The Exeter Advocate, 1921-4-14, Page 1� 1� .., '1Mr'•1�' �Tn THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY APR. 14, 192 SANDERS i CP.E'WCH Goderich is ,ort: hfay 2nd to vote. cn After Lite whiskey go:s, 'ti's said Corner a by-law oto gua antte�, .t`�e ponds of tate d; airless female is to follow—and Q�� GA�"�eT � ii.o. t - r,.c. National'' Shipbuilding Co., to the rite- tobacco, amount of $50,QQQ. Remember to pay your Memo,: taro to the Government b.3fore .the end of he aoveri nient ,of Great Britain is [Hokin; ,p.epaaations to fight the great industrial strike that threatens that country, following the, walk out cf the miners. April. Phone 31a TAMAN'S For All Kinds _ rip - wee "GLAD TO GREJsT Yea, old lop, by Jove,, you're locking fine Where did you get such a swell elegant fitting suit of clothes?" "At Tazman's, the tailor, right down Alain Street Best in town„ they say. At Ptah, he fitted me with the best suit It've ever bad. Not high priced, tit- her." "Loots good to me, toe. I7J order my next suit from them, Sure." SUITS ......,.... $Z0 to $40. OVERCOATS $20 to $35 RAINCOATS S1S to $30 W, 1N. Taman Tailor& Furnisher Tile Mad grid Empire has nurcbase.d The Toronto Daily Work] .and he Toronto Sunday World. Tice Dally world is, discontinued, but The Sun- day World will continue to be patb- °i,»shed by the 1I•,a4 and Eu;p:re. By Lite amendment now b -tore the Qmiario Legislature municipal clerks are to be :appointed to issu: rnarr,alge lcceoes Of The License fee of $5.00, $4.00 wall go to the province and $1 tc+ the nnutticilxality, Automatically Lire right of present Jicense iosuers to issue will cease,. Hares and rabbits bane iaeA taken ut of the Game and Fisheries Act, by cat ,fish and garne eommAttee, of the cg ]"lace of Oaitarno, and hereafter gay may be trapped, killed or sold all to year round. The shooting of w cod ac. as k is advanced a month, and will be landed co the auditors •Lor audithag, crm Sept..15 to ,Qct. 15. how they vet re •bo«n to rest ! en this a'`er which it was ordered that a aturt If the price of gasoline cont'nu,:s to Clinton tax rate. is fixed at .b Hills Oft the rdolla. a iaecreeee of one mill MARRIAGES or_ 1900 CH INESE RELIEF FUND. drop we can soon afford t< dem the Further donations to this fund are gravy enol this;t we got ort our vest ac=knowledged by F. A. Chapman, in 1915 treasurer, as follows :—Adult Biba: Class James St Sunday School $L75; Now, echo vv'il4 ,he tate first slobber- a fr_end $5.00 --Total $6.75. ng saint that will plead to save the necks of the young tnurd:vers who VESTRY AiJ;I T�IN'G. shot young Campbell ,at Jlelborae qn Tib tMe 'Memorial Cannual hurch wOne a as ]Held Pan Monday They should have been shot the .Parish Hall on Monday ere, ng, on the spot, but instead of that we with more 11)=.41m usuol number ,7r will get t repetition of tin' sicken ang et'-endanee. The greeting was presid- stuff berag slobbered oat on —hale led over by the rector, Rev. A. A of Garfield. How can we eap;ca this vvace of robbery and murder tocease wheat ,half the population are trying to make heroes out of the y,,u ng devils? Llai*-- Rilsett—At the residence oi'the bride's ,Parents, Usborne, on Apri113 Hazer F., daughter of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Eisse..1, to ; fr. Iiary ey 1111 Bilge son of &Mr. and Mrs. ii•'rn. Hill o! London. Bridal—liedden.—In Regina, Sask., on Apail 2, gr. Clifford-. Bridal - of Crystal City, bisn., to•Aliss Luft;; Hedden., daughhter of firs. Catl:arL''ao Redden of Exeter. Pohle—Hun1'rt^,. At ital..' Prc,hv+ -',,:1 manse. Thom. s Road. on Ap l l . ". 1x4 Rev. Ch der, 'Mr. john- ti f,� gra poi ea of ,Ex:;:.r, ';on of 'dr. ; ncl Mrs. Wm. Pollen aa' l ,`rrgau,ra., q -r. M;;,s , 1 rola kfno<tia n, dMagh'e t` a?.. and Mrs. Thomas nankin c a;. hype Sb-n'ey—Kent. At the Methodist Ciao:ci* i uca." , nri April' a, by Rev- ,e Powe'„ Leda. alrr-e orc:ond dough-- d ter' o! ..Mr. osnd'Mrs. C. Kent. Lacon to Mr. Roy F. Stanley, son of Mrs.: Jame.a Stanley, Lua:an. Perhaps ,if would.,lx, as well fore e -body if the reported snzlin'nders for and against prohibition were left at home, Surely ther. are ,enough of the class in Cenode ,to tell Canadians hove o mind the„ own business. That l Mid, rho 0 to be 411 a I:ealth Jti,nd�of S r.urnper, who gave ,a review o: Ike parochial duties he had mer€a„rned during the year. He had attended 5 :�unerais, pertormed.Zjr.Ptisrtrs, 8 mar- rages, 16 privete celebrations ax: Holy Communion, d 606 visits, ore:pared and presented S �eartdidates for l oaa- 1'e.rmation. The f':raanc l report was road by the secretary, Mr. E.. j. \Vetlt- et', disclosing one Of the best reports ;n the history a the church,. Repots of the church auxiliaries were also tuff only arouses antagonism d Gnd,t.an, .part.culary the Saaaaday and never makes a rot: either v ey. And the literature that ,is s.nt out .a only good to 'enhance the r.:yenue a .the. pri ter tend the Post off' .People long ago made up i?t air minds S3:tool, which was .pre-eutintent and re- i le: i a much, credit pit those in v:ltaege of the Sunday school work:. The • reasurer's report was authorized tobe question. It ,goes without saying, bis I be of copses ,be printed for distraint - man paid a compliment to JPs our opinion, thxt.the '`les' m.s,or.ty a among the ctangree�,aatioin. lir. wife the other day, and slat trade biro i w.!t Le large. av, alter Cunningham was elected Rec- o the dattcr's and be tilos.-, warden, and 4r. Wesley D.ar- g of Stephen, Peoples' warden,. rained. She was afraid he '" T Waxotl And C H Sanders secret illness, was doomed, and wct The doctor soil all he tweet- s more exercise 1 ih open o'r. • Loca News 1" t' rot -.leered :auditors, C. ala the ,4 .d Sidemen were .re-elected, Mr. T. S't'ood taking ie- place of the late Would be Es old self again. ifeasro Foote and Pilon are -..., ' ti Crawley. Messrs; R. Alurphv and Ilar compaary with the ••e+ t o: l 'ng and the a cost of dying, the ,to t of beng born is "h h" The family that cart have on add.tton at less cost, than 5100 is extremely lucky. Such a fam- ily must, be one oaf those fine old-; fashioned ones in. Mitch the ceremony bi perZorrned at home, and granduxn and aunt Trifle coon for a three weeks' visit, and the only money expended is the doctor's dee.—Toro rte Star week -- BRITISH EDITORS' OPINIONS. n slue C eeyr-Dort Garage by r.arov-' Adan Case retia tJ ted Lar delet at - n a coupe baa»t, ons :at the rc a*. e, ter the Synod, with C, iI Sandiers and 1. Nee -ell subsgtu%es `1n: usual Tr Match Mr,. Jae.. Taylorhace nvo‘ed ti. ea of thanks Were Pas - d and teat- a=o harm they rrcently bought derail various church oar an:,.l;tt t us ,he co, lir of NV/I,Fann and :Liao , td a sere actively engaged in the %%arl. ;.�areits. of the claurvb. The rector's salary *ilii. U:ch1 ,oi 112741 day+s that la, vvavas inera;nsed by 1200.03. Ther, wall gat.'acred over 7,080 gallons or sip, but }xe no further meeting of the vestry vre:Its Jnenc.. :.:a :ea.tra t took 55 .galcoas cit can cvvc° m do: a gallo t of syrup. g:. Ed. Shor i5 confined to h'$ bed utte -n:; from atn ,acute attack of R ,:mer•:, and intestinal trouble and is now wider the doctor's care. Rev, Ch:dley, et he :taw pastor of Thotnies [toad Presbyterian Church, was .inducted on Thursday last, and a [large so:trcg.^,t:cn witnessed the c e:.:mien'. The Essex Canning Factory and the Cottam Canning Factory will not op- eras ` this year, owing to high . -r costs of t n eons and other maateriols, whte the selling price is low.r. Hiss l%'innifred Baygent, daughter of Xir, and. Airs. J ts. Baigeni of London Road south, who is studying nursing in Gracie Hospital, hos successfully 'passed her first exanin�ations. The straw hat made its appearance t.L week, but the cold snap of Sun- day chased it back r*to Jticling. A1r. Thos. Ha,ri;on oL London was irn sown for a day ,or two thus, week. Another amalgamation to meet tha ever••inercasing costs of newspaper production has taken place, and a deal has been completed by which the Stra�throyr Age and tile Dispatch be- come one. . The engagement is announced of tiiiss Be:mice. Davis of Calgary, daugh- ter ;o£ .v 1r. Fred. Davis, M. P. Po formerly of ,Goderich, to Cc1,. .Evans G. Davis, C. 3,4, G,., of Ottawa, form- ly of London. Arils Lulu Redden, daughter of Mrs. athar:ae Hedden, Huron street, was quaetly married in. Regina, Sask., on April ?nd to ,Mr. Clifford Bridal of Crystal City, Man. The young couple will make their future home at Coro- nation, Alta,' The bride jos well and favorably known here and will have the best wishes :of her many friends,. A ,qu:et wedding took place at the Presbyterian ;manse, Thames Road, on Wednesday, April 13th, when Mr. John Edwin Pollen of 'town, son cf Mr. and Mrs, William Pollen, of Farquhar was vu;ted a bonds of ma aiin•.ny tx atiss Viola- Hunk&n, daughter a£ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunkin of Usborne. Time ceremony was performed by Rev. Caidley. Tire young couple will:Hake their future .home" in Exeter, where Mr. Pollen is i,nttea esed an a garagebusiness. Theme friends extend best wishes TENDERS AWARDED. The tenders for the new Methodist Church at Brinsley have 'peza.n award- ed as follows—Ross Taylor Cc., _Ex- eter xeter all furnishings and rough lurber; Public Utilities Commission, Exeter, lighting, Arid wiring; Wm. vIellin, of Greenway, carpenter work, William Harris, Ailsa Graig, painting. The heating and brickwork go to Partih- l men. The Advocate has just received booklet entitled "What British Edit- ors Say About Canada", which has just ,been issued by the Canadian De -1 partment of Imtat;;gration and Colon- ization It contains brief comments on Canada made by :members of the Imperial Press Association who visit- ed this country last summer. The booklet has been, issued mainly for ch•- eulation ,in the Old Country, and read- ers of this paer may have coprr^s forwarded to any friends in the Old Country who are interested in Cam ada by sending the names ancl ad- dresses to the Director of Pubi:,''ty, Department -of Immigration and Col- onization, Ottawai. No charge is made for the booklet, or fcr postage on, it. See The New 1921 GRAY DORT OPEN AND CLOSED STYLES ON EXHIBITION. WHAT ARE YOUR TIRE REQUIREMENTS 2 Why send -to Toronto and buy'"seconds' of unknow,n, make, ,when we calx, Sagely you. with tires of ceoutable ,manufacture that have stood `.".eie;t of years. Owingto la large purchase vie are in, a posj,tilotn to- supply you with Tires and Tubes, at a vtery_low price and guarantee satisfaction. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE GRAY DORT GARAGE. T. H. NEWELL STOP LOOK LISTEN ' As a Camel turnetth towards the: Oasis en the desert ;for water, so a Man ,iooketh !to his Wife for, ge;od ,bread, but ;how ;cavi ,sheprovide, it, vun- less.she hay good.iflour, The wine man! purchases some of Harvey's Flour and maketh his wife[ happy, as she beholdetih' the loaves rising a,n the evnen. .Tile anise, nien',Jea'tieth thereof, gdieth' forth' and .,lo, he, praisteth. 'the clever wife that feedetli him: Harvey Bros. DEL1GHTFUL CANTATA. The Choir of Carrn:ei P,resbyti'r.,ian Church, Hensali, motored down thirty five 1st.r ong on Monday evenan:g and rendered the Cantata, "Thee L, vang Christ" at Caven-Clinrch, tinder the auspices of the. Logse Circle. A short concert o,f song ,and reading preced- ed ,the program and .roved the ver- satility, as avteL,1 ,as the hi gh standard.; of excellence wih,ch 'this choir• has at- tained The cantata was a succession o,f solos, duets 'tr:,o.3 and qt irtretts; interspersing choruses, and ,a11' were iendei ed with arrtistac taste and har- monic precision ivhsch,reflected i•eat o a tt only on, ;the: lead r an his c 1; ab e o:•gan aa;t on, but .alto 'n, a~ marked degree on - .several of th,e ',n- Iiv-dual mvembers, 4. Exeter Council Monday,.a p ll 11, 1921. A. .regular meeting of the munici- pal colleen with all the members present. The minutes of the meeting held March 28th 'were read and ap- proved. The following letters were read: Clreuiars from the Wiles of the Canadian Good Roads Association, Montreal, Piled. Fromthe treasurer's office of the Hydro -Electric Railway Association of Ontario, re annual dues. Per Penhale and Snell --That the annual fee of ten dollars he paid, Carried. Councillor Davis reported having :wade arrangements with Itis X-1, Bierling for "the use of a team of horses for the corporation for a term of seven months at $145 per month, dating from April 6th. Ask that an agreement be prepared. Re- port aecepted on motion of Davis and Elston. Carried. The auditor's report for March was laid on the table. The same be- ing accepted on motion of Elston and Davis. Carried. Per Davis and Elston—That the commissioner, Mr. Bissett, be im- powered to procure a suit of officers clothes. Carried. .A. petition was read and received from ratepayers on the west side of Andrew street between Victoria and Mary for a " granolithic pavement. Held over for further consideration. Per Elston and Penhale—That the account as presented by the county treasurer, W. Lane, re state- ment as made ' by the Provincial Government in the matter of the construction of the Main street pave- ment as follows, be allowed and paid, Items deducted from a original statement $496.63; interest on monies borrowed and advanced 601.52. Amount clue the county— $1098.15. Carried. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: G. A. Vanstone, care of \library building 9.75;. Cecil Ford, labor,, cemetery, 18,00; Thos. Collingwood, cleaning town hall 5,10; Bell Tel Co., cemetery phone rent 4.13: W. J. Bissett phone rent 5.50: 9.63; Jos. Senior, insuring contents of town hall 11.80; Ontario Flax Co., team labor R.B. 26.00; Exeter Can- ning & Preserving Co., team labor, R.B. 16.25; John Norry, labor 10.50; Thos. Sanders, labor 9.28; John Parsons, labor 9.28 Richard Quance; labor 15,60; Clyde Hey- wood, team labor L25; Frank. Mai - lett, labor 2.50. Passed on motion of Elston and Snell. Carried. Adjournment by. Davis. ' Jos. Senior, Clerk. BIRTHS IQu' t—IIsn Blanchard, on April 1, to Mr. and .1\t s. J. Wesley Nutt, a daughter Gu gerich—Iln- Hay Tp., on April Znd, to \' ,' and Mrs, Sam, Gingerlch, a 30.1 Wolfe—At Crediton on April 10th, to ,Mr. and Mrs„ 'Albert Wolfe, a son• deuce of her father, Wneltha ten Whiteford, Zad cencessiosk McGdli bray Township,. on April 7. linter - meat ,took place at St. James Ceme- tery, Clandeboye. f 114 aTHS avns....In Victoria Hospital, I.ondon, ort April 1)th, Sarah Low o, wise of Richard DaSr^i.s, of Exel -. aged 5I years. u: ts-- At Carman, iltan., on April 4th, Nar313n. Tufts, formerly of Kirkton,' aged 44 years. awn --in Clinton, on April 4, Sar ah "Magnum, vv a of Mr. John Browrn.' in cher alb year' h teford.-. a April K, Ile ra tta Wan teiord, aged 1S year, lit m.a;at3 s. Funeral took pace lrQ:n the a .'vs I1UY' A BATT WITH - RIES A HOME EVERY FhS'4 MILES Taylor Tire and Battery AT Massey -Harris Show Rooms YOU cAN c:;BUY SE OND -HAND MACHINERY OF ANY Ai;3 ,T PRESENT WF HAVE , I1 HOE FERTILIZER DRILL, NEARLY NE%V 17 TOOTH CULTIVATOR. NEARLY NEW McCOR 4ICK AND JOHN DEARING HAY LOADERS m AND .NIANii OTHER SECOND HAND MACHINES, WE STILL It:I.Vt. SOME FENCE. CONTE IN AND SUPPLY. GATES ANY STYLE. 0. .T YOUR B. T. PUMP AND HAY CARRIER GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND. SPECIAL FOR THE MON rH OF APRIL EST HAY FORK ROP[,, Cc . PER I'0U r. LEAVE YOUR ORDER THIS MONTH. ALSO SLING ROPE, TRW ROP1,S, ETC. hone 137 AGENTS FOR DOMINION ELECTRIC SYSTEM. FRANCIS & WILLIAMS One door south Central Hotel J. A. STEWART Phone 16 Men's and Young Men's Suits We have our new Spring clothing for young men in the very latest •models and up to date cloths; also a more conser- yertative style „for the older nian There is no need of waisting "buy now*'. Our ,prices are at ROCIC BOTTOM. NEW LINOLEUMS How about p, .new Covering for that Kitchen, Dining Room, Bed Room, or Bath Room floor. Our stock is complelte. We can suit any room in Linoleuan Rugs. Let us Help you with your sprung goose Cleaning *by Cleaning your floor. "LADIES SHOES CHILDREN'S SHOES. MEN'S SHOES Black or Chocoate in a nifty Oxford; -Colonial Tye' or neat high lace Shoe in, Ladies„ Chiildren's in black or mahtogany ; also men's in "Neva Lalal.' New Prices is all lines. DRESS VOILES Buy a Dress length of our New Voaleand you have some- thing exclualve. One dress in each color. Don't ,dellay.. Pick out your draft while the range is complete Great Clearing Sale ofR aincoats JOB LOT OF MEN'S., BOYS LADIES' AND GIRLS' , 7 RAINCOATS ALL SIZES SEVERAL COLORS TO CLEAR - $3.50 J. A. STEWART HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE: .04.014.00 My"