The Exeter Advocate, 1921-4-14, Page 541411•111111111111 „ez CREAN FLOUR ST Children lave home-made bread made •of Cream of the West Flour. And there is nothing else so good for them that costs so little. Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited. Tor -onto, Winnipeg Br .. 1-*„3ifax You can procure Cream of the West Flour in Exeter from R. G. SELDN Lucan. •,,,4414444 lies. Diana Baskett died here on April 2, after an illness of aeV4IP,1 months, She was a native of the yd- lage and had lived here all her ye Her husband. 1'hes. W. klaakett, ded strum' years ag,o, and their only tired. Colin, who served overseas, died of pneumonia. after his return to Canada. A. HOgins, ,owner o the Luean VOW: rules and Ford Glrage, ^ m MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED age. Strictly cortadentialt no witness. by C. U. Sander* at the Advocate Mfl 191. WAY 'UM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cam' an principal day traiste PuIJ.inierreatean iroCal, any Growl Tem* Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn - tag District Passenger Agent, Toronto J. DORE akelecia Exeter noes 46w. Notice to Creditors Th? THE MATTER. OF THE tate of john Louis Kraft, late of the Village of Dashwood, County of filtrate boot and shoe merchant, de- ceased. I Mount Carmel has sold the husittesa and property tc) Mr,. Arthur O'Neil and ,Patton a De- tee:qt.-The "marriage 4001 place on April 5, in. The ;Methodist Church, of Leda Merie, secand daughter of Mr. and airs W. H. Kent. to Roy F. Stee- lee of i.u.,..414 The bride and grootn weee une;tended, and left immediately after the service for Toroete, where „hey spent their honeymoon -Miss etadigaa of Toronto, cue. of the teach‘ ing static at the1h school, bzs been unable to .return to her duties se Emitter owing ,to 5ever z eye trouble, AUCTION SALE 444.45.1.,-4P”, Mr. and Mrs, ..hilwtt Ryan *tended the funeral of the forrner's brother- ja-1aw 41r. Burke of $t. Thomas, on Thursday.. -Mrs, John Christopher and: two children of Wetaskisvin, Alta.,, t7..ng friends in this- neighborhoPd. Alonzo McCann has engaged Mr, Henry U1erfor several months. Mr. McCann is aft his old. job of travelling For The, Bediar Shingle of 1.Z)sl, awa,-Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan, and. 4454, john, returned home last week, after spending several raenths with friends. at Chicago,Mr. and '.+.1rs. John Row.. land nkore d ..^.eto their new resldeeee here ibis week. We welcome Mr. and: Irs.-Rowland io our toidateoagan Brothers has purchased a new Ford in :COlEns And Mrs. O'Rourke, called on friends At Dah111). o2vIon, day. Farm Sold -Mr. Thc, Aforrisseyltas disposed of his 175 ecre farm onothe 114th C0.4CeSSien, of Stephen, to Ger-, don , Hutchlnson, for a, haedscete- stun OF HOUSEHOLD EFFItCTS, en tie! premises of the underaignel. tta GIIDLEY ST., UNETER on SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 19ZI At 1 o'clock sharp, the following : Z tearoom suites, 3 set of b.,-'drovin 'sprintts, bedroom carpets, ruge par - le? turniture, pictures,new hantene • lamp with ,brass lixteres, other limpt. winclew shades, some new; laee cur- ie:nee scrim curtabis, eideboard, ex- tension table, dning room ehaira, :ouch zeeker3, paid tapestry ereh curtains, opeetry ;able eover, n.:w mantle elock, .tra,hle. clove.. shell, 2 toilet sets, 2 ketcnea abies, kitchen ehees, aitchen clock, box sto‘e,vPerfeetion, eil stove et goad order, kitchen tor oleloths, dishes, kitchen utensil, a taw sealers ot canned fruft a quantity o trwt sealen, washing ntaeltin' e in good or- der, wash tubs, copper boiler, wash - beard. painter's 'traps, wheelbarrow ; good lawn mowia, ladders, 18 bags of r)Dt3t6e34 3 hand saws, all kinds ot yarded teolseend many other articles, Teems -Cash. e.. W. ROBINSON Auct. IN IRS. JAS. TAY LOR Proprietress. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all traditors and others basing claims against the estate of the late John Louis Kreft, who died on, or about the 9th day of March,,1921, are required onior before the 16th day .of April, 192L to send by post prepaid, or deliver to Addison Tiemen, of the ...village of reasliwood, one of the execultors of the said late deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any held by them. AND FURTHER take notice that after such last mentioned date the said 'executors will proceed to distri- bute The assets of the deceased among the parties, entitled thereto, having re- g axd only to theclaims of welch they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable 'for the 'said assets or any, part there- of to amy person or persons of whose • notice shall sot have been le - calved by them at the time of such distribution. PETER, KRAFT"' EDWARD F. WILLERT ADDISON TIEMAN Executors Dated alt Dasihaveod, this 29th day of March, 1921., AUCTION SALE HOUSE AND LAND, HOUSEHOLD - EFFECTS, hTC. On the premises of the undersigned South Boundary Of Exeter, on SATURDAY, APRIL 16th, 1921 At 1 o'clock sheep, the followieg 5 beds,intattresses and bedding, 2 bureaus, 2 washstands, toilet set, 2 mirrors, 6 dining cheers, 6 kitchen chairs, 3 rockers, extension table, drop leaf table, 2 large tab*, 2 small tables, 4 lamps, a lot „good dishes, pictures carpets and mats, cook stave wood or coal; cookstcve, wood; heat- 'er 2 short ladders, long ladder, 3 handsaws pruning hooks, spades, shovels, forks, hoee, small sugar ket- tle, 3 good bas-rele, 5 cords hard wood 2 tons zocal, roll wire, quantity hay and listings, about 1000 feet good lumber and many articles too numerous to mention. Dashwood :Mr.; Joan De...71;er, jr, and Mr. El - nae Mown .with,their faniaes, spent Sunday in teen with friends, Bliss Edmeseet spent .the week-eed ie Clintoe viAtit her mother, who le undergoing medical treatment. Mr, and hfree Art Haugh, were made he xecipients of a kitchen ellower ationday The gathering was composed o. V. P. A. and the Sunday School elaeaes, of which they were members,. The planing teltil 4.s kept busy with a ,full gang tarrung out malteriel for Grand Bendcerteages, Mr. J. Snider and. daughter. Cora, of near Toronto, visited with relatives here thes week. , Prelude -"Does Prohibition Prehibie." Real Estate-Cansists of 1 acres of land on which is eituated, good brick house, witlriciechenand wood shed, a good (frame barn, a lot ‘of good fruit trees. hard and soft water. Everything is lino good state of repair. All will be sold without reserve. Terms -Chattels, cash. Real Esealte-10 per cent. of pur- chase money down balance to. sta purcahser. C.W. ROBINSON, GEO. HILL, Auctioneer .Proprietor The Coclirane M3C111110 or Exeter, Ont. HAS INVENi-ED A MACHINE FOR GRINDING ENGINE CYLINDERS, CAR AND TRACTOR BLOCKS. WE MAKE PISTONS AND RINGS TO FIT ANY CYLINDER •CYLINDERS ARE GROUND TO 1000th PART OF AN INCH, AND AS TRUE .AND ACCURATE AS MADE BY ANY MANUFACTURER. WE CAN MAKE YOUR ENGINE AS GOOD AS NEW. 0 WE MAKE SAW MANDRELS, EMERY STANDS, SPEED JACKS HANGERS, PULLEYS, and have SHAFTING FOR SALE ALSO. THESE WE MAKE TO SUIT THE USERS. HAVE A FIRST CLASS WELDING OUTFIT.--' • AGENTS FOR J. I. CASE .THRESHING COMPANY. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS MORSE CO Y, COME AND SEE US REGARDING YOUR WANTS Centralia Miss ;Mabel =oat ,is taking a busie noir course. in Clinton. Mr. McNeish of Walkerton, is dm assistant buttermaker in She eramety here and commenced ids clutles Mon- day. Mrs. A. Brooks epent Monday Belgrave. eir. A. alaneock left for the WCSt hlonday. *et Stephen Council 4mmi.4414..r4.41- fh VOLUICil eonvened Town Hall Crediten, on April 4th. AU members prebuilt., Previous minutes approved. ilayes—Penhale—That By-law No. 277 appropriating monies for expend- iture on Township Roads for the year 1921, lueving been read three times be passed, signed and sealed. -Carried. Hayes -Webb -That the Clerk re- quest W. D. Sanders, j.P., to give him a emitement of ell fines he had received since. 1910 from residents a the Tartyrehip of Stephen and also to eete to whom %said dines had been pai(t while acting es a Justice of the Peace. -Carried, Sweitzer-Penhale-That in the mat- ter of the correspondence re Geo. hill.n.o action be takere-Carried. The following orders were passed.-. e;bas. Seeger, searches $1,00; F. G. NIacTuaish, refund of taxes 14.77; W. R. Elliott, work S.B. 3.00; A. Hod- gins, Ce, gas a', 5.50; Bursar Ontario Hospital, Woodstock, re Wilrams 19.50 Harold ityan, and others, grading S.B. 6.4.00; A. .1loser grading S.B. , 6.25; S Webb, gradate, aeons. 18-19, 6.00. Adieurnment to ?ad day of May at 1 1 pee. Eilber, Clerk. Usborne Council Usborne Couricil met at Township Hall, Elimvillet April 2, All members were present:. Minutes of meeting of 'March Stb were \read and apnr,ov'ed, when. Jos. Ferguson's ;name was in- serted for pathmaster in sub -division No, for that of Wm. Somervibles 4ferra By-law Not 5, t921, ratifying theap- pointment eatlimester for 1921, was read, approved and, signed by the Reeve and Clerk. Communications read and contents noted. Motion re. Exeter Union .schocl- ;That the pronoval of the, Board cg Arbitrators be consented to by thins Council, and that the agreement _be- tween. the Exeter 1School Board and the complain:lees be -adhered to for 1920. That the commuted statute labar, and statute labor .unperformed be chargedet,. the rate ef $2.00 per day, instead of 51.50, and that a by-law bei drafted to amend the existing by-laws. That a road roller be ordered from The Bissell Man. Co.; also two corru- gated steel culverts from Stratford. Orders were issued for payment of bills to the amount .of $201,40.• , Council adjourned to ,meet May 7th. Henry Strang, Clerk. BRUCEFIELD- A sad death accur- red at Clinton Hospital, on Tuesday April 12th, when ,lYfrs. Drew Swann passed away, aged 30 years Besides her ,husband she leaves one littleegarl. TO CORRESPONDENTS Write on ane ads of tie paper oar. Check aft ebb list., At .nan, assist plots to remember an inpartunt item, Deaths Manges, Births. Accidents, Church News, Suppers or Prellentato Removals, Visitnet, Lodge News, Pions, Pubtle Impitoserneuts, Lew Cases, The Coops, school Matteis. Avoid all items reflecting on per. ron.al character, but send ALL THE NEWS 444444.'44141,411144114.44.114,401.1401, a0C.5 Mean M- e ge - The mileage given b5, 5 best ti-- ever usod .te the .k.rnes Holden tlitf.: 3 -ear. Ames "Auto -Shoes" are miles better than tires. The name (Auto -Shoes" is to help you to remember that—to make it * easy for you to get the cheapest mileage you can buy. • "Grey Sox" Tubes AY1ES HOLDEN "AUTO;SHOES" Cord and Fabric Tires in an Standard Sizes For Sale By "Red Sae Tubes TAYLOR. TIRE 84 BATbRY, EXETER PHON4 94., NILO SNELL, k,,XETER, PHONE 100„ oaAs fl. NEWbLL. EXETER. IOEN 1 Hensall !R.obt. Bonthron is out igztin after an ielln.ess of several months. -Mies Irma !Rallnie of Detroit is spending a few The Hensall Stock Show was well weeks with her pereets, l'Ir, and Mrs. attended. It C. Solden won several IE. Rannie.-Mr. Harry Price has mov- ef the esizes for horses. Other wee. led to the residence he recently' pura tiers sere R. marecea, re, avatteeeee clzased, and formerly occupied by :gr. D. Burns. Dr. 'Moir, Rat. McLaren, :,Romobvt,cijltr:tttil?rensiTde.nDeeruhnune, recently J. Decker ei Soni In ebe cattle Sektden also won two_prizes, A. W. purchased from hiesssrs. Carlire-Mr$ Etheriaton teto and Wm. Pepper .'our. F. J. Wickwire was called to. Windsor hfr. Wna. Sangster visited his broth- wu1 to the serious illness of Mrs, er in F•eterharo, last week.—Miss Ed- ,T. At White.—.Mr. M. Cheleu was call- ith efe(Itteen of Ki,tehener, who waC o. Torcoto cw)nr, to the death of visiting with her brother, ]las returned his :father, Ur. Alfred Gheleu.—Messrs. home-Rev..m E. Jaes, D., Carlin. Eros., who recently sold their Woodham had vbargo of the services residence to .alc. T. Drummond, on Hensall hiethodist Church, Sunday, -Monday moved to Seeforth, where while Rev, G. Rivers took ani- they have purebased a garage. versary services on. Woodham circuit Thoe..Pahrter, Sr, who bas been verY seriously al, is now iMProving•-• lira. afaulkanson and daughter, Mies Ethel, of Lineable, tag., are the ;meat% of M. r and Mrs. John loang, knowp. a the New Commercial Housee-Mx. ITCHELL.-Fire destroyed the reef and upstairs of Joseph ecapiass house last week. The. eanse in un- EGMONDVILL4-Thos. O'LcughVn., who recently purchased tit: late John Preedergese property in Egmondielle, left on :Mondey for Chicago where ba was married to Miss Mida Prendergast On their seiturn they will reside in Egmondville. CLINTON-On Sunday last Same Maiming wife of John Brown of tcwn, died at the age of 65 years and 7 months. She lied been seriously ill for six months. She was married twice her filet husband bang Edward Jor. dan, who died several years age, Five daughter:and one son aervive, BIIDDULPH-Mr. Geo. Hodgins has disposed of his .fapcy grey horse to a buyer in. England, and from what we leant he received a, handsome price. George is a good horsseman and knows ho 'to ,fit them 'for sale pur- pose.. Shalltheinvortationandthe bring lg of intoxicating liquorsinto the Province be forbidden? Shall the importation and the br1ngir4,1 of intoxicating YES liquors into the Province be forbidden ? Your Tote Wili eide You Voted aga-inst the SALE- -Vote Now against the IMPORTATION THE people on April 18th decide by the ballot reproduced above whether liquor for beverage purposes shall be allowed to come in, or whether the door shall be shut. Earnestly we ask you to vote—vote to clinch your fornfet ;vote. a By your last vote against the Sale of liquor you made Ontario safe from within. Now vote against Importation, to make Ontario safe from without. Prohibition should apply to all alike. Take nothing for granted. Every temperance vote is needed. Every temperance vote must be cast. See that your wife and every member of your household, with a right to vote, gets to the polls. L.pt us roll up a decisive majority today and settle this ques- tion. Get Out The VOTE Mark your ballot 'with an "X" and an "X" only after the word YE s Ontario Referendum Committee • .* . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 . -II 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 41 1 4 4 4 4 4 4