HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-3-24, Page 8Exeter Markets CI A:''I,GED.EVERY WEDNk.SDAY- Whe:tt 1.90 Barley , ...65 to 75 Qts ., . ,,., 45 Family Flour' ,,.,.,,: .5,40 Feed Flour a 2.50 Shorts .... .. ... ... .......... .. '2.00 Bran , •,.R» .•,e•� ^ .,, e.0111 Eggs �,. 30 Deny Butter , », 47 to 50 Creamery Butter 61 to 63 Lard 25 22.00 Hogs . ...... ...... ].4.25 Hay, per ton ,.... ,.. ... EXETER A�].g,Qr A.TE '`'�HnIRaEAY'r focal Doings To-morioweie. Geed; Friday, and e publie hoktlay. �. School closes to -day, ler a, few days, =te •opening : en Aipril 4tlr, , .., Some ithsrteea .,candkdates were tit - eta the .i. s'ecend degree ale Her,.sail, oat Friday h't iby .Me Exeter, Second Degree Texan o,f Qddfe1.ows. Besides a successful evening :af work, 'the Henson brethren made it mast enjoy- able for 'the visattors... REVISING OFFICERS. The munieipaiities' of Goderich Cln :ore Seetoeth, ,Wenemaxx and Exeter Farm Draining are etre urbasn municinalytles in union Having my Dile:he g leachiate in Ex- • eter I am in a poettion to accept coett tracts for trap drainage. Plans Arid estimate, prepared. Member of The Feen I)ranage Association. For par- teeriars write W. Stringer, 46 'Charles Street, East, Toronto, Ont. a't.'RNfa'a FOR , AI,E. Tie undersigned his 3000 bushels of cbeice turnips fax sale at luc, a bushel; buyer ta< laay .for w•eighi,,rtg;, JOHN WALTER, Better, LOST—An orange linter hencllwer- ehef on Andrew Ste et ort Maack 20, Feeler kindly leave, at Advocate office CHICKEN FOR. SALE. 40 yearling White Leghorn hens. — Barron strain—SZ each ; 2 cockerels $3 each; Eggs .for hatcit'ng 8c. each. Exhibition W.te Legherris :,end Bleck Leghcrns, S3 and $5 'per 15 -eggs. GARNET. HEYVv OOD, tsseter SPECIAL D .splay of Voges and Ginghapis at errs. W. D. Yeo's; Also ai number. ad (I treat style Aprons made by the blind ,gyres of the• "National Institute lir the Blind ' at Toronto. Purchase one of these aprons sad help the eerie. Also Oilcloth .Aprons ecoznom- :cal for leech= wear. - SPECIAL MEETING. A see , meet .g of the Stephen J;for Farmers' Improte- me:t::a- :. +n will be leeld in Sen- ior's H.:.. et Thursday, ]]larch 241b et 8 canines Rebate to be given by Thaines le. hi 'Club. BULLS FOR SALE. The vendee signed has for sale 4 Scotch bed bulls of sexv^:cable ager. R. G. Hunte; R, Ri No. 3, E ether. If you have anything to sell or you want to Lae, try The Advocate Want Cabinet. SETTING EGGS FOR SALE, White, lee;eirnbia and Golden Wyant-) dottes at $3.00; Red Caps at $5.00;1 Wbite 1. reks and Black Hamburgs at $7.00—i•n •sees c f 13 eggs. A11 .EXbabir-; tion Stock, Hector Rowcli,ffe, Exeter; MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly cc¢tfideattial; no witness, VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply et any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenin.gs 7 to 8. 'TOR, SALE. —�- Timber frame 22x38 feet, 15 fit nests, 4 bents; suitable for straw shed or drive house. Apply at B. W. F. BEAVER'S HARDWARE. WANTED.—Responsible men to sell Rawleigit's Good Health. Products. An opportunity to get into business for yourself, at an occupation that is pleas- ant profitable and permanent. Must .. be able to. furnish acceptable contract secured by two sureties, and to pro- vide team and wagon, or auto. Indus- trious, capable men secure large ,re- turns- ,foe their efforts. Largest and best known List of Made in Canada household necessities furnished an terms to, meet your business require- meets. Address The. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Ltd., Dept, 122, Landon, Ontario. HIGH INVESTMENT "earl,,Lne•. Veent`vr aILABLE Demi-rani of Canada Victory Bonds Pretence .of Ontario Bonds. City of Toronto and other bounds. ERNEST ELLIOT Office Elliot Building Exeter TURNING MILL Altkinds of Turning, Gumming Saws, Etc., done, on shortest notice. VOR SALE. Mangey -Herres Greani Separator, 500 lbs: capacity, nearly new. AP.PLl BUTTER AND BOILED Gide, :first-class quality, 'INDIAN PONY ;FOR SALE, 4 yrs. S, J. V. ;CANN Phone 115 sni er for Bridges cave h o'f' McGilllvra ?s+p Y Ten • ders w J L be received„by thie tet dersigneed file, the. building of concrete a torrents •Fier two+ bridges'elretie an. Z td t�, c a ^,fe .Lo 7 .. an ,an vote. ;vex on Sideroad 'a Aura .'aauble'�."R. ,. ,.p� przs,t r:at Si a(tvd:;6 ,Colt. ':' 10 'r.P1 ns and s;pewLis •. "' ' • may bev'seen at;�the rE ider c•e .. f AorP'` . Tot#rns tip Clerk,, chit: •xvi,ll.';.be; o "erred-4alc ,the• Town IHdli. i` 'e t M.,','4.60,,,i' G iLivray on' yIonda.y''tlie irvue nCmAcl.onerkp'.t;l`'t,'.d19 •2A1,. aEt. 4 R.oa.sR'csleo,c rev k=„ply,laowceeseer: any tender not ess County as design°ted :fort the p ,poses of the co ur- . n these laces rree�g Referendum, and 3� vision,af the voters' lists will take place. -Al!. other mutt- ferpalities ere .classed, as rural, and retch a person not on the voters' list but etas entitled take an oto vote athtothe9n Refcrcng dun day, bestg accompanied and vn ched fee; by a voter, at the polling booth. The reusing officers in the urban roan:nipeLties are as IOUms,-tGoder Janney Yates; Clinton, Lt, Col, H. T. Rance; Seaforth, John C. Greig; Winghant, James G Stewart; Exeter, Rivhard N. Creech. I'n each ease 'the revising officer appointed is the Div- ision Court Clerk in 'that town. DEA rH OF MISS MQNCUR. The death occurred early Saturday inerntag at the family residence, Will- iam Street of Mena Edith Monour, on- ly deugh�tte: ot ;`ire end Mrs. W. H. Menu;, e.t•the ale of 34 years. The late ''less Noncar" had .been in failing health ior,soaue years, and for the last lee months had been confined to her h,me. Everything possible was done but the case rues hopeless and she gradually sank, until relieved by death An enlarged spleen with complications, tees the. cause of be demise, ;Hiss \lozcur was born in Exeter and .tad resided !here {.t1, her `life. She was an accomplished vac i st and bad many (rends; Besides her eaa.rents she 4s survived by two brothers, William of Toronto and ,Coleman c. Peterboru. The funeral which wars of aprivate nature; rook ,plaice of Monday after- noen, interment being made ion, Exeter cemetery. The sincere sympathy of avide +circle of friends gas out to the bereaved ertanily. FOPI) CAR ,FOR SALE. Reasonable ,price and terms. 1i. Bieriing, Hay P.O, SECOND HAND MACHINERY. The undersigned hats the fallowing se; and band machinery for sale, --Frost Wood 12 plate, outetlnrow disc in good repair; 6 -ft, eiassey-Harris spring tooth cultivate ; dlearay neer; grain drill in good working condition, W, WARD, Exeter, ..roe..., BOWLERS' ANNUAL MEETING, The annual mee\irtg of Exeter Bowl- ing Assaelatton will, be held in the elolsons Bank on Monday night, Mae, 28th, et 8 o'clock. All interested acre requested to ;attend, ODDPELLOWS MEETINGS. Tuesday, march 29, Initiatory and First Degrees. Tuesday, April .5th, Second and Third Degrees. Third Degrees. All members please attend. Yee Pc: C. A, Dont' forgetthe program at the Y. on Friday. alt 8 pile end e, short ad- dress 'by J. 4,. kSouthcottt on "Taking advantage of ,spare, hours.", and we hope violin. music and songs A crokii- nole tournamer>{telvill be .run off. Come early and help •the intellectual side of the Y. L'adde,s eight to -night T rivitt ' Memorial Church 11.00 a.in.—"I am He that Leveth'e 7.00 pmt -"He is nJot here, but leas Risen." • lliltustrated si.rv,:;:a en.. r. d,,, eiuda.y at 8 pane "Tine tS;toee ,oaf' the, Crosse Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, S. A., Minister Dr. Fletcher will preach next Sim - day, morning and evening. This may possibly.; be the last chance for 'Dr. Fieteiter's friends to hear him preach in Coven Church, Mr. Leon Viera will assistthe choir at .both .services.' The Logie Guild • will hold •a ba- zaar,on April 16th. The Minister.; JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor; M. J. 'Wilson, B.A. 11 a hi.-1"Easttier as seen when ' a' boy and as rseen now." 3 pmt—Sabbath ,Sch• o1.': 7 p.m.-• Tthe `ld house, the,.-nnovi;zLg, vane theenew, house.” Special Easter i,fusic. 411 ieveed,� MAIN^S F; THOD15' CCHURCH . er v � ea,' 1tfeAlt z Ph ' 21 3 11.00 a m... W ,,lei. •. S • ' ivaersay. 3 p m,. --Sunday. School:° avd . `13.ible^ 7..00 p.m.-:Iptiti{ntatiiorts 0 Ixitnio 'taln.�ty BETHANY 2.30 p.m,-W,M.& Anniversary. -�.112rs IVIcAI;istter L R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary 'nblic Commissioner, ,Soliddtor for the a Mol- sons Bank, PtG.: TNVEST I QUR. FUNDS in Victory, DeMitrnao ol• Catnad3, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all lethal investment for Tient Funds. .At existing prices from 6 per ceet. to 7 Pe' coat, can be obtained term these bonds. Orders received by me. ` ltdoney to loan at low -est rates of interest, Office—Carling :Bk., Main St, Exeter elaple syrup is sealir .on the loco;]: market dor $3.00 a gado]. Mr. Gee. Cxnw0+ey is at present ser- iously en front heart trouble. Rev. Wilson took the work' of Rev. Boyer in Goderieh on Sunday, Mr. Walter Cueningham of towxthas purchased Mrs. James. Taylor's house On Gilley street and will take pas, session in the course of a few weeks' Ales. Taylor, we understand, will re - size with her daughters. Sunday last was anniversary day for the James Street Alethodist Sunday Sehool. Rev, H. D. Moyer rdf God.er,- ich was the special preacher for the occasion and preached apnrceeriete se_ -mons morning and evening. In the afternoon a mess meeting of he school utas held, and the exero ses were interesting and instructive, M;, Richard Welsh last week pur- ebased. elr, S,. J, ,V; Cartes residence and lots corner of Andrew and Vic- tora. Streets, gettiang poseesaiOf ort April 15th. Ur. AVtesh; wild renevalte the houtset end build two other resid- ences ,facing the east. Mr. Cann In; tends 'building on the lot he recently 'purchased urorn Mr. Chris Zuefle. • COWS SOLD WELL. ea, W, Rob .nson sold for Mr. Byren E. heels on Saturday 20 cows at an average of $121. These were choice yowl, d L tTTLE CHILD PASSES Sincere eeeeeathy is felt for 11e and etrs, Samuel Bearer, Lendan Road W rtb,•in •thaw, death Saturday :noreeng last .of the.; little daughter, Verna, a ed sevean. years, from scarlet fever. The child w'ats ill only a few days. Otters of :the family are also ills The ifaneral was held to Exeter cem- eiery on. Satturday aeternoon,. GRAHAM—R0177.CLIFFE. ' A quiet wedding was solemnized en Tuesday, March 15, at the Wellington Street Methodist Church parsonage' London, Rev W. T, Ashton officiating when Elva Irene, only daughter, of Mr, and Ars, David Rowel/fie sof Exeter became tt'e bride of Norman 1iI. Gra.- ham, ra-ham, eldest sort, of Mr. and Mrs.. John T. Gramm of Parkhill Mr and Mrre Graham will reside in London, SWEET SCOTT. The meeriege'tooi place in Windsor cen eVe tiesday, Mardi 23rd, of Mr. Victor`eeneet of Cleveland, Ohio, son of r\ir. and Mrs. Thomas Sweep of Exeter, to Miss Ing. Scott ;of Windsor, After a ltrip eo Tpro,nito and Exeter Mr, and ivfrs;}; SwIeet ,wig reside Cleveland, The Advocate joins the many ifr.,ends to congraitu1 .tions and best wishes to' 'Vector and his bride, Mr. and erre. Bray spent Sunday in Landon, Mrs. W. W. Tamen visited in Lon- don this week, Me and 4irs Mile Snell were im London Thursday. �T ,S. Fii(ton left Monday to visit her son in Toronto. etre T. S. Woods returned Friday from a vasitt in Oakville. Alias Annie Weekes Wes here from Guelph over the week ;end, Mrs. (Dr.) 'McGillicuddy returned on Monday to her home, in Landon. Mr. Wm. Dickson, is spending a few days at. Brucefieid, hits old ;home. Miss Lila Yam's reit!urned; to Sarnia on Monday after a visit with friends here. • lefiss .Corsauv and Mass Needhamof- Lucan were ,guleets of lairs. C,oxseuit over the week enc, Miss Hettne Sweet left Tuesday to attend the :inerrirage of her brother Mr..Vac•tor. Steelejt, Ind W:indslor. Mrs. T. SI. Woods weals in Stir-atria/rd this week; his mother having under- gone an operation o(n Tuesday. Miss Dolly Dlickspo', oif Goderirch spent several ,days doting the week with relatives and friends' here. Mr. ,Bertram of the. Bank of Com- merce, p;fter his d11n;'ss, :s now con_ vial escin;g' raft th¢`es home' ria Barrie. , Mr and Mrs, Feed,. Stratton of Cros- well ,Mich•., are here .,visiting with the eformer's .eietter, Mee, Wm. Fletcher Mr. lad ]Mrs Geiol •Weestcott spent part ,of. last week Landon, where � d es att un erw',e t a o• �r. ' Mr..'.VV anon ,In n P on his peee. Me. and Mrs, Et '. Gallant of .Ter - onto .visited over the week end with the lettlez s .brother, Mr. •R. •Ferguson and Mrs. F ergenat. Ivir;, Mcl.ellaina, wee' .has been visit i gg int Stay ter'foe several months, ar- rived .Eaan rraved.h"er"e Mendell r etay with her daughke r\;I,rs. _Nelsen Sheere. Mr. rapd •Mrs. 'Daniel Dew and neph- ew, Hee a H ,, and ,Mrs;, V. Miftchell levee on F t�ley Far Debroolt to: visit. to • O.' • few days- evitheleree.. Frank HI1tt. ass.. ��LGusbnr�.olf 'I'b'+ arrived ;Friday iev,e sgr:!toy vilthit,1her ;i parents, .. and:'Mrs,r W. ', .-Bis:se:tt Mr,^ Rene sc*m, lieeeleee •:;trans'ferred fret1 erste' to o Ba,: hese he..as charKa',:fif The :W ooalwor'th , Company; strore. \*.; and r "; M., m 4Lwrncur dM s W t, d , fYs C a (✓ Taohev:- of T �;.,,o)n, . , n . _ r, m. rn, eaeee :::'{of Peterbara a'ttetided dile Lune i1. of the ja•te ll%ii,ss loncux Oat;' s• Velednesday they turned, I. totoe Toronto;` ac,ea,npan,ed ,by.;Mr.• anal Mrs!. Moatctar., : Erie lather sv,ll reireer, ,`there for some.... (;;rine, wl'le 1,,tt • ole icor r.is, treee(11eng,` MA3t.,34 1021 JQNES MAY PHONE 32 EASTER WEARING APPAREL SUITS, COATS, AND DESS OUR STOCK (.)F THE ABOVE LINES JS NOW. COMPLETE. 1iAn.1, YOUR SELECTIONS THIS WEEK SO AS TO HAVE YOUR NEW OUTFIT FOR EASTER, SPRING DRESSES T- .int: Serges, Silks, Crepes Styles and .Popular Colors. SPRING ;COATS — In Sport Styles and Cloe.ths, a',50 more .Staple limes in Se ges, Velours, Etc. Dozens to select Sraztt, . SPRING SUITS — Serges and Trieatiness ,:n colors of Navy, Black end Brower; Smart Styles and Moderate Prices, The celebrated Noaltinvey Brand, GLOVES, HOSIERY,, 'ETC., FOR :EA,STER. The ;new Silk raioves in: cambina>lion• colors, and plain effects, are stow here, reader for Easter, also Sail; Hosiery. Gossard, Nemo, p...nd La Grace Co- eta, New Styles ,.et Brassieres, Pull - otter. Sweaters, Parasols Etc. Poplins, in SmarA ,A. BARGAIN IN BLACK DRESS SILK, Heavy Black Pa letite Dress Silk, 35 inch wide, iust the correct weight fee Dresses, Fall price was $3.00 yd, VerySpecial Spring nriiee $L75 yd. New Voile Dress Goods—Dozens. of exelusive,pat^terni.. now. in stock, • SILK HOSIER' BARGAIN. 10 dozen Pana sill: hosiery, black and a lew color; oat sale for Easter at only $1.25 pair. Bargains for March Shoes .]lei's Rubber ,Boots S5.00 Mean'$ Work Shoes . ,.., ,3.98 Boys' Stout School Shoes 319 1<a (3.9e Was' Strong Week Shoes 3,98 Girls' Strong School Shoes Wos' Empress Shoes •......,. 1.98 up Wall Papers Beautiful selection of Wall Papers .at moderate prices. Also papers if you want them. Clothing Men's $45 all wool English Worsted Suits ,for 533,0.) Young Meets' Stylish Suits Regular $40 ,for ...... ,., 530;411 Large range. Boys' Bloomer Suit4i, Reg. up ;ter $15.00, .for $1d,CtF cheap JONES & MAY • Auto Licenses and Markers Issued in Exeter. These lie now being issued in Ex- eter. We have them in stock and can, supply you at shortest notice. .Have your application forms properly filled in: S. W. Simms Express Office, Exeter. N. ROWE FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License No. 210 Motor Hearne Service Phones 20J and 20W. WESTERN ONTARIO BEST COM- MERCIAL SCHOOL. CENTRAL. eklieS STftA7 eleilO , ONT. Our winter term commences Tues- day., January 4th, and. students may register in our Commercial, Short - band or Telegraphy Departments at any time. Our courses are thorough and practical, and we assist grad- uates to positions. Get our free Catalogue D. A. McLachlan Principal Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and ,,every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witftess. UTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134. PHONE" 134 'ond n' Clo hin` sa Easter will sooty be'here. You Will be deeding a, ne,w .;suit' for Spring. Wiestre showing, some splendid values in Boys' ,and Men's.; Clothing. We glad • to have..you call'see theenew .Clothes and Styles. will be 3iav you and ale in Yl s INewe ll rYa rs W a P e y,...rolas of our newWall -Paper ill- make a great eat ch anbe a t` interlior of your 'home Itawe'a bea t6ful range of papers suifeibleator any roomAsk to luU c DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St„ Exete (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR.SWEET Veterinary Surgeon. Cart be consulted at his office,. Dehorning Clippers to rent Phone No,120ce` Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night, Dr. G. F.fRoulston, L. D. S., D. ID. S ' DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office - Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -over Madman & Stanliureas ' Office, Main Street, Exeter. • C. W. ROBINSON'... LICENSED ` AUCTIONEER` AND VALUATOR - for Counties , of Huron Perth, 'Midd✓lisex and Oxford: Fats Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Warleroome, next.: door to Central Hotel, .Maie Street, :Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer foe Counties of'.; Hunort'and Middlesex, Prices Reasonable and , Satiiifactioii Guaranteed. CreditonOcitari:o. - If you"'wen4 to order i a daily paper. or .magazine, or.renew a present sub- sicsiption, leave your older „ at the Advocate Office. We save you paper,; eatvetoye Poata6e StamP .cOee ,,of ,moriey order .and whee'clobbing a lit tie more besides, t MONEY I'O LOAN ". W e have :a large ,amount of private fund, to loan on farm a.,d, •village property ' at low rates of interest. , 'GLADMAN &s STANBUEY Barmsters, S�altcvtoas, Exettu`