HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-06-30, Page 4ODERICH SIGNAL:STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1977
pet's celebrate
This is being written just before the kick-
off of the Triple Jubilee celebrations in
Goderich, and just before the celebration of
Canada Day. We surely have a lot to
celebrate! We have a beautiful area in
which to live - we have food and material
blessings available in great plenty - we
have freedoms and privileges that are
denied to most of the people in our world.
God's people have dozens of reasons Jo
say: "Blessed be the Lord, who daily
loadeth us with benefits, even the God of
our salvation," Psalm 68:19 KJV
The words of the Psalmist provide us
with a wonderful reminder of the source of
all the good things that 'are reasons for us to
celebrate. We are reminded that there is a
God who has made us, and who continues to
hold out His blessings. As St. Paul said in
Athens: `he Himself gives life and breath
to everything, and satisfies every need
there is." Acts 17:25, LB. Above all, He is
the God who invites us to find salvation,
rescue. in His Son Jesus Christ. who says:
"I am come that they might have life, and
that they might have it more abundantly."
Johnl0; 10KJV
At the same time there is certainly an
implied warning that we should take to
heart as we celebrate. God said to the
people of Israel: ' "But if you forget about
the Lord your God and worship other gods
instead, and follow *evil ways, you shall
certainly perish, just as the Lord has
caused other nations in the past to perish,,,
That will be your fate, too, if you don't obey
the Lord your God," Deuteronomy 8: 19 - 20
So let's celebrate! Let's have a good time
in the events that are planned here in
Goderich, or wherever else we are
remembering the great events of the past,
and the blessings and benefits of the
present. And let's worship and honour God
who is the source of all that is good. Let us
put our trust in the Son of God who died and
rose to give us inner peace and spiritual
freedom. Let us give Him and His Word the
place of honour in our heart, home-, com-
munity and nation. Then we will continue to
enjoy the protection and the gifts of the
Lord of all nations and people.
Vive le Canada!
Vive le'Canada!
Is that how you feel about it, or do you
figure it'll just continue' merrily along its
way, whether you worry about it or not?
It's good to ask yourself this summer of
'77 just what YOU can do about "Vive le
And you may say, "I'm from Ontario,
why should I worry? I don't have to make
any decisions in any referendum."
True enough. We're not about to have a
referendum in Ontario. Although in some
respects, perhaps we should. Quebec is as
much a part of Canada as is Ontario, and
when decisions about parting the ways are
made, both sides ought to have a say in the
Well, that's what we're getting at.
Youhad better have a say in the matter.
This summer.
It's as good a time as any to start.
A good way to begin is to stop being
passive about the possible separation of
Quebec. And don't shrug it all off by
mumbling there's nothing you can do about
it. Because there is.
First you've got to get totally interested.
That means asking questions and reading
up. It's worth the, effort, honestly! For your
own future and that of your children.
On this page, usually, we concern our-
selves with issues of a local or area nature.
The really important things in life happen
right in our own backyards, we feel.
But our backyards won't add up to much
if they're no longer a piece of Canada. And
if we do nothingk.but sit and watch the
universe unfold, we won't be saying "Vive
le Canada" for too many more years...
So what can you do?
Summer's here and with itfor many of
us, our two or three weeks summer
vacation. This is a good summer to spend
some of it in Quebec. We know you're
welcome there. Quebeckers don't bite...
They'd like to see you. And hear how you
feel about THEM! For too 1 ong we've been
hearing only how THEY feel about us. And
it's really no wonder so many of our French
cousins `are upset with us and our selfish
arrogance. Don't be afraid to tell them
you're as interested in keeping them a part
of our. land as some of theirs are to
separate. Don't be afraid to tell them
there's no future in separation, but show
them there's a future - a`great one - in
understanding. Show them there's room for
the Quebecois in your Canada.
With a little effort you'll make friends for
life on your 1977 summer vacation in
Quebec. And with a little more effort yet
you could invite your new friends over for a
few days in your neck of the woods. Just to
show them you're not the only one shouting
"Vive le Canada!"
There are many variations on this theme.
The Town of Whitby, Ontario, has for
several years exchanged views and good
feelings with the French of the town of
Longueil, P.Q. Each summer a whole train-
load of residents from each community
visit back and forth.
Would that be a good idea for our town
and a Quebec town? Let's get to work on it.
And let's have more exchange visits
between students from our area and
Quebec kids. Therein too lies the future of
"Vive le Canada!"
Elsewhere in this newspaper readers 21
and under are invited to participate in an
essay contest. The Best entry, 900 words or
less, on "Why there is room for Quebec in.
my Canada" will be submitted to the
Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association in
a contest of reader essays from other
community newspapers belonging to the
OWNA. Deadline for entries is July 15, at
If you can't get excited about all this, you
have our sympathy. You probably have one
foot in the grave already....
If you're with us, well, don't just sit
Vive leCanada! !
Wise leadership
The airport committee of the Town of
Goderich put forth some positive and
commendable suggestions at Monday
evening's meeting, among them
suggestions to draw up what Councillor
Dave Gower is calling a "total plan" for
Sky Harbor.
For the last few months, there has been
much concern among Goderich ratepayers
for the future of the airport with regards to
costs to the municipality. It is a well known
fact that Dominion Road Machinery
Company is deeply involved in the airport
operation and there .has been growing
controversy surrounding the entire Sky
Harbor project. Greatest fear, perhaps, for
many Goderich residents was that council
members appeared to be allowing airport
costs to mount without sufficient study into
the final outcome of the venture.
Now it appears council members on the
airport" committee are advocating wat-
chfulness and restraint where Sky Harbor
is concerned. Councillor Gower along with
Councillor Don Wheeler and Mayor Deb
Shewfelt spoke out Monday evening in
favor of a cost study at the airport before
proceeding with -further improvements
there. Such leadership in the community is
appreciated and necessary to prevent the
budget blues next spring.—SJK
.hey 're gone
The town looks so festive
this week it is difficult not to
get into a party mood. The
square is just a mass .of
decorations, and it appears
that the decorating com-
mittee has been working
overtime to make certain the
town" takes on a celebration
air for the Sesquicentennial
which began yesterday.
As everything comes
together for the fortnight of
fun, there is need once more
to say "thank you" to the
many, many people who have
been working hard over the
past year or more to make
Jubilee -3 happen. Once again
it bears repeating that the
best way 'to show your ap-
preciation is to get out and
celebrate .... and support the
host of events lined up for
visitors and residents alike.
From a strictlselfish point
of view, I'm looking forward
to Jubilee '3 as a time to get
together with some members -
of my family who will be
coming to Goderich for the
celebration. There,'s just
nothing like showing off
Goderich in the summertime
but most particularly this
year when just about
by Dave Sy
everybody has put forth some
extra effort to make things
sparkle for the occasion. '
Business -wise, the editor
and staff of the Signal Star
will be kept hopping during
the Jubilee Three
celebrations. There's so
much to cover everywhere, it
will be just about impossible
to get around to everything.
But the Signal -Star staff is
going to try to catch the
flavor of Jubilee Three from.
start to finish. The best way
to do this, it has been decided,
is to turn the Signal -Star into
a giant,picture publication for
the next couple of weeks.
There's just some things that
pictures tell better thanwords
and for the most part, Jubilee
Three will be a series of that
kind of thing.
It would also be great if for
this special occasion, the
Signal -Star ,could hear from
its readers concerning
visitors from out of town.
Remember the good old days
when who -visited -who was a
regular feature of the Signal
Star? Wouldn't it be just
great if there could be several
columns of names.- including
your name - in the newspaper
during Subilee Three?
Watch for the Signal -Star
boxes to appear around town
during the Sesquicentennial
Celebrations. Just jot down
your name and the names of
your visitors and drop the
information in • any one of
these boxes. Or , call the
Signal -Star (the editorial
office number is 524-6585)
with your news.
Included in this week's
edition of the Signal -Star is
the special Sesquicentennial
Edition. I'm particularly
proud of this edition because
it is the culmination of more
than a year's hard work for a
good friend of mine, W.E.
Since coming to Goderich
I've become well acquainted
with Bill Elliott, Goderich's
own historian who "at 94 years
of age is still active and ac-
curate. Bill and his wife Anne
have a beautiful little home
on Arthur Street where I've
been fortunate in recent
months to Visit several times.
Almost any day for the past ,
12 months or so you would
have found Bill hard at work
in his basement office
researching and writing the
stories which appear in the
Signal -Star's Sescuicen-
tennial Edition. When he
wasn't there, he was off to the
post office to mail a request
or pick up a letter with in-
formation for the stories he
was working on. Or he could
have been studying the
records for vital clues.
There's no way to
adequately say "thanks" to
W.,E. Elliott .... or, in fact, to
his patient wife who is herself
'an exceptional person.
Perhaps,. the best way to
acknowledge Bill and Anne's
historical accomplishment is.
to read the special edition and
'then put it away as a souvenir
you and your family will
cherish .
By the way, extra copies of
the ,edition will be for sale
around town during the
Celebrations in case you'd
like to pick up a few as gifts
for relatives or friends who
may have a special interest in
Goderich. They'd also make
excellent moment
away for yourchi
And now I would'
to put down the Si;
and get on v'
celebrations, If it
you'll wantto getati
birthday party
Goderich elemen
children in CourtHo
today (Thursday),h
and hour, your pees
be welcomed at th
opening of Jubilee;
Huron Road.
harmony in the Sq
pm today and ton'
the judging of
growing contest.
races and the 01
Aqua Dance; Sa'.
the antique car shot
air ,show; Sundae'':
steam train arrival
excursion and the
service and the hom
concert and
What the heck!
own program and
what's happening. I'
to join the fun. See
Honor Queen
Dear Editor,
The time is fast drawing
near when the town of
Goderich will be hosting, our
Visiting sovereign,- or •a
representative, No doubt
time will have to lie allotted
from, a busy itinerary just to
honor our Jubilee 3. It would
have been the highlight of Dr.
William "Tiger" Dunlop's life
for such a personage to view
his uniquely designed town.
I have followed her
Majesty's career since her
Coronation, and her decisions
have, been just, tempered
with discretion, wisdom and
compassion. She has tried her
utmost to keep union
throughout the Com-
monwealth, which is the
---,essence of a lot of our trade,
and in my opinion has, ac -
11b' eobtrich
—0 — The County Town Newspaper of Huron
Founded in 1N4$ and published spry Thursday at Goderich, Ontario. M.,ith,, „1 tlu
(•WNA and OWNA. Advertising rales on request. Subscriptions payable in ad, am „ t is ,s,
In Canada. 11S.S0 to U.S.A., $20.10 to all other countries. single monies 2.: emits.
,advertising rotes available on request. Please ask for Italy ('ard No, 7 effedi%m url 1
1974. Second class mail Registration Number n710. Advrrtising la accepted on the , nn
dition that,. in the event of typographical error. the advertising spare occupied i, the
erroneous item, together with reasonable allowance for signature, will not he charged for
but the balance of the odvertlsement will be paid for at the appifi•able rite, In the event of
a typographical error advertising goods or services al a wrong price, goods or service
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The Signal -Star Is not responsible for the loss or dama'g , of afWiklied°manuscripts or
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Business and Editorial Office
area code Ste
Published by Signal -Star 'Pubiishing Ltd.
ROBERT 0. SHRIER _president and publisher
EDWARty'J . BYRSKI manager
. Milling Addresst
traII 716
complished much in this
particular regard, and
deserves a rousing welcome
from American citizens,
British subjects and
Any form of display that
would show appreciation. for
her efforts, or honor her visit,
would he well-deserved.
Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Norman Minaker.
Urgent appeal
Dear Editor:
This is a last minute urgent
appeal to all the merchants,
banks and professional of-
fices, mainly on the Square.
There will be Many visitors
in town. It gives us great
pleasure to have them. But
bigger crowds mean more
litter. •
The Parks crew will clean
the Square ' (road and
sidewalks) early, every
morning seven days a week.
We shall have 'Parks mem-
bers working in the Cour-
thouse Park throughout the
day `and evening every day
picking up litter. On our own
we cannot do more.
Please keep the short
stretch of sidewalk in front of
your place continuously as
clean as you can. Attractive
and clean places will be.
remembered. That is one way
of showing our pride in our
Elsa Haydon.
Dear Editor,
Too often educators claim
that schools only receive
'negative publicity. We, the
teachers at Victoria School,
are very grateful for the
excellent coverage you have
given us throughout the
school year. For each Jubilee
3 event planned by the school
a member of the Signal -Star
staff was promptly there.
We were especially pleased
with the coverage given to
our sesquicentennial
celebrations of a parade and
birthday party. The school
was very fortunate to be able
to finance the making of the
cake from earlier Jubilee 3
activities held in the school.
In addition the school was
indebted to the home
economics department for
baking and 'decorating such a
large cake.
Thank you again for your
interest in the activities that
took place at Victoria School.
Yours with gratitude,
The Victoria
School Teachers.
Dear Editor,
Everyone loves t
The V illage of lllylh,'
warm invitation to
to either particiPa'
me ved
celebratinbecog its 10111
this year and hair
July 3oth as the`�r
gigantic parade,"'
We are looking;
floats of all type
vehicles, horn"i
carriages, bicycles.
any other thing'1!,'
make for a coloutf„
Clubs, groups seri
are urged toar rtI
contact Harve Mc::
523-4253. Many.
75 YEARS AGO Water Works arrived in port
Local growers of`:,;.onr Sunday and commenced
strawberries anticipate the unloading on Monday ,mor -
crop to be a small one, unless `ning., .
the sun gets a move on slowly. For nearly a good solid
They. say that the berries are year :work ;had been put in
not -ripening properly, and endeavoring to secure a very
that owing to too much rain, large gathering of outsiders
and not enough sun, they dao`:-an•.,,_Goderich on the 12th of .
not this season have that, July.
beautiful flavor. The late A , ~special public school
berries•will be expensive F .bnard meeting was held oil
k f.
tiny ' ' evening- to'' egnsi, er
The Chob�tet"'r1V.i�I. it
s ounds,•G d e •e kArol1 iaC •.
from Hutont',Ohio; with 6�flf
tons of coast for tho.Goderich;
High water problems in
Goderich harbor were seen
first hand on Friday by six
members of the Ontario
legislature's select ,com-
mittee on lake levels and
erosion. Touring the harbor
-aboard the launch Donald'
'Bert~ xthei tw y'Wwereitham �i, shWobd, own, by
�I t�itt� tth`the'
l 'done i
itu Hab
,assaleandi,e ,
"`elm mooring* , ttnd
dro ed them on jagged
"Chatterbox", the monthly
bulletin of the Goderich
Junior Chamber of Com-
merce, was winner of the
mimeograph award of the
National .chamber in a
national.: contest open to all
junior bodies in Canada.
IBlc.�rc enn:is 1 King.
ty F ►lith t? ',Oakville
,'qJQ�-p�},ce a been
tit . chief for the
Town of God Augd
commencing net'
A totally
in the ma nee,
rucon olov,sC3iShfhr �J
sqerisistoreIs +"� ti?
sign In toy ste
business is1J ,,.,i