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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-07-07, Page 32
iL ver see Getan' and re th'e big fun. EED BOOKS for -tlie 1 Rotary ° Club book ooks of any description et books to comic books ble for resale. Bring to Worthy's Esso, 79 is Street North. For --of–s- carton or moxa., 524-6086 after 5 20tfar ON LEGION BINGO; Thursday 8:00 p.m. regular card $1.00, ted to 16 years or over. n regular games of $5.00 least on 'split:. other specials. Jackpot must go each 19tfar to attend the third 1 "Summer Fling" on ay July 16th in the ow Arena, sponsored Lucknow Agricultural y. Dancing to Walter k from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. sons 18 years and over e. For reserve tickets 529-7408. —27 ‘-'3. NRECEPTION will beheld for Mr. & Mrs. HEN ANDREW ne Van Diepenbeek) T. JULY 9 9:00 P.M. ROOKSIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL music by LAN-ELMSIWE- veryone welcome SALVsATION ARMY Thrift Store, 15 Rattenbury Street, Clinton, will be having a id. sale for the month of July. Store hours.. from 10'a:m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdays,. Thursdays and Saturdays.-26,27ar __-, BINGO every Friday evening at the Vanastra Centre, RR 5, Clinton; 8 p.m. First regular card $1,00. Fifteen regular $12.00 games, three share - the -wealth, jackpot $200.00 must go. Admission restricted tosixteen years and over.—tf GODERICH COLLEGIATE _REUNION Sunday, ' July ]b at 2 p.m. at the scmoof Please'tell yourfamily and friends. —16tf GODERICH Township Recreation Committee is organizing a Pot Luck Bar- becue at Township Lakeside Park on Thursday July 14th, 1977, pit to be ready after 6 p.m. If,lrained out to be held one week tater, same time and place-. —27 Open Wedding Reception for Hans Leppington and Pauline Armstrong JULY 9, 1977 at the SANDPIPER INN VANASTRA DANCING9 P.M. - 1 A.M. ::....MUSIC BY--- "Star Trex' !42 p.m. p.m. QUARE MEAL QUARE DEAL TRY - NOW OW FULLY LICENSED GODERICH RESTAURANT EAKHOUSEu,& .:TAVE=RH. Ltd LICENSED UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENSE ACT 42 WEST STREET • Dance to the '. ercey Brothers SATURDAY, JULY 30th YTH AND DISTRICT. COMMUNITY CENTRE Dancing from 9 p.m. -1 a.m. Tickets 56.00 Per Person Includes.,Buffet Lunch kets Available at... GODERICH: Radio Shack CLINTON: Arnold Riley Barber Shop SEAFORTH: Bob & Betty's Variety -731 O R FROM ANY MEMBER OF THE ' BLYTH LIONS CLUB OPEN Reception for"Mr. and Mrs. Brian. Courtney at Saltford, Friday July 15th. Music by Southern Comfort, Lunch provided, everyone welcome. —27,28 VACATION Bible School, Knox Church July 18-22. Register;at 8:45 a.m. July 1,8th. Admission 50 cents per child or special family rates $1.00. —27,28 - ATTENTION EVERYONE .. Plan ,to watch the new in- spiring message "100 HUNTLEY ST." on Global TV each morning at 10:60 a.m. Monday through Saturday. Thank •yoli. " HURON COUNTY Family Planning Project INVITES YOU TO ATTEND BIRTH CONTROL, CLINIC Every Thursday From 6';30:9p.m• • Huron County Health Unit Shipley St., .Clinton For information call 482-3416 Weekdays or Thursday evenings Everyone Welcome '- AN ENTERTAINING IDEA would your guests enjoy an evening at... cic gruiie'it� HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH GODERICH Discover THE NEW Eskimo Room -Open every evening until 9 p.m. Bayflold Annual+;j PJQlne+r'Pcrki Rummage -Sale le July $th BayfieldArena 8 p.m. GOOKRICH SIGNAL'S' SALtFORD. :VALIEY HALL FOR RENT 524-9366 OREN a OON BRING i FOR ) ' YOUR I' } MR. 8 MRS. DAVID BEACH! x -, - - JUBILEE ? (nee: SALLY KERR) ? i � �__ ; . SATURDAY, JULY 9 1 i SAI.TFORD I/ Friends, relatives 8- I -.t neighbors welcome i i The family of .., __Harold -8. Irene Green invite you to help celebrate their parents' 25th Wedding Anniversary on Friday, July 8, 1977 at Saltford Dancing 9-1 to "Almost Nashville" Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome reeile400 REGULAR HEARING AID SERVICE CENTER CAMPBELL'S 168 THE SQUARE GODERICH' THURSDAY, JULY 14 1-3p.m. FREE ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS ti REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES OF HEARING AIDS E.R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE - 88 QUEEN ST. 5. KITCHENER .4 Bingo In The New Goderich Legion Hall BINGO EVERY SUNDAY 7:30 P.M. SHARP NEW REVISED GAMES 11 Regular Games - $15.00, 4 Specials - 818.00 4 "Share the Wealth" with a chance at the Jackpot. Two door prizes. $100.00 in 55 calls ADMISSION ST.00+DOORSOPEN 6:30 ALL PROCEEDS FOR'WELFARE WQRK DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF GOOD TIMES DISC JOCKEY SERVICE with P.J. the D.J. NOW BOOKING Special discounts for July, August For Information phone PHIL MAIN JR. S24-8991 MAITLAND COUNTRY CLUB'S PRIME RIB DINNER 7." per person r Reservations Phone 524964 1 ,,, „ ,,, (JUBILEE CUT) FRIDAY. JULY 8th served from 5:30 to 9 p.m. STONE HOUSE FOR Af-terpoon Tea _ in one of Colborne Township's earliest homes 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. daily • 3 VISITORS TO THE A s c�„.•.ce _ ST -A, 0 VIAK Reservations: 524.7065 Car.m DPIp� , ,v4tANASIR4 sy/ q% THE HOME OF MRS WPI TKI NS COUNTRY KITCHEN Huron County's Finest Dining and Banquet Centre 4g2 36 04 R1, • SMORGASBORD Open Monday through Saturday 5 - 8 p.m. Sunday, - 12:00 noon - 7 p.m. ADULTS CHILDREN UNDER 12 PRE-SCHOOL $3.49 $1.99 994 BEVERAGE AND DESSERT EXTRA Mrs. Watkin's New LUNCHEON BUFFET Fill Your Plate! • Daily, Monday - Saturday $2 Z 5 • 11 A.M. - 2 P.M. EACH BEVERAGE & DESSERT EXTRA Summer Entertainment Monday thru Saturday JULY.4 - JULY 9th "SIGNS" Famous for Scottish, Irish and Canadian Tunes. Come in and dine.in our newly renovated Restaurant & " Tavern during Jubilee 3 ., TREAT YOURSELF AND YOUR FRIENDS... FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR HOT BUFFET 15 SERVED THURS. & FRI. 12 NOON - 2 P.M. Come as you are BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY Visit the Keg Room • Colour TV • Relaxing Atmosphere We are open 11:30 a.m. til 1 a.m. Mon. thru Sat. and Sunday 11:30 a.m. to la p.m. Candlelight Restaurant & Tavern Ltcerised.under L. C.B.O. BAYFIELD•RD., GODERICH r x24.7711 • • ri July 8, 9,,10-1977 Opens Friday, 7 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to.9 p-m.- Sun.10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Stratford Arena excitcng variety of handcrafted works • of art A Community Promo of rhe Volunteer Committee of the Gallery.'Strotford FIRST SHOW AT DUSK 1 BR 1 WNIE' DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. CLINTON • — NOW PLAYING — I ttuKS. — FRI- SAT. JULY 6-7.8-9 1 What if street punks grabbed your sister? Ec 11 l°w� starring JIM MITCHUM United Artists SUNDAY MONDAY — TUESDAY JULY 10.11.12 IL in, °;��,onder land; t THE WORLD'S FAVORITE BED -TIME STORY 1S FINALLY A BED -TIME STORY . maw , Note: This is not o film for children. Thedtre Brrnch Ontario , „•„ A warm. touching and unique story. 6n©p f &;; � e GETS A CAALOAO rN. zj,j/ TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL! ADMISSION 5• PER CARLOAD (Tuesday Night Only) STARTS WEDNESDAY, JULY nth >SILVER STREfaN J wed a lot for a little.. Got a hungry 'crowd? Feed 30, 50, 200 or more for only 51.90 per person. You get plates, sporks, serviettes, serving Spoons, wet towels, tablecloth, salads, buttered Grecian Bread and three pieces of Kentucky Fried Chicken fpr everyone. CaII the manager of your nearby TWINS Kentucky Fried Chicken Store for details. Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make it finger lickin'good. Colonel Sanders' 94 Elgin Ave. Goderich, Ont.