HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-06-30, Page 10510
awley built7�ti / house....
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exigencies of the moment. He
was born in 1859, eldest son of
med. It WBS in the Gooding the fourth Baron Scarsdale,
ily for at least 12 years rector of Kedleston. His
ore Hawley came on the earldom was a Coronation
e. Aftpr Curzon, title honor from Geo_rgeV in..14.11,
sed in 1935' to • -Arthur He Iefi no son, and the title
gow, of Toronto, a became extinct at his death in
hew of Curzon, and the 1925.
ce was acquired in 1949 by The Curzon family tree
fred Larder. He sold to begins with Robert de Cur-
nley Freeman, present zon, who landed in England
upant. with William of Norway in
rthur Wardlaw Curzon, 1066. Skipping over eight
d son of Colonel the Hon. centuries or so, one comes to
est George Curzon, and the earl of whom Arthur
ndsonof an earl, was born Wardlaw Curzon was a
England in 1861, when the grandson, namely, Richard
on road mansion he was William Penn Curzon, first
wn had just been built. He Earl Howe. This earldom was
educated at a private created in 1821.
ool and, like many other The first Earl Howe was
unger sons of titled succeeded by. George
ilies, went into the army Augustus Frederick Lewis.
d served briefly in India. Sixth of the first earl's nind
came to Canada in his 20s, sons was Colonel the -Hon.
ich is to say, some time in Ernest George Curzon. Far
1880s, He worked on a removed from the line of
m near Galt, to learn succession, he was the father
ething of the Ontario of Arthur Wardlaw Curzon, as
thods. Then he went to well as two older sons and two
nitoba, and while there daughters.
quired some land still held Strangely enough, a niece
his death. of Arthur Curzon came into
n 1893 he acquired the the title. His eldest brother,
operty on the Huron road, Ernest Charles Penn, had a
d he may have been here daughter, Lorna Katherine,
some little time previous. who after one marriage
1894 he married Charlotte became in 1927 the third wife
dcliffe, daughter of Mr. of the fourth Earl Howe,
d Mrs, Richard Radcliffe, Richard George Penn Cur-
oderich. Mrs. Curzon died zon, and so Countess Howe.
1915, and their only The earl died two years after
tighter, Adeline, in 1929. this marriage.
an obituary article, a After the death of his wife
paper stated that Mr. and daughter, Arthur Curzon
zon was "a first cousin of continued to live in the Huron
late Lord Curzon, famous road house "with his ser-
lishdiplomat." In fact, he vants,” a newspaper article
a distant cousin. George stated, until his death in
aniel Curzon, of Goderich hospital in his 74th
ston, famed as year. In the years before his
ernor-General of India illness, he did a great deaf of
1898 to 1905, and later a entertaining in the spacious
tuber of the Asquith and house. He was a member of
yd George Cabinets, St. George's (Anglican)
uld have been Prime church, a lover of organ
ter of Britain, it was music and of flowers. He
but for certain political seldom 'drove a horse and
loeY (Curzon) f the 10 fireplaces originally used to heat the
es others closome
f marble. Some are
In Gader� h hom
never owned a car, but did
possess one of the first radio
sets in the area.
An oil painting of Lord
Goderich, for whom the town
was named, was obtained for
his adopted town by Arthur
Curzon, as result of
negotiations with the former
British Prime Minister's
relatives. The framed picture
hangs in the public library.
Happy 150th .Birthday
From the Staff of:
Realty Ltd.
Bill Hughes
Ebb Ross
Joan Giesbrecht
Harold Erb
Clare Sager
Barb Shewfelt
Deb Shewfelt
Rita Allen
Don MacEwan
Don MacCauley
Susan Barlow
Homes with History
Homes of the Present
SHEAFFER EATON is pleased and proud to have been part of this growing
community for the past 25 years and wish everyone the very bast during
the JUBILEE 3 celebrations.
Sheaffer Eaton Division of Textron Canada Ltd.