HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-05-12, Page 25NALi7AP• 7MyRn)
ificant changes noted in service to handicapped
ming increasingly
ignificant changes
to the mentally
d are taking place
re taking place
idly than most
anticipated, even
ive years ago.
k focuses on the
n this area and
country, it is
Week, for the
paign is sym-
the Flowers of
bright yellow
eeds, Mrs. Donna
h, chairman of the
iv states that
al is $8,000. Last
$8,200 was con -
the area citizens.
butions stay in the
to Support
of the area
at ARC Dashwood
supported by the campaign
now total 50. They are
transported by bus to Dash•
wood five days a week from
an area encompassing
Arkona, Egmondville and
The emphasis at this adult
rehabilitation centre has gone
through a transition. Since
the latter part of 1976, -the
employees are becoming
production oriented. At their
own request the trainees now
ask to be referred to as
employees, They're working
toward becoming gainfully
employed either in the open
'market or in a workshop
Two district men are
assisting in this change. Doug
Gould of Exeter and Larry
Skinner, Kirkton, have been
engaged in a federal LIP
program to secure contracts
and make ibusinessmen
aware of the potential of ARC
employees. Contracts have
been secured for fish boxes,
pallets, drainage flags, and
survey stakes.
The maintenance crew are
beginning to establish
themselves in the community
with window -cleaning, grass -
cutting and commercial and
house cleaning. The office -4
program is capable of
assisting businesses and
service clubs with typing,
photocopying and bulletins.
Noah's ARC
Newest enterprise in ARC's
program will be a store in the
former service•station across
from the roller rink on Grand
Bend's main street.
Operated by four young
people through the Young
Canada Work Project
program, the 'store, named
Noah's Arc, will sell articles
manufactured by the
workshop. Picnic tables,
wooden toys, crafts, custom-
made signs and ceramics will
be among the merchandise on
Besides being the
Association's Executive
Director Don Campbell is the
workshop manager, while
Margaret Wright is assistant
YACMAR, the youth wing
of the Mentally Retarded
Association is active in all
four facilities, principally in
the area of recreation.
As a result of the residence
program at 28 James Street,
Exeter, the first placement
has been made in an apart-
ment. Spearheaded by Exeter
United Church, and assisted
by area.citizens, this project
was begun a year ago.
g your partner
a day's work with the barn bee early settlers in
ways found time to enjoy an old fashioned square
the tunes of a fiddler. Lisa Brown and
In fact, a great package!
Improve your home
the smart way.
Manufactured from
Call now for a free estimate from:
Discount Dave's
Home Centres
vision of Conklin Lumber Company Limited)
oderlch Exeter Grand Bend
4-8321 235-1422 238-2374
John Aldham, Grade 5 students of Victoria School, join right
in the festivities. (staff photo)
Approval in principle has earlier the child becomes
been given the local involved the greater the
Association for a second opportunities for develop -
home. Mary McLellan is the mental help.
chief counsellor assisted by The first project of the
Gloria DeBoer. Association was Huron Hope
Huron Hope Nursery, School at JAD McCurdy,
accommodated in Alhambra Huron Park. In 19@9 the
Hall, Grand Bend, is the third Board of Education took over
Association project. Led by the administration. The
Joan Smith, Nellie
VanEngelan and Kay
Kuracina, and assisted by a
dedicated group of volun-
teers, the six pre-schoolers
receive specialized individual
attention, four mornings a
week. Results show that the
principal is , Mrs, f -. feu nor
'South. Huron and District
Association has made im-
portant progress over the
past year. However, ac-
cording to ExecutiveDirector
Don Campbell, "as parents
and concerned citizens we
must not leave the
rehabilitation and training up
to the facilities. What is also,
needed is a very positive
attitude toward those who
have had • an accident of
This year, the Flowers of
Huix• seeds are giant sunny
marigolds- Plant them in
your garden to remind
yourself that you helped the
\lrntally Retarded
Association help others who
lust Height have had your luck
or you the'ir's.
"Annual Special"
16 FI, OZ,
460 ml.
Reg. Price 86,95
Canyou rna inea be.ttertime to
start out on a brand new:complexlon?
V'nu ni,n nni tt•t li.i�r, Alu'iir-( L l ilia
hciir!u,ul I,uiiuri, hip.O-tit\ L jinn II inn,
Ihrrr'�;irlrnil)lr,uriiii„ in .inti'.
n1r1t.uu.1.clr;ucihr,ilihicr-Iliri�, ui \iul.
1irr rhe rnunlh ul \las. int u111rurunin5
' I. iris,, ;1
Goderich 524-7241
Dietary 1,1(1 Dietetic
Fine Cosmetics
If you operate a business or farm and.create a new
position for the summer, the Ontario Youth
Employment Program will give you a grant of $1 per
hour toward the wages of an unemployed youth you
hire for the job.
As a matter of fact, grants are available for up to
six new positions per business or farm for each
operational site, and you may hire any unemployed
youth between the ges of 15 and 24 who lives in
Ontario and is eligible to work here.
The program will be it ffect from May 30th to
September 16th, 1977 the full 16 week
commitment is not required.
Employer application forms for the Ontario Youth
Employment Program are available through your
€hitariowil help
employers pay
the salaries of youth
hired for the
summer months.
Here's how
the program works.
local Canada Manpower Centres and, because
grant funds are limited, should be submitted as soon
as possible.
For more information, contact your local
Canada Manpower Centre or:
Ontario Youth Secretariat
Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1 A3
Phone (416) 965-5627
Ontario Youth Secretariat
Margaret Birch,
Provincial Secretary
for Social Development
William Davis,
Province of Ontario
by ,loft, hart.:
"These Questions and ° An-'
swers" based on Ontario Law,
are published to inform and/
not to advise. No one should
try to apply or interpret the
law without the aid and advice
of a trained expert who, knows
the facts, since the facts of
each case may change the
appiication of the law." NO
A friend sent me Chatelaine
the last few years as a gift, but
`discontinued the subscription
last Christmas. I also wrote
Chatelaine saying that I did
not wish to continue it, but
they have sent three since
What steps can I fake to stop
it? I don't intend to pay for it
as they were asked to
discontinue at once.
If neither yourself nor your
friend have signed for a
renewal subscription then just
relax and enjoy the magazine
at no charge! There is ab-
solutely NO WAY they can
collect unless they can prove
a renewal was authorized.
You have already done your
part by informing them that a
renew'sl subscription was not
wanted, and you can be sure
that your FREE copies won't
be delivered for long when no
payment is forthcoming.
call BILL MELICK at your
tk,�� -4j t► /6�a
My problem may be too
small for ' your column to
bother about, .but frankly it's
the principle involved. The
amount I'm out is only 52.35
which is what 1 sent LAST
SPRING to Rockwood Gar-
dens in Acton, supposedly for
a climbing strawberry plant.
My money order was
promptly cashed and that's
• the last I've heard, in spite of
numerous letters I've sent.
I was quite prepared to
'write this off to experience but
a friend suggested I write
IMPACT with the hope that
you might still be able to do
something even after a year.
A brief reply tells us that,
"your original order must
have been lost, but that
another plant has now been
sent." Not a word was men-
tioned however, about all your
letters of enquiry, nor the
ignoring of same.
OP E -N -F
It has come to our attention
that The American Puzzle
Association from Los Angeles
is currently mailing out
pamphlets to some Ontario
public school children
promoting an "American
Birthday Contest." However,
in order for the child to enter,
he or she must pay an en-
trance fee of 51.00 to 58,00
depending on how much they
hope to win.
Under California law this
type of contest is valid
provided the firm states the
number of anticipated en-
trants, the probable per-
centage of contestants ex-
pected to solve the puzzle
correctly, and the maximum
money it may cost the par-
ticipant in order to win.
Our advice is simple! If you
should hear from The
American Puzzle Association,
Pl 11
� nrr�inr
Your Full tine
holiC y
8 3 1 1 GODERICH•'ti,