The Exeter Advocate, 1921-4-28, Page 6THE SUNDAY SCHOOL After years of experience in raising poultry on the farm, I find: that my best aid in clearing the poultry houses of vermin is the kerosene brush. For the eradication of the pestifer- ous red chicken) finite 1 take an old brush and some kerosene, and go over all theroost supports, joints, seams in the nest boxes, uprights, and wall cracks with a penetrating coating of the kerosene, It pis -,sure death to each and every elite it touches. I And that this is all the care needed in the hen n houses, winter and summer, after the ✓ spring and fall cleanings and the usual whitewashings or emeoseting of e the interior surfaces, nests, and e roosts. I examine the roosts occasion- ally in the winter, .every three weeks in the summer, brushing the seams MAY 1 Bible Teachings .About Education. Deut, 6; 4-9; Proverbs. 3; 13-4S St, Luke 2: 40-52..Golden Text.. Prov, 4: 7. ' • Conneeting Links t The ideal human' evident from such pas.?ages. as 4: 9 !society wiil be intel.:ger_t, as well ass and Exod. 12: 25-27 that -the teaching' dr.+iustrious. It will value learning as! was to include the Iiistore ,its well as it. values labor. It will seek the}the hits, and much of the history cons healthy development rd growth of tained in the Old Test„ment books the mini as Well as of the body. It' seems to have been written with this. Rt, -ill recognize that physical health:'teaching purpose in • view. The chit- . lest etrtal efntxency are promoted' dren were to be taught by story as by education, mei will seek the best well as by precept, instructed both i sneers and instruments o+' education.; the history and in the law of that The training' of its teeing foil; will lie, people. Through; that instruction they together. with the feeding end cloth- were to learn to know and love th ing of them, its chief eoreern. i Ged• of their fathers. Moreover th But thistrainfrg and education: will teaching was to he not simply by be twofold, having regard for char-; lessons learned in school, but also bS aeter as well as efileiercy, and aiming Milt and conversation in the hou e and joints with the kerosene. If there are any mites, they will appear. If none, you can be thankful. But if their numbers seem legion, go over e every inch with -.ke osene. And this is not its only use. If the scaly -le mite appears in your hock, ,'take up the kerosene brush again and paint the scaly leg with, it, being care- ful n not touch a tor ax oft feathers .pre y around the knee joint, Usually one applicattion will kill the mite that works and causes this scaly appear- ance of the legs; but if riot, I continue the appfications until the legs are cured, The powder shaker, with a good commercial louse powder, is the eas- iest remedy for lice. But with a farm flock on range, with boxes of ashes and dust baths available, it is seldom that remedies will have to be re- sorted to. The average hen will take care of herself under ordinary condi- tions. I use the powder on the set- ting hens at least three or four times, being careful to make the last appli- cation a few days before the eggs are to hatch. - =--'--+ --.., The Strawberry Plantation, at the making both of good workmen „ and by the way, both evening and anti good eitizer .. It will seep. the morning. highest pet feeiion of hath tuind and , Prov. 3: 13-18. Happy is the Man trout, both head and heart. The Fane : That I?indeth Wisdom. The first nine tart o living together i equines not ' chapters of the book of Proverbs have zitereiy diligence and sell, and ief ac- been appropriately ealled the "fraise titaness in toil, but aise eood«rel and of Wisdom." The writer seers to gym:parity, and pat e:rce. We have have been a teacher of young amen, for (aider apaot, tines in which society,; he frequently uses the terns "lily son' lotr,a conal and .r.er„tttan€ has in addressinghispupils. become ext.i.t .a'�: • th ,�"� t:+onipiex and the, Wisdom is to hint the divine plain right ordering t f ie aiemalids the high-;, of the Rorlcl. It is personified as God'a est n c,lorry. tine Have rewrite fm )bararchitect or "master workman." It with an sorts of theories, some of ; stands for the divine order in both filmes exeesesiingiy cru,ie or even fan-; nature and human life; for both God's teethe , cis inform ant recor:atruetinn,' work and God's will, A man'' tis - ani have heard again and again the dome therefore, is in seeking to Itnow cry .. red revolution. Our safety lies Gods will and to do it. It ties in hie .)cation, meia !,loader, and better : ordering his life according to God's cell:•:wzi and an education founded. plan, for thus, and thus only, can he upcs C-hrieti n faith and morals. In .live a true life. See, especially 1: 7; m:. eineated Christian people lies our 3: 1-10; and 8. hope for the future. I Wisd+:an is here presented as the Deut. r.: 4°9. Hear. tl Israel. The,source of true happiness, as the great - book of Deuteronomy. in its presentest wealth, and the most precious of form, comes to us frein the early part all treasures. Wisdom promotes of the teventh century before Christ, health and long life, as well as pros - It is a new edition, prepared by nits- perity, ard is compared to the tree of tippet of tbt' great prophets, Amos,; life in the garden of Eden. Those Hosea. Isaiah, and Micah, of the an- i who ate of that tree would live for tient laws of brae? sof wltic-h Motes • ever, acrd so those mho lad* hold upon was the founder. Its lawn are on a wisdom find life eternal, very high level, and are aceompanied i One can understand from this how by exhortations to obedience, based it is that the ;