The Exeter Advocate, 1921-4-28, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDA Y APR, 28, 1921. SANDERS 8 CRE! CH Last call for income returns. Get Our Corner them filed thus week sure. Do not spoil ,you ne ghber's chance of heaving a garden and lawn 'by hay- aig your chicken ru?ty nb all over the Phone 81e TAMAN'S For AU EInci n of Men's Springwear "`GLAD TO GREET you, old top, by Jove,you're locking rine. Where did you get such a swell elegant fitting suit of clothes?„ "At Tan an's, the tailor, right down Main Street. Best in town, they say. At. east, he fitted me with the best suit Wye ever had. Not high priced, eit- her!' "Looks good to me, toe. I'll order my next suit from them, Sure." SUITS sees.......» $20 to $40, OVERCOATS $20 to $35 RAINCOATS $15 to $30 W. W. Taman Tailor&Furnisher Canada imported ,fifty nmillon dollars worth less in. March. 1921 than in march 1920. Potatoes are being ,shipped from Exeter and 'delivered in bags ixt. Tor- onto at. 45c. a bag. In asking you to pay its advance we are only doieg what has been found necessary by all who publish a news- paper with any success. Ilt is autho itively stated that Ger- nmany will offer two -hundred billion oad marks to. the Allies. This i:, 26 baleen less than the Allies demanded. The town council has had the "eta - out" in the s;,dewalk north of the Town Hall filled ert with cement. It was a dangerous spot and should nev- er have been ;made as it was, The 1n cavy .:airs of Wednesday and Thursday and part .of Friday, flooded the country in part, and strapped seed- ing operations for a week. Oa 'Sun- day the weather became warm and bright agasn., it is claimed that the Ontario Tem- perance: Actis illegal because it does not permit trial by jury, or right of anneal, se that the law is said to be at va ince with the fundamental prin- ciples of B .fish justice, which holds that the main may be convicted of of o -:me cave by the ruling of a jury o, his peers. New telephone rates have one into effect. The general increase. in rate is about 12 per cent. lin addition long distance calls are clas.ified, The I 'ta'tion-to-station calls are as before,' but the person-toeverson calls are 25I per cera, higher. Anpo.ntment calls are 50 per cent. higher. The latter 1 two are practically the only calls" used in long distance. The Town Council of Goderich bas provisionally passed a by-law author- ing the guarantee sof the principal and interest of $50,000 of the bonds of $the National Shipbuilding Co., and will submit same to the electors of that towin on ,May and next for hp proval. The Company guarantees to empIoy 100 hands ,during the continu- ance ontinuance of the guarantee. DECLINE IN FOODSTUFFS. A. further decline in ,the cost of fnodstuffs during the month of lurch is reported in; the cureent issue of The. Labor Gazette, which states that the cont of the weekly familybudget of staple foods averaged .$13,23 at the beginning of 14laxch, as compared with $14.08 in February, $15,98 in March 1920; $15.77 in.March, 1919, and $7.86 in etaxch 1914. See The New 1921 GRAY DORT OPEN AND CLOSED STYLES ON EXHIBITION. WHAT ARE YOUR TIRE REQUIREMENTS ? Why send -to Toronto and buy "seconds' of unknown make, when we can supply you. with tyres of ceoutable manufacture that have stood thetest of years. Owing to a large purchase we are in a posatraon to supply you ,with Tires and Tubes at a very lowprice and guarantee satiseaction. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE GRAY DORT GARAGE. T. H. NEWELL Are You A Flour Consi.rner? Do you know that right Lin your own town and vicinity'is man- ufactured FLOUR of the finest qusltty ? For those who want a Western Wheat Flour, we have MANI'- TOBA'S BEST, made from the finest hard wheat grown in our Prairie Provinces, Foe those who likea blended flour we ,have MODEL. Both equally good. Some prefer one, some the other, Fear 'thee rich flakey •piecrustt such as moiher' used to make, we • recommend WELCOME FLOUR which, is truly welcome with all those Wald use it. None better few, as good, why .„consider any other ? arvey Bros. Local News RED SROSS SOCIETY. Mount Carmel The death. recurred early Friday morning at the family residence Con At the first meeting of the League 12, Stephen, near Iihisra of ,1r' WS of Nations the Red Cross Society was Law •MeCarin, Sze at :the age of 8 asked to continue ,its work so adm°r- years. T.he late Mr. McCann bad bee ably accomplished lest: war, as a Cru- fading en health for some time. Tin side for Good Health throughcut the deceased was a resident of this town world. When one considers the start -:ship for many years and was much, ling revelations made at tha tune men respectecl by a large circle of friends• were beim; examined for war service, :He s su..'v' ed by his widow, five sons and the apealling infant mortality in and three daughters—William, Aionza, Canada—worse Ilan the slums of Lon- Benjamin and Leri of this neighbor den, England—it is apparent that there hood. Thomas of Windsor, Sirs. Ken is a tremend our work to da. A kc- ney of At t o4t, Tema a•d Jane a al branch of the Canadian Red Cross home; also, seeesea sisters a,ad bsete Saciety has teow been formed here, ers, ' The funeral tools place to tl The formation of this branch will pre- R C, cemetery here oa .Monday a tent ove; lapn ng and a multitude (of 10 a.m., and was largely attended a nneRs, inasmuch as the Red Cross Thaee from a distance attendee; tin his as its noble amhrtion the tearer funeral were, Mr. It t t•.ruent h :m o sutser:ni; in all forms throughout lade -ton lir, and 'Airs. Lenny to! IIc. ;he world. Ant active campaign foi trat, ate and airs. S. Holt n- Pard; members will begin next month Fol -Portico of Dort llntrom, \I lowing are the local branch officers: and Mrs. 1i. Roffman anti son esimo President, Rev, A. A. Trunmer, vice- of Disci, pee,., airs. S. Fitton; sec'y, Mrs. a Dr.) arra hemi trees., F. A. Chapman; Cone Mss \lurray. Nurse Johnston, airs. CTI'Crri Wc'1 '.alga d, 'Airs N J. Dore, Mrs. T.'S, y W Cods, W. G, Medd, F. W. Gladman C. F. Hooper. Death of 'Airs 'Isaac..,- The death occurred here on. -Apra stat of an a ,e:l anti respect,t3 resides:, n the person of Eliza C;amm,wile of it dry Exeter Council 1 sac .a, the age ,of : 4 y cars, and 4 months. Deceased had been ill for Monday, April 25, 1921. sex )else 1ollow,i,ng a stroke, end for A regular meeting of the Atuuici.- Immo ye::rs, following the second stroke pal Council was held. ,llembers all had been contested to her bed. Born present except Couuejjlor Davis, at ,uecore near Exeter, she had re, sided in the nein tlno:hotod all hr aIle, The minutes o! the last meeting eae was an estimable woman, a el& were read and approved. respected by all, kited an+1 alt .e tic'.t- Letter with a copy of the award zee to ber family, and a faithful more of the arbitration re boundaries of be cif the Methodist church. B4- school section No. 9, Exeter, Ste- uc: ber busblad she s survi °d by phen and Usborne, from J. Elgin sir daughters and four sons, ,airs, John Tom, Inspector, Goderich. The costs Feed. Exeter; airs. atilt g a, and sire of the arbitration as assessed against 4V m, Sweet, London :miss. Geo' Bast - de, I»uean, ;\Yrs, DaNI irtasateen an Exeter were ordered to be paid and .ire Wm Eagleson of tereenway; are as sfollows: $8.60; $4.60 to be Wesley of Corbett, Charles of near returned to the Inspector and $9.00 Celt -aha, William orf Parkhill, and paid over to R. N. Creech. Thomas at borne•. Mn. Albert C'amm oz Reeve Beavers laid on the table a Exeter .s a brother. The funeral took letter as received from the 'Goderich !n'''eon Saturday afternoon, inter- Tin?at help„ made Sian larExeter Cemeter}• Old dome Week Ire -Union, seem— Trmac funeral mass gely aft:ncied, Lary, Mr. W. S. Bowden, withan in- Mr. and Mrs,. Wilson Hicks of i err- vitation extended to the people of wood and airs. Tie:leman of Strath - Exeter and community to attend. rev spent Sunday with Mr. and airs The following accounts were read W. �iellam \l and firs. altilt s Bro- G.T,R., vial freight acct, on skone, and ordered paid: a phey ima •e come hire for hetrummer, —Mr Wit ,Dude of ,laarkh°ll has heen willmet the borne of his dauglnte••, tilts. fi0c; Isaac Dunsford, 135 loads of Wen, SherhomeMrs, Pimperton of gravel, 47.25; Dr. J. W. Browning, Denfield has been spending, a few Board of health -supplies, 39.60; weeks with her brother, 1Ir, Thomas R. MacKenzie & Son, supplies, eom- Scesardson,—airs and airs. 3. Gard etery, 9.50; Cecil Ford, labor, ince visaeditis. and airs. Thos. Bul- 18.00; Exeter Times Printing Co,, lock on Sunday.—Mr. Hartle visitedhis Limited, printing acct., 29.90; Jos, Hawkins, fence viewer, 2.00; Geo. Andrew, fence viewer, 2.00; W. J. Bissett, fence viewer, 2,00, part salary, 62,50, 64.50; Frank mallett, labor, R. & B. acct., 12.88; J. Par- sons, labor, R. & B., 9.00; Thomas Sanders, labor, R. & B., 6.60; Exe- ter C. & P. Co., team labor, R. & B., BIRTHS John Norry, labor, R. & 13., 7.88; Rd, Quance, labor, R. & B., Ontario Flax Co., team labor, R. & B., 9.75; Wm. Vale, labor, R. & B., 700 Carried on motion of Elston and Snell. Adjournment by Snell. Jos. Senior, Clerk.. Isaac—At Greenway, on Apra 20th Eliza Camm, wife srf Henry !sears aged. 74 years, 4 months. .Cottle. --in Clinton, on April 20, Ex- -1 2tayor Thomas Cottle, aged :t.3 years. 4 fleziewood—lar Keictori, o n April I3, A etaegaret Kirk, relict of the tat John Haz.ewood, aged 80 years. Sparing--xn Edam, Sask., on Apra 14 1)r. W. R. Sparling,e. M.A., son of "ifrs Martha Sperling, and the late W. R. Spam ig oa 5s. • Marys, aged 5Z year,. t e t t dauoh ter, airs. Collins, last week. --The fiend): of temperance here are very pleased with the rasult of the vote on the referedum last week.—Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Uleas were in London last Thursday.—A large, number attended the tuneral of crake late 'firs. Isaac, PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS About thirty-five neighbors and friends gathered at ;the home of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Willis, who were re- cently married and are making their home on the third con. of Stephen, to welcome them as ;citizens in their midst. The evening was delightfully spent by -all, .the host .and' hostess proving 'themselves excellent enter- tainers, During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Willis were presen;t.ed with a beautiful couch, accompanied by the following address:— To ?,Ir. and Ergs Jahn N. Willis. Dear .friends,—We, your friends and neighbors, bave assembled here to- night to give you a welcome to the neighborhood. It Qs . always a pleasure to note the commencement of a new home, but in your cases it as en additional pleasure since we have kimawn, you for many years, and fully appreciate your many good qualities of heart and head. We congratulate you on your mar- riage and know that your life together will be a mast hap, y one. , Our relations as neighbors and friends, we feel certain, will be most pleasant. .And it is ,our sincere wish that the new home which you have so -jecently 'establlii.s'h.ed well. he of Tong and happy du etion, and that you will enjoy every prosperity and happiness. We ask you to accept this couch as a't'aken of our gocd wishes. Signed on behalf of all by S. N. Scott Fred Bowden Cromarty Oid Pilneer Passes.—On Friday, Ap -U 22 an aged pioneer of Hibb:erg Tawn§hip died, in •theperson of Dun- can McLaren, at the age of 86 years. Decea's,ed had been slowly declining' in beet, fa- some years, largely due to old , age. •He had since the death afbis wliKfe resided with his sin, Wm. E.^."_c McLaren,' and the funeral took puce Seem that home, on. Monday, in- terment being mach sn Rogervilie c er- etery, 'Born in Scotland' he cameto Canada as a young man, and was one of thefirst farmers of this township; Two, sons and th-ee daughters ` sur- eve., Wm. E. of Hibbert, John of Sea - forth, Mrs. Geo. A Bean of Goderich errs. Gear Stewart of Bellcville, and Miss Maroon Skinner—In. ,Usborne, on April 22, to Air. and airs. Cecil Skimmer, twins — a sin and daughter. Schroeder—In ;;McGil'ivray, April 18111, try A7r. and airs, Wm. Schroeder, a son.. MARRIAGES Haist—a' il?ert—At Crediton rarsonage on. April 16, by Rein. S. Si. Hauch, Mr Wellington P. ,Haist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoist of Stephen, to Miss Irene Louise Will'rt. daughter of lair. and Mrs. Louis J. W?'.:ert of Stephen, Haynes—FIooper—At St. Marys, on April 16, Freeda Mary, daughter of Air and Mrs. Jos F. Hooper, to Ar- thur S, Haynes, Windsor, Ont., sen •of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hay nes: of Blan- shard. Robertson—McTaggart.—At St. Marys on April 20, Lillian E., only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs). John ilIcTag- ga:t, to R. .Alfred Robertson, both of St. Marys'. DEATHS SecLaren—IIn Hibbert, on April 22nd, Duncan McLaren, aged 86 years. Prest-O-Lite batteries DON'T BUY A BATTERY 'WITH- OUT A HOME,., PREST-O-LITE . BATTERIES, HAVE A HOME EVERY FhW MILES Ib3 MEMIORIAM lov,ng memory of Edward Percival Snell, who passed away one yea; ago toedey, April .26, 1920. When the ev.n.;ng shades ,of Heavear are fall x,g And wee are sitting all alone To our hearts 'there comes a longing If he only would come home. Ofte e and often our hearts do wonder '!'o• a grave nee far away, Where I laid u ' dearest,. husband, Jive, one year ago to -dad His• :Drina is .:e and ehildrers The McLaughlin Car THE CAR OF UNUSUAL BEAUTY .%ND RT FINisalENT. LUXURIOUS IN ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS. AND VERY RE;' SONABLE' IN PRIG, SEl. us are "buying a ear. We eth:, very intscrest"n„ try tell you. S. M. Sanders Alex. Purdon DEALk,R. SALES arasNAGaR. Cream Separators We have them. Ask toare the NEW NO. 6, with ..the six wing ming devise. We oleo have the famous old DE LAVAL. 1.e: us book you for your ROPE and HAY CARRlIER GOODS . itro have the B.T. ens -piece steel tr.sck ears for 'good, Iran ..r track, Pulleys, Floor Books, Etc. kt Pumps ell styles. Pipe and Fittings, lightning Rods. We have them. We have a few buggies lett at prices that will surprise you, Let prove it to you, AGENTS FOR DOMINiON ELECTRIC SYSTEM. US Massey -Harris Show Rooms FRANCIS & WILLIAMS Phone 137 One door south Central Hotel J. A. STEWART Phone 16 Special "Nurse Cloths" special We' have a complete range in. receDark Checks and Stripes in Blues and Greys. The vary thing fon- that new house dress or work apron. They are wonderful goods for .washing and wearing. Worth 40c, per yard. Special Sale Price 28c yard "D. & A." CORSETS "Bias Filled” We carry a full shock of D. & A. Carnets ,in. a number of ne.v models. Also the "Goddess'' laced in front. The Biias Fil- led line in many up -too -date models and in all sizes. All lines very moderately priced. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY. Ladies' nand Men's Pure Silk and Silk Lite ,in !many 'new Shades. Holeproof is one cf the best best stockings for sale to the wearer. Buy a pair of this 'tine make and be convinced, of their wonderful wearing qualities, Prices much lower than last year. DINNER SETS 4 New Designs in full 97 piece Dinner Sets, They are very meat. See our new sets with Chime: Cups, Also a full range of "Blue Bird" China in same very swlell.''add pieces. LINOLEUM, We have just received three new pieces of .four yard lin- oleum an very .niece: patterns, also all sizes in Linoleum Rugs, Let us cover your Rooms. Our range of patterns will satisfy ev- ery desire. Taylor J. A. :, STEWART HIGHEST PRICK PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE, ire and Battery nJ a