The Exeter Advocate, 1921-4-28, Page 5Persuasion 9aiiea, 7ixok ire force! SI'M was so proud of her f rdt cake, It was so light so. tempting But her young bro.. *hers had an eye on it, too, and You've simply gotto hide the cakes and bread when they're made front Cream of the West Flour. Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited Tomato, Winaipea too, nano= You can procure Cream of the West Flour in Exeter trona R. G, S '',�LDON VICTORY LOAN COPD; We win cash your Victory Goan Coupons or place them to your credit in our Savings Bank where they will draw interest at 3% per annum. U4 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL. - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND ` $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, V. A. Chapman, Manager. Incorporated in 1855 CAPITAL RESERVE $9,000.1()U Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK The cost jot !luau; is•falling, also, the, price of food stuff. This necessitates increased production. Produce more and deposit your surplus in The MIojsons Bank, where it will be ready for any call and yet be earning interest. EXRTER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business laxly. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. TEND.b,RS FOR COAL SEALLD TENDERS addressed to i,the undersigned and endorsed "Ten- der !for Coad for the Daminicn Build- ings, Ontario and Quebec." will be re- ceivedat this office until 12 O'CLOCK NOON, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1921, .for the supply of coal far the Dcmin- ion Buildings throughout the. provinces ,of Ontario and Quebec. Combined specification and form of leader can be •obtained from the Pur-, chasing Agent, Department of Pub-` lic Works, Ottawa,and from the Caretakers of the different Dominion Buildings. - Tenders wtill eat be considered un- Bible society. less made on the farms• supplied by the Department and .,in accordance with the conditions set forth thereon. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works, !equal to 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender. Wad Loan .Bands of the. Dominica will also be accepted as security,' or war bonds and cheques if required to make up an odd amount. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary Department of Public .Works, Ottawa, April 15th, 1921. Over 300,000,000 Bibles, translated in- to 528 different languages, have been distributed by the British and Foreign Tie Codlirane Warks Exeter, Ont. HAS INVENTED A MACHINE FOR GRINDING ENGINE CYLINDERS,' CAR AND TRACTOR BLOCKS. WE MAKE i'ISTONS AND RINGS TO FIT ANY CYLINDER CYLINDERS ARE GROUND TO 1000th PART OF AN INCH, AND AS TRUE AND ACCURATE AS MADE BY ANY MANUFACTURER. WE CAN MAKE YOUR ENGINE AS GOOD AS NEW. WE MAKE SAW MANDRELS, EMERY STANDS; SPEED JACKS, HANGERS, PULLEYS, and have SHAFTING FOR SALE ALSO. THESE WE MAKE TO 'SUIT THE USERS: HAVE 'A FIRST CLASS WELDING OUTFIT... AGENTS FOR J 2: CASE: • THRESHING 'COMPANY.' THE CANADIAN ,FAIRBANKS 'MORSE. COT., COME'„ ,AND SES US REGARDING YOUR WANTS, Zurich tars FF 7. ,,''Meyer attended the fun- eral of hermother, the late 1VIrst Who- eY, at Gorrie.— Good. news was receiv.. from Can, Hall Dent, Ltd., London office, of their linitenfion to cpen uc a branch at ,Zurich;—Mr, J, Kipr>er, the local blacksmith, is enlarging .his place of business, by moving out the south wall. --Mr, E, Worsley of Detroit is vis- iting friends at ,Zurich and relatives at the Sauble Line.—We are pleased to !see lir. Jacob Howald out and around again, after being confined to the house this winter Miss Etue, who wbo has been at Chatham, returned to the home .of her parents, ;1fr, and MrstJohn Etue, Sauble Linc.—fr. and Mrs, C. 4tQtktschalk of Carla, Mich.,. and Miss V..Gottschalk of Bad Axe, Mich., visited the past week with ,friends .here.—During the severe ice storm on Saturday one of the high- power hydro wires from Exeter to !aero broke about g mile south of Zurich, The power was turned off for a couple of hours. --..The vote an Hay Tp. on the referendum was as follows: Pall Yes No 1, 55 3 2 71 15 3 � 109 97 4 SO 104 5 33 54 6 32 33 7 ,..,,, ,. 48 13 s................ 9 57 Total 477 436 :Majority 41 GRANTON Robert 1'arl.:nson spent the week end an Landon. --The Fanners' Club of this place Hauled home last week through mud and rain the coal off 7 cars. --Thr Order of Oddfellows at- tended divine worship on Sunday ening in the 'Methodist Church and listened to a powerful and eloquent ;ser.mon by 1.ev. Jefferson.—The Ep, worth League of the 'Methodist church closed its winter work on Monday night by a social even'ng with a choice • program, A contest and a. lunch were giwert.—Rev, Alps of rhe Presbyterian !lurch is in ,a, eri1 eat condition„ Reveal! The bowling green is being enlarged from four to, five greens,—Mrs. Ver- miflyea of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dinsdale....Miss Beatrice Urquhart who has been in London :for several weeks where she underwent an operation, returned to her home much unproved,—The I.O. O,F, attended St. -Paul's Church on Sunday evening for divine worship, and beard an appropriate; sermon. A num- ber of visiting brethren were present. --`tr. Thomas S herritt, sr., suffereda stroke of paralysis, but it was not ser - taus and be has recovered. He is 86 yeas of age. Miss Nora MacEwen of Toronto, who was beanie yisiting rel- atives and friends, left for Grand Prairie, Northern Alta., where she will visit her brother, Mr. Wrn. Mac- Ewen, -_-,The death occurred on April 15th, of Mar, Ethel Collins, daughter of Mr. and Mrt Wiri. Collins of Stan- ley, aged 26 'years. and 7 months,-. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Caldwell of To - Tonto are renewing acquaintances in louver—�Irs. H, A. Chamberlain is spending a .few weeks with her par- ents. Mr. and 'Mrs, W: G. Wilson,-- firs. Thos. Sherrill, who has been fiery seriously P.I for some months, has greatly improved in health, and on" Saturday 'was taken to London, where she, will take treatment. -.-,A very quiet wedding took place at St. Paul's An- glican church on April 1Sth, wvh "Miss Easter Johnson .of Londcn, hrig;. land, became the ,bride o Mr. W. J. Otterbein of Hensall, iter. A. R. l Garrett officiating. They will res.tde rn reasalI.--Revv. Garrett was call-tt to London last week owing tc the serious illness of his mother. PARKHIILL 4rch'e ;McKillop, ag- ed 5Z, a prominent business man of Chicago, and .one, of Western Canada's. best known sportsmen, died at Chic- ago, April 25. He !wad been ill s'nee las: Tuesday with pneumonia. M McKillop was born in Parkh li, Ont, Miles• That Cost Lass "Auto -Shoe" miles cost you less than ordinary tire miles, because you get so many extra miles from each and every one.. The name Ames Holden • "Auto -Shoes" is to help you to remem, ber the cheapest mileage you can buy. Run one Ames Holden "Auto -Shoe" against the tires you are tali! ---grail Reid the miles that cost less. ' "Grey Sox" Tubes AMES HOLDEN "AUTO -;OE" Cordand Fabric Tires in all. Standard Sizes For Sale By "Reci Sox Tubes u1LO SNELL, 1.XETER, ?HONE 401 FOOVE & PILON, GRAY DORT GARAGE. L CETER, PHONE 7 The phonograph you buy today is the phonograph you will listen to for the rest of your life. You can't investigate too thor- oughly. Before you put down your money for any instrument whatever, you ought to know that you are getting the one best phonograph. This knowledge should not be a "hunch" or a "guess" in your mind. It should be based on the actual facts. Where are you . going to get the, actual facts ?—except by hearing our Edison Turn -Table Comparison. It is the only scientific phonograph com- parison in town,—the only way you can hear four leading phonographs in the same room, from the same po- sition, playing recordings by the salve artist. We are offering our Edison Turn Table as a free service to all music-: lovers. Come in! Ask for it! There's no obligation to buy from us,—or say_ anything more than- "thank you," J. Willis Powell, Dealer, Exeter, Ontario Ask for the . 'won, Turn -Tape Comparison. Given Only on Request NOTICE TO MANUFACTURERS The talking machines, used in these'. tests, are kept by us in the best possible condition. Manufac- turers -of such machines, or their rep- resentatives, are invited to inspect, them, to regulate there,' or to ' substi- tute other naah:ines of the same mak-e, of ' their own selection, of equal or greater vahle, at any time ,during business hours.. • 0