HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-05-19, Page 15S slannk t the oblige line alp perty Alexa Tawe', )f the rs hat on the ;. on RieliSu' ve we rietta tree (tions. ecided SNI 25 :30 RY C 11 days. �a rK )ns will lag in that adopted on a 1 fate irderr rY10-11 ave ie dap, he dery sal Drool (ling rld ight from ish an F ra40 be rd. hi Ile miNl dem talhnl iia iest NIS al 4a! em IMI Three leaders honored Disfrict: During the evening District Commissioner Gary Tweddle of Ailsa Craig made presentations to three leaders of the District. The Rev. Lockie Royal of Goderich, on the completion of a total of ten years as a Scoutmaster (127th Toronto, 1st Norval, 3rd Goderich) received the uron District Council, e of all foot Beaver, within Countyy b, Boy Scout, Ven - and Rover Scout s, met at the Scout Exeter, on Monday, with President Frank of Goderich in the ENTRY FORM Ten Year Pin and Medallion; Charlie Adams of Goderich, Cubmaster of 4th Goderich, was the recipient of the Five Year PIn; and John Bierling of Huron Park, Scoutmaster of 1st Crediton, received his Five Year Pin. A Targe part of the evening was given over to Absistant JUBILEE 7 TALENT CONTEST WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29th 1977 7:30 P.M. IN THE SQUARE OF GODERICH • AME: _ NUMBER OF PERFORMERS:____ DDRESS: HONE: - ame and address for duets, trios, bands to be listed on separate sheet of paper with ntry. YPEOF PERFORMANCE: AME OF SELECTIONS: UMBER OF MINUTES REQUIRED FOR PERFORMANCE _ MINS; — SECS. ULES: Te competition shall be open•to amateurs only. An amateur shall be deemed any rson'whose principal means of livelihood is derived from other sources than the rformance to be given, even if he or she, from time to time, accepts a stipend or norarium for performances rendered. The executive reserves the right to reject any entry for any reason. f -ATI performers must agree to and be judged at a preliminary tryout to be held no s than two weeks prior to the talent show. Categories shall be determined by entry response. All ludges'decisions are final. Entries are to be returned to the log cabin in the Goderich Square or by mail to ALENT CONTEST" GODERICH 150th BIRTHDAY COMMITTEE, BOX 1977, DERICH no later than JUNE 1st, 1977, any entry after this date will be refused. • If further information is required please call Music Unlimited at 524-2711, Godericn. ilee, A unique book EMORIES OF GODERICH' General Editor: Dorothy Wallace A "Jubilee 3" Project This beautiful hard cover volume is "a must" for all natives, residents and vers of Goderich. It contains some 240 gloss pages -including over 500 pic- res, and detoils the history, the charm and the people of Goderich. Bound be o collectors item, this "coffee toble" volume (approx. 8%" x 11") will e available about August 15, 1977. is now being offered for a limited time only at a special pre -publication rice of 98.27. As this edition of this beautiful work is limited, place your rder now to avoid disappointment. • ORDER FORM "Memories .of Goderich" P,O. Box 1977 oderich, Ontario Please send me copies) of "Memories of Goderich" at special prepublication price of '18." per copy. Enclosed is my cheque or money order for Please Print ME................................................:Q DRESS , • sose mas of cheques payable to : ........................ . Goderich" Yi Y GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1977—PAGt 1 •a, Bi, y Sco�t Council meets itt Ext District Commissioner Walter Thomas of Goderich in preparation for the All - Huron Campout at Point Farm Provincial Park on May 27, 28, 29. It was reported at the meeting that there were 247 Cubs,- Scouts and, Venturers registered, along with 33 leaders. This is the first Rally held in the Huron Ristrict in -many years. Walter Thomas will be Camp Chief. Jack Hoffineyer of Goderich stressed the seriousness of getting some Library News This year, the Shaw Festival Theatre is presen- ting' four of Bernard Shaw's plays and also Thark, by Ben Travers. If you are interested in reading these plays consult the Goderich Library Branch. Among these is Shaw's first play, the Widowers' Houses. The author depicts a young doctor who discovers his income is derived from mortgage money • of a local slum area. The philosophical comedy Man 'and Superman was • written in 1902. Shaw por- trays his Don Juan striving for tlfe betterment of mankind, Great Catherine, • an historical comedy, is set in St. Petersburg.. The Empress endeavors to sway a young English captain to her leftist philosophy. Another comedy being presented at the Festival is The Millionairess. This wealthy lady, deserted by her husband, plans to have her wealth become his ruin.- The scheme is shortlived. After some fisticuffs with an ad- mirer, she is found nearby by an Egyptian doctor whom she decides to marry. Ben Travers, • an English novelist and dramatist, - is well-known for his pre-war Aldwych farces. This year, the Festival offers his masterpiece Thark. This comedy, set in a hatmted manor house, deals with pre- marital' and marital deception. Again this year, the Dorothy Shoemaker Library 'Award Contest is open to all members of public libraries. Poetry and prose entries are divided into junior (under 12), intermediate (13-17) and senior (18 and over) categories. Entry forms aft e available at your Public Library. • �bi�/ee� workldone on the District Campsite, South of Goderich on Highway 21 and a Work Party was laid on for OOER,c% *11 Saturday, June 25. It is ex- pected to begin erection of a Dining Hall in Summer 1977. There were 40 present at PASDERBY the meeting and it was agreed that the meeting on Monday, June 2p would be the Annual Meeting with election of of -- ATTENTION FISHERMEN [leers for 1977-78 and would be held on the District Campsite. The group Committee of let Exeter served refreshments. Fishing Lake Karon, th. AMllland River end M.,BT, firearm peorhN fishermen with a variety of osi arlpnitrs to NM their Nch oriel win. Local catches include Iropllrage COMM Sa neon and Ramsww Trout as well of /Manly al pooasue'Spech MS and *town Trove. BNc. Bass. Pickerel, Pe.ch, Roc. Bass red Spla.e The annul Smelt run is springtime aMact.oe 0 APRIL 30th to JULY 1Oth,1977 500. CASH FOR THE BIGGEST RAINBOW TROUT CAUGHT DURING THE CONTEST OUR THANKS TO THESE SPONSORS FAMOUS BRAND NAME ROD AND REEL PLUS TACKLE VALUED AT $ 1 25.00 ENTRY FORMS A_ x SHAKESPEARE • RODANDREEL COST $1• O0 Your Entry Form may be purchased at these fine'outlets: • CUTT'S RED & WHITE VICTORIA ST, GODERICH • GARB ANUGEAR SPORT SHOP, SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH • GODERICH SPORTS 72 THE SQUARE, GODERICH • FINCHERS THE SQUARE, GODERICH • DON'S MARINE SALT MINE RD. NORTH DOCK HILL, GODERICH • WORTHY'S ESSO SELF SERVE VICTORIA ST., GODERICH RULES AND REGULATIONS: All ENTRANTS TO THE DERBY MUST READ AND OBSERVE All RULES AND REGULATIONS AS STATED ON THE BACK OF THEIR ENTRY FORM. Jubilee 3 Committee GODERICH ONTARIO Goderich Sports 172 THE SQUARE, GODERICH Garb and Gear S ort Shoo SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH • ANDREW DAIRY 45 WEST ST. GODERICH • BRICKER'S JEWELLERY 148 THE SQUARE 'GODERICH • TANK N' TUMMY FILL HWY. NO. 21 SOUTH, BAYFIELD • PETRIE'S PORT ALBERT GENERAL STORE PORT ALBERT • CAMPBELL'S 714E SQUARE. GODERICH • WORSELL BROTHERS LTD. PLUMBING 8 HEATING 122 THE SQUARE, GODERICH WEIGH IN STATIONS: CUTT'SRED 8 WHITE 91 VICTORIA ST. GODERICH DON'S MARINE SALT MINE RD. NORTH DOCK HILL GODERICH PETRIE'S GENERAL STORE PORT ALBERT CONTEST OPEN TO RESIDENTS AND NONRESIDENTS STEAM EXCURSION SPECTACULAR This Outstanding Steam Excursion will be travelling the original track route of the Guelph-Goderich Railway Company, established in 1907. To re-irract the arrival of the first passenger train, this expertly restored steam locomotive No. 1057 (ex-C.P.R.) with 8 cars will make up this train. This historic railroad trip will roll across the picturesque countryside of Southwestern Ontario, approaching Goderich through the beautiful Maitland River Valley, and arriving at the original CPR Station. The station is located at the harbour overlooking the waters of Lake Huron. ' Pioneer Dress Contest This contest is open to any person purchasing a round trip ticket originating in Guelph. The prize will be awarded to the person wearing the best Pioneer Costume. Winner will be awarded a week -end for two attthe famous Benmiller Inn, located near Goderich. This Inn was originally a water powered grist and blanket mill, now converted to luxurious dining and accomodations. Judging will take place in Goderich. Decision of the Judges is final. • Goderich 150th Brithday Committee with the Assistance of CP Railway presents An Historic Steam Railway Excursion SUNDAY, JULY 3, 1977 Lv Guelph 8:45 am. Ar. -Goderich 12:00 'Lv Goderich 6:30 p.m. Ar. Guelph 9:30 Your arrival at the harbour will allow you' to swim, relax on the sandy beaches. For those who enjoy a more active day, there will be a Midway, sailboat races, parade of watercraft, musical entertainment, tugboat rides, fishing, and located up -town in "The Prettiest Town in Canada" a Legion Parade and Drumhead service, a visit to one of Canada's most outstanding Museums, or a tour of the Huron Historic Jail. (Bus service available for up- town). ORDER YOUR TICKETS TODAY! mit inMelar-lrRe MIR Usrnoowme__`mei mememaR5 NAME fADDRESS 1 1 1 1 • No. Tickets No. Tickets 1 1 Avallab16 ab Adult at $19.50 each Children at $14.50 ea (5 to 11) (Round Trip) 1,• Train Excursion, Box 1977, Goderich, Ontario 1 or Tram Excursion, 115 Woolwich St., Guelph, onta\io Ior Guelph Chamber of Commerce. r—susssarrmommaw -a riaaa answer5rrr • 9