HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-07-07, Page 42ON
ow subscribers ;of the
:1 -Star will have their
ial Souvenir Edition -, the
'centennial, Edition- but -:
about ourvisitors has
ne drawn their attention,
is special for our 150
day celebrate , ,_
ere has been a great deal
esearch -go into the '
: iling and a lot of thought
discussions ' before 'fur
r was satisfies with the
you read thru' it you can ..
each step, plan with
and Dunlop, worry with,
and be happy with them
heir . accomplishments.
i' the building :of the log—
ses •pt'ogressed
factorily the _ tenants
ed satisfied to. stay at
point. Fewer than ex -
•d GOOD houses were
giving the feeling that
log homes were
ingjy.being retained as
erisled for their an-
ty." Many of these
above the restaurant seated opposite corner was once
750 people : and was the main called the Albion Hotel.
concert hall, theatre and The British Exchange Hotel
scene of political meetings for -burned-tioWi►:-slowly m`I�.1'56Tr
• many years.' recall rushing uptown on
Christopher Crabb, mer- hearing the sirens, when I
chant, mayor and magistrate thought there was a fire near
made quite an impact on this The Square and sure enough
harbour town and we should the fire was just a stones
know more about him. So by throw from Simpsons which
reading "Christopher Crab]?" was. my chief concern at that
103 : y -goers in Blyth and
Ilia this summer will
ve an added attraction
summer .thanks to a
grant from Wintario.
:rant will allow Victoria
house, Petrolia to bring
shows to the Blyth
orial Hall for a two week
The Blyth Summer.
val will in return present
shows --and =a- eKildren'-s-
in Petrolia during the
• time period.
toria Playhouse' will
Artichoke and Man
A Load of Mischief to
in repertory from July 12
my 23 at the Blyth,
orial" Hall. Both plays
keeping with the Blyth
er .Festival's emphasis
ral subject -matter, as
hoke is a drama based
e experiences of a
e farm family, and Man
A Load of Mise'hief is a
al comedy,;;. set in an -
sh countryinn,
rolia theatre goers will
the opportunity to see ,
Sinclair's The Blood is
g when Blyth brings its
om` last season to the
St ,ria Playhouse. •A
er Burning, the
al adaptation of Harry
• 's novel of the same
will run in repertory
heBlood is Strong from
12-23. Turkey, a
ren's -' play . by Jim
•fer, completes Blyth's"
'ng to Victoria
ouse this summer.
• exchange follows the
ss of a similar venture
season. Blyth's
ction of Mostly in
r played to packed
•s in Petrolia last
er when the Festival
d the area with that
This season, the tour
es reciprocal, as
is Playhouse enters its
-season of _independent
ix kets for any per -
:nee in Blyth max be
at the Festival Box -
ox"•, phone (.519) 523-9300,
t any Festival ticket
. Tickets to the Blyth
mances in •Petrolia
be arranged through the
lia box office.
e public visitor program
e Bruce Nuclear Power
lopment got underway
Y, July 1 and will run
Monday, September 5.
e e is welcome at
isitors Centre daily f oni
a.m. to 5:30p.m.
s tours of BNPD are
fable Wednesday to
'aY only (including
aY Mondays) starting at
isitors Centre. To get
travel. Highway 21
een Kincardine and Port
and follow the signs to
Visitors Centre".
• tour programs, which
ree, run at 40 minute
vats and last ap-
mately 11/2 hours. They
'e a film on nuclear
r, displays and a Gon-
d tour- of the . BNPD
' uP tours may - also lie
ged throughout the year
ontacting the BNPD
ation Office.
e the first -Information
e at BNPD. openedin
over 5404,000 peopl_ave
d Canada's largest
;houses :.remain to this date„
and you can follow the path of
history` with this edition. A
very fine keepsake.
An interesting item
regarding : Goderich
becoming the District Seat of
Justice for the Huron Tract
and a,write-up•on the Judges
from 1842 to this date is very
enlightening, The'. picture' of
our' old; courthouse is very
good in this issue:__
The listing of the Mayors of
Town from 1860 to 1927- brings aY'�
up a lot of names familiar to .Martha Rathburn : appears
us today --plus a great many Weekly In The Signal -Star..
names we have heard but did streets RICH St. It was not
not know. until h began reading the
Looking at pictures of supplement that I found why
downtown buildings like the Bennett and Rich Streets
'"Crabb BlocK Kingston St. at --`were so named.`
the Square, where Club Grill '" One building - a large one -
Restaurant and Eric Car- that a great many people now
men's Photography Shop are living here will not know is
now situated, it is easy'to see the old British Exchange
the foresight and. know-how Hotel nee Seegmiller's Hotel
that was used at that time. at the corner of South St. and
THAT is an especially fine The Square.
building. The Ogen House. TheBedford Hotel on the
I take the lead , you will be time. The fire was "down -
pleasantly surprised - AND stairs" in the basementof the
knowledgeable. We should British Exchange and nothing
TRY to remember his name. to get excited about, BUT'
A wonderful man, W. E. finally there appeared to be a.
Elliott will be 94 this month. It lot of dashing around and it
is because of Bill Elliott's ended in a holocaust which
favorite hobby - researching threatened the whole block
and writing stories about and three or four men who
Goderich from' its earliest were asleep on the third floor
days. - that we have most of were left undisturbed too long
this material at our fingertips _ and -lost _their lives _ _ -_ _
today• r.. I'll never forget the build up
Thank you ill E Nottand "°of excitement as long as I
God bless. live:' When people began
The special edition goes on dashing about I began to
to talk of many well known think of the other stores and
families who grew up with the people living above them. and
Port of Goderich and they, began watching for thein in
make fascinating reading. I the crowd. Finally I realizedI
had often wondered why a had not seen George Baechler
town would ever name a or family who were then
living above their restauran
which was on the other corne
of,that block. (Earl Rawson'
shop is now in that corner)
went back into the office an
phoned George and waitedfo
an answer - they wereal
sound asleep and did' -no
know part of their building
block was on fire.
What a frustrating ex
perience. You should neve
arrive at afire \tntil it is wel
under control or well unde
way. When you are there
early and you are assured or
presume - it's under contro
and suddenly all Hades
breaks loose - it is very up-
Like the nite of the fire in
the old Courthouse in 1954.
From The Square, by the
stores, you could see no signs
of fire - just some smoke for
quite a while. Suddenly sdme
onopens the big front doors
and there it was!
What you can't see doesn't
bother you - or shouldn't, but
how it stays with you af-
terwards ! •
Isn't _it--„_wonderf•uL _the
number , of folks who have
"come homy,,;'. Did you
EVER see such crowds in
your life in Goderich?
One thing we know is that
the Jubilee 3 committee has
done a WONDERFUL job
with their entertainment
plans - and everyone is en-
joying it immensely.
"-The day of the Soap Box
Derby ' and' the crazy \bed'
race, there were 84 callsat
the emergency at AM & G
Hospital, nothing serious but
everything ' carefully. wat-
ched. I'll bet emergency has
never been so busy before.
--Welk ... there's more _. ex
citement to' come, so enjoy
every minute.
The big parade - and I mean
BIG. - is this Saturday, The
parade is forming up outside
Sheaffer. , Pen, Windsor Salt -
way and -the head of the
parade will be standing at
Maple St. on Huron Road.
This parade is so large and
t: there are so many people
r'' attending the parade that the
s.. Chief of Police begs you to
I leave your car in your
d driveway and WALK to the
r nearest part of the route.
1 There will be bus seryiee at
t' different spots in town to give
you a ride to the parade
especially if you want to go to
- the Square or Agriculture
✓ Park - where the parade will
1 finish. Streets along the route
✓ and near Ag. Park must be
"free of cars that morning.
Any cars left parked will. be
1 towed "away costing $15 to $20
towing charge.
Buses will be at Suncoast
Mall - so there is- room to
leave the car there for those
coming in from that direc-
tion. Buses are FREE. I
certainly wouldn't want Chief
King's job as Parade Mar-
shal. When' you think of the
traffic in the past weekend -
you can realize how bad it will
be on Saturday.
The chief asks folks to take
. their chair, pick a shady spot
and take your lemonade. Sit
'and enjoy this monster
Over 2700' people involved
and 400 vehicles and floats.
forget whether it is 4 miles or
4 hours long - but I believe it
WILL be at least four hours
long and probably(?) 4 miles!
A good many visitors to Goderich during Jubilee Three celebrations will be looking for
Pete Zimmerman's truck on The Square. For more than 40 years, Goderich residents and
visitors enjoyed Pete's hotdogs smothered In onions and buttered popcorn that was "out of
this world" But Pete's retired now and although the vintage truck still runs like a top.
Pete won't be entering the Jubilee Three celebrations. Some had hoped Pete's truck might
show up in the mammoth paradeset for this Weekend, but. Pete says he won't be there.
This photograph taken in Centennial Year at the corner, of Hamilton Street and The
Square (notice the hotel (Colborne House) in the background that was torn down this past
winter) will have to suffice.
with Martha
The parade will start ON
TIME at 1 p.m. says the
Grand Marshal, Pat King. So
make yourself comfortable..
Don't park ahywhei -near
Age Park - McDonald St.,
Eldon St. 'or nearby as parade
vehicles need space to
disperse” The buses start
running in the morning. so DO
leave the car at home. Enjoy,
162 MARY ST. GODERICH 5 24- 9089
June 9toJul.y-30is
Our Annual July
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'Men' No appointment necessary, Monde
Saturday - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 9 a.m
no -char a
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it's a good
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which a.TD customers
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