HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-06-30, Page 121Page In
he take charge an
mpage 80 later of Wingham, Carol
the mortgage was Ross did not marr Yne
charged in 1885, a couple of in 1928.Y; she died
rs after Col. Ross began to Charles C. Ross was ad -
w the salary of a cabinet
ister. mitted in 1885 to the law
1882, after he had taken partnership of Cameron, Holt
residence at 3 Walmer and Cameron. He severed-
d,. Toronto, he gave the this connection in October,
rth street house in 1886, and it was announced
erich to his daughter that he would locate in
es on her marriage to Dr. Lucknow. Whether he did or
Shannon. Doctor Reg. not, he subsequently prac-
d there in January, 1901 tised in Toronto.
d only 35. The medical It would be interesting to
fession had not then trace the members of the next
ght up with typhoid. generation--A.M. Ross's
ries Garrow, barrister, grandchildren, but in -
sequently bought the formation has not in all cases
se, and it has been in been obttained. The children
session of the family ever of Agnes Matilda Rodd and
e• . Dr. J.R. Shannon are
e oss was elected to the Dorothy, Mrs. J. Graeme
slature for West Huron in Watson, of Toronto, and
5, 1879, IS83, and 1886, Gwyneth, Mrs. Christie
dently holding con- Clark, also of Toronto. They
ently the office of county were very young at the time
surer. In November of of their father's death. Their
3 he became Provincial mother died in 1941.
Dr. Reg. Shannon, born in
asurer, but on December
rote to the county clerk, Goderich, was the town's
er Adamson: '1 have no youngest mayor.• He prac-
1 ration of resigning my _ tised with his father, Dr.
George C. Shannon, and their
ce of county treasurer at
Personality, no Less than their
present time,- However,
he same date as his letter professional ability, won
ylaw was passed ap_ from tibatients and public an
ing W.J•R. Holmes of esteem amounting to af-
sels, who was or had lection.
reeve.jor eight years Henry W.C, Meyer,
ously, Ross had peC- husband of Helen Ross. was
med concurrently the born at Harpurhey, Huron
s of county treasurer. county, in 1843, eldest son of
k manager. commander Ludwig Meyer, who came
e Huron Regiment and from Germany in 1833. He
ber of the Legislature, was educated ,at Goderich,
s minor offices. studied law with Hamilton
held office in Oliver. and Toronto firms, and was
is cabinet until 1890, called to the Bar in 1868. He
to that time the province practised at Seaforth until
not have a minister of 18:5, then moved to
ulture, duties in that Wingham, where he served
ory being assigned to a for many years on the town
ssioner. Alex. Ross ° council, including two terms
that commissioner from as mayor. He married Gelen
to 1888, After retirement Ross in 1878. She died March
the ministry and the 23, 1887, and the funeral was
e, he served York county held from the residence of
decade and died Sept. 29, Hon. A.M. Ross in Goderich,
In the representation of . to Maitland Cemetery. Mrs.
Huron he was succeeded Meyer was survived by three
mes Thompson Garrow, daughters, Gretchen became
a former warden and Mrs. Cromwell Gurney, of
)r members of the Toronto; Alice was married
rich law firm of Garrow to George Johnston, of
roudfoot. Calgary, and Agnes to Archie
le this chapter is indited Maclaren,also of Calgary.
dmiration of Alexander Mr. Meyer died at Banff, Feb.
,s achievements in 5,1897, and is buried in the
c life, it is appropriate to Meyer plot in Harpurhey
his virtues in private Cemetery.
as set forth by a In his will, Meyer appointed
aPher in 1886: "He is a sister, Louisa W. Meyer,
dshnd sincere in his and 'a sister-in-law. Carolyne
er Ps, courteous in Ross, guardians of his infant
ons•and kindly in all children, and added: "I
Non, Mr. Ross is
desire that my children
g man, because he is receive a good practical
rat' farseeing practical education, and that they be so
informed. Above all, instructed in the German
man of the highest language and literature that
nal honor,' they may • be well able to
the seven children of converse, read and write that
oder Ross and Agnes language."
Perhaps the most noted
Brand railw a civil •
iatetl with the Y builder,
c and Canadian Nor- °ion
e was engaged for a
'n TMthc Yukon,
mabfY in Connection
ewhite Pass Railway.
liam Rydd Ross, a
al doctor, became
ntendent of the Ontario
in Toronto. He died
ge of 71.
urRuss went to
Iia, and nothing more
Rssbwasown of him.
Memarried to
yer, of Seaforth,
It has been a privilege
to serve the people of
Over the past 100 years
on your
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