HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-06-30, Page 1091 by
d as
ich came from wealthy family...
Page 69
mpage 68 William- could have taken
esley House, William over this business in 1.821, but-
nnett�Itich, Esq., aged 72, did not do so. He was enjoying
nierly from the County of a very gay life with an at-
nt,England," tractive wife, Sarah . . . I
nadequacy of this hEaven't had time to research
tuary, and lack of in- William's army life, but I am
mation concerning the very sure it was very gay and
very extravagant.
"There was never a
better time to enjoy life in
Eaglnnd the best of
exerything the world could
p ovide - if one had the
money. By the time William
was 40 he was in' serious
financial trouble: he had
spent all his inheritance, was
heavily in debt, and was
relying for assistance on the'
Cobb family„ (his wife's),
They supported him for a long
time at Badesmere Cottage in
Kent (near his brother
Robert) while he tried to get
sortie kind of job in this
country. But jobs suitable for
ex -•Guards officers have
never been easy to find, and
sci in 3833 he set off for
"The theme of his letters
reminds one of Micawher -
William's father was a always expecting something
Ithy, man. Commander to turn up. William was
hitt writes. Ne bought a always anticipating that the
m in Dent for his son railway would come through
ert. and a tannery at his land at Goderich and
ston for Thomas. It is make his' fortune. Clearly, he
ain that he gave William laid; good foundations in
ood portion and bought Canada with a family of 14
a commission in the and a good few blocks of
adier Guards. This was land ”
still is) the most From privation, and some
hionable regiment in dependence upon his wife's
and. It would require a family, Rich gradually en -
e income to keep pace tered upon better times, in
bis fellow officers. part through the marriage of
Grenadier Guards his ;daughters to well-tp-do
at Waterloo• and citizens of the young town. He
ram would almost cer- was' among the magistrates
lY be there. When he was appointed in the early years
his brother Thomas died and is recorded as attending a
and left his tannery meeting of magistrates in
a precarious position, London in 1836. In his will,
42 years of Rich's life,
ectively barred any proper
ative until now, when
titulars have been
vided by Commander
and E. Nesbitt, R.D.,
S.A., F.R.G. S., of
esford, Hants. His family
the distaff side is . con -
ted with that of Robert
h 11, eldest brother of
lliam Bennett Rich. He has
n examining a mass of
ers with a view to sorting
and placing in order the
ers from Goderich. • His
t contact here was with
town clerk's office.
illiam Bennett Rich was
th son (eighth child) of
ert Rich (1752-1829) a
tner and rope maker of
rmondsey, who was deputy
tenant of Surrey and a
nd of Lord Nelson.
We're joining
the crowds
in the salute
We've been here
for 15 years
Wait Sfroot
32 Washers -14 Dryers -
Bulk Dry Cleanin0
524-9953 •
made in 1864, he named seven
daughters, and there were
seven sons.
Elizabeth, eldest daughter,
was married to William
Geary, a contractor, real
estate investor and operator
of bus services in the earliest
years of the settlement.
Marianne Cobb became the
wife of George Brown, who
served as county treasurer of
Huron -Bruce, and for whom
was built by Adam McVicar
the big stone house on High-
way 8 well known as the Roy
Rundle house, Mrs. Brown
granted the site and gave
financial help to St. Stephen's
church, long gone.
Matilda married Hugh
Johnston, who built about
1862 the large St, Vincent
street house long occupied by
the Wurtele family and now
the residence of Judge
Francis Carter.
Three daughters were
married in 185i, all by the
rector of St. George's on the
Crescent: Lucy Bennett to
Charles Widder: Sarah Cobb
to Bernard Haldane, and
Emily Ann to George Morphy
of Toronto. The other
daughter, Eleanor, was
married to a man named
The sons were Robert,
`William, Robert (second),
Charles, George, Charles
Edward and Fred Albert.
Happy Birthday Neighbour
Hope your celebrations
are a great success!
Township Of Goderich
Goderich on Your
150th Birthday