HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-06-30, Page 78"n1
'from page 37
rs o f G�deri
goods out. Much was looted;
Howell, M.C. Cameron, W. it was recorded that a woman
Seymour, and Robert Gib- walked into Murney's and otlt
bons, reeve. with a ham, Still a drugstore
William Torrance Hays and meat store on the same
arrived in Huron at the age of site -- Dunlop Pharmacy and
5, his father settling in Ainslie's,
McKillop. W.T. read law with Rev, Joseph Elliott was.
M.C. Cameron, and was 4/Conservative candidate for
council several years before the Legislature in 1911. He
his election as mayor in )870- was not in charge ,of any
71. In 1867 he was elected to parish at the time. He- had a
the- -Legislature--faam -North—,..wi ecluALtp th9 detxaands .,
electioneering. and declared:
"Vox Populi, vox Dei --the
voice of the people is the voice
of God," but vox populi went
for William Proudfoot.
Dr. Alfred• Hope Macklin
came to Goderich from
Mildmay. Bruce county. in
1904, just in time to acquire
the West street premises
vacated by - the Bank of
Montreal. He soon became
well and favorably known,
and was elected mayor in
1908. In 1914 he was Con-
servative candidate for the
Legislature, but again Mr.
was for many 'years Crown Proudfoot won.
Attorney, and at all times a Dr. Macklin served
mainstay of the Liberal overseas in the war, and the
party. James Wilson kept a family lived in England, then
drug store on the Square removed in 1945 to Stratford,
between Hamilton and North where he died the following
streets. ,4 year. Mrs Macklin, who died
Malcolm Graeme in 1970 at the age of 98, was a
graduate in medicine of
Cameron, born in 1857, was Toronto University, but never
a son of Hon. M. C. Cameron, practised. A son, Leonard,
longtime MP. He was elected
to the Legislature from West
Huron in 1902, and held the
constituency by three votes in
1905, when the Ross (Liberal)
government was defeated. He
was elected to town council as
reeve on his first try, at 27,
and held the office five years.
In September, 1924, he was
apppointed county judge of
Durham and moved to
� K
Huron, was defeated in the
next campaign and was made
registrar of deeds for North
Huron a post soon afterward
dispensed with. Mr. Hays
died in his 48th year.
Bernard L. Doyle was
county judge, 1906-16 A sketch
appears elsewhere. J.A.
Davison, lawyer, was an
unsuccessful candidate for
the Legislature as a Con-
servative. James H. Finlay
was Bank of Montreal
manager here from 1870 to
1874. He came from Scotland
in 1$63, Charles A. Seager
Edward Norman Lewis was
mayoru when he was elected to
the House of Commons from
West Huron in 1904 by a
majority of 90, retrieving the
seat from the Liberals. His
biography aPPears among
those of the county judges,
'elsewhere in the Signal -Star
Billy Murney's meat shop
at W.C. Goode's drugstore
seemed likely to go when the
Albiop Hotel burned in 1895,
so they tried to move their
When the youngsters are
bored and restless, make some
playclay and bring back the
laughter. Mix 1 cup flour, 1/2
cup salt, 1 cup water, 1/2
teaspoon cream of tartar, 1
tablespoon cooking oil, and food
coloring if desired. Cook until a
dough forms. Cover unused
portions in plastic wrap:
Double the amount if there's a
was drowned here while
Thomas Tilt had the British
Exchange when elected
"mayor. He awned the South
street barn adjacent thereto,
and operaited the bus line,
which he sold to E.R. Swarts.
Robert McLean was a
prominent drover and hor-
seman, and bought the Crabb
Block when Christopher died.
He married Margaret Elliott,
of Goderich township, and
three of their sons were
named Wilmer, Wilfred and
Wesley. The former McLean
residence is still a landmark
on the Huron road, near the
railway crossing. '
Charles A. Reid was a
building contractor and 'a
magistrate, and was mayor.
for three years, including the
first of War . I. B.C. (Clem)
Munnings, who had been
reeve, was mayor for 1917.
E,R. Wigle finished the war
years and carried on for four
Dr, W.G. Gallow, who died
on December .22, 1853, in his
83rd year, was dean of
Goderich physicians and
active in civic affairs for
many years. A graduate of
the University of Toronto, he
practised four years before
coming to Toronto in 1899. He
served three years in the
Royal .Canadian Army
Medical Corps in War I. Dr.
Gallow was councillor and
deputy reeve before
Welcome Home
to Goderich
for the Tri -Jubilee
Superior Food Market
K.C. Cutt
TS Kingston St. S24-1532
Sorving Godorlch for over St
becoming mayor. He was
chairman of council's water
and light committee, which
oPerated the public utilities
before the Hydro -Electric,
Power Comtnission was
formed, and was chairman of
the Public. Utilities Com: -
mission for 20 years.
Hugh John Alexander
MacEwan, ma5'or in the
centennial year and the two
preceding... was second son of-
f-Peter MacEwan, salt
manufacturer, was.
associated with that business,
then conducted a coal and
wood business. He was for 10
years a member of the
collegiate board, adireotor of
Goderich Elevator & Transit
Co., and for many years was
clerk of session at* ,Knox
Presbyterian church. He
served on town council and as
mayor for a total of 12 years.
He served also on Colborne
council. In 1926 he was
Conservative, candidate in
North Huron for the House of
Commons, losing to J. W.
King, Progressive.
Dr. W. ,G
H. J. A. MacEwan
to the town of
R. R. b Goderlch 524-6336
Serving the Community forover 15 years.