HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-3-24, Page 4Te Exeter Advocate Sanders. & Creech, Proprietors earremeet Subscription Pric l advance $150 VAer year in Canada; $2'Job in the &United States, All subscriptions not mid in advance 50e. extra charged, ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made know on application, Stray An ma.Is-Oae insertion 50e., -'three Lesertioos $1.00. Farm or Real Estates for sale 50c, each insertion, for one month of four inserrioas Miscellaneous articles of not more than fixe ,lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each issertio a; $Oe. Lost and Found 'locals 25c. an insertion, Lo,al reading notices, etc„ 10e. _per line per basertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c, Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $1.30 for each subsequent irt- aertioa if under five inches in, length. Legal advertising 10e. and 5c. aline. TI RSDAY, 1JARCH 24th, 1921 Clandeboye An untasually Large crowd attended *the sale of farm stock and impleu nts held by Ellison Hodgins. The an'anals, both horses veld cattle, were in ea cell nt coudttt ore Arid the lidding on them was lively. One Learn brought $460. The paste -tared cattle sold at team $180 up to about $2,00, ,fir Radginss is mov,in,g to Loud n. gftving Lein. L. Kilmer imaneeVatre povs,ession who in turn gives .possession. to Mr. i'hili us,-IISr, 'Webb has bought the bakery owned day Mr Jtollins, Lucen. --General regrets expressed hereon er the death of TZev; W, Brawnlee, who was a former reetor of St. James' Cburcla --Wu . Kilmer ,shipped several. head of fait stock from here on, Sat- urday, lea naxiowty escaped a eerious • eeeiderrt tbe.se:me day, when It's horst laeoarne etc ted and zn. the .m=xup of elle. shafts P£ the buggy was hrak- net •-Oweng to no frost, the recent axles end . eavy teaming have put Rha read.t e ry bad shape, almost fru - ;naseeb a in Places for xnotoriets.-;tie- a • T 18�tt1 G•:I:i y TewneVaa has passed a by - las. e a'belishleg atelute labor, also a lay- Saintsbury ales Joh* Whitlock is spending a few clays with Mr, and Mrs. Geon Day;si-- Mrs. Fred Davis is coned to her bed with ,a severe attack of :neuralgia -- \'fessrs, John and Alex Brown_ of the Least are here visiting among :aid f. -ends °and selat55'ves. 1Sr and Mrs. Ga•;;fteld Needham: and faux ily of near Ballymote spent «Saturday with ;ire and' eir s, Fred Dav:s; L coley 5fr Jahn McQueen who has been so :e :ousiv i'11. we are pleased to say, Ptt'•e better at time of writing fosse ,1:.c,adfoot has returned to Ex- eter, alter bejng out of school three sae.;,s with mumps. -,-.'Berl and 'Mr`s,:Me- Ken oe Handleon moved onto tine Gore Serer last week as tenants..- lir. K= che,t of neer Zurich etas moved ente the Horton farm, which :ac Dur- Mi au, iii that is necessary now }s esti wedd+ ng bells.-- Mrs. F. elemery o€ '1..tcheit wns called iter:' on Fre:lay s.� et oun: o: icer father's sicl;,-aese.l Kirkton. i2r. Albert Stinson of ,Vancouver, B. ,v4s t at tithe home lei Mr Axlros Doulee•-Nine engagement is mo - n •unced of ,Bary Rhoda, eldest daugh- •terat "Airs,• and the late William Hann o f .i r1,t n to Ur, Wiilllhni Thomson, .son of Mrs, ,and the late a:naon Thomson ,of Wocdharu, the marriage ea take place shortly. Hay he ,home of :vlr,end Mfrs, Robert 'Green of The Par Lin.,, Hay has been ileoPly.^saddened-tine dealth of their only child, Lloyd Woodrow, who pass- ed -away on Sunday ring at the age. of years and 2 monthse The 1:.tlr'iellow had been sick only a few day^5 of plcu elmeumonia brought pan. by a .cold. He was a ,pari2ctt,larly brght "little. ,boy and will be fiery much missed by the parents, whohave the sympathy of all. The funeral' took place 4 a ;the: Exeter cemei ery, R.e'\1, Ltandat• .or Kippen and Rett. F. E. %toyer of Zue.ch, officiating, 0 lav: nompellevg all owners of dogs to 9 yrr and Mrs, Ray ‘Fleteher of Sun=g u,e tail to ;rtdentty the ari'nual,." s1, ne spent Sunday with ler. and Mrs. Frank' iciu ,e --\Ir. and lfrs, Arthur G atatt:etc n, K rkton, spent Friday at Vet 'ae'u of Thos, Gunning,, -.:lits. J.)e:b rt Borley left ?licradsy for Strut- t' 3. ro spend a few -days with her can - The warm, damp weather of late lass s site --Mr.. Albert Gunning was can- ,..ne l to leis ^oom for a, couple days rre:ved theefall nal, -,,at, and it ;s looking last •iv.eek,- Tine W. li, S. will hold as ,green ns :t would in June -Quit:: tele:r ,Eaeter mezting at the home of a, ,number in thi-s acection have tapped 11; s. Jos. Morley on Thursday of next and report is good run of sap. I`t1creek,-1Ir, and IN,Irt N. Ogden of 100%s ,as through, we will have a large ii~'~eta- spent a few days last week calve of Sugar and a big loaf of bread • at •the hone of ,Frank Squire. :lass teo •ties year, -Cecil `IeRoberts was , Be.sie Iriorley iaas returned from Sar - home ever Sunday, but left even tea. whee $lie atit.ncled the funeral of iafondzy ;for the bush at Suncor. He he: uncle Mr, Ling ksrd.-Mr. Nelson 3Y �1 soo be:gha sawing there at his own Squire ]has taken possession of his milt --Terse Gunning, who spent last ,Tarin which he recently purchased from', week at Lucan with her sister, Mrs NIr• Gilfillan iof Sunaliteue- Mrs. Jas. To''ey, Wiled on fends here while Swallow spentnfew days last weak on her way home Saturday. -The St° eche her enug ter, 1#r S Blight of Patr'ck s supper, „held last Thursday, T.irorndaie.-M, Witt Rodd wasg con - was a great success, the number pres- fined to 1iis room asst week suffering eta being quite satisfactory, the ,eats from lumbago, --School has becnelos- a>D to the usual ,mark and the pro- edfor a' few days, on account of the gram the belt we have had for some illness of our teacher, Mr. Risden, tinier, Mrs. Norman Passmore, sn her pleasant and wersome manner, won greet applause.. The violin rnuste and Kirkton Qualitette, ranging was great- ly enjoyed. -Mrs. E. McDonald has suf£er,d another strobe and is naw not able to speak to anyone. --Ada Jerman has been dill again, that is impeoving Tjae annual nie{etaig of the Zurj, b -somewhat agaire--The Presbyterian ; Ash teec A9soc.tati+on was held GRANTON • Zurich 4;roung folks are hating interesting meetings each Wednesday night. A contest is on between the :Thistles and the Shamrocks. every person In town .is !nutted out to the meet Preeter, vice-president, Chas Fritz; Ings. -Owing to the bad condition oft age', W. Br Cones; captain, L.W. the. reads our stage ed :ver has net aoffmaa; !executive comnsietee, T. L. lien going his rounds very regular- Wu:m, P. J. O'Dwyer, C. A. Hoffman Iy, as the car would not come upagain and Wm. Braun, A. strong baseball °when it gnat lost in the mud. A team• will,ge :into the league again this' .:learn of Horses brought him and the summer. car home. one night'. :•\1*, 1. Hey, 71.. test week moved his effects into the property recent- ly purchased from F. I. Hess--Mrr Irvin. ,Eckstein, wtho spent the winter months with friends here, has return- ed ,to.'Mk higan=Mr° E. P. ,Paulin o J Regina, ,$ask., spent a few ,tiaa� . S fhome of his mok,her- l ` M . Mrs. e Rennie, recenrtlya ,..�M�'',and Mrs. Homer ainnauaic gV J. W. Younger nue u the marriage of their { daug1 ter Myrtle May, to lw' G. Krueg,e;r, the latter part of r1ar,[h.-Messrs. R M. Hess and Geo. Hess Attended Abe funeral of their sis- ter, ttha late Mrs;. W. E. Pitcher, held at South Bend, Ind. -While .moving the 'effects of Mr. 5. Hey •the team of :4r. J. Dechser, Jr,, became beyond control and threw the wagon loaded Been. 'furniture, etq,, into the dfitciti, thereby • sustain6,ng considerable Loss to the ,owner. --The sad news was re- ceived ,of • e death of Mrs. W. E. McIver, nice mep>•a, Hess, daughter of the ',late F. Hess, ,Sr., Se diie.d In a hospital in Detro t, where she under- went a ase ions operation a few days before, her death The remains were 'takers to South Bend, Ind., and the funeral Was( held from The home -of her Sister, Mrs. Q. N. Taggart, on Mon- day. Her husband eud on daughter Adelaide besides' her . sisters and bro- 41iers ,survive.° Monday evening, and tie f ollowinrr of- ficers were .elected, -Hon. Presidents Wm. O'Bren, Intim Decker, Oscar Tt1c p, , E. F. KLonp; Pres!, John _`I Foal s The I Could Not trag Thro the Day's Work" -. is the complaint of many a woman in the household, office or factory., t'After st}i fixing al -:n, feeling nervous, dizzy, weak and dragged -down by weaknesses of her sex -- with eyes sunken, black circles and pale cheeks such a woman is quickly r. stored to health by the Favorite Pre- scription of Dr. Pierce. Changed, .too, in looks, for after taking Dr. ,'Pierre's Favorite Prescription the skin becomes' clear, the eyes f.brighter, the cheeks plump. • It is .purely Vegetable and contains no Druggists sell it in tablets or = liquid, or send Doctor Pierce, at Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N Y 10 cents for. trial package ,, .BARRIE, Oxrexro.-' I was suffering` frame a run-down system some time o was unfit toperform mydaily ;:age ,duties, and was advised to try Doctor ie tce's:Faypryite Rreseription. 1 tried tit took:twtr ztuiltlee and/ was restdred ltr my -; ititthal strength. 1 cannot rage i tot Tierce's {nedi inti e ,too ;. x h1ehaeld.will be milling to write to e, », Atitnyon;s'sending aii'atamenveCope. --' Mas.•A, I3. Bsxor, RI R. Nos 1. • Dashwood in LondonMiss Pearl Tiernan, spent 1Saiturday Mrs,;: George Keltlermem has return= ed :from a vesi;t ;ine,Wa1ton. Nei ;Lee Gueether spent a;. .few days. last^ wieek wyt!h her -ro d s : ; , b tlileY im 1~'.axestl, laSi Olieta • Wleat•n. has r:e't haine; antler an extended'' visit • n fined vat in Kit- chener i and r'' wp:.'ttelaa. ellRerR en• • iv a 1 ser vces are bei•m.g [heed inEv•tngelical Curchthus week by the; peeo� Re �Ya` Yager, assisted l?Y tgeyer ;o1- Zuri le Mr. -end s, R. FritzleYa af P .Albertare visiting the ,forme, per,, eats, Mr, and M,rs,. P. Gudatltiver.• NEWSI aiccoughs ever since an accident lG TOPICS 0F' EEK yeerswas f ego, inwhichChief Aitchison ERIDAY. A commission advise doing away with coroners throughout province, Rev. W. S. Brownlee, Anglican pastor at St. Thomas, ,is dead at the age of 55. The proposal to increase the taxes on race courses in Quebee has been withdrawn. Abolition of Social Service Council. for Public Welfare Bureau is reeom- mended in Toronto. Dr, K. A. Baird of Toronto will go to Ronan, China, as Presbyterian medieal .missionary. If Brampton Eacelsio's fail to en- ter the O.A,L.A, senior series Weston will likely replace them. Alex, Bell, who has served, Dere- hame townships for 42 ;years, being clerk 27 years, has resigned, Fifteen Radical Labor leaders in France were acquitted on the eharge of plotting against the state. St. Patrick's Day was celebrated in Montreal by the largest, procession ever held there on sueh an (Tension. Sir Hamar Greenwood appeerecl in the British House with a sprig of Shamrock in the buttonhole of his coat, Johnny Wilson, worhi's eh:irnpion middleweight boxer, outpointed Mike O'Dowd in a 1$ -round bunt Last right, The T. & N. O. Eailurtays gross f earnings in February .totaled $641,, 000. a record tar any elapte month, In its history, A Northern • Mtt nici pa I TQlectrical Association, is projected for Munici- palities obteting power front `Severn, Eugenia and Wasdell I;'slls: °'' Three men were tined $1,00' each at Bridgeberg for seiflee liquor to Roy Sehledier, the murdered rum- rutnner, whose body was found in, a boat, - Chas. -N. Hilliker, "I" prominent Burgessville farmer, died suddenly in Woodstock, of heart failure. due to excitement over a - sale of Hol- steins. No evidence could be secured against the Chicago Isla *ers accused of "throwing" the 1919 world's ser- ies. and the cases iiave been dropped for the present, tnnportant Events Which Have Occurred During the Week,. The $nsy World's happenings (care, fatty Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper - A Solid Hour's EntoYment, "' TUESDAY. Job printere throughout Canada want 44 -Dour week. Holland has recogni.zed the Gove ernments of ..Esthonia and Latvia. Lt. -Col. Gunn takes temporary* command of the Queen's Own Rifles, Torouto. Eleven persons in Canada paid in- come tax in 1919 on incames of $200,000; or more. The bill in the British House wind- ing up the Ministry tai• Munitions has passed its second reading, Robert Latimer, aged 61, was drowned in Lachine Canal at i+font real while breaking ice off a tug. The Wiarton team won the North- ern Hockey League sealer title, beat- ing Stratford on the round by 7 to 6. II. a.. Labor Secretary Devis -leas proposed March 21 at the date for the eonferen a over the packers' dis- pute, Ottawa, teat St- Patri* n by 2 to 0 in the gate that decided the Na- tional Mackey League senior eham- pionshlp, About #40,000 worth of Canadian furs was staid before noon in the first ;awt,alie fur auction sale ever held in Winnipeg. The body of Alonzo Shafer of Elora was found by his son In the Irvine river; he had been missing mince Sat- urday night. James Jones, farther, in. Zone township, was Routed by his sen hanging la the barn, was resueettat,- ed, but le now violently insane, Miss Gladys Robinson, of Toronto, champion lady Skater of America, established aworld's record for the 220 -yard dash at Pittsburg' Monday night.. The Opposition Sora the two Har- bor Main seats to the Newfoundland Legislature remade vacant by the courts en charges of violation of the election. laws. Whether aequitted or .not. *e Chi- cago White Sox players, accused of throwing the 1919 world series to Ciscinnatti, will not be allowed to play In organized baseball again. WEDNESDAY, Marcont Company plans opening many wireless stations In Canada. Girl victim. of a street car wreck in Toronto is unconscious after eleven days. The member for Sudbury demands new timber probe by new conmmis- 510t),, The Attorney -General charges lum- ber mills with deliberately inflating overrun, Members of the British House of Commons want the galleries reopen- ed to ladies. War Minister Trotsky is ordering executions of inetfcient Petrograd commissaries, Mrs. Oliver Wright dropped dead In a St. Catharines Vilma just after telephoning. Nathan Kilpatrick was fatally in- jured while felling a tree on a farm in Huntingdon township. Miss Gladys Rob?nson, the Toron- to skater, made a clean sweep in Pittsburg Tuesday night. T. E. Elliott, license inspector at Stratford for five years, has been appointed a provincial inspector. Britain and Soviet Russia are ex- pected to sign a trade pact soon. The Soviet terms are being revised by the British.. The University of Toronto hockey team qualified to represent the east in the Allan Cup final by beating McGill 11 to O. Definite information has been re- ceived at Winnipeg that a Scottish professional soccer team will sail for Canada on May 11. Rundle M. Lewis of the Ontario Agricultural College fourth year class, has been appointed an agr^ tural missionary in tlie,,Wtst china University. Talaat reettee former Grand Vizier of Ti l'Icey and one of the three lead- ers of Young Turk movement, was assassinated in Berlin Tuesday by an Armenian student, in revenge for the massacres of Armenians. THURSDAY. Armenia has been virtually cleared of Bolshevist troops. The Easter recess of Parliament_ will be from March 23 to 29. Milk prices in Winnipeg dropped lc to -day, being 14c for quarts. The manager of Massey -Harris Co. sees big trade prospect in Russia. The Newfoundland Legislature has been summoned to meet on March 30. The auto dealers' convention are opposed to increase in speed -limit: The "Fighting Third" is the first militia regiment. in Toronto to turn out for parade. Returns of income by individuals and corporations for the Dominion tax must be in by April 30. The proposed Pacific Coast La- crosse League fostered by "Con" Jones, will not nAterialize. Startling disclosures as to the en- forcement of game laws was aired in committee of the Legislature. The British Government has ap- proved the appointment of Col," Geo. B. M. Harvey as U. S. Ambassador to Britain. A decree will,` be issued in /Paris' permitting cafes and restaurants to remain open ti11% 3 o'clock in • the morning. Brandon qualified to . meet Univer- sity of Toronto in the - Allan Cup final,I,gaineS, by., decisively defeating Port Arthur -lie Predton team wen : the North ereetHeckey .League 4,tut} or chainpioxt., shYp;;. beatiizgOwen 'So'und on the! round by , 9�t. to • 6 • ' E. ,, $'leY� tc`4,er,?dstonm eason 'Of' F. nro vnsbu'rg, *Mete: , died ,as a result being iahgt by, his'10.4 in a :guar ;� e r•`hi o w eh bre t @@ t, .f „ o k'� he bis' l ...�.... .alt he ' r. � ' $ i t. w t of the, t o ..l.n $lion etre brirfade,'has suffered ;from' SATURDAY, Labor union officials in Toronto ex- pect peace this spring. The Attorney -General denies new provincial police chief la chosen. Saskatoon experienced the heaviest snowfall of the winter on Friday. Two Toronto regiments, 48th and 750, hold. reorganization gatherings. Rolland denies Savoring inter- nationalization of Yap Island cables.. British: Columbia expects to re- ceive $3.000,000 from sale of Liquor this year. Alexandria Bay fishermen are meeting with unusual sueeess in sturgeon fishing, Commissioner G. P. French of the Salvation Army, head of the work in India, has died from smallpox. The pay of election officials in the coming referendum. In Ontario will be less than the former schedule. A. bold robbery took place in a Young street, Toronto, store while crowds thronged the thoroughfare, The bill to introduce a divorce court in Ontario has met so much opposition that it will likely be dropped. Pour children were suffocated at Sault, Ste. Marie in a are which de- stroyed their home during their par- ents' absence. Two Toronto baseball squads play- ed their first game ,.of the season on Friday at Colitnxbus, Ga„ the regu- lars winning easily. Britain's first passenger airship will take her maiden trip next week from the works of Win. Beardmore & Co., near Glasgow. Shaun Spadah won the Liverpool Grand National on Friday. Thirty-six horses started the four and a half ]dile course, but only four finished. The King and Queen and British royal family attended the Grand Na- tional Steeplechase, a boxing bout between Carpentier and partner,_ep a private exhibition of -,Fav .ion pic- tures on Friday= • • MONDAY. Dr. R. J. Wilson of Toronto dies suddenly The body of a Toornto woman was found in the lake at Jackson's Point. Passenger traffic between Petro- grad and Moscow is being restored. Toronto baseball team beat Camp Bennings, Ga., on Saturday by 10 to 3. ' Cleineneeau is expected back in Paris this week from his visit to the Orient. Much property damage and numer- ous washouts from storm near Toronto. .Rain, electric and windstorms caused much damage in Ontario on Saturday. The failure of the sealing season in Newfoundland is betrayed to be al- most inevitable. Elevators at the head of the lakes are burning screenings for fuel, as cheaper than 'coal. • _ The U. S. National Rowing Associa- tion will hold its annual regatta at Buffalo next summer. Hamilton clergyman, speaking in Toronto, advises Ireland to "whine less and get to work." "" Memorial stogie to soldier heroes of . Trinity Church, Toronto, was unveil- ed by Sir Edward Kemp. Erricolr Ma latesa, the famous an- archist leader, in prison in Milan, has gone on a' hunger strike, The Canadian Government Mer- chant Marine has inifugurated ` its Montreal -Vancouver service.`' .Brandon defeated University ot,, To- ronto 2 to 0 in the first Allan. Cup game atWinnipegSaturday. M. J. Griffin, C.M.G., LL.D., for 35 years Parliamentary Librarian; died at Ottawa %Suddenly,. aged`74. John WaYlovr'Of •Windsor 'fatally shot his wife and'turned the'revolver on` himself, but Will likel ,recOfer," jZ gas well*as shot by tbe 'Taeuuin Cto`y in bob rE .township near h its, On't . Saturd . -Which': i , ,y, as a ft,w'oir'8U6.'(Oij '.(,`,ftta,li�ic"fet Tot cull' ` a t t m °`Het s t: � :bee' , %b res 'o th i ��. a on t r he. �n "'Ii a C�: p, d. i ardtif ; drew . v itli',,� Oire4; p ton. q Iteifinirre thud uali'fy "tor " tfre;.final.''. DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS Regularity in depositing in our Savings Bank,. even in small sums, will make your balance in- crease surprisingly. For example: End End Deposits of: 1st Yr. 2nd Yr, 3End r.. $ 1.00 Weekly $ 5252,69 $106,95 $162.84, 10.00 Monthly 121.65 246,92 375.98 OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AND PROVE IT. s53 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Cg PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. Incorporated in; 18:15 CAPITAL RESERVE $,000.000 over 130 Britoehee THE MOLSONS BANK Buy Canadian. Goods.. -and help to keep Canadian workmen busy, it will help you, Buy wisely and save as much as possible and deposit your savings: Ln The 'Molsons dank. Courteous Service to all. EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager. Centralia Branch open for business .tally. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. Edlison Tur e, fable Campat isorI. isyrourbest Vide The only way you can decide, for yourself, 'which is the best phonograph, -is by hearing our Edison Turn -Table Comparison, No other way eliminates the salesman. No other way brings four 1,adipn,g phonographs, all in the same room, all in the "tame po ifion, all using recordings by the same artist, Asladhear Given only on request. J. Willis Powell, Dealer Exeter, ,Ont THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dialing car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day traits. Full i sfoatmatulon front aay- Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Tarost,o N. J. DORE Mem 4dw- Agent, Exeter Pasture Lands for Sale. IN STEPHEN TOWNSHIP S 1-2 11 AND LOT 12, (CONTAIN- ING CONTAINING 191 1-4 ACRES) AUX SABLES CONCESSION Aux Sables River forms . ' Westerly Boundary . ° :. • Very desirable pasture lands. •- A THE CANADA COMPANY 1170 Yonge St., Toronto ile Codflrane �acVi�c Words Exeter, Ont. IIS INVENTED A MACHINE: FOR GRINDING' ENGINE CYLINDERS,' CAR AND TRACTOR BLOCKS, WE MADE PISTONS. AND RINGS TOANY- FIT CYLINDER. CYLINDERS ARE GROUND TO 1000th PART OF AN INCH, AND AS TRUE AND ACCURATE AS MADE BY ANY MANUFACTURER, WE CAN MAKE YOUR. ENGINE AS GOOD AS NEW.. WE MAKE SAW MANDRELS, :'EMERY' STANDS SPEED JACKS HANGERS, PULLEYS, and have'SHAFTING ..G FOR SALE ALSO. THESE WE MAKE TO SUIT THE'' >:.USERS::;. f Ai de' A FI1bS I' CLASS WELDING OUTF T '/,.;...',, A• (;11� s', , TS a O R„ t, r ,;�: CANADIAN FAIRE ANK5 11lORS ECO'Y fr I.-CASE`�'THR SH E ;1NG •COMPee,ANY COIME•,a AND SDE i US•'''ig01 l u ... 'It VfAITTS