HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-3-17, Page 4The gxeter Advocate Centralia Sanders & Creech, � Proprietors at.,,, "The' d of Pronnise('•'-Hear and, Subscription Price.--Ia advance $1.50 ssnee '?hiss Fide eetsical; enterta ameuat in taer year in Canada; $2,0 in the the Methedist Church 'on Wednesday "'Unite,' States, All subscriptions not; 6xa:;eh 23rd, given, by the young pea- vaid in advance 500, extra charged. i ane under the auspices of the Mission Circle. See posters for particulars,' ADVERTISING RATES A,dmtsaian 35c, end 25c. Display Advertisten--:rade known ------ eon elePlicataoa►,Ma A. Brooks visited fora few days ww ch his brci,her m Grimsby. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c,,: efiss -Elia Be. heel was in London? 'thtee insertions $100, 1 Monday attend'an.g the funeral of her Farm nor Real Estate for sate 50c. "si tae Airs, ae Legh. SCh insertion, for tree month of four I A.;.-, d sirs, \Y ,Oke were • insertions\cachelt. attending the funeral of Mrs, Miscellaneous articles of not more i21`e's brother, ;WV) d_ -.ed in Lenten thank five lines, For Sale, To Renk. last Thuesday, and whose Sea:nips Wanted, each insertnon. 50c. Last anal we. -e. taken to- hritebell for interment. Found locals 25c, ars insertion. 'airs. j. Brown of .near Dashwood is Local reading notices, etc., lOc, _per vis +ing ,friends .here for a few weeks. Rinse per insertion; No notice less 'wits Wm. Hooper of Alma, Much,, theta 25c Card of Thanks 50c, bas been v:set;ng his sister, Mrs. Bos - ,A Codon Sales S3 for one insertion lateen ;for a few days. and $1.50 for each subsequent in- Mrs, H Min spent a few days eerne:1 if under five inches in length. :n St. Thomas last week, with her sits- Lee' advertising, 10c. and Sc, a line. 'e7. Liss. Sgertcer, 'vle. W: Connor has bought the pro - pens' belonging to. nisi E. Sillier and will move therein the £arst of the month, elmile 4ir. Sillier intends man - are to a place up an .New Onikaryo. -. The Ladies' Ant of the Church has divided into five groups, and .each CIandeboye g*Dula '.tis trying to elewi=.ise ways and THURSDAY. ;MARCI 17 1921 arenas :of r minis the most rraoncy. Mr, E. a'r is of Popular Hai htas,i , �i Wut..B,o'b 's. cornfi.tted ko bean employee as manager ee the h;e i d through a, nein reeultiegznPrt United Farmers' wlalevator Co. hire, -)abscess on .t:114 lags bone,. Mrs.. R. L. Atkinson is ill withpneu- i yrs LarImn. lately returned ,from renans-Mr. Gordon Flynn. wino has B•..ighion ;.s' v;sating with her son, :lr. been with the ,axnumps is able toren T. Carling. 'around again,-Mr,,Harvey Laughton has returned home from Chatham -- 4r. Austin ,Bice, who has been ill, is able to be out around agents -ails Winnie Neil aF Petro,ea is spend:.' few days with relatives here. Lumley The mark friend of Mr. john Mc- Queza. are very -sorry tae hear cif his s .,;sous .Airs. Freak Reston spent a few days vritit Ann. Broedfoot last week. Mrs, Thomas Lennie- is quite busy era:Air n the .youag. people of the neeginboeheod, getting up a play, en- titled, "The Country School Teacher' which sloe intends puttbng on in A.prl1. airs. Hugh 'aivDous al speint e. few days ::a CEntoes last week rsitin . her s,stea Mrs. Acheson; Mr. Thomas Verner hntends hav is eats nes. week. , W'eddlag bells seves rhng`ng anent. Mount Carmel Ida e Koine of Itis: and 'Mrs. Walker Kerslake. has been' bza;ghtened by the arrival' sof' a. little daughter. Mr, Tiles, W4ilin last ,week had a new smokestack, e eeted at has crearm- cry. Saintsbury • Airs. Frederick Susmitz returned to her home in. DelroS,t Saturday, after :;peading,'a Month with her uncle and aunt, `'4 'and 'airs. Alec, hla4Don.'ald, --.qtr. and .‘TM. Alex. MacDonald and daughter have moved to their new banns;, Air, M''acDon.'ald left the city wenn to .poor health,-.4iss Violet Kadin; .Sas returned to her home in; Tharresferd, after spending a week or two With her sister, Miss Btha1- Sugar malting is he order of the day. -.Irv, Robert Wilkinson, who has been j e.se,`ng for ;Str. Frank Smith, has, h ed wvnt!i 4r. Gus Hennesy for seven +ninths.—Miss Ready spent the week esti veli.* Sins S. Davis. Lucan Dea`1: of John ,McDonald -This week sties an;1ttter of our oldest and moat tis,. T.as, MccFalls has been suffering respected residents „of this commun., from an attack of lumbago -Mr. Chas ity la:,d to rest from hie Iabors, eve IT'obbs has d spose.l of his residence refer to th.e demise of Mr. John Mc- ea Main street to Mr, F. S. Griggs - • of the 14th concession. of Mc- Tos, Hodgins has moved into the home; Gi;l,vary, he having passed awayt he recently purchased.ou Frank street. the family residence on Thatrsday, -\Tr. E. A, Webb has Weaned vita \?arch 10, The deceased had been in the bakery prennses.-.Hiss Lib:ke of hes usual good health up to the. time ,1"I3r;r:1to:t has been visi1ting her Sts - of ,his death which was due to a stroke te''• its. C. E. Zurbrig -Rev. Geo. of paralysis. .11r. :McDonald was a'12c ciliates, M. A., of MainSfreet native of Scotland, being born there ! Ale '1 d..st Church, Exeter, and B,ev. in, 1845, consequently he was 76 years; E G. Powell will exchange pulpits next Sunday. -Mr. of age, He emigrated to Canada with Johan, B. Armitage his parents when quite a young main : attended the Grand Lodge meeting of and settled on the farm on which he eine Black b; nights and Orange Lodges died. In dais home life he was kind at Nag'ara Fats, -.air, Thos, McCann., end affectionate and as a friend and has received the sad news of the death neighbor will be missed very much, or his daughter, Mss Hannah.-M;s. He Is survived by two sons, Alex. and Helen Simpson, who underwent an op - 's -lack, at home, and three daughters, e:a'tion alt St. Josephs Haspital,Lon - Mrs, Gordon Fraser of London and don, is improv ng: Mary and Agnes at home. The funeral took place to the R. C. Cemetery here ,on Saturday est 10 ,a.m. Rev. Fr. Thos?, aIcCarthy of Strat- ford called an. Fr. Corcoran last weeks -3Irs. Frank Coughl'.n and babe ar- rived home ,from London an Friday.- I4fr. and Mrs. Lewis Rowland of Park- hill attended the 1in_ral of the late John McDonald on. Saturday. -A num- ber of people in this section are laid off duty with the.mumps. - We are pleased to state that Master James !Carey is able to be .out again, after his severe cold. Growing Old Gracefully Are you grow- ing old 'grace- fully? W h o wins in the race of life? Is it the m a n who is thin - blooded, weak tired all the time'? An athlete trains for every race.•. A man is as strong as his blood and as old as his arteries. Make ;your, blood redder, your health. better .by taking that old fash- ioned blood tonic—sold fifty years ago and still "good as gold"— namely, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical discovery. Sold by all druggists, ,or send 10c. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Motel in -Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y.; fora trial, package. CRANIUM, ONT.-" For many years I !offered with stomach trouble, and I tried Many remedies, but: they seemed to. le a la4Iure-I;: seemed• to be getting: ;worse instead of better, ` -One day I came Into possession of a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden.Xedical Discovery and took it, :and mj!stornaeh trouble. seemed co eleteryeured.. I have great faiths in this' : ▪ di ins :and hope anysufferer that t reads this,will give th'Discovery '' B..• •trial. Once ,tried, you will never be vithc!etit.",-C. Tirus, JR., 28 Duke St. Usborne Council NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK, Important Events Which Hate Occurred During the Week. The Husy World's Happenings Dare. • fully ()ompiled 'and Put Into Handy and Attractive. Shape for the Readers of Our Paper — A. Solid Hour's Enjoyment, TUESDAY.. Early closing legislation meets muck, Opposition in Queen's Park. Rabbic rikner of Toronto, $ sees a bright .ruture for .Jews in Palestine, Myth electors carried a Hydro- electric enabling bylaw, by a majority of 121. Logging eamps closed since No- vember are re -opening in British Columbia. The Labor candidate won in the election of the Pemston Division of Yorkshire. Farming operations have been inn progress in Radville district, Sas- katchewan,, for a week. Wm. Spice, sr., aged 72, was in- stantly killed by a falling limb in his bush, near Motherwell', Qnt. Costa Rica bas started to withdraw her troops trona Panama area at the behest of the United States. The Queen's university O. R, A. junior team qualified to play in the final by beating Cornwall, 6 to 1, Capt. Joseph Hough, of Port Stan- ley, a lifelong Lake Erie :navigator, ani son of a sailor, died at the age of 70. whom he •won the title, Medical inspection of scholars in Sarnia, Moore and Sombre tuwuships has shown a startlingly large pro- portion of children .with defects, Ottawa won froit St, Pat's on Thursday in the first of the "Post -sea- son games to determine who will de- fend the Stanley Cup, bi a score of 5 to Q. Mrs, Sangtry, of Belleville, at present in England, arranged with friends to celebrate her birthday on Thursday by giving a supper to the Belleville Children's Steller inmates. , SATURDAY. The Toronto Skating Club holds elaborate carnival. The Sudbury junior team are the new champions of the N, O. II. A. The Montreal Tramways Co, will give .free transportation to the blind. Dr. J. H. Coyne, M.A., hsa been elected to the senate of the Univers- ity of Toronto. Former Premier Ma'am has been instructed by King Alfonso to form a Cabinet for Spain. A woman awaiting trial in Toronto on a shooting charge is arrested as she boards a train, Austen Chamberlain. introduced Reparations Bill, in the British Haase of Commons on Friday. School inspectors and principals in Toronto confer as to application of Adolescent Attendance Act. A nation-wide strike of butchers and meatcutters, in sympathy with those now out in Montreal, is threatened. The Stratford Midgets won the O: H. A. junior championship, beat- ing Queen's University on the round by 7 to 3. Ottawa Board of Control unani- mously endorses the Proportional Representation Bill now before the Legislature. The University of Toronto Board of Governors plans to erect an arena for next season. It will cost $450,000 and,seat 7,000 people. The Australian. Government is pro- testing to Washington against the charge of $10 which Australians are compelled to pay to land at Honolulu and Manila. Norman Garfield was sentenced to death at Woodstock for the merder of Benj. 'Johnston, and his lna they Denton to 20 years' imprisonment for manslaughter. James Hannah of Dunnville was drowned, and his brother David nar- rowly escaped the same fate, when they were carried away by the cur- rent and swept over a dam in the Grand river. earth at the Wentworth gypsum guanine near ,Windsor; 24.S, FRIDAY., Ottawa's only pawnshop has gone out of business.. Soldiers will not enter a candidate in • West York by-election.- Prince y-election;"Prince Edward Island's Legisla- ture opened on Thursday. • Lie stock 'men plan formation, of a national exchange Tomato. Fortner students at Ontario Agri- cultural College organise alumni, Prof. Michell revere IlAe21p1.oyment insurance, but says time is not ripe. Senator A. B. Crosby, former M.P. for Halifax, died at Ottawa, aged 62. There is little possibility or lower rents in Toronto, say trust cooapany officials. A. F. of L. orvanizerscharges the Attorney -General with breaking faith with strikers. Riverdale (Toronto) Presbyterian Church, lacking room, holds evening service in a theatre, Montreal Administrative Commis- sion. decided to put the city on day- light saving time May 1 to Oct, 1. University of Toronto beat Cana- dian Soo 5 to 2 in the drat of two tames in the Allan Cup elimination series. Ingersoll women's organizations have undertaken to provide a Pnbiie Health nurse iudependeatin of the Own council, The sehooner Bluenose. C;tnadian challenger for the Fishermen's Cup, will be launched ea the 19th Inst at Lunenburg, KS. Johnny Wilson, worhi's welter- weight boxing champion, has been matched with Mike O'Dowd, from Four persons were killed and a dozen wounded in a clash on Monday between the Italian •Reds and the. Fascist', The British Government is asking the United States to agree to the emi- gration of 20,000 Nestarian Claris- tians to America, St. Patrick's won the second halt honors in the National 1 ockey League. beating Canadiens in the de- ciding game by 6 to 4. AR railway* communication in Greece was auspended Monday as the result of a atrike, Tile men are de- manding increased wages and shorter hours. The next meeting of the Council of the League of Nations will be held at Geneva June 6, This meeting was called to -day by Dr. Gaston da Cunha• of Brazil, President of the Council. Usborne council met on March 5, 1921, at Elimville. Members all pres- ent except Councillor Johns, absent through illness. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Bylaw No. 3 re dog licenses and by- law No. 4 re subdivision of town- ship into seven division instead of four were read and passed and sign- ed by the reeve and clerk. The clerk was instructed to notify Inspector Tom regarding certain ratepayers in Usborne and Biddulph petitioning to have -.their shcool rates trans- ferred from No. 12 Union (Whalen) to R. C. S. No. 3, Biddulph. The following pathmasters were appointed for 1921: Sub ;div.. No. 1.—Alfred Coates, Wm. Coates, Gordon Heywood, Ed - Ward Westcott, Wm. Elford, R. D. Hunter, Alfred Hicks, Daniel E. Hicks, Samuel Pym, John Brock, Ed- ward Johns, Benson Williams. and Francis J. Davis. Sub div.. No. 2.—Roland Squire, Wm. C. Reddy, Dan Dew, Henry Strang,Russell Schroeder, George Armstrong, James Etherington, Wm. Somerville, James Anderson, John Cole, John M. Glenn: . Sub div. No. 3.—Hector Taylor, George'Brock,.Ralph Batten, George Delbridge, James Turnbull, George Squire, Nelson Gorvett, Martin L. Beavers, Raymond Fletcher, John Fletcher, Wesley Shier, Jas. Kemp, Archie Dawson, Daniel O'Mara. Sub div. No. 4. -William Fergu- son, William Stone, John A. Boltop, John T. Stewart, Walter McNicol,• J. Turnbull, Clarence Routley, Milton McCurdy, Albert E. Shier, Reginald H. Doupe. , • Bilis to the amount of $1,958.45. were passed and orders issued for payment, of same. Council adjourned to meet Aril 2, 1921.' " Henry , Strang, Clerk. ;CENSUS C0112iVIISSTOIElt:''` ' Vis ` d' :. has ijee : a d . Deva teset, n ppount3 yy the Daminvon Government as cen- les comm_ssioner ,,fats Huron County. VEDNkSDAY. Toronto police arrest five hold-up men. Government defers discussion of O. T. A. appeals till late in session, An 1I.P.P. makes serious charges against the Fish and Game adminis- tration, The body of an unknown man aged about 25 was found in the.Tay Canal at Perth, Sap in the maple trees in Vermont has begun to run and farmers expect a heavy flow. The Toronto International League baseball team will report • at Colum- bus, Ga., to -day. The Italian Government has an: nounced that thenen per cent, luxury tax will be rigidly enforced. The electrical workers' strike in Vancouver and Victoria, affecting 200 men, is ended by arbitration. City College of Baltimore, Md., will send its crack team to Hamilton and London for meets this week. The British Home Secretary has refused to introduce a bill to legalize marriage with a deceased husband's brother. Four men in Montreal were sen- tenced to five years' imprisonment for stealing $43,000 worth of cigarettes from the C.P.R, yards. The Queen's University intermed- iate team won the Intercollegiate title, beating the University of To- ronto team on the round by 3 to 2. Augustus Anderson, aged 50, pow- der man on the Welland Ship Canal construction at Thorold, was instant- ly killed when struck by the dipper of a steam shovel. Harris Selig Bremner, aged 60, a New York business man, was found dead at a Russian bath in Montreal, dying apparently from the shock of the cold water shower. The Spanish Premier, Eduardo Dato, has been assassinated, accord- ing to a despatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company from Madrid. Senor Dato was killed by revolver shots as he left Congress. THURSDAY. The House of Commons discussed cattle embargo. Premier Drury comes out strongly for proportional representation. A. A. Argus, a farmer, near Wil- cox, Sask., sowed wheat on Saturday. The Revolutionaries have captured Petrograd and driven the Red forces out. Toionto'meat packers go to Eng- land in connection with bacon dis- pute. Frank Spiers` of Haliburton was instantly killed when teaming logs on an ice. road. A reprieve has been granted the Canadian soldier sentenced to death In England. Few teachers apply for Toronto High School situations on account of low ' initial salary. The body found in Tay Canal at Perth- was identified as that of Des- mond Albery, aged 19. Three horses were drowned cross- ing the Ottawa river between Gati- neau -Point and Rockcliffe. German miners are considering the question of striking owing to allied occupation of Rhine cities. •:.Nova Scotia Steel Company had net, profits of $1,209,407, compared. with, $1,029,876 last year. Stratford and Queen's, O. H. A. finalists, played a draw ;:game Wed- nesday at Kingston, 3 to 3. Adozen farms in the district about Liver fool have been visited by incen- diaries and: property set on fire:. Paris presbytery favors a 'seven- year pastoral term, but Barrie and Kingston declared ° for four years. -i1public funeral was given in Dublin on Wednesday to 19rig:-Gen. Cumming, :who was killed ' by; Sinn Nein. e' Frank Caldwell of Mapleton was buried under 50 tons of rock and Incorporated in 1855 CA F'TTAL RESERVE S$,000.00Q Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK The - Molsoiss Bank wants every farmer to feel that he has a real friertd in the manager, that he will receive a hearty welcome and can safely discuss with him his money needs, EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open 'for business dally, Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. MONDAY. Sir Philip Gibbs,is visiting Toronto. Toronto police arrest alleged chick- en thief gangs. Major H. G. Reed, a Fenian Raid veteran, died at Chatham, Ont. Thomas Ross is dead in Hillsboro, N.B., at the reputed age of 115 years. Rev. Dr. Denis J. McBride, rector of St. Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, is dead. George Moores, 14 years of age, was fatally shot by accident ` at Kingston. A Toronto constable while clean- ing his revolver, accidentally wound- ed a comrade. The Grand Army., of United Vet- erans hold Sunday concert in Massey Hall, Toronto. Reginald Emerson, G.T.R. car checker at Woodstock, was instantly killed by a train. The German Reichstag has approv- ed the stand taken by Dr. Simons at the London Conference. Net fishing has been abolished on both sides of the St. Lawrence river. from Kingston to Prescott. The town of Transeona, Man., will ask the Provincial Government for an administrator to take over its. affairs. The Allan Cup games will be play- ed in Winnipeg, Brandon's applica- tion for an injunction' having been, dismissed. Western Ontario Preparatory School athletes defeated the City Col- lege track team of Baltimore at Lon- don, 41 to 36 The kaiser, has written a book to prove that he is and ;was .a pacifist and that Britain, 'France and Russia were to blame for the ;war, °.. Sidney Reay and 'Fred McCaw were :drowned, when a sleigh convey Inge them- sto.. a :party: nears Midland plunged into a haler made Eby ice cutters, .*, .. cutters, b U f T son' Y to utterlyout=' Q classed' the Canadian $oo teatn"'in the second. game Sof :their . seriesOwpina'i'nie by 13 to' 3, and taking the round by 18 to, 6. Zurich Ma Fred M. Hess, moved his house- hold effects on Monday ionto the house recently vacated- by Mr. E. Oescb-,- Mrs, C. L". Smith is ,on, the sick lista- At the meeting of the Council for Hay Township on March 5th, the follow- ing appointments were made, -Pound - keepers -J. Ross, Simon Greb, Elimore Weide, Casper Walper, Geo. Becker, I3'y krueeer, ,Tr F. Turnbull, L. N. Denamy. Fence Viewers -Wm, Cald- well, John Pfaff, John Eckstein, H. Steinbach. Sheep Valuators -W. D. Thompson, P. Haberer, F..Kading. Andrew F. Hess was appointed treas- urer of the Township at a salary of $165.00 per annum, apnortaxned as follows : Township $110, telephone $55. Messrs. J. Haberer and W. R. Dou- gall were reea;ppa:,n:ied auditors to audit the books of ,the treasurer from Tan.. 1921, to March 16th, 1921: nes: J. Preeter was authorized by the Coun- 1 MID In Front -Rank Cod-liver oil stands Ifirst on the list of fats, in the ease with which ` it is assimilated. ThisI ■ explains why 1 1 SCOTFS ' EMULSION of super -refined in - dicinal cod-liver oil is so helpful to those of any age who are run- down in body. Scott & Bowne„Toronto, Ont. ALSO MAKERS OF — 14101115 (Tablets or Granules) FOR INDIGESTION' oil to land over to the auditorsduly appointed, all moneys, books, vouchers,. property, and all papers held by him for tate said township land (the said auditors 'to sign for same. Xirkton 1 Mr, Purley Greenwood] of Dakota is' visiting friends here. --Mrs. R Howard of Detroit is visiting her parents, Mr. and Airs. Silas Shier, -Mr. G,bert ler as home from Montana, visiting his mother, Mrs. Alf. Miller, -Mr, Clarence Gunning has purchased Levi Leslie's 100 acre farm an the 8th line and will take possession ijs the ,fall. Mr. and errs. Leslie will likely move to St Marys ea reside. RAND TRUNK SY`S EM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTM Between MONTREAL , TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from arty Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Hort, og District Passenger Agent, Toro N. J. DORE Phone 46w Agent, Exeter Pasture Lands for Sale. IN STEPHEN TOWNSHIp S 1-2 11 AND LOT 12, (CONTAIN- ING 191 1-4 ACRES) AUX SABLES CONCESSION Aux Sables- River forms Westserly Boundary Very. desirable pasture lands. THE CANADA COMPANY 1170 Yonge St, Toaanitd 'lie Cocliralle Madhine Worts - Exeter, Ont. }IAS INVENTED A MACHINE 'FOR GRINDING ENGINE CYLINDERS, CAR AND TRACTOR BLOCKS. WE ,MAKE PISTONS AND RINGS TO FIT ANY GYLINDER CYLINDERS ARE GROUND TO 1000th PART OF AN INCH, AND AS TRUE AND ACCURATE AS MADE BY ANY MANUFACTURER. WE CAN MAKE YOUR ENGINE AS GOOD AS NEW. WE.'MAKE. SAW MANDRELS; EMERY STANDS SPEED ACKS J HANGERS, PULLEYS, and have SHAFTING FOR SALE ALSO. THESE WE, !12:A.KE. T O SUIT THE USERS. }PAVE' A F:1 $T CLASS WELDING OUTFIT ,A AGENT. S: Fog THE "CANADIAN ADIA lr ' FAIRBANKS :MORSE CO•Y.y. J. 1, ., THRESHING , . ` COZViP,ANY: COME ,,'AND SEE US REGARDING YOUR WANTS 1 IMPROVE YOUR LIVESTOCK Whether you lave ;horses, cattle; sheep or hogs,. it will pay you to' secure the best sire obtainable. 'Poor stock costs as much to feed and care'#or, does not thrive as well . and cannot reproduce quality. WE MAKE LIBERAL LOANS FOR LIVESTOCK PURPOSES. sass ! • THE CANADIAN BANK MMER.CE OFCOMMERCE CO�.. PAiD-UP CAPITAL $15,000.000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. Incorporated in 1855 CA F'TTAL RESERVE S$,000.00Q Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK The - Molsoiss Bank wants every farmer to feel that he has a real friertd in the manager, that he will receive a hearty welcome and can safely discuss with him his money needs, EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open 'for business dally, Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. MONDAY. Sir Philip Gibbs,is visiting Toronto. Toronto police arrest alleged chick- en thief gangs. Major H. G. Reed, a Fenian Raid veteran, died at Chatham, Ont. Thomas Ross is dead in Hillsboro, N.B., at the reputed age of 115 years. Rev. Dr. Denis J. McBride, rector of St. Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, is dead. George Moores, 14 years of age, was fatally shot by accident ` at Kingston. A Toronto constable while clean- ing his revolver, accidentally wound- ed a comrade. The Grand Army., of United Vet- erans hold Sunday concert in Massey Hall, Toronto. Reginald Emerson, G.T.R. car checker at Woodstock, was instantly killed by a train. The German Reichstag has approv- ed the stand taken by Dr. Simons at the London Conference. Net fishing has been abolished on both sides of the St. Lawrence river. from Kingston to Prescott. The town of Transeona, Man., will ask the Provincial Government for an administrator to take over its. affairs. The Allan Cup games will be play- ed in Winnipeg, Brandon's applica- tion for an injunction' having been, dismissed. Western Ontario Preparatory School athletes defeated the City Col- lege track team of Baltimore at Lon- don, 41 to 36 The kaiser, has written a book to prove that he is and ;was .a pacifist and that Britain, 'France and Russia were to blame for the ;war, °.. Sidney Reay and 'Fred McCaw were :drowned, when a sleigh convey Inge them- sto.. a :party: nears Midland plunged into a haler made Eby ice cutters, .*, .. cutters, b U f T son' Y to utterlyout=' Q classed' the Canadian $oo teatn"'in the second. game Sof :their . seriesOwpina'i'nie by 13 to' 3, and taking the round by 18 to, 6. Zurich Ma Fred M. Hess, moved his house- hold effects on Monday ionto the house recently vacated- by Mr. E. Oescb-,- Mrs, C. L". Smith is ,on, the sick lista- At the meeting of the Council for Hay Township on March 5th, the follow- ing appointments were made, -Pound - keepers -J. Ross, Simon Greb, Elimore Weide, Casper Walper, Geo. Becker, I3'y krueeer, ,Tr F. Turnbull, L. N. Denamy. Fence Viewers -Wm, Cald- well, John Pfaff, John Eckstein, H. Steinbach. Sheep Valuators -W. D. Thompson, P. Haberer, F..Kading. Andrew F. Hess was appointed treas- urer of the Township at a salary of $165.00 per annum, apnortaxned as follows : Township $110, telephone $55. Messrs. J. Haberer and W. R. Dou- gall were reea;ppa:,n:ied auditors to audit the books of ,the treasurer from Tan.. 1921, to March 16th, 1921: nes: J. Preeter was authorized by the Coun- 1 MID In Front -Rank Cod-liver oil stands Ifirst on the list of fats, in the ease with which ` it is assimilated. ThisI ■ explains why 1 1 SCOTFS ' EMULSION of super -refined in - dicinal cod-liver oil is so helpful to those of any age who are run- down in body. Scott & Bowne„Toronto, Ont. ALSO MAKERS OF — 14101115 (Tablets or Granules) FOR INDIGESTION' oil to land over to the auditorsduly appointed, all moneys, books, vouchers,. property, and all papers held by him for tate said township land (the said auditors 'to sign for same. Xirkton 1 Mr, Purley Greenwood] of Dakota is' visiting friends here. --Mrs. R Howard of Detroit is visiting her parents, Mr. and Airs. Silas Shier, -Mr. G,bert ler as home from Montana, visiting his mother, Mrs. Alf. Miller, -Mr, Clarence Gunning has purchased Levi Leslie's 100 acre farm an the 8th line and will take possession ijs the ,fall. Mr. and errs. Leslie will likely move to St Marys ea reside. RAND TRUNK SY`S EM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTM Between MONTREAL , TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from arty Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Hort, og District Passenger Agent, Toro N. J. DORE Phone 46w Agent, Exeter Pasture Lands for Sale. IN STEPHEN TOWNSHIp S 1-2 11 AND LOT 12, (CONTAIN- ING 191 1-4 ACRES) AUX SABLES CONCESSION Aux Sables- River forms Westserly Boundary Very. desirable pasture lands. THE CANADA COMPANY 1170 Yonge St, Toaanitd 'lie Cocliralle Madhine Worts - Exeter, Ont. }IAS INVENTED A MACHINE 'FOR GRINDING ENGINE CYLINDERS, CAR AND TRACTOR BLOCKS. WE ,MAKE PISTONS AND RINGS TO FIT ANY GYLINDER CYLINDERS ARE GROUND TO 1000th PART OF AN INCH, AND AS TRUE AND ACCURATE AS MADE BY ANY MANUFACTURER. WE CAN MAKE YOUR ENGINE AS GOOD AS NEW. WE.'MAKE. SAW MANDRELS; EMERY STANDS SPEED ACKS J HANGERS, PULLEYS, and have SHAFTING FOR SALE ALSO. THESE WE, !12:A.KE. T O SUIT THE USERS. }PAVE' A F:1 $T CLASS WELDING OUTFIT ,A AGENT. S: Fog THE "CANADIAN ADIA lr ' FAIRBANKS :MORSE CO•Y.y. J. 1, ., THRESHING , . ` COZViP,ANY: COME ,,'AND SEE US REGARDING YOUR WANTS 1