HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-5-5, Page 5FlouR,
'OU can also make
beautiful light caken
and bread of wonderful
whl#etaesa and flavor
with eroatn of the West
Mable Leaf Milling Co., Iiztrited
Tavoa, Wianipeo, iftwiao. Halifax
You can procure Crim of the West
Exeter (rani R. G. SELDOK
our in
aged t33 years
died tee Ito Roane her: on Manley
nighi May .nal, alter a littger,ng ell
zeas. :M: Coarsey has been a .^;siz-
e t of Lucanv tor the past iS years, tarot
he lived n ehe, v'einity all his L. Mr
CQu fey wet +:a.tle laaayl'er .-ted was
Aviereb Town througlaoat We tarn On-
tithe.. Besides is site 9n. us etre>ived
by eTe dauteh'ete s,ho i,a living an Park-
arra. S,s Gratton has been removal
to a London hopital,.--:Rev. A1».
sou has accepted a call to near Ham-
ilton. and shipped his household ef-
fects last week, -Mr. Harvey Langford
Le home. Onirng to the illness bt hi;
fathc .-Mr. Wm. 1-I. Elliott has mov-
ed into his new .residence on Princess
street, -Drs. Stevens and Orme oper
i d OA ,Mr, B. Langford's hand on Mon-
day and ,since. 'then he has been im-
Nrr. unroe, manager of the Stand -
eel Bank Isere for the past four years,
,has be,n transferred to Strathroy, and
„!eft fry: that place. He is succeeded
by 1i.. Murray Snaith. of Cennington,
wens is a son.-iteelaw of the tax •mant-
age;. ;elle john Fox, of this place,
Pians for. enlarging and renovating the
bank have been completed. -Dr. Brants
veterinary surgeon, who recently sold
his pract ce here, hes accented a pose
Oren with the liniae;iai Oil Co. He
will .make liitchelt his Ineadquart ire. ---
Sr. Jas. Ward and :hT. Fred ;1leLean
shave bought a rxutube; of building lots
!en. the village wilth the intention of
erecting some modern bungelows.-Mr,
B. Langford, owner of the sawmill, is
iseriously ill with bloodpoisoninfi, fole
lowing an olury to his hand ree:ently.
-Mr. Mann, for the past three Bears
teller ie. the 3lerchents Rank, has been
sea: tn• Walkerton, and his place here
=s bena taken by :Mr. Milki.ns, who
comes from the Clarkson branch. ---Dr.
F, J. Robinson lett on Thursday to
attend a convention of dentists in To -
onto ,
The Red Cross
Carries 0n' --Why?
1. Because of demands made upon it
in dealing with the terrible after-
math of disease and suffering which
always follows war.
2. Because of the serious health con-
ditions revealed by the war -more
than half of our Canadian young
manhood unfit for combatant mili-
tary service.
3. Because an international confer-
ence of medical experts, realizing
that voluntary organization was
necessary as an aid to Governments
in solving the world's health prob-
lems, decided that "no other or-
ganization is so well prepared to
undertake • these great responsibili-
ties as ,the Red Cross," and that
"no movement deserves more the
hearty and enthusiastic support of
all people than does this."
'Enroll with your local Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Committee,
or, if there is none in your community, with the Ontario Provincial
Canadian Red Cross Society
Ontario Division
Western University
London, Ontario
Summer School
ts and ', c ences
4th -to August -12th
.. ,alts.?' s'., , ?•;.:sP.
For Information and Calendar write
K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar
School Report
Sr, 4th. Honors. -Ella ICuntz :82;
George Beavers 80; Vivian Colling-
wood 80; Grant Collingerooct 79;
Dorothy Snell 79; Wanda von Wa-
einski 77; May Abbott 76; Verne
Roulstoit 75; Francis Abbott 75;.
Helen Wethey 75, Pass -Charlie
Gladman 74; Florence Walters 74;
Ruby Davis 73; Amelia Acheson. 73;
Herman Gower 69; Clifford Web-
ster 67; Charlie Aeheson 66; Alloe
Sander's 63; Bert Gardiner 61.
Jr. 4th. Honors -Marion Bissett
78; Mete Salter 76. Pass -Margar-
et Johns 74; Harold Whyte 72;
iiildreel Murphy 70; Harry West 69;
Water Spencer 68; Irene Lamport
67; Lloyd Foote 67; Harold Nelson
67; Bobbie Ganabriil 66; Rete. Hl -
worthy 65; Harry Snell 64; 'Merger -
Harness 63; Elva Hunleie. 60,
,Number enrolled 38; average at
tendanee 36,
M. Hortou, teaeher.
Sr.. 3rd. Honore -Eugene Howey
90; Hugh Creech 86; Marjorie Clark
31; :Edna Russett 76. Pane-Franle
Oreeeh 73; Florrie West 66; Joan
Kuntz 61.
Perfect in conduct -Edna Rem -
sell, Perfect in geography - Eugene
Howey and John Kuntz,
Intermediate 3rd. Honors-•--Kathe
leen Neaman 82; Edward Tamale,
80; ;Marvin Howey 79; Mariorie-
Sedd 75. Pass- Marvin
Howard 74;
Lyre Dinney 72; Viola Ford 72;
Jack Gambrlll 69; Muriel Luker 66;
Stella Northcott 66; Reggie 'Beavers
63; Ida Mitchell 62.
Perfeet izi eonduet-Viola Ford,in
Jr. 3rd. pas* -Donald °ladau
74; Dorris Salter 72; Clifford Hut
ebisou 70; Irene Biertielg,' 62. .
Number on roll 36; average at-
tendance 32.
Jean S. Murray.
Sr. 2nd. Honors -Greta Bloom-
field 90; Jimmie Passmore 84; Cath -
grind Woods 82; Aida ;Macdonald
81; Lily Payne 78; W1nuie Bishop
76; Sydney' West 75; Gearglna Nel-
son 75. Pass -Gladys Hunkin 74;
Ci'nn. Etherington 72; Baden PowellWalter
72; Stanley 69; Alvin Pass-
more 60.
Class B. Honors -Clarence Boyle
76. Pass -Wilma Kaye 73; Verne
I3rimacorbo 69; Dorothy Dlnney
66; Clifford Lamport 65; Nelson
Welts 65; Roy Sanders 64; Russell
Snell 63; Madeline Dearing 63; Geo.
Andrews 61.
Class C. Honors. --Dorothy Hardy
80. Pass -Charlie Lodder 73; Kath-
leen Reid 71; Wm. Bentsen' 65;
Harold Macdonald fie.
Number enrolled 34; average at-
tendance 26,
H. M. Kinsman.
Class 5, Honors - Mary Cann
84; Wallace Seldon 84; Almer Hun -
kin 83; Helen Stanbury 80; Harold
Appleton 79; Jean Penhale 77; Ken-
neth Ward 76. Pass -Harry Cole
72; Florence Cornish 60.
Class 4. Honors -Ruth Ballwin
78; Viola Hodgson 77; Joey Jack-
son 75, Pass -Teddy Wethey 67.
Class 3. Pass-Aldin Appleton 70;
Richard Trumper 70; Chester Corn-
ish 66. (*.blame
2. Honors-Allan(*.blame84; Vera Kestle 82; John Paine 79;
Allan Fraser 76,
Class 1. Honors -Jack Pryde 80;
Graton Cochrane 78; Joe Creech
77; Hazel Andrews 76; Mervin Sims
75. Pass -Ruby Stone 73; Utah
Clark 70; Marguerite Cann 69; Con-
nie Jennings 68; Lois McDonald 65;
Tom Ellerington 63.
Number enrolled 41; average at-
tendance 33.
Olive M. Taylor.
N&. George Hunt of Halifax died on
Monday, April 25th. Mr. Hunt was'
born in Kippen some 52 years ago
and it was . in ebb vicinity he -spent
his school days and early manhood.
He was the second son of Mr. RR,
Hunt now of Hensall, and will . be `re-
membered tby many friends here. No
'particulars have been received as to
the cause of his death. He is aurvov-
fed by .his wife and aged mother, bro-
ther,s and one sister, tall, of whom will
have eleeesymathy of this community'
in their bereavement.
The annual meeting of the Sunday
School was held on Monday .evening.
The old officers were re=elected. An-
n.iversary services, in was decided, will
be held on June 19� Mrs. James :Swat•
law is in Toronto attending the 'fun-
eral of her brother-ing-law, .Mrs.Robtt
Kerslake of Exeter is visiting herdaughter, Mrs. Harvey Parkinson on
the 8th of -B1anslvard.- Miss MyrtleKirk, elf Kir'kton-spent last week with
her cousin. Mrs.Wilson Morley.
Prepare a Good'' 'Whitewash.'
Slake a half bushel of lime with
bolting • wer'
at, keeping it covered dur-
ing the process.Strain it °Add
peck of salt, dissolved iii warm water;
three `pounds `of aground rice put in_�,.:
boiling- water .and hailed t9• a thin;.
paste; one-half pbw5nd -df "ir lwhtlered
Spanish'whitirr'g one pound of clear'.
glue dissolved; in .warmWater. Miff',;
well togetl}er and. let .the mixture`
stand for several days.' Keep the wash
thus made in a kettle or portable
heater, and when used put it on as
nom,. -....:."e.1 ble:with painter's. brushes
or with whiteaa,
going Are you ao-ng to Crediton May 11th
to attend the W.M.S. Convention n
the ;e thod;st .. tee l Certainly. Lot
Mr. Wm. Mellin is suffering from an
attack of neuritis, -,Mrs, M, Edwards.
' has returned to her home here after
being in Arkona for the winter -Lt,
W. T. Mets and 'wife attended the
memorial services en, Parkhill recently.
the many friends of Mrs. Emma
WiIsoa are pleased to know she is
recovering from a stroke ofp aralysis.
-BMrs, Lampke has returned to her
home. in :Nighigen after a pleasant vis-
it with Mrs. C. Curts.
STE1Hi.. N
Oa April 20th Mrs. James .hose Of
lIcKillop, daughter of the late Thos.
and ?Martha Hayter of Stephen, died,
near Walton. Her husband and three
children survive, besides three bro-
thers and four sisters, Mr. William
Hayter of Parkhill, Chas of Clande-
boye, Rober; ot Dashwocd, Mrs. Robt
Bested of Thorndale, 1lrs. Jno. Gil-
martin et Hamilton, firs. Hedley
Cooke ot To ;a and firs. Roy.
Brothels of Stratford. Interment was
made inayfield cemetery.
�'n. enthusiastic meeting of the
South Perth Baseball League was held
Fullerton on April 27. 1:?,rlrton,
Fullerton, Carlingford and St. Marys
were well represented and it was un-
y decided that
they w
ii ue uvoup£l.�t,
with the North Wel!, eton Fasebail 'ti's. Webb has gone on a viseoe n.
League as a groupfew months in Toronto, Hamilton. end
Detroit.. -Mr. Jas. C. McLean, lentigo
oaJ north, suft•ered a stroke of par_
Zurich aly lis ecen:ly and ,is quite ill. H ,'.s
80 yea s of age. -.-Tile home of - 7r.
land Mrs. T Shillinglaw. T ee:m m'`F
Miss Gertrude Weseloh has return_
ed to Detroit, after visiting her par-.
ents for sometime.• -Cdr. Ed. Wesley,
v�}ho has been visiting ea this vicinity,
returned to his home in Detroit-MissJemima Johnston moved her house-
hold goods into the house she recent-
ly purchased Brom Mrs. Otterbein, -
Mrs. Man
Mann end child and Mrs. Mollard
and two children, who have visited
relatives and friends here for some
weeks, returned to their l,,ome in Chat-
haui -Mr, .Fraser Brown of Kitchener
merit a week in the village.- Messrs,
E. J. Brisson and Solomon Denomy of
S. Joseph, left for Windsor .last week
-Ile John. Cantin, who spent the oast
fern weeks at ,his home in St. Joseph,
returned to Montreal. --Mr. W. C.
Wagner underwent an operation re-
cently and is doing nicely Mr S. E.
Faust ,has purchased a grocery.. busi-
ness and a dwelling in Goderich, and
is moving to that town.-ein C. Hart -
Hieb, who hos been. Irving in London
has also pure -heeled a residence ,n God
e ch and w:'1 move there to reside.--
A,• wedding of interest to, the people
of this place took niece in Detroit. en
April 23rd, when. Mess Mabel Ruop
wee married to Mr. Gorge Rebb of
was the scene of a pretty wedding at
high noon ore Aprel 22, when their sec-
ond daughter, Janet, was married to
Mr. Ivan Hargrave, teller at the Head
Office of the Dominion Bank in Tor
onto. -Mfrs. T. H. Bell, who hes been
viseeng .Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mont-
gomery, returned to her :home in Read
ing, Mich -:lir, Ed. haters, whoo has
been confined to bed through ilixess
for he past,three weeks, is .-ble to be
out again. -- A number of the. Odd -
fellows attended church with Exeter
and Brucefield brethren on Sunday ev-
, earng.-T. W. Parlmer has sold his Cort
feetionery and grocer} buseaess to Mr.
Donaldson of T,eeswater. He gives
possession. oa May lSth.
Fe LL.:e.RTON,--John K: ei,, for 75
re::s a resident of this township, died
or. April 24th Fnhs 92nd year. He
cattle. to Canada from. Gertnany when