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overnor's painting
"Unto the hills around do I help o es a i
ed t t bl'sh the Royal and Near White Horse Lodge,
lift up my longing eyes. Canadian Academy of Art White Mountains, 1866.:
This well -loved hymn was and the National Gallery at When in England a few
written by a former Gover-. Ottawa, for which he selected years ago, Mr. and Mrs. J.M.
nor -General of Canada. In the
old Anglican hymn book he is
described as the Marquis of
Lorne and also as John
Campbell, Duke of Argyll,
Scottish Presbyterian.
Compilers of the
Presbyterian Book of Praise,
usually indifferent to titles,
relaxed in this instance and in
both old" and new editions
state that the author of the
hymn was John, Duke of
Argyll. The new United
Church -Anglican book out-
does the others in austerity,
stating only that the hymn
was the work of John Cam-
John Douglas Sutherland '
some of its first paintings. Scott of Seaforth attended an
When he paid an official visit art exhibition in Canada
to Goderich, he was guest of House, London, and noted two
Malcolm Colin Cameron, Cresswell paintings. One was
M.P. for West Huron, at his of Goderich harbor (perhaps
Napier street residence, The the Marquess of Lorne's gift
Maples. from M.C. Cameron?)
Among the host's paintings Cresswell paintings were sold
was one which greatly in- when Casa Loma furnishings
terested the distinguished were dispersed in Toronto.
visitor. It was a picture of Among private owners are
Goderich harbor by William Judge Glenn Hays, Goderich;
Nichol Cresswell, of Dr. Stapleton, Tuckersmith,
Tuckersmith township, near and Sam Scott, Roxboro:
Seaforth. Mr. Cameron made There is one in the Price
it a gift to the Governor- Building, Quebec, in the of -
General, and at once corn- fice of the president ' and
missioned the artist to paint a another in the entrance hall of
duplicate. This was not Stratford public 11
^ y
finished when His Excellency Cresswell's standing in his
Campbell was Lord Lorne left Canada, so it appears profession is certified by his
when posted to Canada in 1878 certain that the painting he election as a charter member
for a five-year term as took home was the original, of the Ontario Society of
Governor-General, and ac- and that Mr. Cameron in due Artists and of the Royal
cording to the Anglican course obtained the Academy of Arts.
hymnal he wrote this hymn in duplicate. In the Harper book on early
1ST-. It was 1900 before he This painting passed to painters it is ' stated that
became ninth Duke of Argyll. Grace Emily Cameron, wife Cresswell was a remittance
so the author was written by of Dr. Alexander C. Hunter, man who lived as a country
Lord Lorne. of Goderich, and then to their squire, dividing his time
The Canadian Pacific line son, Kenneth, Goderich between fishing and painting.
across the continent was barrister. Nothing to support.this theory
completed before he left The Marquess of Lorne was has been found. The
Canada, and a statement has not the`first viceregal visitor Cresswells, English gen-
been published to the effect to The Maples. Lady Diffferin tlemen dropping into a set -
that "Unto the Hills" was writes in My Canadian' tlement of pioneer Scots,
inspired by the mountain Journal of the Governor- seem to have assimilated
scenery around Banff: The General's party arriving at well. George Edwin became
speculation is irrelevant, Goderich from Point Edward reeve of Tuckersmith, and his
inasmdreh as the hymn is a on August 21, 1874,
paraphrase of Psalm 121, and "We drove to the house of county council ncolleauof Huroros
the hills inspiring the our host, Mr, Cameron," she elected him warden n
psalmist were far from the recalled, "and about five In 1877,
Rockies; a commentator has o'clock, somewhat giddy and
suggested that they may have not at all hungry we sat dow
been the hills around to a great luncheon. When i
.Jerusalem. Then again, was over, at the Town Hall,
Lorne composed the hymn built in centre of the Square,
before he saw Canada. we held a sort of reception.
He was, indeed, impressed Then we went to see some
by the magnificence of salt -works. . .Back again to
Canadian scenery, and Neil our house, dress instantly for
Grant writes -in The Camp- dinner, and for the ball which
bells of Argyll (1975) that the comes after."
governor's letters "give the Cresswell, the Tuckersmith
impression, no doubt artist, produced historical
erroneous, that a large part of and animal life studies, all in
his time was spent killing oil, also marines and rland-
salmon and other sporting scapes in watercolor.
fauna., . He was generally According to R. Harper, in his
popular and efficient as book, Early Paintings and
Governor-General, and Engravings, Cresswell
remained deeply concerned "painted chiefly along Lake
with Canadian affairs for the Huron, Georgian Bay, Grand
rest of his life, He died in 1914 Manan and other parts of
at Osborne, Isle of Wight, Eastern Canada, and in the
aged 68. As he had no White Mountains of New
children, he was succeeded as England." •
duke by his nephew, Niall Reflecting the variety of
Diarmid Campbell." Cresswell's subjects, the will
It is recalled that when of James Dickson, registrar
Lord Lorne took office at of Huron, contained the
Ottawa he was surprised to following bequests: "To my
find a chair placed for him to eldest son, Archibald, my oil
preside over meetings of the painting by Cresswell of
(Macdonald) cabinet, Flower Pot Island; to my son
English monarchs had long Samuel my oil painting by
ceased to take part in the Cresswell of a view in the
executive branch and, as the White Mountains."
Queen's representative Lorne Cresswell paintings were
at once announced that he shown at many' art
would never sit in that chair. exhibitions, including one in
18,,71Princess Marquis
ser fourth be seenitpoday in the National
daughter of Queen Victoria. Gallery at Ottawa, the
He was a Liberal member of Ontario Art Gallery, Toronto
the House of Commons when Art Gallery, the Coverdale
the Queen, having occasion to Collection, and there is one in
appoint a successor to Lord the London (Ontario) Art
Dufferin, named her son -in- Gallery. The Sigmund
law. Samuel Collection in Toronto
As one of his beneficent has three: Lake George, New
activities in the young York State, 1866; "Beaching
Dominion, the Marquess Boats, Lake Nipigon, 1876,
William N., the artist, was chose Seaforth as site of
born in Devonshire in 1822. He station, but Mr. Cresswe
studied under W.N. Cook, founded the Church of 8
R ., and Clarkson Stanfield. Thomas in Seaforth, an,
With his father and other Edwin Cresswell's daughters
members of the family he Emily and Florence, sub
migrated to Canada, and in sequently provided- mut
1952 purchased from the financial support.
Canada Company Lot 19, One of the Cresswel
Concession II, Tuckersmith; brothers, Henry, unmarried
adjoining Harpurhey. The went to Colorado and beam
deed conveyed 100 acres for a a sheep rancher in a larg
consideration of 55 pounds way. At his death, a su
sterling. Two years later, stantial estate was left
William Nichol, Charles John Huron members of th
and Edwin Cresswell bought family. Ralph Cresswell we
the lot across the concession to live at Pasadena
road (Lot 14 in Con. III) from California. He died i
Constand Van Egmond. The October, 1948, and a funera
price was 400 pounds, so there service was held in St
must have been a substantial Thomas' Church, Seaforth,
house on the property. This The artist died in 1888, an
property was acquired more was buried in Maitlandban
recently by G.E. Martene. Cemetery, north of Seaforth
The one on the, north side where a large tomb contain
belongs to Dr. Martin the remains of several othe
'Stapleton. members of the family,
The artist's father, Rev. "He was principally kno
W.E. Cresswell, had been as an artist," said the Huro
English master at Westham Expositor, "to whic
Grammar School in London profession he was great'
for many years. Finding that devoted, and manyofthebe
no Anglican services were private residences of th
held in the Harpurhey area, country are adorned by work
he obtained a license from the of rare artistic meritfromh'
Bishop of Toronto and con- hand. Although high'
ducted services in Knox Hall, educated, widely read, an
Harpurhey. This was really possessed of natural abilitie
the Knox Hotel, beside the of a high order, he neve
cemetery, built by Thomas aspired to any public attic
Knox and used for public his heart being in his std.
gatherings. Here Mr. He was of a genialdhspost'`
Cresswell held services from and had many warm friend
1855 to 1859. A plan for a and ardent profession
church at Harpurhey fell, admirers. He had nofamil
through when the railway but leaves a yvidow."
extends Its
on its 150th
Harry Ford purchased the insurance business from William Beat-
ty, a retired bank manager, in August of 1936. The business was
known as the H.M. Ford Agency with the slogan "Get Insured -
Stay Insured -Rest Assured".
Bert Alexander purchased the business from Mr. Ford in October
of 1955 and later amalgamated with Charles Frederick "Chapple"
Chapman in 1957.
$ The Square
Phone 624-9662 or 6542
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