HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-06-23, Page 4k'
Party time
There's only a few days left now until the
Jubilee Three Celebrations begin. The first
activities start bright and early Wed-
nesday, July 29 and the last hurray will be
shouted at Harbor Park Sunday evening,
July 10. Looking over the program, it is a
simple matter to see that there's something
for absolutely everybody - and if you can't
find an event in the program to suit your
fancy you'd better pinch yourself to see if
you are still alive.
Just before the official opening
ceremonies, it would be appropriate to say
a loud 'thank -you' to all the members of all
the many committees who have worked so
diligently over the past year or more to
make Goderich's 150th birthday something
to remember. While there have been a host
of Goderich people involved in the planning
and the work to date, many, many more
have remained on the sidelines until now
when it is about time td enjoy the
festivities. It is those folks who will want to
echo a grand "THANKS" to the few
dedicated men and women who are
responsible for the gigantic party this
It remains now fol' the people of Goderich
and area to come out and celebrate - to
greet the town's special guests, to welcome
back the hundreds and hundreds of sons
and daughters from everywhere who are
sure to return home for the fun, to get in-
volved in the antics and to support the
many,"many exciting activities which have
been arranged for the pleasure of residents
and visitors alike, Surely this is the best
way to show your appreciation to the
committee for a job well done.
It is still not too late to get in touch with
those relatives and old friends who may not
know about the frolic planned for the
hometown. You may. want to open your
home up for these special folks for a few
days during the celebrations, just to add to
your own enjoyment of the festivities. .,;,A
This is no time to hang back, Goderich.
Come on out and participate. It's the
biggest bash you're likely to see in
Goderich in your lifetime. -SJK
Significant quip
A quip by Mayor Deb Shewfelt at last
week's council meeting should probably be
left alone - at least by the Signal -Star editor
who happens to be a woman. That remark
was, of course, that it was "the boys
against the girls" at the council meeting.
Says the mayor: "At least that's the tune of
the paper."
Mayor Shewfelt was alluding to „a story
and an editorial the previous week. The
story on the front page told of council's
- decision to -censure Councillor Elsa Haydon
for walking out of a council meeting just
before a vote on the Borg-Warner matter.
The editorial on the same subject, pointed
out that Mrs. Haydon is the victim of some
heavy jibes by the male councillors at most
meetings, and suggested also that perhaps
the six male councillors who voted in favor
of the censure motion (Deputy -reeve
Eileen Palmer voted against it) were more
concerned with putting Councillor Haydon
in her place than insuring the "orderly and
efficient" operation of town council.
It seems the mayor feels that the
newspaper had something to do with the
fact that the ladies voted together against a
motion for the town to accept payment for
Colborne Township's legal expenses should
it be necessary for that municipality to go
to court over a building permit which was
revoked for some property adjacent to Sky
Harbor Airport, owned by the Town of
Goderich. Since the mayor isolated the
incident at last Monday's meeting, he
apparently felt it was significant, regar-
dless of the fact that all other votes taken at
the meeting reflected a healthy balance of
male and female votes. In fact, just
moments before Councillor Haydn voted
with Councillor Don Wheeler - or was that
Councillor Wheeler with Councillor Haydon
- on a certain issue.
This newspaper did not draw the battle
lines between the men and the women.
Facts are facts, The men and the women
stood on opposite sides in the censure vote
and in the airport -vote. Once again, the
newspaper did not make the news; it only
reported what happened.
But perhaps it is significant that Mayor
Shewfelt chooses to believe it was the girls
who stuck together and not the men, who
also voted with one voice in a block. Maybe
the mayor has some old-fashioned hangups
which should not be aired at council
meetings •where the ladies' votes are no
more influenced by the sex of the voters
than are the men's. - SJK
Cold water can kill
Have you ever had hypothermia? It isn't
catching and you can get it more than once,
but once can be enough to kill you.
It comes on gradually when you're
outdoors in the cold, improperly clothed, or
when you fall into icy waters and aren't
rescued in time. Before you know it,
numbness creeps through fingers and
hands so you can't hold on to anything.
Your legs feel as though they belong to
.someone else. Your face goes wooden and if
you speak, your voice is slurred. Your
actions are all in slow motion as you grope
to save yourself. It doesn't take long!
These are the first signs of hypothermia,
or cooling of the vital organs, The slowness
and numbness and gradual stiffness don't
mean that you incapacitated, unable to
save yourself, but they make you feel in-
capacitated and helpless, and unless you
get aid. the further cooling of your body will
certainly result in hypothermia, requiring
immediate treatment, -
Through, its many programs for water
safety, the Red Cross provides instruction
on how to survive in cold water and offers
the following hints :
Don't panic. Yell for help if anyone is in
sight, or grab a floating object and hang on.
Don't try to swim. Vigorous body motion
wastes body heat. Stay still and conserve
If not wearing a PFD, (Personal
Floatation Device) and the water is very
cold; tread water. If not wearing a PFD
and the water is comparatively warm;
float, raising the head only t''o breathe.
If wearing a PFD -- and everyone near
water should -- your cold water survival
can be increased by staying still, and
doubled by adopting the H.E.L.P. (Heat
Escape Lessening Posture) position -- a'
curled up crouch -- or by "huddling" --
three people with arms intertwined, legs
interlocked and sides of chests touching.
And in a full survival suit you can survive
over nine hours in cold ocean waters.
Yell to the Red Cross Water Safety
Service for help in H.E.L,P, techniques and
other survival methods. Keeping you alive
is very much the business of the Red Cross
Water Safety Service.
Irlje eobtritb
—0—, The County Town Nawbpaper of Huron
v• .
Ynunded In ;scan' and published every Thundav at Goderich. Ontario .11rmh,•, nI Un•
('WNA and (MYNA. Adverlhling rates on request. subscription% ppyable M ads An. ,- t 1: a,
In ('ands, Sit.ba to (.M.A., fated to all other countries. single copies 23 rents iti.pl,.%
advertising tate* available an request. Please ask for Nate ('ard tin. 7effevthe tori 1
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Remember when this.. was Goderich?
News last week that a
person or persons unknown
are robbing the graves at
• Maitland Cemetery leaves
little room for doubt that
people of all kinds stalk the
streets of Goderich. One can
only sympathize - sympathize
with the families of the dead,
the sexton at the cemetery
and perhaps, most im-
portantly, the poor tortured,
twisted souls who can ac-
tually approach a grave and
steal from it without flin-
Just last week, the repfft of
The Royal Commissidzi of
Violence in the / Com-
munications Industry came
onto my desk - all 497 pages of
it - and yet one must surely
realize that violence is such a
small portion of the emotions
which warp the human mind;
There's just- so much which
goes by unnoticed and
seemingly uncorrectable that
one must wonder if there's
anything at all that is sacred
in this world in which we live.
It was interesting to note
that in Chapter One of the
Corhmission's report this
statement was made:
"Frankly, it was not clear at
the beginning that the
Commission was being asked
to deal with the intellectual
environment of millions of
Canadians - from the very
young to the very old, but
mostly in between - and not
just with violence as depicted
in the media."
And that's about it. The
intellectual environment of
millions of Canadians (in-
cluding those -in Goderich and
area) is almost undefinable
because it is such a mish-
mash of variables, not the
least of which is a person's
own individual personality
and inner self.
One can only repeat that it
takes someone with small.
intelligence to rob the graves
at Maitland Cemetery. In that
vein, we must agree with
Sexton Elgin Chambers who
claims it is "awfully small of
a person to steal something
out of a cemetery"..
And what else can be said?
In somewhat the sameline
of endeavor are the flag-
nappers who seem to be out in
full force again this spring
and summer. Already the
Signal -Star has had two
letters from readers who
have been victims of these
thieves with a passion for
About the only thing that
can be said for flag-nappers
which cannot be said for
grave robbers, is that flag-
nappers are energetic, in-
dustrious folk who will accept
any challenge and climb'any
height to retrieve a flag. No
doubt it becomes some sort of
' a game, or a contest of skill
and endurance.
Flags like graves are
something set apart and
special - at least for most
people. One should not more
dishonor the flag, than a
Speaking of flags, there's a
couple of personal gripes I
have with flag raisers around
the countryside.
First of all, I thoroughly
dislike the practice of raising
a flag and allowing it to fly
there until it is faded and
tattered and torn. Some of the
flags one sees look so shabby
they would be better taken
down and stuffed in the
garbage than waving like a
floor ernop over the , back
Those citizens who care
enough about the country to
raise a flag on their
their business, sh
care enough to
flag when it becora
or remove it entirely
And secondly, Id.
growing practice of
Stars and Stripes
day out in Canade
Canadian soil, 'a
Canadian flag and"
Canadian flagshou
unless there is an
dignitary in the
as will be the
summer, a sped
United States' of:
citizens is obsery
Some say the
flag is flown as a
goodwill to vi
friends. In my
would be much
ceptable to greet'
bors with a totally
welcome including'
healthy, genuine
smile and warm
Flag -napped
Dear Editor,
I follow with interest your
readers' column and 1 feel at
this time I must also voice my
opinion on flag snatching, as
I also am a victim of same.
I honor our Canadian Flag,
and what it stands for and I
am prodd to see it flown at
our schools, The Canadian
Legion, -The United Nations,
at "The Olympics and on our
streets and homes.
I might inform the ignorant
ones, who take time to
"steal" that a new flag is
raised every three months at
The Parliament -Buildings
Ottawa, and the used one is
never disposed of in an un-
dignified manner.
I view with pride the many
flags we see flying throughout
our lovely . country side on
farms, factories, stores and
many many other places.
This signifies ,their pride in
Canada, and who knows
maybe some day in the near
future, many of our youths,
may be asked to serve under
the Canadian Flag. This will
no doubt change their way of
I am yours truly,
Another victim of
Flag Snatching.
Dear Editor:
This is a great year for our
town and many citizens and
organizations are celebrating
it by proudly flying flags.
Unfortunately these same
flags are being stolen at
random by some person(s).
So far this year we have had
eight thefts ff flags reported.
1 enlist the .aid of loac'al
citizens to try and curb this
type of crime. for despite
whatever motive the
culprit(s) have (a dare, spite,
etc.) this is still a criminal
offence. '
Whenever possible or
practical lower the flags at
night. This may mean some
inconvenience but allflags
are being taken during the
hours ..of darkness. Never
leave the flags flying if you
are going away on holidays.
Do mark the flag in some
manner so that you can
positively identify it as your
property, In the past we have
been unable to lay charges or
return flags simply because
we cannot prove that the flags
belong to a specific person.
if you plan On leaving your-
ourflags up all the time then tie
the rope up as high as
possible on the pole. Using a
ladder is' the best method o1
getting it up high enough to
prevent anyone tampering
with it.
NEIGHBOURS: If you see
anyone acting suspicious
around any flag pole do
please report it to us. 524-8333.
, NOTE: We have no idea of
the age of the culprit(s) so I
ask anyone to start asking
questions should your child -
friend etc. start decorating a
room, clubhouse or "fort"
with flags.
Help your police depart-.
ment to keep the flags flying
Yours truly,
Patrick D. King
Chief of Police.
Old hat
Dear Editor:
Any politician on whatever
level accepts the reality, with
some degree of regret, that no
matter how hard one may try,
it is impossible to
satisfaction of every
of the electorate
tastes and backgro
an enormously w
values and persona
What prompts
to correspondent
letter "Long 0
mainly the need
some facts in an:.;,
being fair to those;
drawn into the ti
absurd affair
fault of their own,:
doing their job.
The claim
reporting is so mu
hat and such
munition that I.
thought it was laid
It must be Pin,
there were thregs
, m
of spectators.,
The Goderich Summer
Hotel is now ready for guests,
its doors having been opened
the past week. It has been an
attraction since its opening,
hundreds having visited the
neighbourhood in the
evenings to see it with its 260
lights taunting.
do Sundays morning
Abraham ,Gantt was
,ed �tiw crit, rich
0 the spot
where e for the big
steamer.ls placed.
At a raising held in
Goder'1cli r township on
Tuesday, Peter Cantelon met
with painful injuries by some
raftelra ":sliding' down. and
striking him on the head,
pool in the.Judith Gooderham
Memorial Playground.
Town Council at its regular
meeting requested the
Solicitor, the `awn,Cle'rk
to interview Mrs. Roane WiIIiti
with' a` view to 'obtaining an a
option.'rto: purchase her',
on ° Blake Street „
� andi
Gi 'Streets
'`j"I"fi:Y Ii9 rrt� �
ne #bt,'rai rrlt hit'of wa In ►�
On Tuesday evening the
Huroi County Board .of
Education pard a motiolt.In
eccrdane+e wl"th 'a restrain-
endai lhr► trlaw t Director .
l e#ucattorri,�ttrait approval be -
given Styr the +estabttalarrl�ent:of
.. let Fund by friends
standing in 1
other than En
and 5 at G.D.
nounced on,
!`Pendulum` .
been gt fl
e the
kII A,+d