England., • eae-mereaseell PHONE 32 JONES & MAY Puritan Maid Hosiery Week. We toe local ‚selling agents for the eeiebrated 'PURITAN MAID brand of hosiery for Ladies attd Children. These are shaven in different styles in Silk, Lisle and •Cotton. See our window display this week. 2 Hosiery Specials Half Price LOT NO, 1-20 dozen pair ladies' fine Lisle Hosiery in Black and White COlars. These are seconds at nearly half price -35e a pair, 3ear. for $4 LOT NO. 2-10 dozen pairs extra, quality Ladies' Fine Lisle Hosiery in, Black only, ribbed garter top. These are slightly imperfect, but won- derful value at sale price, 49c. pair. We are also local selling agents for "Niagara Maid" and "Venus" Silk Hosiery. Howse Furnishings We Can fine you money on your Ileum furnishings. We have an enor mous stock of Regs, Congeleums, Oilcloths, Linoleum's, Window Blinds Curtains, Wall Papers, Etc.. at wonderfully attractive prices. New Congoleura Rugs. Another shipme7,717 arrived. ?rices much lower than last, season. at Special Values in Cotton Staples You will be surprised to ser Such large reductions in the prices of our Stock, of Prints., Shirtings, Galateas, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons eta. Get your supply now. Strap -Slippers, Oxfords, Fancy Pumps We are doing en enormous business £a Ladies' Slippers. We have all the latest styles, and also have_ all the sizes. These goods are scarce. hard 'to get. We stocked heavily and are. able to give you now when you want them, all styles, all sizes, at popular erices. Clothing Smart Styles, Nice Pattesns, a.ledium Prices, O.' 'den's Suits. Also splendid assortment of Boys' Bloemer Suits JONES & MAY allesielleeidesselleargleeellseelemellesseleeellineeellsealleeelleselPsealliesellsseemsollleaelOamillieeelleeelleeellleaelllseellees. Auto Licenses 'and Markers Issued in Exeter. These a,re now being issued in Ex- eter. We have them in stock and can supply you gt shortest notice. Have your application forms properly filled S. W. Simms Express Offite, Exeter. R. N. ROWE FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License No. 210 Motor Hearse Service Phones 207 and ZOW. WESTERN ONTARIO BEST COM- MERCIAL SCHOOL. is3 CENTRAL STRATFORD.. ON*. Oar winter term commences Tues- day, January 4th, and students may register in our Commercial, Short- hand or Telegraphy Departmentsat any time. Our courses are thorough and practical, and we assist grad- uates to positions. Get our free Catalogue D. A. McLachlan PrincipaL Tea & Coffee Store For •the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery lme Call and see us., A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. 11. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. SOUTHCOTT • BROS: PHONE 134 - Special Value in New Silks I• SPOT TOKIO JAP SILKS. • A splendid silk for Girls' Dresses. This is a good wearing silk,- looks well and washes well. Very special at„per yard 50c, NEW SIL K CREPES. shades of sand, blue, brown, taupe and, black. A very oolptular ma- terial this season, and one that ia bound to give satisfaction. Last year's price, $3.50 Special price aer yard, 4;2.25 • 361N. BLACK SILK SPECIAL pER YARD $1.60. - • We want you to see this silk. It is very special value, full 36 inches wide, good black and splendid weave, and wall give good wear. . Extra : value at per yard $1.60 , , CONGOLEUM RUGS IN ALL.,sizEs. !Getour, prices onblinds and rn,oleuit;s Southeott Bros. DR. A: E. TENNANT • Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St, Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR. SWEET Veterinary Surgeon Can be consulted at his office. Dehorning Clippers to rent Office -e Phone No. 120 • Emetezi DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. •I f7=41111 Dr. G. F. Roulsfon, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON , LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. foe Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock des a Specialty. Office at Central' Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK, TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction •Guarranteed. Crediton, — Ontario. If' you want to order a daily paper ormagazine or renew a•present sub- s6-1Ption,'ileave Your order at the •Advocate Office. We save yeu paper, envelope postage stamp and cost of money order .and when clubbing a lit- tlemore besides. • MONEY TO LOAN', We have a- large amount af private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. • GLADMAN& ,STANBURY Barristers, -Solicitors, Exeter.,