HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-05-19, Page 34m I1 "Established 1876" McKILLOP MUT.UAI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY A V .Y PAGE !OA--GOUERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY. MAY 19, 1977 "t Urrow' bYj Seven months ago. Anthony. Abbot made his maiden speech in parliament as the new federal minister of consumer and corporate at1a1rs 1 hate to say I told you so but I did \t that time. this corner predicted ,t. .rough time tar farmers and, in particular lams marketing boards when Tony .abbot took over He made no secret then about his distrust: ot marketing boards ' Basically. I have sono• questions about marketing boards '• he said "1 ain concerned about what eLUciencies marketing boards otter to consumers. as well as whether the benetits they otter to the tanner are tvor'th the extra cost to the consumer He also said the sunt ot his department is to ,allow the market to •govern itselt by the impersonal forces of competition Which is poppycock in rat} books I was severely ch,astired seven months ago tut' corning down too hard on Mr Abbot and his department A letter came the week atter the column was printed calling me 18 kinds ot a poor reporter for crittc'1/ ng Abbot betore he had a chance to do anything initis new portfolio The truth will out Mr Abbot s new Competition (3111. introduced late in March and now to the process of getting opinions from across the nation. is going to hit farmers hard It could legislate marketing boards out ot existence fat- less marketing boards are exc'ltided- Crum the act, they will no lunger be able to set prices or restrict supplies of agricultural products I have never had the dubious pleasure of meeting Robert Bertrand. director of invests. gato n and research tor the department of consumer at• fairs in Ottawa, but he has gone on record at:, saying_ that marketing' boards may have to change their makeup to comply math the proposed law. As he Interprets the new bill, any marketing board with supply management powers niust have a majority of its members appointed by the government. All Major farm leaders have objected to the bill They' lene,s ale app a ,ted by 804 hone, E0d04 Rd Fonpa Oni N38 2C 7 0 stoutly maintain they are already regulated. monitored' by both federal and provincial government agencies., to the point where they have to answer for every move .they make They must jusnty every penny ot the price charged in the marketplace Hearings on the new bill are being held right now and every tarns organization available should be vocifer- ously protesting this extinction by harassment. as Eugene \t Wan calls it • You know what I rn thinking" I'm thinking 1 under, estimated :qtr Abbot When he was appointed. I sug ge:sted he was an affluent man from away back. never had to worry about nmoney to any great degree. and wouldn't know a thing about farming and faun problems I was wrong He does know something. about tanning lit introduced this t'ompetttion Bill in March. knowing full well when it would come up tor hearings His family has been in and out of politics since Les Frost wore knickers Ale knows that farmers will be busy as a three- legged 'eat in a sawdust heap at this time of year and will find it extremely ditticult to muster a defence against this Competition Bill Farmers are at their busiest rn Ma,,` and June. espe- cially now that so much corn is being planted in this province And most farm organizations cannot at't'ord~ato hire full-time lawyers and public relations professionals to appear betore the committee hearings to tight this traves- ty of an act. , 1 hope Eugene Whelan is right. He'has been quoted as saying that the Competition Bill as prese ly constituted that is. without exempting farm market! , boards — has about as much chance of passing as a snowball in hell Hang there, Eugene. And every farm organization in this country• should get behind the federal minister of agriculture in this fight. It' they' don't, they'll have only themselves to blame if they get legislated out of existence. Forage equipment display More than 15 farm equipment ,,companies will display forage handling equipment at Forage Days 77, June 7. 8 and 9 at the Elora o a Research Station, north of Guelph.. The machinery show and demonstration are part of the three-day program designed to provide producers with the latest information . on gnawing. harvesting, storing and feeding perennial forage crojps, Producers considering replacing forage handling equipment will not only be able to examine new equipment at Forage Days 77,' but will also he able to, see it in action, Selected pieces of equip- ment will he displayed to show how they can operate as a harvesting, storing and feeding system for either dry hay or hay crop silage. I, K. Weeden, machinery chairman of Forage Days 77, says that equipment for handling hay as conventional hales, big hales and stacks in the dry hay system will be shown, Several specialistsYwillbe present to discuss important considerations in selecting and operating equipment for an efficient harvesting and storage operation. Two clinics at various in - Junior farmers tois- around new ideas At the May meeting of the West Huron ,Junior Farmers many new ideas for a4, cons munity project were discussed One event, the group cyi„ be helping at will he the I. ucknow,Fall Fair. The Junior Farmers are holding a wheel harrow race, 1 Attention A. For sale FARM SPRAYS: i3ladex.'2 4- D. MCPA, Corn Oil. Corn 011 Concentrate, Birlane (Root worm control) - Edward Fuels Ltd.. Codcrich, 524- '00;—20,2Iar Farmers F. For rent FOR Ri:NT — pasture for"' cattle. Phone 529-7551-2(1 BUTLER GRAIN BINS Buy. North America's largest selling competitive prices. grain bin at very MF AGRI-BUILDERS can d ign, supply and install your Grain Storage Handlip, System for less money than you think. and Buy before June 1st and receive on all "Butler Grain Bins" 1 0 and o e% OFF "Cardinal Handling Equipment MF AGRI-BUILDERS )t RR 2;' Staffa, Ont. NOIK 1 YO - Ph. 34S-2611 with a real wheel barrow and two people, and a greasy pole climb. A girls' baseball team is being organized. Any Junior Farmer members wanting to join can cal'1s29-7205.-a• .Junior Farmer committee members are reminded of the • full committee meeting on May 24 at 8:30 at Mel Rit- chie's place, Next meeting will he changed to June 20, 8:15 sharp at Brookside School, B AB WE NEED ALL TYPES BE A REGULAR BLOOD 4/0 • Conserve protein energ open forage wagons may hc' costing Ontario produc'er's valuable protein, says .1 1< V,'et'dt'n, agricultural engineer for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and rood Producers could he losing as 11 it tt as 400 lbs. of forage Ica+I`s per acre by using open wagon~ Bo sed ori' protein CANIS thjs spring, this rehoo l>Iru•n1s ;I Il/ss of ,,t S.') per acre Because leaves are ,lighter than forage stock,, they can easily he picked up by c'r'oss winds art„Ll blown out of the wagon Since most of the protein content of forages is in the leaves, losing them can greatly reduce the in'.otein content of the feed, "Sixty-eight percent of the protein in alfalfa is in the leaves, while leaves' of grasses contain about '57 percent protein, Weeden note's, To eliminate the loss of this valuable protein Mr. Weeden reeonlmends installing a roof on the forage wagon. But a roof alone will not completely solve this problem. "We suggest producers also install side vents extending fr'oni about half -way back to the hack end of the wagon. The vents should be lined with wire iicrcen or mesh` no larger than 1 z inch," he says. tervals each day will feature on-going pr ictical demon- strations. One clinic will demonstrate knife ad- justment and sharpening for three types of forage har- vester cutter heads, Another clinic will look .at optimum 'moisture content in hay crop • . ' . t he ---best- storage. Methods used to. determine moisture content. will also be covered. The machinery display is only one of the highlights of Forage Days 77. Other major progran, events include growing forage crops and feeding forage crops, to both dairy and Beef cattle. • , BE A REGULAR BLOOD DONOR Another way to conserve the forages 1s to extend the blower into the yyagon ti? eliminate the effect, of cross winds It is important to watch the Now cr to make stn's' at i, not shooting the crop ray ay from the tt aeon Il,tryesting; the crop yt'hen it is too dry tr ill ;also add to the loss tt hen the crop is blown into the itiaeon. Leaves and other fine particle,' s are easily CLAY — Silo Unloaders Feeders Cleaners Stabling Leg Elevators Liquid Manure Equipment Hog Equipment BUTLER — Silo Unloaders Feeders Conveyors FARMATIC -- Mills Augers, etc. ACORN — Cleaners • Heated Waterers ZERO — Bulk Tanks Pipeline & Parlour Equipment W ES T E E L- R O 5 C O Granaries B & L Hog Panelling LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS RR 1, Kincardine, Ontario Phone 395.5286 EPPS VISUAL LIQUID STRAINER 111 ti�ti�r � 0'':0`� ''. SUPPLY LINE TO LAKE STRAINED ,R�OR STREAM , Po,n $27.35 ` 2 EACH WRITE OR (60 Mesh) ' PHONE FOR FREE LITERATURE PROTECT YOUR PUMP AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FROM SAND AND GRIT. 60 OR 100 MESH SCREENS. SHUT:OFFVALVE TO STOP LINE FROM I DRAINING '•• 13'1 PUMP CHECK VALVE TO HOLD PRIME WHILE CLEANING STRAINER FROM WELD 'egasl To YOUR PUMP EPPS Sales & Service BOX 610 CLINTON ONTARIO NOM 1Lo 482.3418 Class Name Lot RENOVATE AND WIN! Huron County Farmstead and Home Improvement Competition. Address Conc Phone Date Rules of the competition may be obtained at your municipal office. .Entry Fee 55.00 Municipality Signature Send to Jim M!trlock Route 2, Crediton NOM iMO DEADLINE: JUNE 1 When you hear the name ePP5 Which do you think of • • • • GUNS OR PUMPS? WE ARE THE' ONES WITH THE PUMPS Here are some of the PUMPS we stock 0 • TRANSFER PUMPS 4 PUMP LINES STOCKED ARMSTRONG BERKLEY " DURO EPPS MONARCH MYERS evT EP .1 AGRI•BUILDER aha Here are some of the other things we stock • • • Sorry -no guns!!! HOSES, PIPE AND FITTINGS AND OUR PRESSURE WASHERS 800 1200 PS; HORIZONTAL OR UPRIGHT MODELS. FREE DEMONSTRATIONS EPPS SALES and SERVICE CLINTON, ONTARIO -- (Hwy. 8. East) 482-3418 WATER FILTERS AND STERILIZERS STRAINERS, NYGLAS BALL VALVES EPPS SALES and SERVICE is ah authorizes! Service Center for. Myers Monarth, Duro, Berkley Pumps. picked up by the wind when t hey are dr'y. Because of the high protein content in forage crops, up to _l► percent if. harvested correctly, it is important to conserve what has hecn taken off the field.. Q(,lck toupl Pumps for enah Tstansfer pumps, Lsnaa- 1 P . water pumps Pumps, Epsi Satespr HWy l ' CLINTq %talII WATER WELL DRILLING CE "76 YEARS EXPERIENCE" • FARM • SUBURBAN • INDUSTRIAL • MUNICIPAL • • FREE ESTIMATES . • GUARANTEED WELLS • FAST MODERN EQUIPMENT • 4 ROTARY & PERCUSSION DRILLS "OUR EXPERIENCE ASSURFS LOWER COST WATER WELLS" DAVIDSON 4 Rotary and Percou iss PHONE 357411 WINGHAM Collect calls At "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCEi WELL DRILLING LIMITED HEAD OFFICE: 10 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH; ORT; Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec .Treas , Ph 527400,1; FULL COVERAGE Farm and Urban Properties' Fire, Windstorm, Liability, Theft Various Floater Coverages Homeowner's, Tenant's Package, Composite Dwelllrp Directors and Adjusters Robt.Archlbald,Rj (.4, Sento rth Ken Carry othan, R.R.4, Seafanh Latern Gtdkin, R,R,#1, Milton Ross Leonhard+, R.R. I, Bornholm John McEwing R.R.I. Blyth Stanley Mcllwaln, R,R.2., God erich Donald McKercher. R.R.I, Dublin Wm. Pepper, Brucefeld J.N.Trewartha,Bos 661, Clinton AGENTS James Keys, R.R.I. Seatorth Lelper. R.R.I, Londeshttn, Stere J. Murray, R.R.S, Seaforth 527.1811 927.1545 527.1871 345.2234 5234390 524.7051 527.1837 482.754 482.1593 527.0161 52342r 3454171 CALL AN AGENT O R THE OFFICE ' •i re s II it io PI lit to CC IFI r cg ely e 3 by he e do n ft sk 1 n in ow to art; the 1114 ens Better yields start and finish with Green Cross itora herbicide for white Green Cross Patoran controls weedsfla; the start of the growing season. And maintains that effective weed c'pnt1 or right up to harvest. You get clean fields and better lel When applied pre-cnlergently,as` directed,-Patoran is safe for beans- liina, snap, kidney and others. Green Cross Patoran. 'rhe duality herbicide more and more bean growers depend on. For more informon, write to Green Crossati Prodticts, 1 WestsideDrive, Etobicoke, Ontario. M`)(11 1132. GREEN CROSS PROD, 1, Westside Drive, Etobicoke Division of CIBA-GEIGY'CANA, MONCTON MON1RfAt . tORONT • WINNNtG ��(G►KT° • 4ttF GR li OUl IMf IT AIN IN( DFW Pd s sc