The Exeter Advocate, 1921-4-14, Page 4The Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Creech Propri'etore •
teeeSubscription Pricee-i i advance $1.50
Par year in Canada; $2.64 in the
United States. Alt subscriptions not
Paid in advance Sae. extra eher ed.
Display Advertising -Made mown
on applications,
Stray Aitmais•-One insertion 50e%
three feet.t
ans 1r..
Far•n or Real Estate for sa'ee.
each insertaan for one menti of
insertions •
tet sce,laneous articles of not mare
than feve ieens, For Sale. To Rent
Waate3 e•izh i^tsera n 50.. lost ail
Found locals 25c, an ir,sertion
Loeal readtngnotUees. ett:,, Lae. per
litre per ,Sts -tris. No natiee per
than 25e. Card of Thaake 50e.
Au: e:o v Saes $3 for tette iesertias'
and $.1.5tt for each subsequent
sordes ,i ureter [its e-n,.ces sn eretTM
lente1 adtertasang l ve. :rd 5,. a tine
Cr ss every nt*
,. -
knaelee ii, ter . the lone.
arest,'e l''.rr*'e 54-..3 a e;.ny ,::m i . . x ,t
find 'ia: ti clamo r:41g tear ano: L' ; :1. S .v.N,
rite day with tatty- seorniug t' .t: +io«'s
net bring 11`in three or tour, it ee-nis
at metee he will. be shaken, Walt: ;.d
vc r9;arz°ie totem up s:etati;; "et Lief."
they ere, ,"ae'3k •lose hs bac; on , Ji
ebovn; him where he got wrong'; but
wtea 'they're by th=is gaits :arsakc:n.
Lloyd Ge =: a puts Ito a gravid sweet
s rag fitie tees are al ye edner,..s'cag
t¢te.t they 3t tet tram the chair;
they leta4,; :aim when: his tr.;ek etar-
iat'35i1,`a. CL'r't; 'n ver &yt"+ IC2 n awn;
fiedohaas SA1ae ;:rt<< compromising, a:tJ
len he's xle ..t side:- up wadi vane. Ras.
kings lament their , overtuin:ne, tht.
,fame of m statesmen tali: s. and
cis, uteri :car death ar'et yarn ng, who
brei .'rat:ada.I t°i peantilt.s; but I.1aed
Gea-i,;c ke p; the leinne earee burnine
and :tug a }aur ,,..tri ,y.r�::J,'aele5.
A. hence .:4a-. a ere out to pet Innate
they v: ou,3 b g v e ern aa; i' res ,41r,E std
h s e ti.m:';t:y a tart"d sw :9t.m .4171 tomb
hie a e ee Walt ^ tit,ti.: ; but at then
ent1ine natett itet eleet it re an rt.- hes
r eC5 a? TIp:.x 3 t r;,, e . ere
h nt°,:<<e'i arta tern hen tirelt, , lee., -' utt, „1 Brie,. ..: rearing
a.tate^.1:'4. ata h ,.tt ..1: r.':u•a ..,e
heeeet *.n• ate; and its .e 777 :7_. ,;
iestene art dad tem 'eke 6tr:at e: nap
-ti ala Nlas ,n
air. zd \I, air.
:i14r,itat ep±rt
Sunda} Weal . - and Mrs. i er y
Passmore o: 'Paramos Road. -Mr..
1teete lett for ;they \V eet :est ;Peek
t v leer s:st ..firs. Geo. Jonas. -
The etanual matneng ,a. the W. tai. t
will tete held in the aasameat of the
Cuar..l tan Thursday ,":,e^noon at 2.30
p.m. -Mr. Pe ey Fieher has Erect web
F ami: ,r;u: e ;or .1te coming ett:miner.
-aft and Mee'. Gen 1I: n of the $th
teff Bletasba d spent Tuesday at the
Ittenle of Wilson itlorley.-Mrs. Prank
Lanafar<1 and seat, Ory t e, o Ltandcn
spent the oast week with 11r. and
1'.r3. Herb Langford.
Death carne suddenly en Jiurdag eve
eaten,. April 4th, to ? orm;n Tufts of
Carmen,.elan.. as. r. teate.!y: an attack
of typhoid fever. 1-i.: torne.rle at-
- tended St. Marys Ceiteeetate, ated had
been prang?,a1 Of Carmen. school for
• 12 Sears. He was s t o: :he lane
Thomas Tutu of this pane, who died
just a `yew days before the sea. He
44 years of age and is survived by hie
widow and two children, beside; sev-
eral brothers and- sisters, as mentioned
last week. The nema'ats were interred
at Carman,
The Needless' Misery
That WO/11C11 Bear
'WHEN the
hold cares
and the worries
of everyday
life have drag-
ged you down,
made you ung
happy, and'
there is nothing
in life but
'headache, back-
ache and worry,
turn to the
right prescrip-
tion, one gotten
up by Doctor
Pierce . over
fifty years ago.
Dr. Pierce, of
Buffalo, N. Y.,
long since
found out what
is naturally
best for worn-
omen's diseases.
He learned it
all thru treat-
ing thousands
of cases. The
result of his
studies was a medicine called Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
This medicine is made of vege-
tablce . growths that nature surely
intented for backache, headache,
weakening pains, and for many
disorders common to women in
all ages of life. Sold by druggists
in tablet and liquid form. Send
Dr. Pierce 1:Oc. for trial package.
important Events Which Have
occurred During the Week.
he Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled: and PO Into
Dandy; and Attractive Shape for
theHe:asters of Our Paper
Send Utmes 1• nJt..'rentt
Milton's new hig:i e ehoot was for-
melly opened.
Viediverilo1',. Jews are.. in rear of
c .,z ' Wel Gibbons' will leaves estate
of $1u0.000.
Apprehension over the Coal Strike
grow, ie Benito,
Ex-Peale:aster King of Calgary
giver trinto Enrage.
The Le acs defeated Spartanburg
e?D` ?4 t'1 Saa. 13 to 2.
netearees s sic pt s;s the Knox peace
L 'A-nee:tote alien it twee te.
Tr:tespe.:ee tia whaler drops dead aw
war Hesinntt.l. Kingston.
K5' Karl is still I_at Bring in
gar against allied wiehes.
sial: Piaee, l died Gs train earth -
trh--hi rtae"er ear near S>.. TFli€r:tm s,
Shariff Samuel Arnn:t ons. o
1?;arrs ;4:t44ltd, dies sena/011V. aged eai,
peel y of the 1'tnite:1 .^Tt ,"ts eF,rt,.
1+oris 31llie war elaitus nn Germany.
W. W. Rutherford, tor 39 year
princip.,l os .1.1; a er nig!: Sehooi. ..
The l,p:tgue of Nations ap:'s•nsee
rc-tainiag French troops in Sarre
Toronto's appeal against ertp:ors
rate increase presented to Federal
"Eel." (Strangler) Lewis, heavy-
weight wrestling champion. beat
John PeseI .
A. family of eleven. by bucket brie
gape. saxes J. D. Buclaanan's house
In Gtsntharu.
A. very large meeting of anti-pro-
hibitnonists Ras held an the Toronto
Armories on, Monday talght,
Prot -Stephen Lea. oelt, principal of
jicf:ill ravers/tr. says he believes in
'"tesotp ^'•.twee" but is strongly opposed
to •, tlh;ilci3tott.••
e+tv;'wy oaf Walliaut Milne, a,
svn ' ts+w; ahup farmer, who was re -
.'09"' .d missing after the Suitor of
viareit ta, leatt found in the Thames
ri.•i'r ;tbeut two mites freut St. Malys,
: day. afee nate:,.
tit 3 G�iH.�Ia.#Y.
111. v . eetn t entartaeleu g by
•;��•t array ice r.=,r•r.t"i in full
i' rhisia forces are invading Persian
Ane." n 't jars..
1 v is leer Karl on Wats beet:. to
tv`:te .l.ttiti.
Pee :,ea: ;tlantiztg cer;rnten es in
Later paper in London ti•. reety at-
ivtJ,l•i.e Lloyd George.
F ranee and C.iu ttla are to ex
•laarbt trade 4::tit:bits.
�r l
City Council. de-
feats daylight sasing.
11 David A. C. Bolton s killed at Hali-
fax tp stove exploa?ing.
la • ie: ietun, N.13.. will have day -
Ugh; 'twines, May 22 to August 31.
e i nipaign cow rerlsts Hon.
Manning Dotit•rty's blandishments.
A elate/it i'i Woodstock, Ont., steps
wide t2 favor of one in Montreal,
The W. 0, 13. A. tourney will like -
:y ?,fall in Lox p,:on this season.
Minto Cup games for the Canadian
. et,.t ". 'MO Pro ea rdeti for May.
1:''!.:•:rig oven*y"',; ;tbee,itee thieve,; in
Toronto see.zretl $10,000 worth of
bort*- ^
ii . B. Me: :nan and 'Perry A'l it
.. " i teaing in the Pinehurst goif
Premier Lloyd George &eye the
Government will not subsidize coal
British Boilermakers' Union tables
regarding the trouble in Toronto
Joseph Mallard and wife, Edmon-
ton, •ordered to be deported as un-
Railway Committee passes bill in-
corporating company to bridge De-
troit river.
The New Brunswick Legislature
adopted on Tuesday, without divi-
sion, the resolution introduced by
Hon. Dr. Roberts, requesting the Fed-
eral Government to take a plebiscite
on the question whether the importa-
tion of liquor for personal use should
be continued.
Guelph is out ofdebt to the Hydro-
electric system.
Peterboro ratepayers defeat day-
light saving.
Two Toronto bills were rejected by
the Legislature,
Secretary Morrison of the UvF.O.
will. visit Florida.
Republican Senators are redraft-
ing Knox motion,
Former King Karl of Hungary is
back in Switzerland.
The League of Nations Commission
is meeting in Geneva.
An immense conflagration is rag-
ing in the city of Tokio.
The C. A. A. 0. declined to change
the Canadian Henley dates.
The work on the Chippewa power
plant is ahead of schedule.
J• T. Palmer, janitor of a Guelph
church, found dead in bed.
Hygenic felons and loose censorship,
are attacked in the Legislature.
The Greensboro' baseball team de:
feated the Toronto Leafs 5 to 1.
Rumors that Carpentier will not
meet Dempsey in July are denied.
The House of Commons debates
the Quebec Catholic labor issue.
British Columbia's Liquor Control
Act comes into force about May 1.
lir. Justice Masten travels 2,000
miles to K.enora, to find no cases.
J. L. -Englehart, former chairman
of the T. te N. 0. Commission, is dead.
The Guelph Golf Club will enter
a town in the Western Ontario
The Leafs defeated Greensboro by
13 --to 0.
Chicago has lost its whole supply
of radium,
Knox College Senate awards' -schol-
arships and degrees.
Adolest'ettt Scl '1 ;Net Is -fits
concern among teachers
Six eases of sleeping sit \nl:ss art
reported at St, Jahn, N.l;
Tea and olives are s t'eesstuily
grown on \:aneouver Island.
Premier Refines' says. Angio -Jap
Pact must satisfy the I', a:°
The tenth game for the world's
Owes title was ports oned.
Walter Croestev, Tint,rins. retut'=a-
ing from worle, ands wife dead.
Ingersoll merchants extend iutlf
holiday season to seven teonths.
"Billy" Pureell, a Earn. 'r i;e;af, will
manage Vance:weer ir.teri3tionain
Walter Dodson, Preece:, tee evee
2,200 volts while changlag a light
The Popes Swiss b':t:tt `i are nr.
ferment over their lead -ern restgie
Crown Prince Rupprecht has wee-
:t-ded Princess Antoinette of Luxt'iu-
bo .irg.
The Leegielatere Si i;:•y deme
ties Corntuissa'ua's r. port for r+r.:•
$es. ton,
Toronto is to It ?, to a se and teiee
golf course. :aealen In tea_ fie. .._
Atter April 12 inattarriel men
not get a v:e uner.h o tai at veli . is
-T erten to.
The `iationel Wan* Coeacil fay Pre.
siriegent rt'gu:7tioria 04 x:-:.-
Thom:: Marne Las hie .cad t nt n_
lr ttu l.e;; Sc,tti,4a.', rein,,:..= e,e l.t'
vette '.we rt
triter xarov eni at eria i,;c t tti ell a:t
friar ed bi.w 'en °ataxia :an,i Quebec
dais Snrrintfra
Ttie tit .b e Herber Cats wig ;.i•.
proposes to tnx immierents het ling
there fifty vests.
Knorr College alumni pres•'nted
lunuinate,i address to Rev. Prat.
renes Baltattty ne, D.D.
Toronto's tax rate this year will he
i rattle,
Archbishop Walsh of Dublin, iris•
rid, is dead,
Roscoe Leight killed by work train
It hydro canal,
London. Eng., is beginning so look
Ilio an tanned Carso.
1020 was a record year for mer-
ges in Great Britain.
L'ralotts in United States plan le :tin
a orpany to fight capital.
The 0. A. L, A. Nates to open its
season e s early as possible.
G. H. Clothes, north country" pia -
neer hotelenan, is dead.
Toronto's mayor blames Raney for
unworkable Fair Rent 13111.
The Leafs and Wilson tied
in an exhibition baseball game,
Dr. A. W. Nixon, al.P.P. for Halton
for fourteen year, died at Guelph.
The Balti.itort• °riot; it were beaten
in two exhibition gamesonFriday.
R etal-pro. teanss decline to play
against the indicted Chicago players.
Independent companies in the U. S.
have advanced prices of steel goods.
Twelve -year-old child fatally scald-
ed in bath by grandmother at Mont-
Mr. J. D. Flaveite says 0. T. A.,
under present conitti ns, hard to en-
force. force.
The 4$th Highlanders of Toronto,
reorganized, Bold their first route
One hundred dynamite and 250
electric caps stolen from quarry at
H. Costenza, Hamilton, awarded
$3,200 damages against Canadian
,Alts. A. J. Cornwall, Miles Cove,.
N,., fatally burned by coal heater
The British Government will en- ignore charges by the Com-
mittee of 100.
hope is entertained that Rocke-
fe,:er grant to the University of To -
:'o: to may still be secured. •
3. L. Englehart was buried at
Crown forces seize rebel arsenal in
Cork, Ireland.
Allied levy on German goods will
begin April 20.
Sterling exchaage is quoted in New
York at $3.90.
Lemonville boy accidentally hangs
himself in a barn.
The Leafs defeated Wilson on Sat-
urday by 16 to 1.
Scotland won the international soc-
cer championship.
Wheat sowing well under way in
Peterboro' district.
The Legislature may run into four-
teen weeks' session.
St. Thomas unemployed union men
plan campaign for work.
Some sixty Simone young men or-
ganize a Canadian Club. ,
B. P. Merriman won the North and
South title at Pinehurst.
Sir Arthur Griffiths Boscawen has
been elected•ror Taunton.
Germany will make another offer
to France before May 1.
The steel cargo steamer Idefjord
was launched at Montreal,
President Harding will read his
message to Congress on Tuesday.
Advance polls for referendum vot-
ers who travel open Apirl 14, 15 and
Mrs. Thomas Marks, mother of thea
Marks brothers, theatrical' managers,
is dead. •
J. Smythe Kerr, prominent Inger-
soll manufacturer, died suddenly, on
Wolverhampton and Tottenham
were beaten in English League
games on Saturday.
Thefirst woman suffrage conven-
tion in. Greece took place Sunday.
King Constantine and Queen; Sophie
were present.
Three men were arrested on San
day in Toronto, charged with endeav-
oring to incite crowd to riot at the
"Pussyfoot" Johnson meeting in
Massey Hall. -
A treaty has been entered into
with Afghanistan and signed in Mos
cow, in which the Afghans recognize
the Turkish Sultan as Caliph. The
Turks, for their part, recognize the
states of Bokhara and Khiva; in
. Greek Losses
ATHENS, April 11.. -Ari official
ststemdnt ;issued to-drt•• estimates
Shat the totallosses of the Greeks
in the fighting in Asia Minor at '600
killed and 2,4.00 wounded,
There are tens of
thousands who real-
ized the benefits of
the growth-prolnot-
ung properties of
in childhood,
who now give
it regularly
their children,
You may depend
upon Scott's Emulsion!
sconi s novae, 'Temple, onto
ALSO MAKERS OF, 477 7, 7.777,
(rabteta or Granules)
Mrs. C. ke ;stet $-.t (ie-atci hate
returnediwrne from Terontc after
R 5lL;ng 1'e *atter M.
Alber, 1ti e *'e 1s wearing a b broad
smile h i 1'y+,•:: hnv ne
breught .h:.n a botulcbta; ba , r oy on
Jacob F'nt.l:e_,ne: ►tae h'r;.1 vv?.h
Weis: l&' Roesi c_ ao aatat Ib -itt 'n
tire;:e livery barn.
Daniel \Qeisaac has bough. h'Jusela
F4trd t e.tan- He leas also tai ett out
Implemca,% :;nd has
•le,e; a va;•'•t salts.
Ed pe "v :r end Henry tialit: r :ire at
f .,end Pe n•I just newt' :;ettt nthen
.:.;re: .a shape for ills: corning
1 t' 1;o1:,-, 1 1 ►' .'a. Ecan.z.1%•al
Cs.r,r ;,ave a *-i. '':sl program on
,titu,2,►'e n:ina oval gia..t ns much wit -
,l tte.1. . report nt the PIA
e ; s.4a.:.on was also g' en sand show.
ett A et , : t :a e ry
tloUr. +:on't
Intl;:n ::n .11%; in't r l , -+u4 •it
li u':: t rev :tri end e'en, 1 ;
0 ..
xneat:.rn v el at olt-' floe al*
this pee; t"a, t!t'.nts tee +t lig r
,'t C- ,.. :1 Greet)-,'.. F ^:tn !. : e
e s1•. rir • •'tads t y tit riubl,`.t to,I3uy i
at Janco, ero it neat b' too late," Co,
siderau,e i.uter st s teeing oaken Jnthe
n t
emu ze s to b' q
taken. en , tate Thee
that the Ie,;t°mh'1i w:ll.lhl'at untold.
_'s .e • . .+> sobr say and do its
shire " -. •• J ' Jtn. +iture :'>• +t.} til;
ail' a• t It quo: i^ m ,�: •sole
Po- ; (en Y"1 evereete ta;
t. ,1
Cobtt':1 Js • .F. we. an ':1r,teet 1J
re 't.... .1
ed let at.. , n,th Town Ilii to a .a .,t
nur.iers .. The se • ayer i,.ati he sub
, r
jectwell ,. .. zd and b hie
points Marne w tli eiteet. lis ,•Marts'
Recording Milk Production
DOES each cow' itt you herd earn
her keep?
The MilkRecord Book which will be
given to you by any of our branches
will help you to keep h'ar'k of the milk
production of your animals.
RESERVE I ` , 'D - $15,000,000
,I;XI;TE.k R. RAN,Ci T, ;t*. A. Chapman, Man ger.
(• •
t L••,'4sesI in 1ri:i1
ra It.l.l.�.�l.
Ii') litturtle•,
The Maisons Hank s s ; every armor to fe:i
that he has a real- Wend ;ss the manager, that he
will receive a hearty w, li one`. and .can safely discus::
with hien his money reeds
RX11TER BRAtif:ti
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business
Awes!: Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Br.Jn• ai
ave •:1 ivag instances of the :tie+.'t
ani alatetol, can she systc:itt and 11."X :t
brings about; misery in tltc land. j
Mr. Jahn McQueen. who Ins heat
1,11, tar f o-ne ":me. v now' ',aa i )T.'t
'ag, and Ns two dad ;1 to:. Mr 11 ,t
and Men P. li.r;t"-ttt
Tisame afar(' re: u•ni'd to tt
•'C;, et'ter spending
tutu.---Mre. 'Wm. Glean of London has
beat spen'l'u; a + 'tv v .)c>; v.°`.'t tan
ye Sens, heel t) lr ,b me :'"Cd tie'o
rrucet. d i tilts : W7 tern
vie:tin; that week with her or -
n'e es, befcar: reistrifng tJ> her
" onne ;1 #i" 1n 1 --al: Elea 44` 4!
the is o; He a s p nsl'an a few
ia) w7th :e1 .vitt: t Ke; ,, this: week.
hiss Bell R •t. ' it _! la, n
ea Unt Stat: -"1 litt,.'Aess ("eel
:•e.urned horse th',s vv, e1:. -Mr. John
It teen,who hata ben her.: s'nee etc
tie ,i's '> Xs uncle •-:turn 'd to his
lvi ue :n Alberta 3ast tt•e •l:.
*In f:ugeria 14.444y or\1.: iz 4 e�nf '
v„-,,.ra,; selatsvcs on the $aub3' t.,r •.•
1.1r. ti Holt uu in har.. novel h's home-
s.4.7d s tante e*,ato thi fiou, of MrS
_ . `'i ter. wis..,t is; •tial; row .d It
.i.its,. lits L.t z :* ROM' 9; lett
r 14..:4.1ema. aLherr: F,1:,' 11..j1 ie4iY,a:ir',
for some time. -.:fir. Wm. Rocris left
' ,.- ie ite tela, where lw lrss ..ticepted
drt as bl,te k• nt+i .-31:'. tPhitiv
Pu:;• te; .Pigeon. :Wein, t;t11ct1 on
entl hers: ta, ,t:?6', ;is weak.-
1licaw:• atcadow I arm;' 14,1t 1 J n, .r;-
i el •1 11.ty. elle home o: Mr. eiel ).hs.
J W Horner, tate; glut &v+.11.' n: a pret-
r t ttl;,n' ,:;1 \ttrt•is 311, when their
"'•-, e:. Myrtle ;May. b.'*-atu,' the
i ,J+•t .e i:tnwr G. KrueF . r, tel Hay Tee
'ei,.iFOR1'1t.-14• a de: -.:1.•y,...41 the
.•t.•-:::' 11- oL tl . lt,rile of Mr. 3. W. Free
`uat.lay oe' an, tt:e:i;. \Ire. Free
I •tad :4., 'pegs t'it .i eteep it w'tis only
the einthee they had on, Ply • house
had ren'a y b.' tone:need end the
„ all
11-5 oUTS/DE
!,ill I ulpn r
leo%PAi NT
Now is the time you can greatly improve the appear-
ance of your home with a touch Of paint here- : and •30�
there. Don't neglect your furniture and woodwork.
A coat of protection will work wonders. Save the
surface and - you save all.
For RdrdwOod Floors
volts AJtD
For the Walls and Ceilings
NEU-TONE-the washable,
sanitary finish that will not fade
or rub off. Many pleasing tints
and suggestions for stencilled
For Woodwork, etc.
(the enamel de luxe) a beauti-
ful finish for bathrooms, bed-
rooms, etc. It stays white.
For Floors
a wide range of colors. It dries
hard with a beautiful enamel
finish that wears and wears and
MARBLE- ITE -The perfect
floor finish that withstands the
hardest usage. A hard finish that
will not mar nor scratch white.
It can be washed with soap and
For Furniture
WOOD -LAC STAIN -in many
shades, Oak, Mahogany, Cherry,
etc. Gives to inexpensive woods
. theappearance of the more
costly. Easy to use.
For Verandahs
dries hard in a few hours and •
wears like iron.
Come and consult us on any painting you contemplate.
We will be glad to advise. We have a full range of
MARTIN-SENOQUR PaintsandVarnishes--theeat;iestaad
moot profitable to use. For everypurpose-for everyeurface,
a A _ 3 awkii s
Ex -ter, Ont
Ivor meet.
> 0 eft
C ,,ve the su rf'ace
tat a , , al� +4 -arid