HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-05-26, Page 19•
etest music -this side- of heaven
000 people jammed the Goderich Arena last Thursday to hear the North America and is perhaps most noted for his New Year's Eve rendition
c sounds of Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, Lombardo, of Auld Lang Syne. (staff photo)
s born in London, Ontario, has thrilled capacity audiences all over ,-
Health Council
not for Huron
The steering committee for the Huron -
Perth, District Health Council reached a
decision last Wednesday evening to
recommend to the ministry of health
tbat no district health councils be for-
med in the counties of Huron -Perth.
The recorded vote in which eight
members opposed the concept of district
health councils and seven supported it
will be forwarded to the 'ministry im-
mediately along with several recom-
mendations made by the steering
The committee sent out 450 briefs in
the two counties 18 months ago con-
cerning the formation of district health
councils and received only a 10 percent
response reflecting about 50 percent for
and 50 percent against such a formation.,.
The public was apathetic to public
seminars held throughout the two
counties as well, according to Lloyd
Morrison, chairman of the committee.
The ministry had promised that once a
council was formed. local citizens would
make the decisions about where the
health dollars "in the two counties should
be spent.
Those who supported the formation of
district health councils thought it ad-
vantageous to, retain the counties' own
identity rather than accept the
responsibility of eventually being made
part of an already formed council since
their priorities have already been
They felt district councils were needed
because Huron and Perth counties share
the Same concerns .vastly different from
those in a high density area. It was also a
consensus of opinion that the two
counties have a large bank of dedicated,
knowledgeable and resourceful per-
sonnel from which to draw the expertise
to fulfill a district health council.
The steering committee had agreed at
their April meeting t'o take a mpnth to
decide on the formation of district health
`�NAO,/,N [OMMUp�rY
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THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1977
130 YEAR -21
ee 3 presentation
G, Carter of Goderich, an executive member of the Jubilee 3 committee, made a
esentation of a Dunlop Dollar to Guy Lombardo at the concert held at the arena
day. (staff photo)
Claims Goderich "vital corner"
Anson McKinley, the opponent is emphasizing
Progressive Conservative regional government as an
candidate for the riding of L•sue shows how barren and
Huron -Middlesex told srorile his organizatior is.
Goderich PC campaign Riddell never did anything to
workers atp p , meeting last • igop regional government
Wednesday evening that when he was in power. I think
Goderich is "a vital corner" I know more about regional
of the riding and that it will and municipal government
take "a lot of work" and hard than he does.;' said
campaigning to win the area McKinley,
over. He also accused Riddell
"The thrust of the cam- and the Liberal party of doing
paign will be a more effective nothing to srop hospital
voice in government for closings in the area,
Huron -Middlesex. We need a "If I'm sitting in the
government member to be
heard at home plate, not in
the outfield bleachers," he
told his audience.
McKinley answered
questions from the campaign
workers and touched on
several key issues concerning
land use, inflation, regional
government, nuclear power
plants and the closing of local
He accused Liberal can-
didate Jack . Riddell of.
"making any sort of
exaggerated claim with no
grounding in truth". He was
critical of the NDP as well
sayingtthat they had an over-
representation for business,
farming and industry among
McKinley urged his
audience to . think •of their
future and the future of the
economy in particular"..
"Put your money in the
hands of the people who will
put it to good use for you," he
Farmers and businessmen,
said McKinley, have been•
hacked into a corner by
governme fiscal policies.
He said the government
should stay out of the far-
mers' business on marketing
hoards until they are asked to
step in by the farmers
themselves. . •1•
Speaking on inflation,
McKinley said it was caused
by excessive and un-
controllable government
spending. However, he said
the Ontario government had
one - of the best budgeting
systems of all. He called zero
based budgeting, the new
concept in budgeting used by
the government of Ontario,
"extremely successful',
because funds can be taken
from one area where they are
not being used and can be put
to use in another area.
When asked about regional
government, McKinley said
the policy of the Davis
government since, 1972 has
never fot"ced regional
government on an area that
didn't. bring up the concern
first. He said that regional
government was best for' the
Huron-Middtpsex areti.
"The very fact that our
legislature after June 9, the
government will have to get
by me before they can close
any hospitals," he said.
McKinley also stated his
�opposition- to nuclear power
plants "at this point in time
because of social pressure
caused by them".
He said only the
municipality with the nuclear
plant in it would receive the
tax benefits from it, but the
surrounding areas would face
pressures as well. While the
county planning board ideally
should be able to control such
pressures, he said, there is no
guarantee that it will.
He also stressed •t'he–im-
portance of good land use in
conjunction with nuclear
power plants.
"Once land goes out of
production it will never be
brought into production
again. We have to he careful
since we have the most
valuable and productive land
in Canada and the hest record
of preserving it."
McKinley also said that
there has been no proof that
nuclear plants won't harm
ext.stin term areas.
At the close of the meeting,
McKinley, who promised his
audience that-they'would see
much more of him in the
campaign, said. "I haven't
any college degrees but I feel
that my education is a lot
closer to the_people in this
riding than Riddell's is.
ran entertainer
ardo and his Royal Canadians have become:an institution in music for several
"spite the changing trend's in contemporary music. Lombardo and his group
dapproximately 1,100 people at Goderich Memorial Arena last Thursday.
Construction crews are completing the first phase Of the fish ladder in the Nine Mile River
in Port Albert. A spokesman for, the Ministry of Natural Resources Raid that more
blasting may, be needed at the base of the ladder which is expected to be completed by
luly. (staff photo)