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Thomas Kneeshaw built church,
from page 83 Huron Museum. He had a
1804, Mr, Thomas Kneeshaw, daughter and six sons, horn
aged :i7." • between 1876 and 1889,
Thomas Henry, the eldest.
Built hotel, church became a boilermaker. Asa (mssssms;mman�����.i
hobby, he raised prize -
To him are attributed the winning rabbits. fowl and
brickwork of the British pigeons. When he died on
Exchange Hotel, MacDer- August 27. 1943, the Signal-
ntott's Castle, the first St. Star described him as a
George's church on the steamfitter and tinsmith. "He
Crescent. Central School was twice married," the
(now Huron Pioneer article stated, "first to Miss
Museum I. and the Prest- \Iherta Jean Ross, and after
['goner law office. built for her death to Miss Verna
Robert Gibbons. Isabel McLeod, who survives, /
Children of the first marriage
Dr. Dunlop had called are Albert James. Kneeshaw,
"Nishaw'• in for refreshment- of Gpderich, and Byron Ross
after the fireplace job in 1841: 1<ne(shaw, of Toledo. Ohio,"
it is family history that they Mr. Kneeshaw was a
co-operated from time to time member of St. George's
in reducing the contents of the (Anglican) church and of
Tiger's famous row of 1,1aitland Lodge. A.F. & N.M. �j OF OUR UNIQUE COMMUNITY
decanters. In later years His son, John Henry, drowned �� b
linceshaw' was an abstainer at Bayfield June 23, 1931, at
for a long period. He did not the ;rge of 20. He had been a �� We are great ones for giving friends
hold out to the end, but candidate for the Anglican
'her.ruse of his generally good ministry. Two or three years Welcomed Receptions
rhirractc'r and great skill as a later, his brother Ross
builder• he remained the rt'ar•ried the girl who was to
It ,rding contractor of his have been .1ohn's wife.
With our stock of...
tine. and was highly Thomas' brother WilliamHIGH PERFORMANCE
f stormed by Goderich '�''s ;r cabinetmaker. He died `1 ANT>�NNA
people, He died of what was in l rU . His brother Alex was S, TOWERS
then called galloping con- a cooper. long employed at
sumption.:ind probably was the Goderich flour mill. ' �;!� ` AND
buried in the Anglican Harry' was a harnessmaker •' e '' ' BOOSTERS.
cemetery on the Crescent. 1 O'
many years with Brown's
'Phomas Kneeshaw came Bakery in Toronto.
from W'eyhread, in Sussex, Ernest George, born Dec. .r f ��
England• but no record has 20, 1883, as a boy rose early in Z=
been found of the date or the mornings to make milk _,;.c,. '7 - _ ....is it any wonder why?
place of his arrival. He and deliveries. Startingas a �''
machinist at �° r!•�-'' i' G _ �.
his wife, Ann. were blessed a week, he .,-, <<; Call us for a free quotation
with eight. children, horn became highly skilled at -his -le,
between I836 and i8..53, most -le,-
on an expert installation.
trade, and was a muscular
of them in time to take part in man of 234 pounds. He was
the development of Canada with the Barber Foundry and
West. the Huron District Turbine Co.. Meaford for 35
especially. years, retiring in 1957. He
The firstborn. Alex., was married Lucy J. Horney,
burned to death. Aug. 21, 1837, daughter of .lames and Mary
in a hotel fire in Detroit, Horney. McKillop township
where the parents were (Mrs. Horney later lived on
visiting, Stephen, the second Newgate street in Goderich,
ion. practised law with Ira and died here in 1937). Ernest
Lewis', Q.C., and for a time spent his retirement years in
\k as in partnership with D. Meaford. and died there
Shade Gooding. His baptism January 22, 1972, survived by
is recorded in St. George's his wife and four sons: Frank,
church as on April 29, 1849, of Collingwood; Carl,
the same date as for his sister Niagara Falls: Milton (Gus).
Sarah, born January 31. 1843. St. Thomas, and Alex, Lon -
Stephen died in Toronto on don. The only daughter,
April 19, 1864 , He was, the Elizabeth, was married in
Goderich paper stated, "a 1`111 to Samuel Secord Atkin,
young man of brilliant of Niagara Falls.
talents: steady, diligent, and The eldest son, . Frank,
thoroughly devoted to his became a skilled electrician
calling." in Meaford and Collingwood,
A Huron gazetteer of 1863 and a lay preacher of the
lists three Kneeshaws: Alex, Church of Christ, Disciples,
cabinetmaker boarding on Carl ' Nelson was abrasive
Wellington street: Thomas, inspector with the Car -
plasterer and bricklayer. borundum , Co. of Canada at
Waterloo, and William Niagara Falls, In Meaford he
assistant telegraph operator, had been a member of the
Grey Regiment, a Scout
k'aluable record leader and Sunday School
teacher. Milton attended
The genealogy and family school in Owen Sound and
history fill a large volume, joined, the Grey Regiment,
the work of Milton Theron but was rejected for active
Kneeshaw of St. Thomas, a service in W orld Warr iI, After
great-grandson of the founder studying in Meaford and
of the Canadian family, Toronto. he was licensed as
assisted by his parents, Mr. an embalmer in 1938, and was
and Mrs. Ernest Kneeshaw of an embalmer and funeral
Meaford, and his son, Harold director with P.R. Williams &
Raymond, who drew the Son. St. Thomas, in sub -
intricate charts. Mr. Sequent years. A student of
Kneeshaw's own line
descends through Albert
(1849-1937), fifth son of
Thomas, and Ernest (1884-
1972). fifth son of Albert,
Albert, born in Goderich,
married Sarah G.J. Jones. He
is recalled as a tall, stately
man, who wore a neatly
trimmed goatee and enjoyed
playing the banjo. He was
employed in Arthur Smith's
tannery on Waterloo street,
and a drawknife he used is in
animal and bird life. he also 13. Craig. of Meaford. They
does oil paintings as a hobby• have one son, Harold
In 1!r,1(i he married Marjorie Raymond. a graduate of
Arthur ti'uuden Vocati.
School ho became
Turn to pig
7 .»1. �,T'-,.-....,,,.,v,.
Keep sharp, pointed
objects away from ydur
eyes. Be careful when using
aerosol sprays or caustic
substances. Do not rub your
eye if you get someting in
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