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did Knox
spade work
When the Rev. William
Proudfoot, Presbyterian
missionary, visited Goderich,
a five-year-old settlement, in
1832, he breakfasted at
Reed's hotel on Hibernia
street, along with "Mr. Hale,
storekeeper, who favors the
Methodist persuasion. He was
unable to tell me how many
Presbyterians there were in
the town."
He was back in 1833. on
"Sabbath, March 3rd," when
he "dined with Mr. Gooding.
There were present Mr.
Black, once a member of
North Benwick, Edinburgh.
He has got lands on the lake
shore about three miles below
Goderich, also Mr. Reuben
Good. It was arranged that
Mr. Black should ask some of
the leading men of the place
to meet tomorrow before
sermon and arrange mat,
Late in 1834, members of
the Scotch settlement in
McKillop and Tuckersmith
despatched John Govenlock
and Robert Scott to a meeting
of Toronto Presbytery in Galt
in an effort to "get the or-
dinance of God among us."
They travelled 60 miles on
foot, andwere well repaid
when the community was
visited by Rev, William
Proudfoot and Rev. Thomas
Christie on their second
missionary journey to the
Huron Tract.
Main events of
Presbyterian history in
Goderich were presented
from week to week in Knox
Church calendars in 1973.
Founding of Knox was 1835. in
which year Rev. Alexander
MacKenzie settled in • this
.area and served
congregations in Goderich.
Stanley and Tuckersmith
townships. The Stanley
charge would be on the
London road. First mention of
a church building in Goderich
was in 1843. Mr. MacKenzie
edifice of St. Andrew's was
used as a Gaelic Mission.
In 1888. the Rev. James
Anderson became associate
minister with Dr. Ure and
succeeded him in 1892: In 1910
on a visit to Ottawa the
beloved Mr. Anderson died.
He was succeeded by the. Rev.
George Ross who remained • '
until 1916, From 1916 -until
1931 the Rev. Robert
McDermid ministered to the
Presbyterians in Goderich,
Dr. McDermid was followed
by Dr. David J, Lane during
whose Ministry the Cen-
tennial of the congregation
was celebrated in 1935. Dr.
Lane resigned in 1941 and in
1942 was succeeded by the
Rev. Richard Stewart. Mr.
Stewart remained in
Goderich until being called to
London in 1947. His successor
was the Rev. Robert
MacMillan in 1948. During
Mr. MacMillan's tenure the
Church edifice burned in
September,' 1950, and the new
edifice was opened in Sep-
tember, 1952. Mr. MacMillan
resigned in 1960 and was
succeeded by the Rev. G.L.
Royal in that same year. On
June 1, 1972 the Rev, R.C.
McCallum became Assistant
to the Minister.
On Sept. 18, 1952, a
dedication service was held
on completion of the present
Knox church. The following
particulars of the several
buildings were announced:
"The first building was
erected on Nelson street in
1843. With the growth of the
congregation a new building
was completed in 1861 on the
,corner of Victoria and East
streets. This was renovated
and enlarged in 1897, and
continued to ' serve the
congregation until Sept. 30,
1950, when it was destroyed
by fire. On July 3, 1951, first
sod for a new building was
turned by Peter MacEwan.
On November 4. 1951, the
remained until 1846 when he cornerstone was laid by Rev.
was succeeded by the Rev. Robert G. MacMillan. The
Charles Fletcher. By 1847 the building was completed in
congregation bore the title. September. It was designed
"The United Presbyterian by Philip Carter Johnson and
Church. Goderich." In 1849 a constructed by T.J.
number of members with- Colbourne Construction Co..
drew to form St. Andrew's. a Toronto. under the super -
congregation in communion vision of David Ross. During
with the established Church its construction the
of Scotland. Mr. Fletcher congregation worshipped in
resigned in 1851 and in 1853 North Street United church
Mr. Devine was inducted and and the public school
remained until 1855. Mr. auditorium.
Devine's successor was the The history of Knox
Rev. John Fraser. under congregation and its progress
whom a new building was under successive ministers is
constructed and opened in set forth in booklets prepared
1861. Prior to the opening Mr. by members of the
Fraser resigned, effective congregation , a n d
1860. In June of 1862 the long biographical sketches of the
ministry of the Rev. Robert later ministers is not at-
tire began. In 1875 the union tempted in this article. That
of all Presbyterian bodies in of Rey, William Fraser
Canada was consummated. belongs to the early years and
The Rev. James Sieveright is appropriate at this time. -
was minister of St. Andrew's Rev. William Fraser was a
at the time and he became native of the county of Picton.
associate minister with Dr. Nova Scotia. He received his
Ure. In 1880 Mr. Sieveright training in the Picton
resigned to accept a Call Academy and was ordained
elsewhere. The Church Tarn to page 93•
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Congratulations Goderich