HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-3-24, Page 7AUTO. REPAIR PART Ter most mairee au4 wanes of eters!, our otta broken or worm -out parts replaced- Vlrrite or wire. us descdb, Int whole you went. We carry the 'Tartest and most complete stock to CCaned., eE 'neatly used or new .parts and automobile .eqm utpeee Ws slip GOP. anywhere in cena4a, Batis- taetory or refund In full our motto, Thrives Auto Selvage Peet #thew y. eae-13}itattee$i, ate 'Toronto, tent, The Boy Scouts Association. Boy Scouts are organizations of boys and youths betweea the ages of twelve and eighteen years and IV- werds, which aim to develop charas•. !e; to aid in. furnishing equipment for a career, and to train in service for others, physic health, and efficient citizenship, by utilizing tete natural': activities and intereste of the adoles- eent period. The development of the Boy Scant movement in England is due to LL General Sir Robert Baden Powell, Bt., wlto during the siege of Mafeking, iu 1899, had seen the boys, under Lord Edward Cecil's command, organized and drilled into an efficient messen- ger service. Wbeu Baden-Powell re- turned to England. in 1902, the ideaI was fostered, and received 'popular supper., and a general plan of organa• za#fon was adopted. The first Iloy Scouts organirration was formed iu 1908, end a royal chatter of incor- poration W45 granted in 1912. the or. genization being recognized ns a "non - Millions of War Me. deals. 1 It is understood that the diatribe- tioa, of the 1914-15 star, the British war medal, and the Victory Medal will probably occuprabout tour years. Al- reesee 3,000,000 nte4als have been dis- ributed to individuals or sent to re- cord offices at home and to the over- seas dominions and eolontes for dis- tribution This distribution latitudes 1,400,000 1914-15stars, more than 9Q0,- 000, British war medals and. 80,000 Vic- tory ic-tory medals, The a1 proximate number oe British war medals required Ls 9,000,000, and of Victory medals 5,500,000. After de- ducting the medals already distributed about 12,500,000 remain for .distribu- tion, and it is estimated that these will be distributed at the rate of 3;: 000,000 a year. STOMACH TROUBLE Cold aid catarrhal affections of the, nosearzdthroatuse BAUME for effective relief. I1EWARE OF SUI$TIIUTESS $1.00 a tuba THE IEEMliin tinter CR...LTD. eitterracet. Attestator Dr. 'new ktea tee RELiEVES PAIN President's Wardrobe Cost 38 Cents, Being President may pay the rent but it doesn't always provide the wardrobe --not in Armenia at any rate. A letter just received from Erl- van, the capital of that most unforn, tunate republic, tells how President'. d Advice From One Who dad Qhandjaniatu got his winter woolens, and it ';wasn't a case of political graft Suffered MUCit • either. Homeland. There are worlds, I'm told, 'midthe silent stars, There are launts far across the sea; But where'er I roam comes the dreamt of home,, With the faces so dear to lne. 'Bela the shadows tail loving .voices caJi, While the red sten sinks ala the west; "hen big tears else to, my lon,eing:eyea. For the land that I love the best. r4'hen the night wiada sigh, and the seabirda fly Far away o'er the trackless. foam. Then my heart files, too, o'er the Always on the Job. ocean blue; Love bas wins . that can bear me `lay Jupiter. there'll be no peace on home. Other worlds are fair, but they'll neer compare, •• Though you search. 'amid the stars above. Te the world I Item, where the blue - hells grow— My dear homeland of peace and love. Naturally, ;firsbushand admires everyth big about tale—lay hair, my eyes, my hands, my voice ,• Mrs. B.—"Well, what do you admire about him'," Mrs. A.—“Why, his good taste." A GENTLE LAXATIVE Nine -tenths of all forms of indiges-'. It was in a Near East Relief' old tion or so-called stomach trouble. are N clothes .warehouse and the ebaruaing / rpri not due to the condition of the atom• p young worker was dispensing second- sssmaspsell at all, but are caused by other i ha" elates➢n to a lain litre elf rag S R tagged Ili- Mothers- the surest way of a litant�t t+ -ho o(tereal in eacltau e earth till I retire my two chief aids." roared Mars. "Who are those .nighty generals?" iuquired Neptune. "None other than General Greed and General Graft," said Mare. Unappreciated Help. A Philadelphia physician had be ailed to to treat, the spoiled child of eel tato family. After his departure ale mother returned to the room and RENt told the ycungster that the doctor had eon:plafned that the child tad been very rude to him. "iVhy. mother.' replied the kiddie, keeping "he' Pet an old fogy. that's all'. lie ases. The ,great �ontributing to • t a 4,4 tz t w t n , your little antra well and beaP' got mad just because 1 put out any sense ¢t i:digestion is thin blood. n h n . or ,t; n.vs . n fe e . F anillta.ry, publte eerviee bod (good blood and plenty of. It ➢s reciuired l3gsnendtng oyer her bundle of `gents. whether 1i ; the new-born babe er the' tonguetonguebeforebeforehe told me to." } farnishin," She was s ddenlyt start -1 growing said, Is to heel their bowels The Boy Scouts Association in by the stomach "ao take care at the ' regular and their stoanacit sweet. Niue - Canada led by the Found of as suave and un- . Canada. is non-military and nou-see- food, it the blood to thin the stomach usually music voice n tenths :of all childhood ahimente are tartan iu character, the movemen. be- functions s1uggiah, food lies und:gest.; • al oic inquiring his Eng- the result of slugged bowels and sour r orteRota t'; t o ies ed gas onus un eaur,;e alas lit ^lisle for a suit et underwear, of the fug supported p d byIRoman t t 1i 1 , g, f d n stomach. The ilaost necessary and the Protestants and Jews alike. Of late various harts of the hotly. lets«earl of largest size ou hand. Site leaked ftp best medicine for little cines le a " . - null bol:nki s w+'rt tail noel very clignl ,. _ it has t o ileea „ it ea constderalign as getti" a vurtshment. tt elle .lir 14°4 ; -, gentle laaatite--st metuing that will 1 bell peanut near tarrca,ed In a greentslt an a atucatiotaat adjunct by tvetl•kntotv1 the system gets poison. + relieve "ristlPatiwi; t;,r;eeten the edueaators, ironic schools adopting the Relief from this condition can be : black. rather frayed 1'tince ialbtrrt. R stomach and promote rest and natural: Scout prograannte In part or as . obtaiued by the tonic treatment which tree rather dififcu,t to associate i o int- loe i, Such a tnedictne is T3taby's Onvn whole, while seine of the universities Mr. D. Shaw, Mt. Stewart. P.E.L. tried a pressive a figure with anythtug ,sa un- i TeblatS. Thew area gentle but ef- i and leading teelutical seboole conduct and now warmly recommend'; to romantic as a request for woollen un - II derKaz, but inch such had nnmis-- fi lent laxative; arta absolutely guar spe.tal t:ourees for laeouttuasaet:s and others. Mr. Shan says: "I cat eredi auteed free from opiates. or other bl- ether Scout officers. from indigestion for fever four years. t taiaably been what he askea1 tor. she t made all haste to su 1 Ir hien with lite juriou§' drugs nail may be given to Leeel Aseoeiat➢ous or Troop Cont. and have tried ltttny of the well• 1 0 1 P _ • Oho younger t balani with perfect 9 shite.. s arc organized ta: npervise and !mown remedies for such troubles. but l•trge t altllt in took t poraxs indigestion; break up colds and at•nleut ilsta e to➢valet. of Id tat simple tenet in Canadian .none+•, ittvolatn- To her sutpriee be ttfresed Iter 'in ; safety. They banul;;h constipation and a than tens crowed the movement la conanttlnitao, neve: obtained Ant to than upon appliuc ttien by representative relief. The trouble w:ts aggravated by I q t g sample -revere and :glee the baby that' titizees to provincial headquarters, eons.➢putlon setting i,t owing to the., health. null lttPpine.,s wltiela a!1 thud -i Dem niinn Data; t•hatnbevs, Moor and , stoma -It falling to do its worts, and tarns^ she prate tr 1 but he reassured rets �lbould halve, They ;fro sold by l Saarbaialrne ; trcet . 'reroute. Such laxatives only gave role to to the: her in his gnu -hake tont+s: "Pea➢fly; ren s➢ne +lea➢era qr b3 small at 25 ,syor•➢atione and Cotlamitteee become Bowels .sold left the stomach in worse ; madam, 1 have p cents a box anal The Dr. Williams lett#y. you 'tinny. fou responsible both to their catnunut➢ties condition. The result was MY blood for�'et T receive the nulla rt'nllrkabla 0ntl to leadquurters for the leader- was growing more and more anaemic, sa try o ttweatt) do ar;- a mantle. ship et Scout troops in their area and I did not sleep well at night and tsar ;, The little relief worker looked for tht?lr encouragement and support. growing despondent. I was in this ' again and this time with dawning re-' Tlia Seonts themselvesare organ- wretched eouditlon when a friend ad -1 cognition. The gentleman she had not zcd into patrols of eight boys, two or vised me to try lir. mamma 'Taint' bad the honor of meeting, but hie plc." - three or four patrols to a troop under Pills. I got three boxes and by the 1 lure was a.s familiar hi his country as a. Scoutmaster. Scouting is now re- time they were ilnislted there wale' that of the Prince of Wales in Canada, cognized as the most natural and at some change for the better, This 1Ie was none other than 11. Olianjnn- onccr•the must successful type of or- greatly encouraged me and con -1 tan, the President of the Republic of ganizatlon for boys. Nearly 9,000 On- tinned taking the Mlle tor some three Armenia, taro boys are now attetuberta, and , months, by which time my stomach Tractors in France Easily Become Tanks. Every French farm will heeonle l� 'many thousands more have had the benefits of Scout training during the past twelve years. Give a boy address and aecomplieh- latents and you give hint the master" of palaces and fortunes wherever he goes, He has not the trouble of earn- ing er owning them, they solicit him to enter and possess.—Emerson. Mlnard's Liniment for Dandruff. was all right again, my blood good, nerves strong and life wus again worth living, My advice to alt who 1 suffer from stontaer trouble is to give Dr. Williams' fink Pills a fair trial." Dr Williams' Pink Pills can be ob- tained through any lnedtelne .healer, or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The D.t. 'SW'illiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. There are over it hundred varieties of holly. Surnames and Their Origin PiPER Variation—Plpard, Racial Origin—English. Source—An occupation. The fancily name of Piper inay come from either one of two sources, though that of Pittard is apparently traceable to only one. Undoubtedly the name of Piper is for the most part of occupational origin, that occupation being the. obvi- ous one of the player of the bagpipes. ..Thus explanation has been objected to by many on the ground that the bag- pipes is to be found only in Scotland or Ireland, whereas Piper is a name niost frequently met with in England. The fact is, however, that while the bagpipe to -day cannot be classed as an Euglisb instrument. it was once quite generally in use, particularly hi Northumbria, during that period of the Middle .Ages in which family names were first developed. In some instances Piper~ is Merely a changed speling of the name Pi- pard. This name is of Norman- French' origin, developed from a so- briquet of nickname signifying clever, or "foxy." There 'was' 'a Ralph;. Pi pard at the time of Henry IIh of Eng- land who won great honors for kis generalship in ' •the Scottish ` and- " Welsh wars of that period,' FLAN ERTY Variatjons — O'Flaherty, O'Flahertie, Of'flaahertie, Racial Origin—Irish. Source—A given name. This family name is of particular interest to the student of nomencla- ture for two reasons. One is its ex- treme antiquity, even among Irish sur- names, which, as clan names, ante- dated the family names of England, and for the most part those of Scot- land, The other is the peculiar ,variation which has arisen in the anglicizing of the name by which the prefixed "0" has become the initial letter of the name itself. This development is most' unusual in Irish names, and is found in just a few of them, with the varia- tion 'byt.uo means widespread. The clan of O'Flaherty dates. ap- parently, from some time prior to the third century A.D., and it arose to the dignity of independent clanship after having come into existence as a sept of the O'Connors of Corcann•ndh (or Corcomroe), The Irish spelling of the name is forinidable. It is "OTlaithbeartaighe," derived from the given name of 'Ila- thartach, which in turn was derived front the Irish words. "Raith and 'beat -tech," nneaning. "clever chief- tain." hief- t,i,n,, Medicine Co.. Brockville. Out Had High Authority. '!?;e young man who had been call.- iri; en frequently on Helen at last i.'inne til see Helen's father. Finally, ell + Tether made this anttouneemeat; "We a mere ferntatilty, I know. air. this asking for your daughter's hand, but we thought it 10441 be plea inti to you if it were t'bserve:l. ' Heiou't fuller stiffened. "And may I inquire," he said, -who suggested that :asking stns consent to Hfl1k n's marriage was it more funnulity3" "les. sit," replied the you::_, man. "It wee Helen's niotlter," happine=ss tike health is renal»'s tli- vine heritage. Don't be cheated caf your birthright. The idea that srr- row is the normal condition sprang front the same mind which imagined that if a lnalz were rot sack cireftsi ally there was something the matter Food for Explorers. Wath. him. Ven experienced in Arctic explore- tion are of opinion that, it flee frozen I A Heald Saving - wilds of the north are to be Invaded by balloons and airplanes -m -Alaska be- REMINDER tut; particularly in mind where the use Don't waft untilget sick—USEof the Latter is converted-•-theyyou should talte with them supplies et food In the form of pelurnican. Pemmtcutt is concentrated nourish- ment, of small bulk and light tveight relatively to its food value, and see - potential artillery depot, it the sug dally adapted for the support of life getion made by prominent Farm trate In cold latitudes• by reason of the fat for matultaettirer3 to the Chamber of , It contains, In old times it was pre - Deputies is carried out, as now seems pared front buffalo meat, but some In- porsible, gays a Paris despatch, They dian tribes to -day make it with beef contend `'that certain tractors con - The the flesh of other animals.s#rutted a# moderate expense can be Tine original process of making pegs,. mican began transformed without tliillculty into will slicing buffalo meat thickness into slabs an inch or lass powerful tanks with armor clad tun.'is and hanging these over frames to dry rete to be constructed according to the in the ,sun. Files were kept off by building a small .fire beneath, When thoroughly dried the meat had shrunk more than two-thirds. in, buil:. 'rhea it was roasted slightly to make it brit. ed out by the military officials, who the and was reduced to a fine powder are showing such interest in the plan by pounding it with flails. that special films are being prepared Then the hide of a buffalo was crit for presentation before the Chamber and sewn into a sack, which was fflIed of Deputies. Prominent military crit- with as much of the minced pleat as it its are said to have urged the accept- 'could hold, fat being finally poured in ante of the scheme, declaring that if scalding hot so as to fill every crevice. Bags of pemmican thus prepared were eastern France had been equipped thus in 1914 the amassed advance of so solid that at one time a quantity of the German army could have been them were' used to build a redoubt which the Hudson Bay fur traders used during their conflicts with the Northwest Co. The pemmican manufactured in this way could be converted into shape for eating by simply chopping it up with a hatchet. However, it was better in soup, called "rub -a boo; or fried in. its own .fat. Cooked inthe latter fas- hion, it was said to taste remarkably like a superior quality of tallow candles. - A notable advantage of pemmican is that it wil keep good and wholesome for years: • fHinard's Liniment Relieves Distemper Government design and supplied throughout the border areas to reli- able owners of suitable machines. The details of supplying these tanks with ammunition are still to be work - stopped in the Vosges foothills. "Cascarets" To -night For Constipation Just think! A pleasant, harmless Cascaret works while you sleep and has your liver active, Bead clear, stom- ach ,sweet and bowels moving as re- gular as a clock -by morning. ,No grip- ing or inconvenience. 10, 25 or 50 cent boxes. Children love this candy catbartic too. A Pessimist. Jiiu Brown says, says he to Pre, Life ain't what it used to be, .Everything is money mad, Things are .going to the bad, Politics is shameful now, Preachers• ain't as good somehow, As they were when he was young,. 'Then Gospel ltymos ain't sung As they ..sed to be, says Jinn-. Least that's how it seems to hili.. Jini Brown says., says he, that men. Ail were honester back then, Merchants all were kinder too, Trusted ntore than What they do. Wontentdidn't nag the way Most of 'em take on to.day, Everything is worse, says he, Than it was in ninety-three. Jim itxangs round the corner store, Hasn't worikecl.for mouths • anal more, From the last job where he hired, Out of Work he soon v a,s tired. 1\Irs..Tim though sews and sews: ,. JuP1.-, 10 keep her lcid:s in clothes; Its about all that she Can' do. To buy shoes ,and feed 'em too, Since ,Tun spenc's 1115 time in fretting ''Bout 1•0W lid ilio world is .getting. There is not a, man or Wonsan over c G. teats o f a e ..l i < <e in Austria to- day. A11 person., over that age c�ie 1 of starvation:-, Teacher—" Willie, I suppose you know'.what a caterpillar' is?" iv;:li,e»-t " es'm; it'5upltolstored' wca'nil" .i The man who conquers is the one who moves steadily, persistently, everlastingly towards his goal, un- mindful whether it is always in sight or not, unmindful of obstacles, of dif- ficulties, .of discouraging . conditions, He moves ever forward because he is invincible. n.f..ft„^4/`.l^`t-N ,f „ v \, . ,• CORNS Lift Right Oft without Pain' is Drop a little "Freezone” an an ach- ing corn, instantly that cora stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. It doesn't hurt a bit, Your druggist.sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to rentove every hard corn, soft corn, er corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, williontig, particle of pain: America's Pioneer'Dog Remedies Book On DOC DISEASES and How to Feed Dia.il ed Free "to any \d - dress by th 'tor. . Olay elcrvcc G"u., Ino. US West 31st Street New, 'York, U.S.A. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Classified Advertisements. PA$$ WARMS. I ATt7L wA TED. SEND I%EaGetri . L� TTON and priaa Jon d. B2actc, Cteippelra Win, sta11101$ isw>irSOUI . OOI. SPIN INTO YARN oft beta Georgetown teeplien. Mitis, Ont. £G IXT* WAIST -AD. A C3i i*i't'f 1vr1ZvTEl1 $7eI5s Iv ATIVtI .L . kerbs is a remedy fqr the rettef et Loretfpatlgn, Indigestion, i5t1toueness, Rhetintatism, Iitdneg Troubles. It is treil-known, leaving beet, extensively ad- vertised, .since it was first manufactured In 1S$8. by distribution of large quanti- ties of Alnianaes, :Cook. Books, Health Boolts, etc., which are furnished to agents tree of charge. The rentedteg are sold at .a price that allows agents to double their money. Write Alonzo 0. alba Medea". Cn,. 1Z1. St. Paul Bt. Bast. 'Montreal. Mention this paper. Came By It Honestly. Stories concerning victims of wifely prattle recall a poignant one told by a heednnaster wins wrote on a boy's re- port: "A good worker, but tante too much;' The rule of the school wits that during the holidays each boy must get Ws report endorsed by his tattler. In this case, the report cavae back with a brief comment attached: "You should hear his mother. MONEY ORPERS. Remit by DOD:inlen Ewes Money Order. It lout er stolen yen get your motley back. When You Shake Hands. Wizen you ehalte hands. grasp tate ltatnci as though you were glad to see the owner of it, not as though perform- ing a perfunctory duty. Put your heart into your b ndshake. Whilst you are holding the Banti. look into tine person's eyes and give itim it, tim➢lch m your heart. Let cordiality and iality gleam in your face, Worry is really a form of cowa^, d._ e. It is horn of fear and comes from the consciousness that we are not equal to cope with the ohstnele• that e 'o. front us, ASPIRIN RN "Bayer" is only Genuine Warning! It's criminal to take a chance • on any substitute for genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," prescribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions, Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting As- pirin at alt. In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salieylicacid. WHEN RHEUMATISM HITS YDiJ HARD! Sltsan's Liniment should be kept, handy for aches and pains WHY wait for a severe pain, ata achs, a rheumatic twinge fol- lowing exposure, a sore muscle, sciatica, or lumbago to make you quit work, when you should have Sloan's Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active, and fit, and on the job? Without rubbing, for it penetrates, apply a bit today to the afflicted part. Ivotethe gratifying, clean,promptrelief thatfollows. Sloan's Ltiatmolt#:zo dn't keep its many thousands of friends the world over if it didn't ,hake good. That's worth remembering. All drug- gists—three sizes—the largest Is the most economical. 35c, 70c, $.1.40. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Chil teen love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You. must .say "California" Cuticu a Girls Are Sweet and Dainty Nothing so insures a healthy clear com- plexion, orn-ply ion, soft, white' hands, and glossy, luxuriant hair as Cuticura Soap, -assisted by Cuticura Ointment when necessary,, Cott uta Talcum Is delicate, delightful, distmgee. 1t imparts to the. person charm incomparable and peculiar to itself. 5.oaa25c. Ointme7+"25sadS5c, TelecoaZSe. Sold throughouttheDominion. Cenadiani)epot:. L-uaaeS,Limited, 344 St, Patti St., W., idontteal. ifiggr'CutieurA Soapahares without mnug,SeleSIMINESIMMISMInneolleireTAMITSISM. 8t -ient 23'3 wig T . ti yam,. DANDER1NE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. • eh'" Af- terA few emus buys Dund t ne. a few applications you cannot find a fallen' hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, mare color and abui:danoe. ISSUE No, i2 --,',2'l.'' 'Lti1hera mn nat .:rich ularly in Cereal cof health V.ttere. • a.t Better Drink Lor Table Use than _. ,, c STU k, . 'well b/Sled— Twentyy. es or more -- it; has color .and.. a Partrc� Cde1ightclal .rn.aT✓or, these respects, Postum is the eQti:d1 of fine much better for' . k' '• eason , - f k:- '_ �;,�' psi lx nr it t- !1AL . . 1,,, *, J- A • � 3 u Medicine Co.. Brockville. Out Had High Authority. '!?;e young man who had been call.- iri; en frequently on Helen at last i.'inne til see Helen's father. Finally, ell + Tether made this anttouneemeat; "We a mere ferntatilty, I know. air. this asking for your daughter's hand, but we thought it 10441 be plea inti to you if it were t'bserve:l. ' Heiou't fuller stiffened. "And may I inquire," he said, -who suggested that :asking stns consent to Hfl1k n's marriage was it more funnulity3" "les. sit," replied the you::_, man. "It wee Helen's niotlter," happine=ss tike health is renal»'s tli- vine heritage. Don't be cheated caf your birthright. The idea that srr- row is the normal condition sprang front the same mind which imagined that if a lnalz were rot sack cireftsi ally there was something the matter Food for Explorers. Wath. him. Ven experienced in Arctic explore- tion are of opinion that, it flee frozen I A Heald Saving - wilds of the north are to be Invaded by balloons and airplanes -m -Alaska be- REMINDER tut; particularly in mind where the use Don't waft untilget sick—USEof the Latter is converted-•-theyyou should talte with them supplies et food In the form of pelurnican. Pemmtcutt is concentrated nourish- ment, of small bulk and light tveight relatively to its food value, and see - potential artillery depot, it the sug dally adapted for the support of life getion made by prominent Farm trate In cold latitudes• by reason of the fat for matultaettirer3 to the Chamber of , It contains, In old times it was pre - Deputies is carried out, as now seems pared front buffalo meat, but some In- porsible, gays a Paris despatch, They dian tribes to -day make it with beef contend `'that certain tractors con - The the flesh of other animals.s#rutted a# moderate expense can be Tine original process of making pegs,. mican began transformed without tliillculty into will slicing buffalo meat thickness into slabs an inch or lass powerful tanks with armor clad tun.'is and hanging these over frames to dry rete to be constructed according to the in the ,sun. Files were kept off by building a small .fire beneath, When thoroughly dried the meat had shrunk more than two-thirds. in, buil:. 'rhea it was roasted slightly to make it brit. ed out by the military officials, who the and was reduced to a fine powder are showing such interest in the plan by pounding it with flails. that special films are being prepared Then the hide of a buffalo was crit for presentation before the Chamber and sewn into a sack, which was fflIed of Deputies. Prominent military crit- with as much of the minced pleat as it its are said to have urged the accept- 'could hold, fat being finally poured in ante of the scheme, declaring that if scalding hot so as to fill every crevice. Bags of pemmican thus prepared were eastern France had been equipped thus in 1914 the amassed advance of so solid that at one time a quantity of the German army could have been them were' used to build a redoubt which the Hudson Bay fur traders used during their conflicts with the Northwest Co. The pemmican manufactured in this way could be converted into shape for eating by simply chopping it up with a hatchet. However, it was better in soup, called "rub -a boo; or fried in. its own .fat. Cooked inthe latter fas- hion, it was said to taste remarkably like a superior quality of tallow candles. - A notable advantage of pemmican is that it wil keep good and wholesome for years: • fHinard's Liniment Relieves Distemper Government design and supplied throughout the border areas to reli- able owners of suitable machines. The details of supplying these tanks with ammunition are still to be work - stopped in the Vosges foothills. "Cascarets" To -night For Constipation Just think! A pleasant, harmless Cascaret works while you sleep and has your liver active, Bead clear, stom- ach ,sweet and bowels moving as re- gular as a clock -by morning. ,No grip- ing or inconvenience. 10, 25 or 50 cent boxes. Children love this candy catbartic too. A Pessimist. Jiiu Brown says, says he to Pre, Life ain't what it used to be, .Everything is money mad, Things are .going to the bad, Politics is shameful now, Preachers• ain't as good somehow, As they were when he was young,. 'Then Gospel ltymos ain't sung As they ..sed to be, says Jinn-. Least that's how it seems to hili.. Jini Brown says., says he, that men. Ail were honester back then, Merchants all were kinder too, Trusted ntore than What they do. Wontentdidn't nag the way Most of 'em take on to.day, Everything is worse, says he, Than it was in ninety-three. Jim itxangs round the corner store, Hasn't worikecl.for mouths • anal more, From the last job where he hired, Out of Work he soon v a,s tired. 1\Irs..Tim though sews and sews: ,. JuP1.-, 10 keep her lcid:s in clothes; Its about all that she Can' do. To buy shoes ,and feed 'em too, Since ,Tun spenc's 1115 time in fretting ''Bout 1•0W lid ilio world is .getting. There is not a, man or Wonsan over c G. teats o f a e ..l i < <e in Austria to- day. A11 person., over that age c�ie 1 of starvation:-, Teacher—" Willie, I suppose you know'.what a caterpillar' is?" iv;:li,e»-t " es'm; it'5upltolstored' wca'nil" .i The man who conquers is the one who moves steadily, persistently, everlastingly towards his goal, un- mindful whether it is always in sight or not, unmindful of obstacles, of dif- ficulties, .of discouraging . conditions, He moves ever forward because he is invincible. n.f..ft„^4/`.l^`t-N ,f „ v \, . ,• CORNS Lift Right Oft without Pain' is Drop a little "Freezone” an an ach- ing corn, instantly that cora stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. It doesn't hurt a bit, Your druggist.sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to rentove every hard corn, soft corn, er corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, williontig, particle of pain: America's Pioneer'Dog Remedies Book On DOC DISEASES and How to Feed Dia.il ed Free "to any \d - dress by th 'tor. . Olay elcrvcc G"u., Ino. US West 31st Street New, 'York, U.S.A. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Classified Advertisements. PA$$ WARMS. I ATt7L wA TED. SEND I%EaGetri . L� TTON and priaa Jon d. B2actc, Cteippelra Win, sta11101$ isw>irSOUI . OOI. SPIN INTO YARN oft beta Georgetown teeplien. Mitis, Ont. £G IXT* WAIST -AD. A C3i i*i't'f 1vr1ZvTEl1 $7eI5s Iv ATIVtI .L . kerbs is a remedy fqr the rettef et Loretfpatlgn, Indigestion, i5t1toueness, Rhetintatism, Iitdneg Troubles. It is treil-known, leaving beet, extensively ad- vertised, .since it was first manufactured In 1S$8. by distribution of large quanti- ties of Alnianaes, :Cook. Books, Health Boolts, etc., which are furnished to agents tree of charge. The rentedteg are sold at .a price that allows agents to double their money. Write Alonzo 0. alba Medea". Cn,. 1Z1. St. Paul Bt. Bast. 'Montreal. Mention this paper. Came By It Honestly. Stories concerning victims of wifely prattle recall a poignant one told by a heednnaster wins wrote on a boy's re- port: "A good worker, but tante too much;' The rule of the school wits that during the holidays each boy must get Ws report endorsed by his tattler. In this case, the report cavae back with a brief comment attached: "You should hear his mother. MONEY ORPERS. Remit by DOD:inlen Ewes Money Order. It lout er stolen yen get your motley back. When You Shake Hands. Wizen you ehalte hands. grasp tate ltatnci as though you were glad to see the owner of it, not as though perform- ing a perfunctory duty. Put your heart into your b ndshake. Whilst you are holding the Banti. look into tine person's eyes and give itim it, tim➢lch m your heart. Let cordiality and iality gleam in your face, Worry is really a form of cowa^, d._ e. It is horn of fear and comes from the consciousness that we are not equal to cope with the ohstnele• that e 'o. front us, ASPIRIN RN "Bayer" is only Genuine Warning! It's criminal to take a chance • on any substitute for genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," prescribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions, Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting As- pirin at alt. In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salieylicacid. WHEN RHEUMATISM HITS YDiJ HARD! Sltsan's Liniment should be kept, handy for aches and pains WHY wait for a severe pain, ata achs, a rheumatic twinge fol- lowing exposure, a sore muscle, sciatica, or lumbago to make you quit work, when you should have Sloan's Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active, and fit, and on the job? Without rubbing, for it penetrates, apply a bit today to the afflicted part. Ivotethe gratifying, clean,promptrelief thatfollows. Sloan's Ltiatmolt#:zo dn't keep its many thousands of friends the world over if it didn't ,hake good. That's worth remembering. All drug- gists—three sizes—the largest Is the most economical. 35c, 70c, $.1.40. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Chil teen love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You. must .say "California" Cuticu a Girls Are Sweet and Dainty Nothing so insures a healthy clear com- plexion, orn-ply ion, soft, white' hands, and glossy, luxuriant hair as Cuticura Soap, -assisted by Cuticura Ointment when necessary,, Cott uta Talcum Is delicate, delightful, distmgee. 1t imparts to the. person charm incomparable and peculiar to itself. 5.oaa25c. Ointme7+"25sadS5c, TelecoaZSe. Sold throughouttheDominion. Cenadiani)epot:. L-uaaeS,Limited, 344 St, Patti St., W., idontteal. ifiggr'CutieurA Soapahares without mnug,SeleSIMINESIMMISMInneolleireTAMITSISM. 8t -ient 23'3 wig T . ti yam,. DANDER1NE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. • eh'" Af- terA few emus buys Dund t ne. a few applications you cannot find a fallen' hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, mare color and abui:danoe. ISSUE No, i2 --,',2'l.''